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April 01, 1893 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1893-04-01

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The Yellow and BlUe Waves TrI-
umiphant Over Wisconsin
M~r. A. W. Jefferis, the second~
a ftirmiat ire spealter, lelasedlhits
autdientcefronm the first. leis ideti
riled, andl positive itn Iis dlivery.
M~r. Jefferis sail: N~e were ais ages-
ruttural people, but nlow we daretbotli
as agrirulturat lianda anufactutinig
nlatiotn. We supply 1)ur1o0w15and
foreign markets. Ourt i nsttiait
trosperitycdependcs tupons the sucress
if our tuerchant niarine. We virant
the free slipp jolicy, bitt stilt it is
tieressary to have subsidies. Remov e
navigation laws, girefteec shiullsbitt
hoiv can we compete ottequtal tertiss
ittless we give a subsidy. Sitisirlie-
tsp is not class legislatioti It benie-
its all the tpeople.
Mr. J. J. tBlake, of the 17. of \.
resumiecd the dliscuission ots the part
of the negative.Ile talked at length
til the relative cost of ship labor in
America and Englanid. Although
labor costs msore here, Englanit buys
our ships. Anmerica is oii atiefiuil
with England in the matter of labor
and capital. The lack: of cotmpeti-
lion is not due tio cost of labor, or
ra te of interest ott capitalhbtt op-
pressive taxes. Takcetthesc itsy
and we will compiete witht Inglantd
witliout subsidies.
Mr. I. I1. Litison, is thuiffitftirnci
tire, msade a rousing speechs l~e is
a witty and sarac debater. IHis
argctmsentative tactics are unique.
lHe refitted the argumetits of lhis, op-
ponents in rapid order, anti cited
atuthorities to profusion to substan-
tiate his points. You claint that
there was corroption in our former
siubsidizing systems, bitt does that
force its to abanndon it nosw, jiust be-
cause a little corrutptioni has set its.
It does cost us so per censt tore to
build slitps in Amnerica thsan in Lsng-
land, altihottgh my opponents say ft
dloes not. So nmtchl the more we
need a subsidy. After we give free
ships, no taxes, and all oppressive
lawvs are repealed, tets our marine
itterests are not aided as miiuchi as
In glands with her stibsidiet, which
it $3 ,goo coo annual ly. We must
overcome natural ittertia of capital.
H ere lie cited our great westerin
cities as an example of wvhat stibsi-
dizing will do in makiing a city growv
indutstrially. This is equally trite
wvitht a stimulated usarine trade.
War may easily do as much danmage
with all our mserclhant vessels in the
hands of foreigners.
The last speaker on the negative,
M\r. J. T. Lindley, was the msts

forcible spieaker amonig the Wiscon- SIEIDLS' GREAT COM PANY.
sits men. Ite ivas free and easy. Th- nletonr At ro
tie had his thought arranged in a nhe GiandesUnivert AsnHeArdo
very logical manner. ils state- cur Many a Day.
met eevr mrsie e'saidswe do not advocate free ships, IfIerr Anitoin Sefidl enjoys the dis-
bitt iverdo advocafe tie reheatl(if tinctiots of Iaiicti beets iWugners
ever)- uoppressire tax and burdets
nosy laid upon the merchant msarine. apitoiiitedndutondi recog-
C uglatsd does not grant sutbsidies in nizent as the bestitetpriter if the
the trite setnse of ttse term. She great conmposci's ivorks at the hire-
merely pays her sailors for services sent clay. fnitst y oiuth lie urns
performed for the government. Nor- chtosens as thiesuisicit secretary of
wcay wais cited an example of a liros-iaisriittscseioalo
tieroiusnmarine naton without a sub. aner n i ls soito
sidy svstems. France antI Italy were withi the miaster duing the years in
swere placed on the other sieC of the wvhichi le occuipiedt this piosiions, has
balance anilfottnd svanting, although entinently fidtttu for d condcls-
heavy psonwsaloe trebsitdy payers. tor, especially)whnctiheip1aing; ofc
miuitites to rlos-e the argumnst forWanrmscicoend.M y
the affirmative. tHe gave it a good people itace Ihaid an oppotrtuity of
roitndusp, leaving the argitment of jitiging of Ihis gcnis is s this line
the negative rather tunsettledl. They anai of the exrellience of Isis organi-
say it is unscientific, We say it ieloi nIsics ps~r ur
butsiness. Thtey advocate no policy
by whicht to retnedhy the evil. W our miusic -to'-'nu pushlic will iso
ina-, stibsidiec. - doubt sihosvthteir appriation in the
Tfle CGlee Club sangu"Wltzhi," by instatnce of the comsing enyapement.
Vogel, and an encore, "Three 'Buns-IHerr Scull hias reve i the greatest
ble Blees," by T1rnuhst, svhile the praise fromitihe tcriticcs of Londiots
itdges arratigend their niarkings.
Ex-Congressusan Allet s va .lied atsd New V lk os fte nmusic
up for a speech. He said: Onef cotntainedin i the trogtriamme is 1tolie
wvho is "ettng old and gray, like tperfiormedh foi the fi'rst imue ini this
m)yselfcanhiaruly contrasc the ad- city
v a tali e s wvhschi y o u n o w e n jo y uithii .p r a n o t
outs swh1eti I vis yoitng.Iaetdn Nexiiijortu iIlvySi
thte Universuityswhens outr sation tedv as aind his siuerborcest-ra u huevocal
hotn ais in. I congratulate you on hart of thue orgaisatuon, whiuchicrns-
thus gre-itndeb-te betuveen twvo of the prises the lirgest numbser of scell-
greiuestlwsert utnivertities of our knsoswnsandtiopuar aritlsts that have
coutntry. I congratulate you that
volt live soy, ithtough the glorious ever appiearednh tsconuntilons withi
periodl of my youths is a time we old ats orchestral cotcrit comspany.
soliher sswill alwvays retmember. Milts Emtmsa Jiuihi is ati the head of
Thle jiudges swere JudIge Henry S I. the sixteen solouiss ithlHetr SeinlI's
eShephaird, of Chuicago, Supt. I.IVW ocesr.
Coniptor ,of fToledo, and lion. oceta ndtefl ii i tt5
JohstsD. Cotsely, of Detroit. P'resi- eiiualledt armay of emnenicit soloists
dent Ilsuin svwho svas to have acted consprise this pantI of tie orgaiue-
as udhge, ouing to the ndeath of a tion i Miss AcmaiundiaI-bris hcleadisg
frietidl was unable to be here, as h sopraoo Gail Rosiatrunnid Opera
couldn not reacts Cleveland in tim
today for the funeral. 'rie mark- Co.I, l sl Shldusie Carola
ings of the judges were very close. hRsegg, dransatic sosprauso, Royal
Thse i-erage tiadle the necision Opelrithuda Pesthi Muss Gertrudue
utnantious for ichigan. Upon 'tay Stecn;heai:ts contrialsi, Jutchi
the ansnouutcetment of thte result thse Opera Co. Shuss thoraiShirguzeruhe
audience broke out its a hearty U tt.ele ,North-
IiiS. yell. Time speaksers weeBrelv1dae.la~hNrh
ov-erwvhelmsend sith congratulations rop, s S tLuicy sbsornii' lissSarah
frotmitheir friendls. LasinSMissSMinnise 5Walsh, sopiratno;
R "irc'ru ixBY iuvstesiJ)EN-r s. cr Sliss 'ate .Mar itcotrulto;
After thue debate, tPresidnst and Mlaudtnne ClitdIeliuttunondl, con-
M rs. Angell tenndereid a reception to tralto; hacisunc Adtele Laeis hald-
presiding officer Allens, jstdges wvits, Aist Aiinau telndscointralto;
Shetiarnd, Conipton and Conely atndiMr. E. C. Toswne, Sir. W illinis
the debaters. itesinles those, thicre
wvere piresent the consmittees- on5thse Steliheuns, tenorr; SI i', Essil San'er,
arrangetuent of the debate, Pro- basso; ClififosrdlSchidnt, concert
fessor .A. C. M~chaughslin and wife, tiaster; Victor HeIrbsert, violnuhcellio,
Ptrofessors Thtompsion,D 'OogeTrue- atnd John Cheshire, hars.
blood and Denimon. RefreshmentsV__4,0
were served, and a delighutfith hour "Tihe 1 i of'G ttlI e," by WVenot
Sspent in conversation. ling, tolliiti.

Riusthes oni the Careputs.
'Flue '93 and '96 hitssandutlasts-:amie
bieen inidulginlg in rushes oti the
catulsus. 'Tle obijecth'rf scountens-
tiots is usamnioldstonue. Thursday)
usight the siulhuoes it-c;ououmisior-
ed~ly- tiok hpossessiono tefrsi
maits presideni-Indmuietly inuc t-
edl hsiimtt to oh's truto sim, i w huc h
waus gencroush iu tertined.cu
Wedneisdiay niughit ticftreshmns
hailted thefiu"Tres, '96 oiu thucsitne
'hrsdanhyniuht thue sols chuiselcut
thse figuires 'gi 1.s u uugusthuclis
tecurcetthec stoniv tuduladsutit ini
fronst of thmlaw sr g buuuuhst ifter.
swardisthud)iniuus cety heft us. At
ttwo o'cohue i.,tlfreshmsetn
tooh itid thouit5iussuit rtfsighu,
hsresiiihih tiderthe cou- eul'sannex.
A Rure Actogenois Letter.
tuu ass uhfbookccecenthly hboughut
for theUC of M. iraryat us secondsu-
hsatsdtbookstore in ustont, tessfousu
a letter of i cuss it lusonsto hDaniel.
I ;ehister. Iusitswrttn tI the sinc
J ackeson beganhis wa-rfars iclsthec
Natiotnil Banksby attaickuigthue
brauscshubnkil-at lotIsnitN..
of swhichI 5Msausows piresuidentTh
letter t 1 laper 'cs u iseuine,
ansi uso gr"at ''-'suite that it us
scarcelsyinecssarypto aithtsat it wss
ntsolseat lustkIto thyeiBostons books-
AttuIt i Associatisn Membsers.
'fluie rgl s-nna eetitng of the
Atletic \ssov u usos ii l liueld n
Saturda, pr p8,at9a.uss., its
roomsA, totelctinsof officers auth
j S.C. S r z;, i' Pesidentu .
On sac~ounut of iillness Prsf. Taylor
sliii not umeet h lus ~ass in5 poliltcal*
Sconomyi), yesterdhay.
'I'hieves etheredh the rnouods of stu-
dniets onti.H-Uturons St. 'iTursday,
nsd stole varciouts acticles of clothuisg.
SThecioitd if thecscsiore lit tote
-on caps ansdhgotsnushiss b eenstolen
icons the hbulletins boaurdl.Tsere
wereiustbo ustinsvoesif nstac
t art , n aor tfscllusnct Sots.
da)', at 6: Is a.it.,iniiromtq. Lait
E-meeting luefore canusauul election. Isis
tiortant. S. sues I , fires.

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