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April 09, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-04-09

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iz~rtlt. of

Itn. Wailjj.

VOL. IIl-NO. 1:1.


The Election of Athletic Association toh room in the Watertni n (ym-ind0( greatness of the nation which
officers. nasium. Tthe object ot this is to wotiul be producedi, by joining the
Befoe pocerbe tothereglarcreate sentinient anti the creaition of!tw and very- vividly iescribed the 0t ll
irfer of the hiisiness, -Mr. Boswen sentiment is a unifying principlt. great resources of Canada. AIr.
lade a fewt remarks. iI e said that Prof. de Ponst next talkedi ii the l\ ilsoni the last speaker, ably dealt
Athletic field. Part of the trick willh the argunients of his opponentsN~EW
all branches of athletics weere in a .i
taily p rosperous coneiitiiiis,lint that sill be finishied this sipirig. file prosing that annexation wouflie ini-
traick athletics sen-ccieglected. This dianiond must tic let alone fur a5yeair uiilii to us, aiiii was eintirely un-
iiitwin ioirdertoiiiallowiithe ga stiesirbl. r entwor01thi then
isi oing tothela1 o ia e iialmiii j
ti }lea iiinuitorgianste fofrces.In 1o giriiii-i ctisedl the let)ate. iThejuIies'i PM(l-
(li idtial i itlieslshouldi hienltiii seil Ciiu iPRIiCiEl tt ii te1iiI ~l l teiti
iaresaslfooliwis i--tet
The flaurers 1repottilti.iiiinex t fi Y-I Sf1e ale Base 5Sf.t Record.
A-i tiescomig base-ballstiscit Ii I t
c lt o h erb lii ii I \i' nS clie11 ciay ar(: l a""a ea t a e, u1s f t iiwort
t ~ 111e~ ingApl I St I cljilt Y Vle 's fi . i tepatita
i ii T hei i I i ( rco s r ,(1c'Iaz

! Mtalled to You
Through Your
Wl~ifdI KA k&If'0
stiltwled :ticie-ty itiitotre.

till-l('the t1 let. titer Tit ipet ati ti lIilcct Illsof t17
tlttiiliitsiel.t 11cseisit Ijill i

,117 thirty -nine and
t .,
FJi,, it c>f these
,jx cc which
lost" iS13 How.! tc

cit4 vi4si....it

j I l t 't 'I 5 l ' t I i iI tI.i
i-iile s it-cit?1!0111 t K wI 0 sil
the .<ifisi lifif t le f t i ali ii t ht iei it it si t tis istn i
tt ]mI i s i tae f .wiwl rlsii i he .tt i t e ae e tti t o fle 111c c Ie
iled soic e id thse n- wasl tt el I; o i iis 1e us ti
ititi esottiv n ilt ewhicht ~iii ei eii fstti di s ct uesitins ie
tilete n the t lite o thlticlleis. I tilenn u ce s en meitihe jd s
iSe ex so e t itlets e f ttntd.11 i swarneltd iti S ie ft
the A ssociation.o ramlete 1s out.fi rfle Aidas r o f.i Ameisrei l i Mr1111
sttiti efitten eierin here thatis m iii mai ete. iitetil I'it
ill osa i nir th ec thafas pr ithol athe t Il isof sthn pne t hedt
tifcs oeght tilek isail 'ivsi t fo te e fetsoponsee ithe afirm fis
ship nhotla tafs-eigewee i . ni an nex~teto tgthatCnteeoliMaesof I ii

lit first c ia ti l 01 s K) ;S,1}it ' "
j)t it I 1ile i f iilii ilt i i I t N ;1 lt
fiSts Ie l Iitinitas citi I Stilt t? lit liii
I itC iFe tWttitlit 1 l s t 1 titf sit I
ftt o ha st-hue itit , il t-i s iim), lt I ft
w tie ecilil cl E al S h
has eti e coileii t \t e veiritt inc. ti s r ofo
the tis in l 6,Vlteifaititit e ! of0
b~t 0 wIt till ardhas 2-it
lits creit.' -!tlIcitAndoI I s
If thesVe-ct c e ton ris if l -il
tmencettdf sin c 8 nd dcc ifhflitbeen
plae d tvrya xetigi tn is6fi--
't ir issntd li 1Th e ttal u mber 5Ihrltof
,S. thFeill] ioisiivisisted I i
tatitiltr of11115 stti lf1f1 ftiitteto
is won gndNtr i-isceote5.Tiwo
of ithseiiwifelilyl i atio an sb t p citt. I

Ft i lDAILYs
I o. t Igs
C-n igtteLLnofes wh
IrS still igtTf little
mfolen stnt e ric
trdeiaretes, il.n
Tetsgrirtlie Ssutper irtoi
alatlloter te iitin
The RichmonsdtlStraight
tes ar msatdetrom the bright-
ly flavored and highesitest
a i ifiit. This is the Od
nd we Straight Cuttigsarttes,
tat by us is the rear 515.
Ctions, anid ohatrve that Ihe
ow is an every package.
GINTER lBranch
.ericas Tobacco Ce.,
--Richmond. Virginia.
ith Mtain:Sreet.

4Ball Ganmeas.

toes laot earn 1h15stilt- tisen1 ada wsere not loyal to l-ngtl-sndaisd
alt iuspeakable prisvilege byhbeinigsvouhd ivelcoime a 0union5awith thue i'rhat oWiins . ha
iflloweed to represenit tt h.o UM niteid Statea. The next speaker moth~ii, 201 Princeton, 12. thostons,
ot thse athletic teams. Prof. Mc- on thie negative, C. It.. Iriedmnl, 1; hale, a. Philadlphlia, 21; Ant-
Laogishin urged on the ass ociation, fshoswed the protection Canada re- Iterat, 4. lHarvardi, 7; iManhatten, o.
the advisability of keeping ahl tro- ceived front England, anid thle dia-
phiesf of victories as a continuous advantages, froma her annexation. Thse class in general biology hsas
record of our athletic strulggles. Mr. Meals in hehalf of thle affirmsa- finished a thsree weeks study of the
ltese trophies to lie placed in a tist, grew eloquent over the sirengith freshwather mussel.

Cat Na. 1lSigareti
est, i atdellciitel
Goald Ltefgrass
and Origin lBran
and wsalbraught c
Blewiare of ilniti
firmnamenas btla
Osf the Ar
JJ. A.

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