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April 25, 1893 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-04-25

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-er ofsan Team eturns from i -
_ ut rn"T'ripa.-New Laurels
ford Cther;U. ofn
2-bae eo. tase;piteme,
\.n1Arbor \-;:. the '. & ..\. ra lroad l
rt-s te; S tFrda rthtfithlnst.
hied s tenys ntouriof, esot.the-n
and westrn states. de party con.
sisted of anager CtativeanivCa
tain Crawford, catcher; Banks, Sey-
aOr, and rogmnan,h itchers jef-
feris, i-base; Spurney ("Hanlon"),
-base; fearson, 3-base; SpitLex,
short-stop; Smeltzer, right-field;
Shields, center; and Rich, left. uhe
bos er i slndid condition.
They are representative University
men and have made most favorable
impressions, both as ball players
and gentlemen, wherever they have
appeared. ,
The first game occurred at Lei
ingtonKy cagainst the Kentucky
State University nine. Seymour
occupied the box for the U. of M.,
while the champion twirler of the
Blue Grass country, Conover, pitch-
ed for the Kentuckians. The ame
was hotly contested. At first the
4yellow and blue" swung low, but
Michigan's heavy batters came to
the rescue in the latter part of the
game and won with flying colors.
Score, 9 to 5. The features of
Michigan's playing were Crawford's
home run drive, timely hits by
Spitzer, Rich and Pearson, and the
fielding of Smeltzer, Spurney and
The boys remained over Sunday
at Lexington, spending the time
chiefly in drives about the city and
On Monday, at Danville, Kr ,
the team met and defeated the Ce -
ter College nine to the sweet tune
of 18 to 4. This is the first defeat
suffered by the Center nine in five
years. Michigan placed Banks, her
regular pitcher, in the box. He
proved a puzzler to the Kentuckians,
allowing them but three hits off his
delivery. Chinn, whose expenses
in college are defrayed by the ath-
letic authorities, twirled the sphere
for "Old Kentuck." About 700
people, many of whom were Ken-
tucky belles, took advantage of the
beautiful day and inspired our boys
to win a notable victory. Jefferis,
"the finely proportioned," was par-
ticularly moved, for he led the hit-

the aa
taon iin
the lho

. '' Th y n; d t;.l,,townI'l after
li. Inthe: CC.ning reept
true soitii 0 styl Swas ten-
th( tem isat the mansion of
in. J. 1.Yerkes, a proemine-t
.anii an alumnus of th U. of

The teaui proceeded thence to
Louisville, equipped to play the
"Stars" of that city,, but a recent
fire had destroyed the grand stand,
and the game was reluctantly de-
clared off.
The team arrived in St. Louis
'Tuesday night. The next morning
they discovered that the St. Louis
Browns-Michigan game was the talk
of the town, but it was foreordained
that the game should not be played;
rain and snow on Wednesday and
Thursday rendering necessary the
abandonment of the most notable
attraction of the entire trip.
At Champaign, Ill., the team re-
mained inactive all day Friday,
waiting for the storm to cease. The
following day, Saturday, Providence
was more kindly disposed, and al-
though a little snow fell and the
pay was cold, the most interesting
game of the trip was played with the
University of Illinois nine. The
"Suckers" have a strong aggrega-
tion of ball tossers this year, they
having recently defeated the Wash-
ington, (Mo.) University and
Wabash College nines. The score
was 5 to 5 in the eighth inning. In
the ninth an Illinoisan inadvertantly
muffed a fly from Rich's bat when
the'bases were filled and two men
were out, thus allowing Michigan to
score the winning run. Banks
pitchet for two innings, allowing
his opponents but one hit and no
runs. Being hit on the finger by a
batted ball, he was obliged to retire
at the close of the second. Krog-
man then went in the box and per-
mitted the Illinoisans to make but
four hits. Crawford was credited
with three base hits. Rich made a
brilliant catch of a hot liner and
Spurney sacrificed a put-out for a
clever double play.
In the game with Purdue yester-
day our team calcimined the Hoosi-
ers, vice versa football, by a score
of 18 to o. Base hits off Seymour
and Irogman were as young ladies
in thne p. g. law class.
Inings-.. .....1 2 a 4 s
Michigan-...-.......4 0 1 2 4 a 3 2 0-18
'urdue -............ 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 --0
J. D. S.

to-- cie an " at F -fi ame
othaered a pahinbl ud cert
CtantrtiMttusIiiall lastIt cny otig T 1?
U rthe sica-iltceortt theim
Aocaion fthe liesitytio
'aso'ainoMx '14.J4t' fichiga~n the .;lee and banjo cbitiESy
of that fa gioslestern institution ti
of learning appeared in a concert
which probed highly successfol and
entertaniing. Thirty or uore young
men in dress suits participated i
the musical performances of the
occasion. They drew inspiration
from pretty girls and huge bouquets when you wanttheLatest Metropolitan Styles
the frgatfeswhich u nwere seat-retof $2, $3,$4 or $5 shoes at 50c to $I a pair less
ofnflithornt fsonw ntieprrasiu
ethan Ann Arbor prices, send for Catalogue to
profusion. The stage was decorated
with green plants, and ribbons ofR4H .F t C
yellow and blue-the college colors 11 8-8 ovAt V.
--hung from the proscenium arch. DE.TROIT, - - MIIGAN.
The first song on the programme
the effect of arousingBll,'the latent qieIthmand Strdighf Qa.
enthusiasm of the alumni who were No. 1
in the audience, as well as 'the ad- CIGARETTES.
miration of all friends of the uni- Cigarette smoters who
versity. It was a very good song. a toD a it
The applause rang through the hall charted isr the n>rdtt a
;l t te Cig arettes, wilin(ae
like the roar and rattle of hail upon'tBRN superior to
a tin roof. 'hen for an encore the The Richmond Straight
students came out and sang, "y tliut No.1 Ci-arettes are made from the bright-
, n f T ,' t est, most deilcately flavored and higheot cost
Country, 'is of Thee, to tune of Gold Leaf grown in Virginia. This issthe Old
"Ta-ra-ra ILoon-d-a." 'thissas t atd Original Brand of Straight Cut Cigarettes,
s and was brought out by ess in the year 18 .
exceedinly amusing, the effect being toware or imitations, and observe that the
y 'Da Oinm name as below i- an every package.
produced by the incongruity between The ALLEN & GINTER Branch
the sentinnemnt acd the air (S tseA mericanTobaccoCo.,
:aManufacturers, - - Richmond, Virginia.
The banjo club made its appear-
ance next in Vogel's tuneful "Arion
Waltzes."' Then came the "Phan-
tom Band," an extremely clever
imitation of drumming and horn
tooting as done by vagrant street o
Mr. George and the club in a
serenade by Niedlinger, and "Fun '
in the Cotton Fields," a string of
pleasing plantation melodies, closed
part first of the programme.
Part second opened with "A
Little of Everything," a medley
arranged by Mr. Starrett for the
banjo club. Dudley Buck's "1-lark!
the 'rumpet!' was sung with fine
spirit; and then Mr. Thompson, P. J. KINNUCAN,
with his extraordinary bass voice,
and assisted by the glee club, sang
"Old Thompson's Mule, a very MERCHANT
grotesque bit of humor.
"Spin, Spin," by Jungst; Jaxone's
"La Seranate" and the "Cigarette TAILOR
Song" finished part two.
"Blue Ribbon March," banjo
club quintet; West's "A Warrior AND IMPORTER OF
Bold;" James Whitcomb Riley and
Jules Jordan's "A Life Lesson," by
Mr. Richardson and the club;O ES,
"There Was an Old Soldier," "Hat
Drill," and "Ann Arbor" concluded 55 W. FORT ST,
the performance.
A complete account of trip will
appear in tomorrows DAsI. ,Detroit, ihigan.

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