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April 28, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-04-28

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, ,4c t * of
VOL. .-N-o. 14 2.
PICEtu, Titi;E-tCENTS.
what's the Matter with the U. of recent iurillber o1 Puck, into the Tributeto Dr, Henry Wade Rogers.
M. Yells?
i10m1u11 of a youIg1lady1. So that
"The Nortlhll siorn World p)1ints- I
Several hundoredl coliog yelols, froml o 11.11i' . iil 10k.115
all t1he lealou colle-es o1 the coffinc-rll
1) 101 1te 0 into the 0101iv V1 111 (11 Olv t
try " 1 11 'T'os frn th o;'ilest c o f 5 001 i 101
'1111.11 C an attractedl our alinl~ ail l9 1 ~epIo
I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wt 10'. ofol~ M.. In cr1 sai 1110r of o aa11 .
aggregation of tliias old bIlls 1 ut1il o s lam 0
5 hei a1cl1ss on this continent~l whicih
Fi1 an dbaeda to m(ake useof
Baci1 trash as is attribuatedl ill the. aila 1-k Naai' 111t
I.itlacr tie pecrson 11111 senlt ii Ih e~lcl 11s111111 of lice all l~lr~ty
Yt1ls to the W9orld ihadli tile regard suhI eti fvc n ervt
aor th~tul res isalal fI ae the slenhir class of tile toiler-
mrals at thle Ulniversity of Iicli 51 fNbrsalecell. W
I-l 1a tage of ideplorable (1e- don't thinlk thalt a 1nia1 aahlo would
Iradatio~a 'yelli IEka Narati'' s110ul1 be alloswed
'11111 the exchiange editor of thae in1 a penitenatiary, for fear of con-
lI-eri taininlating thae othaer ilnates. We
Por thae benefi of our readlersw tlhink thaat a nlational commilittee,
Itlriattla yll al lliltilifI00complloased of tlhe exclhange editor of
0N 22 of tlhe World :thec Hesperian, Gen. MeIl lale, of
" 13 S. State street, Aann Arbor. Mimaesota, aind Anthoiny Conastock,
editor N . W. World. College yell: IEsi., of Near Fork, should he
U.of Ml. 'rala 'rala, 'raha 'rail ;lornied witha authority to pasa 011
of M. 'raha 'rala, 'rail 'rala all college aiad class yells, a11n1 10
lao0ral, 11o0-call, MIicligain, 91 ucla I prvd 11 e xpulrgatedl yells on1 le-
1911, 'rala, 'rail, 'raha.' nlalaci N orihaesteria World.
91 . (Iiiil get your hiair clui, 'Vriy essMdis
J1111I19. get solar gaol, 'Taurn ta ra- 'VriyesuMdc.
1110 ilet-l~le 'The 'V-arsity nine played thej
92. 1 Hoo-lralli, lioo-Tali, 11(1-
rah, 10 ;I Rubble goblllle, raze M1edlics vesterdlav afternaoon. 'I'le1
'az ane commenced11..1 at t o'clock andl
93. uhrah Nub r11b1 rlcll. ' but1 ive ininlgs wcere playe. 'ibe
91 Rub ~lia, iila, rla, 'arsits 11111 sco~red 14 runls and thae
e 1, ichian 1 ichigani, N itt -1elc 10h Ia ao -loa
Fte Ireshm~lanl on a high ciaair,
'Mos 111u 1 111 uhthroaa ha I byHrring'toi. W9illkinson relpeated
Illit llere, his loaforlance of Saturd ay last by'
Rlei r ah, I o Ninety-thlree, miamna,E
kaaaa oil. o iaie' Ikiocking the blall to IEast Unaicersity
avle. lfir a hiolae run, bringing ini
94 Roll, rahi, roar, Bing, bag
boaar, Mtichi'an, lichiigan, Ninol 1111ree mon. The toanas sere: 'Var-
faar. J V. Loeb, Pres. '94.' sill- holly, ala; Abbott, c; Pearaon,
I-le iHesperiana iteml opeins the 99 ikoisoia 1 f; IlitlI rb; Codd,
'14ation of the ethics of the college r fBotcfVa orwk, p;
Ytll. Should our college yells bue A iagell, ss. Medics, Hlarrisonl, 21);
dralled or exposed? We assume,9asalb lcsailrf e-s
Of course, that "tr. Loch correctly e f- Silvcer, 1 f, p; Herrington, 1,
rParted tlhe yells, aiad we' are sure 1 f; Suthlerlanad andl H-aas, c; Jelleat,
thlat thae cagle eye of thle U. of 91. -3b; Ke'nnedly, ss.
b.01 edior ouldbasedetcted 'ihe score by' ininigs:1
b~kLV edto w uldhae etctd Varsty . . . -------1------l 4 2. 2-14
ay inaccuracy', if such existed, and l .diaa. . . .I-- __ 1 (11)I 1- 2
have called our attention to it. To-dlay the 'Varsity nine aill play
At first wve wondered whether it '9 Lit. 'Thle nine will be compllosedI
gas thec "bing, bang, boar" of as follows: Abbott, c; Seymour, p;
94 or the "hobble gobble" of '92 Rick ohb; Kelly, 2b; Pearson, 3b;
Ihat aroused virtuous indignation in Blauer, ss; Witkinson, 1 I; Booth,
thie chaste breast of oar beluoskon c f; Codd, r f.
brother? In regard to the '9i yell, The 'Varsity nine will play '9
We~ May say that we have seen sub- Lit on Wednesday and '92 Law on
'tantially the same words put, by a Friday.
Wherea s,11rIf. Il us 9Wale IRogers,
LL. 1)., lt Dan ofithe Law Iepart-
Ilalintof1' I- University 'if 'Michiigall,
illas severed4 Iiis(o110icil onnectioni witli
this 1 ustutltiat o 01 lI1iI'the du11ils
(If Presaident' ot he li'No~rthwaestern
.Lii 11sill.
lcools 1.1 TliaiIlle,11PostGaldatIe
and11 Seior11)1LawI ol-sssofihe UI- 1100-
our hi'h a -ppreci-ion111 (f President
Ituger s -is a 1 roliesslor of Law,.wshose
lecturleslwreoeiC ll1 s il tle -ad'a-
neiiai prinieis If julrisprud111011.1ill-
1011011 in lils coulrses ofinistru110tion.i
Rlesolved, 'That while 110e1110 re"ret-
tinig the seserance of hr. olliil coli-
nection iith11tIhis departmient, we liese
by extendl to him our con I-ratail itions
on lia elevationi to the IPresidencey of
the Northwvestern Unlivesityoidd0111
best wishes that ke may enjoy a long
life of usefuIln~ess anillof honorable dis-
Rtesolved, 'T'hat 011 engrossed 00119 of
these resollutions lie sent to Presildenit
Rfogers and lcollies tol the p~ress for pub-1
J. 9R. \(' clarx
. t. )IIl,
II. A. lICllA-a,
Sch~edule Oor Class Games.
'The capltainas(If itie class ines
anod M1alager _- iololekanf hare air-
ranlged a sceduellle of ganles for thec
claiss chamlapionlship in base-ball.
The 111a1 adopted is as follows : The
Meodics landlllPharmlics ti ll lia
series of three gamues, anld tlhe Iwin-
ner to play the wtinnier of the series
betwseen thec '91 0a1d1'92 Lawss. Tae
91 and~ '92 Lits 1to play a series
anda the '93 aind '94 hits to play a
series, the twso a-ianers to play for
thec filial nmatchl. T'il redulces the
conmpetition to twlo teanms, a Lite-
rary teana and a team froi th le pro-
fessional dlepaartmaentis. This ar-
rangenlent is suibject to thap lproval
of Captalin Codd of the 'Varsity
nnell 'It is possible thaat hae, as awell
as Coachs Coiuway, a-ill object to it,
because it takes too msucha time front
the plractice of the 'Varsity team.
As thae class capltainsO have arranged
the sclsedule, it will be sonmetime in
June before I-le championship is de-
cided. Thse better plan would seenm
to be to play one ganse instead of a
series of three, and then the chain-
pionship could be decided in seven
All"ING I-laoexplerieccOof College
91l1nasio knlowand111alppreciatIe
thI-I c aial 511rdtiny- of College Stll-
dents. havailng a large corps of skilled
Delosu'guers 1111d .ew0eers Ispeelally
traiunted forbidge oil othuer jeaaelled
11111kI impoing, 111 15sIwe110,Idir-ctly
fro 1111r1isLondon llaiudl IlisI-erhham
ou D11111. on11.sIIalld o~i~terpeiouls-Il)
du11c the fiiest plailin lnd jewe1ll
Socilly ikulg-es of ai llidssahuich ar11
miaiinuflictlure-dliniius countryi.
Wri hf, Kay & Co.,
ZotrAoIt, M oh'Lan
Chas. Speller & .
Uiniv ersity Outffitters,
20.1 SOUTnT01ATElIT S.
TCIfhL1 *+ GOOD.

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