" ' 'f c'the neighblorhood of 200 members ins 1IREA.T $TATI~t1CFY $ALE"
thte Athletic Association, sebich WE WILL FORl THE NEXT FOUR WEEKS
Published Dail- (Sundiays excepted) daring makes $6cc, tbe total contribution Offer five tons of paper of all kindls to be sold by the piotund at regular
the Coallegte year, by
THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATIONI to athletics mole by abottt 2,000 ( dill rates. TFry our Croswnlntperial Linen at 25 centts pe~r
studlents of the University. Is it piotund. Bond Paper, ITbesis, andTiIyptewsrter Paper at
Sticiuic rc 2.( e eutse ar tw sonder then tbat base-ball tick- Gea Brgin. snelopes to niatcb all papers~
in advuaxce C(i tes caluis 3cents. Onl nle at etscto st fits''ents pc tinatnr-alsrnttedraes
Iakn ld 'lst totic ec 4staiddtat 5 1', - j -I T &-Tt 00
o'situ'k, noon. Stliscetititi nmay'hisleft litt~eiibet's ithie A. A., otitat mln--
.t., . l:,.. .f 1. ,11.,r. t.....,iti,, E ll.r~r S . . . "
Shehn', t tieit's, or N ithtany oi tih'
day,. Addrtessctltltmatter intendeditoritublica
tion to itheltatiac'ie tf~itee. Alt huitnecs
cotnmuncatioliishouldheisent t the Bli-
tess St utu c.
Ann Arbor. Micti.
strels sit..ii sarioius extibtitionis arc
n.eicssaec in) oriler itoraise funds?
S. L.. A. fI tel cion of ffiiiilcers.
W. = IT=
Sfaturdtay, silensute iii
Ithltie s s~itcn t
ot Ls, wil s no t n asil
ldiveity ten el
istult Ie ~c a e
A ' l-g t i lmc s
linntnt tihe. 1111 iy
tell slmudt abvatl
hei e rullsii 5 i ii ~ l
ime sm inteF t5
iluatc)u's ti '1ti;
otI titlliills ''migtill's
ser.u t istitli iii Its
theste tic dglp
ited in ro tiotithat
eoi's' that is iii to i l
meit erhit. nte tl
Ii lii titWhat ai I tingi
ihsll liistiom s iltttt l
Atr i e ttus liutu tn t
arc hiut ttitiscitcnit
iic litc tnt <>e it 'oIttl1cin tti t i tit theit e iii b U $ 1 7
til It )itctiltp(lri' it i ic . l ii i i iti'srats ltfittiltull's
it to l t t11C titt~c wid ) tilt l e isi' Ihliuslii liii
lst tim tll i2, s 'c li i Tlat.slatla'.iit .h.Itic. n.
I~c a It : iav alea erill s ittsil ittiti
'\itit ts ttt l~zt eTtlr Q L
,Ah tt on lIot,, liir liii tic ta i le fott r'i
42 st M. it) sllSret
and here At t ilOp 'era itH ilsne tiTrda I
,t itt s'ii cii lii'->
linefo thestil l lt iii of2 2 ii ic t clure EP HEISr iNRf ICE
lIt e udi~s'umlT husays , ti inti t i IOSOtO
th eir effo ittt t 'itpat 1iut s ,li c S]~ t t ) m s
cliii uiiit ttttit illis e iti c Iii Vloii-tt X li p iio
it rsho itr tsill the l t t ltitt te o t i I llist t i rs l
it.N hl t 's altiecsifl'tt is f N '6) ese + C ia e
urt, ci S cihe t yt
tifoltim w il e t( tit a 'cciii 7 otS.,W n, - D tetMn,
L Ii I I intl ii11e i'' i ____________________this.___ c__0111'____r _________
itanittees ti' ai. v TPe. _"1S.r , 1111§A ticLLt N) 1 .1111INc
Fine FuwnishinJS
Adler's Kid Gloves,
P'erils's Rid loves,
Ilaltllse at a B~nrglild'l
Mdecct10Ordec and Sa/isfac/j0tt
"I . IL FINh GdSOP, "
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
Timte 'Pails cute intoefect, mitisittiFelsill.
Ma II wo i:.clrr nd Nil1iI....
Mi. Pleasant Express..........
Mani tee Mail. ..................
W. 11. BEN ET 1', Z. Z. G
Caet1. Pais. A-ent.
( t11 iti001),
lv'it AeC~ t
ti i i t
k5JJ'UILU .pera I)L),e
se-tistit.ftotu- 1i <>iidil h furii>X.di request fitt' Wedlnesday and Thulsirday
(' 7i tit tt t~ c ii T i -, aiit;,.. . 5[ ti,... 7)si
bait, ltsi'k athsletit's, andthetccress' _I'iograotin s, Fr"aternty 'St itinus'y, bii. Si XxAoDi30
the aiwcca 'contributinos 5 per iteendetianidh(Guest (aruds fore Iltuiiets
atitiith (ubtihi miiir'. IDante Programtmes, i5th tutnits tiitnete sday t aif'titerttoont.
year, and lcues's stssieint t'leerfuilly andl lll tither kitissoit cullege wortk.[
conriuts ccrdn- oisabli l ur e slttioniery is always notablefr B HS I lIl)ICRI'I1
conrisuts ccodig tb Iis 'biit, s handsoime etngma'ing, euorrct fourtm, lE uiiiiii
and not a complaint is ever hseard. and modoerate prices. p 30 Fansous Trainedi Horse.
'rie average contribution to the snp. f fTT'r .r'
port of Varsity aiileticsisere,excl ud- A . Ci UI\J (I itJ, , Prices, - 25, 35 and 50 Ots.
ing, of course, the Gym fund, in CHICAGO. Seats at:Oruber's.
ileereatioji lor Studejitti
T E CLIzFzoil' -lOUSE,
ho fine trim for season of tS9t
Modern conveniences, courteous
treatmsent, elegant row and sail
boats, dance (sail and music.