c l e 1. Of
lit 13etil
VOL. IV.-No. 135.
Lake military acadeiy; Mr. E. L. Will Soon be Ready for Distribution.
Plans for a Latin and Greek Con-- Miller, Englewood high school; Mr. -Factsand Figures Contain-fThebUasfTacW adti
ofrn the taclte ce E. C. Pierce, Saginaw high school. ed in It.* '
of the State_ -l.y iew. Clement.Direstor of the thetua-
A Lecture on Ibsen. The University Calendar for meson Oghestra.
In connection with the sessions I-- 1893-94 will be ready for distribu- The prettiest Waltz ntite, "Alf, Weioe-
of the Schoolmasters' club last Sat- Every seat in room 24 was taken tion in a few days, probably before sthec.
estrda aftrno n t fve 'clckIlatiafui ;utlratvdtitilvpsgv. Every stu-
urday a meeting of classical teachers yesterday afternoon at live o'clock, the end of the present week. Ilu en it ishould iby a Eyops..
was held to arrange for a Latin and when Prof. Thomas arose to begin The size and make tip of the Cal-
ttreek conference in the spring va- his series of lectures, on the poet endar do not differ materially from
cation of 1895, and to consider the Ibsen. The address proved to be those of last year. The book is of 280
advisability of founding a quarterly very interesting and instructive and pages, closely printed. It is the
review devoted to the interests of the series promises to be a thor- work of the Courier office and pre
Latin and Greek in the secondary oughly enjoyable one. The pro- sents a neat typographical appear-
schools. The conference will prob- fessor will continue this course of ance.
ably last two days. The character- lectures every Monday at 5 o'clock The subject matter is in the main
istic feature will be the presentation for the next four or five weeks. the same as last year, but a few an-
of scholarly papers involving inde- The following is a brief analysis nouncements are added. Principal
pendent work. To indicate the of yesterday's address. Henry among these are the summer school
character of the prografn, papers on Ibsen, ten years ago was scarcely in the literary department,armn an out- Whe yu wn h aetrloiasye
the following subjects have already known to the world at large, al- line of the work being given similar than Ann Arbor prices send for Catalogue to
been promised: though his reputation was well to that recently published in the
'"The Uses of prin in Xenophon.,, established among the Norseman. DAii, and the practice court in
"The Cum-Constructions in Cie- At the present time, however, his the la department. A statement tot, 183-185 oonwMn Av., E
sar's Gallic War." plays are known the world over and of the change in fees recently made DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN.
"The Sources of our Knowledge are greatly discussed. Four or five by the Regents is made, and a few ,SENaolS, Get Your i hotoTak:ei at
of the Pronunciation of Latin." years ago the reading of Ibsen be- changes made in the list of scholar-
"The influence of Vergil on the caue a social fad, and his name ships.
,iterature of the Middle Ages.' was on: every lip. He was born in The classification of students by
"The Latinity of the Vulgate as t20, in a small town in southern departments has already been given
illustrating the Colloquial Latin of Norway, and his early years were in the D< mv. The final figures for
the Time.,, spend amid rather luxurious sur- attendance are 2659. The arrange- no. unrot st., ast. inefore lis rusi egin -
Other papers will be arranged for. roumdings. After his cighth year, nents of the names of students and 0 >aj-itfci . ts'dsit ii, A
To facilitate the work of the con- 'however, he was thrown more or their hours of credit is the same as
less upon his own resources. He FRESH ASSORTMENT
terence the following committees usual.--OF-
save been appointed: became an apprentice to an apothe- The book is nearly ready for dis-1, 0 VV
Comittee on Arrangements-- cary, and remained in that position tribution and will certainly be ob- -
Chairman: Principal J. G. P'atten- for several years. The thrilling tainable before the spring sacatiots.
events of 1184S on the continent - . -_
gill, Ann Arbor high school. As- - T LES, - 48 S. State St.
Supt., 'o send, cfSftar- greatly affected him, and lie gave They Were Not Fined.
sociates: Sp.Iwsn, f ar
shall; Professor Kelsey. vent toIsis feegs n soi s In our account yesterday of the THE " WAVERLY" WHEEL
--In ii49lie wrote Iis firstply;
2. Committee on high school
'lassical library-Chairman: Supt. the tragedy "Catiline," which did3
W. H. Honey, of Flint. Associ- note trove a success at the time.
ates: Professor B. L. D'Ooge, \psi Twenty-five years afterwards, hos-
lanti State Nornial SchoolPrinci ever, Ibsen revised this, his first
pal Sherman, Ba.y City high school attemspt. At this point the 'ru.fes-
sor gave an exceedingy oahc
Principal Warriner, Battle Creek s gv egl grapi
synopsis of the play and then
high school. lupointed out sonie of the most nota-
ble defects of the tragedy. With
terial for classical teaching-Chair- d o e
K Associates:all its defects the play gave evidence
nianiofesor kesey.of dramatic powter, and shoived a
Professor Martin L. D'Ooge; Supt.(
Thontson, of Saginaw; Prin. Gar-Igood faculty for turning history into
T mo Mao Missdrama. It is no great masterpiece,
yet for a young man of twenty with
Miner, Detroit high school. I
4. Committee on publication- I the surroundings of Ibsen, the play
C.h m ioes e y A smay be called a remarkable produc-
Chairman: Professor Kelsey. As- to.
sociates: Professors A. H. Patten-tion.
gill, Rolfe, and Drake; Prin. J. G. The prizes at the intercollegiate
Pattengill, Ann Arbor high school; oratorical contest at Madison will
Prin. Bliss, Detroit high school; be $ioo and $5o for first and second
Prin. Hartwell, Kalamazoo high respectively.
grind-box we stated that those guilty
of the theft appeared before the au-
thorities and paid five dollars for
their sport. This has led many to
believe that the payment was in the
nature of a fine. The facts are that
a private meeting was held in the
office of the prosecuting attorney at
which the Castalian aggreed to go
no farther in the case if their detec-
tion fees were paid by those who had
taken the box. The prosecuting
attorney thereupon said that the
case would be dismissed on the part
of the people if costs and detective's
fees were paid. The victims of
their own joke could do nothing
but pay, which they did with the
best grace possible.
Oratorical association election to-
W('ight, S loomnch-With clinicher (G. & Jej
t5r'--or $85.00 is th sensaion of the
r m IBM rii: l mo
Slits and Gymnasitui Sup-
You are invited to examine stock and prices.