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April 04, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-04-04

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. a l

VOL. IV.-No. 136.


RAH ! RAH! RAH! WILLIAMS!! election of officers for the coming THE APRIL INLANDER
The Visiting Clubs from Williams year. First ballot for president, Mr.Contains a Number of Very Inter-
College Gave an Excellent Con- Devolt, '95 law, received sixteen esting Articles.-On Sale
cert Last Night. votes, while Mr. Brooks, '96 lit, Tomorrow.
A very small audience greeted the received sixteen. The second, third"
andvfourthaballotsealso resultedtin
illiams Glee, Banjo and Mandoliand fourth ballots also resulted in a We are in receipt of the advance
clubs at University halt last night. deadlock. Brooks withdrew in favor sheets of the April Inlander.
of Quarles, '96 lit, who on the fifth Though the articles are not numer-
All who attended were highly en-
ballot received twenty-one votes to ous they are well written and inter-
th viitr rsoddfelob-his opponent's nineteen. His elec- estitig.
ranthe visitorsiitrsp lostdfely ob
r o doe ,u adiun ne n.gtheprogram.Theclub tion was made unanimous. The leading article "Music as an
The remainder of the officers were Art,' by S. H. Perry, ably repre-
consisted of thirty ioembers, pre- c
sentd afineapparace ad cns- osen by acclamation and the re- sents the high position music occo-
suit was as follows: Vice-presi- pies among the arts.
harefvraby witi anyeclu dent, J. M. Davis, '95 law; secretary, "Confucianism," by Taka Iaw-
has ever visited us.
E. C. Lindlay, '95 lit; treasurer, H. ada is an excellent article descrip-
eeing gwa arexeioy fie R. Crozier, '95 law. tive of the ethetics of Confucius,
evening was an exceptionally fine
W. W. Wedemeyer was chosen as the doctrine that has been practical-
and varied one, furnishing a good1thonymrlcdfrtema
opportunity for displaying the abil- a representative of the U. of M. at ly the only moral code for the many
ity of the various members of the the Northern Oratorical contest. millions of people inhabiting the ex-
musical organization. The work of During the third ballot for presi- treme East, China, Corea and Jap-
all the clubs was good, e s peciallydent, the laws claimed that the lits an.
that of the Banjo and Mandolins had indulged in illegal voting, the "'he Gift Pandora Gave,' is a
president sustained the charge, and very good article by Marion t'atton.
clubs. Mr. Bartlett, although pos-odedthtal ebessud Lillian Webster, 'q4, contributes
sessing a well trained voice, lacked ordered that all mesbers should
m i register before depositing their bal- an article entitled, "That Sopho-
e slots. In this way the election was more," in which she describes a
"If," by the Glee club, was the
carried on without dissatisfaction. pretty romance in student life at
hit of the evening, and the medley the U. of M.
from "Wang" was exceptionally Revised Football Rules. "Addenda to an Unpublished
well rendered. The committee on the revision of Work," by Lucia Kieve, is an ar-
"Spring's Awakening'' and the football rules met in New York on tide in which the writer portrays
"German Patrol,'' by the Mandolin Saturday. Those present were Wal- the careless blunders and illogical
club, pleased the audience. ter Camp of Yale, Dr. WV. A. Itrooks use of words so frequently met with.
The Banjo club rendered "Mardi of Harvard, Alexander Moffat of The poetry contributions are very
Gras Patrol" in a very able manner. Princeton, John C. Bell of the Uni- good. They cor aprise the follow-
The freedom with which the clubs versity of Pennsylvania, and P. J. ing: "To the Sunnet," by V. H.
responded to the frequent encores Dashiel of Lehigh. They suggested Kirk; "Self,'' '. X. Drew;
was a pleasing feature. the following changes which will be "Broceliande," by H. R. Kellogg;
Tonight the clubs give their final submitted to all the colleges for ap- "Sunrise," by M6able Edith Hol-
concert, in Detroit, after an ex- proval before they are formally mes; "A Prelude, " Maude Elaine
tended itinerancy through New York, adopted: Caldwell; "Nahe Des Geliebten"
Ohio, Illinois, and Michigan. Piling upon"usen when down shall and "Waiting," by Eva Regine
Ele-tion of Officers incur a penalty of s5 yards. Phillips.
A man who makes a fair catch Alumni notes, book reviews and
last evening occured the election shall, if thrown, be given 15 yards. exchanges complete the number.
of officers of the U. of M. Orator Flving and momentum mass-plays ----.--
cal association. As is usual in shall not be allowed. The Press Banquet.
interdepartment elections, consider- After a drop kick for goal on one The Press Banquet committee met
able interest was manifested, and down; the ball shall be brought back yesterday afternoon in roos 4 and
wire pulling was engaged in to son to the so yard line and not to the voted to have a banquet exclusive of
extent. The stormy condition f ard line, as heretofore.
- ., a "hop'' feature.
the weather, however, kept ma, A touchdown shall count 2 points; The committee on arrangements
away who would otherwise have been teuthdown with goal 3 points; goal are making good progress and the
present; only about forty memsbers from field 3 points, safety s point; bnutpoie ob n fte
In aeo i h iekcir rae banquet promises to be one of the
being in attendence. In case of tie the side kicking greatervents of the season. With the
The meeting was called to order number of goals from touchdowns bvnt of the esn Xornls
by the president, Miss Gertrude shall have one point added to its banquet an annual event, journalism
at the U. of M. will receive a stimu-
Buck. The minutes of the last score, lus that will inaugurate a new era in
meeting were read and approved. Delays from any cause shall not
Treasurer Quarles then made his exceed three minutes; only one offi- journalistic work.
cial representative of each side shall
report, showing a balance of $91.30 be allowed upon the field; penalties The Yale interscholastic tennis'
on hand. for off-side playing and holding shall championship will be played on
The society then proceeded to the be increased from five to ten yards. May 5.

Tlhe P. of M.Wal14
By Lew H. cleet.Direcitrrof the Chequ-
ive-nue Orcestra.
Tie prettiest Waltz sivoe, "Aitf Wiede°-
Beautifully illustrated title page. Everystu-
dent shouldluy acopy.
51 South Main St.
when youwanttheLatestMetropolitanStyles
of $2, $3,i$48de$5 Shuts at 5te to $1 a pair less
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SENIORS, Get Your Photos Taken at
No. 11ron St., E-it.before the rush legin
Alli my workt uaranted second to none. A
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houri See it iii the wdow o
Suits nd Gymnasium Sup-
You are invited to examine stock and prices.


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