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April 04, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-04-04

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ZC~. of 'Mi. Tally.
Publihed Dily (undays excepted) durn
tetColese ytear, by
Subcrption prcetVl.50 per year, inarably
in adame.o igle copies 3 cent. Sbrp-
noeos may be left at the otice of the DAILYs,
;t Stotet's, with ay of the editort or
authtorized solicitors.
Commuttications shottld reach the otic by
7 o'clock P. M. if they ar to appear the next
lay. Address all matter intended for publica-
nion to the Managitg Editor. All bosiness
ommunications should be set to the Bsi-
les Manager.
THE U. of . DAILY,
Ann Aror. ic.
C A. DEIcooi, Lsw '4, Managig Editor.
H. A. Scitoiso, fit. '94, Asistnt.
.. L. Lion,if. '95, Assitant.
F. wAL~St,ccoLow'9'li, Asita0t.
J. A. Lenoix, fi. 'l, Abletic Eio.
Owy. A. 11o(;, Li. 'i, tsines Managr.
H. . Gafidiiifli,.'9 . R oil ). '5.
F. 0'. Sadsie . '96. P.L fvinae'
R'. P. OLOy l li. l 1i 0.1. 1 aiio loi'. i.
Agniis Murly i07.
CarieicV, Sioi a, Sooel. ciisstiii'A'ltli.
ldoio yeoiio'soio,ps'"i. l'.Gaooio,'li
All copynmustiheat0thilofiifice foi i(1 Sa i
of flhe day oi iublicatioon. M
The Ediors o otsolhold thmloesx s-i-
Oblberfor the opinooosor otatements oil corres-
pondiets, appinroin 0the Doty.
ALt. mefmbers of TiE. Dxi v taff
aye expected to attend fh mefing
tomorrow tight, 7:30 oclok.
Wt, regret that suchx a small coi-
br attended the concert given by
the visiting clubs from Wlilliams,
lat evnfing.
TiHOUGH~ there are nany clls
made upon fle studnt just at tios
tme, there is oar tiing we would
especially ral attention to as worthy
of support, anid that is flhe nier
sity indoor metet to be heldStr-
lay night. Th'lose in fchare have
labored Ihardlto nmake the 1m1eff fle
sucffess it is bountd to be, aid their
efforts 10) iaintain tho custoni Of
holding an asnual metr should not
go unrewarodei. All mncwhvlo can
in any way add interest to the pro.
grant should enoltoeir aid to the
conmmittee. There are several spe-
cialties on fle progranm flat xwiii
make the oiiet a soccess anyxay,
bot it cannot be what it sooold be
unless the progranm is filled out o
as to insure interest in all its feat-
urs.The nuber and quality of
the entries received so far is very
gratifying, and should warrant, as
we are confdent it wil, a large at-
An Evernng of Music.
There wii be a concert at fle
Baptist church tomorrow evening at
8 o'clock, in wicho the following
persons wiii take part: lMl. 1.. N.

Bilbie, violinist; Miss Minnie Davit,
pianiste; Mr. J. A. Bendinger, bari-
tone: Miss Elsa Liebig, sopranso.
Thoe program wiii be as follows:
a. Sonata Opus 2t, 1). Minor,
Allegro di niolto, Larghetto, Allegro!
V7ivace, Allegro Moito Vivace, N.
1V. Gal-. For piano and violin.
i. Song-But once thoe hour ap-
pro~aches, C. Bohn.
3. Concert its E. Minor, Opus
(04, Allegro Molto appassionato,
Andante, Allegro Molto Vivace,
Mendelssohn. For violin.
4. Song-All througho fle Night,
By the late Mr. Chas. E. Platt.
With violin obligato.
3. Rondo Capriccioso, Opus 14,
Mlendeissoton. For Piano.
6. Song-Dreanming, M. et-
7. Iota Aragonesa Opus 27,
Pablo lie Sarasate. iFor violin.
S. Sosgs.- Tiisie Auch Du,
Franz Abt; lDie iBeiden Crenadiere,
All candidates for floe 'Varsity
tootball team are expected to all-
pear on floe camipus every day at 5
1. no. shoarp, regardless of weathoer.
C J osocis BAoIRoD, Captaino.
New Rutos at Obortin.
Oberlino has a newn Cotomnittee for
the Regulationo of Athletics,very sim-
ilar to our Boarod of Control. New
roles for the regulation of athletices
have recently been adopted.
The rules as to eligibility of play-

COU BWhat they will do for you and howr {o ob-
tain them.
are cotupotns issoted by tmerchostts for floe purtpose of sloowitig ftse
amiouott of cash ft-ade ftoey get ft-otisusbsctribetrs foo thle Coliumibia.,
coan be sectored to floe full amount of your purcltases ftrott all noser-
chtatits oto our list by presetfinig an Identification Card issued by to,
showing thlat -ou are a subscriber for te Columbiani Cyclopedia.
I do nooftomeatially increae inlthfle price of gloods piurchaiosed, or-thaoi
1 yolmit tittbusly tytoite Iith on ore now buiviu.
fcost ibsoolutetly toofliiig except the frouible of gcoinog too the storeos
whert-hfley'tiooybhoobtained oiid tsoakinour0 tpurchtases iere'.
ao fat' 0s omerchantfs are conocetrnecd soatis itocreased trade foo thermto
antt cust oftoers ate to oshoieo fle bentefits of it.
xiii be acfeptedl by ios if ctie-teththetsit' ftce value iti fiil aI iie~ltil
foi'a ot-foifthe( ColiutibianioCyclopedia attregoslatrporiee.
xiii thterefore secutre foot'yout absolutely ft-eo of cos~toi referenoceli
br'arvyof 3)2 violuottes, 2?6.000 pages aond 7,00)1 illuotrtfionis.
too thenoioot ot w oenty-fixe dlllarits securted ft'ootttany or iailliiffit
stores, will etititle youi tooa voluiooe of thio ColumiitinioiiCyclopeiao
ExtrtiOlive ]Baitinig.

ers are nearly the sanme as ouors, the
rule as to lobon iestudetots requir-
in aploayer to have been a student 1,";B.ACff IfAItI)WA,XR CO., A.VW. CORILIS4S, P1Iti-apt~hltsi
in good standing for at least one STIEIIM ITT & 31('31A3L, U'topia lIlhIhiseu..
feint or intending to be so through 1IE ItISA('LI IIL'CA ANDi) iCI-IALCO
the college year of three terms. The . '. F. IE.Lai, Meats. AN-N AlRBOR11ST1EAM LAINI)RY
cefinition of an amateuor is sobstant- ( S'rI: ILil ('., (Groceies and ('tasa~-er
ially thoe sanoe as float adopted by mm'c-jurs.onx-

,raloes First.Place."
Horstbrd's Acid Phs at The name stands for just whateItis.
Popae(The best Bicycle builtcfur $120.00.
} Basseball avi ~ l.. e...il .
Is the msost effective aind agree- SpaldinsgBlase'ball and ILait'''oiois ;goosl
areoouoedoxclsivelyithroe looolthi7. . oand
able remnedy in existence for tha th ,oo le the c.ttacrompis ii lls-
tratdcloiriiooiie iv o. eetifre
preventing indigestiou, and 1e- A. G. Spalding & Bros.,
Chicago. New York. Phitadelphsia,
lieving those diseases arising FIR A IN L B N
fsoin - todisordered stomach. OF ANN AtfBOR.
Capitol, $50,000. Surpluosatnd Profits, V30e000.
Dr. W. W. Gardiner, Springfid, Trnat eea anigbsns.Fr
Mass, sas: I exun as to xenlentcredit procitred for traveler's abroad.
preventative of osdigestion, and a pleasant P. W11,tI.Pres. 5. Of.CLAlO5ON, Caohier.
afidutated drink when prsoerly diluoteod witho School of Dancing., Greund Floor.
water, anod sweetened." MAYNARD STREET.
Bewarent ofSbstitutes andIltatons. toOtsCao oenei or ts No ties,00lool.
For Sale by all Druggists. ttttdoolh scaA dimnrdue.Reiec

Aoo adBobth oooomo. AV. 145. OVi'V3N, 1l'ooi
No. 4 EaSt 1-5..rOl St. polc ooir -
ftoooo-.o t i-iou 1,0101 ou Soiyil ooiis. Por-
1 . - __
oand SHORTHAND . Otaooolocroooboiloling io oe
teoochers; large atteondoanoc;goooo discipine;uo oper-
lorosork;Owelliosuppliss ed reaingOroome; daoillecto"
Satiurday esvooing recepioo; openthe entooire yoar
Excoeptiuooonalfailiioes losrtplao'cingioodl'oin lo poosi-
expenes0 $ tlorloolsoao'$.srcein o ri'o te famoo.lieso
Faor Neor satalogoo, aoddres
iaheJ~~ner' andi eankr'3 lh
loipilol, 50o. Sur~b Oopluoond ooii s $io 17,0001).
tones a general banking' bosinens. Pays inier-
esaton Savings Drposits. los Safety
Deposit Boors for resot.
R. KEBMPFPrtes. F.H. BELSEE, Caoshler.
Banko open Saturdaoy evening.

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