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April 27, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-04-27

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_ Al. o . W aig .

VOL. III.-No. 146.

Our Boys Have Good Prospects of
Winning Saturday's Game
with D. A, C.
The baseball team has returned
from the -southern trip, and without
joubt is in better shape than ever
'sefore at this stage of the season.
The gauses played on the trip have
been the best kind of preparation
for the inter-collegiate games, and
the Decoration Day game with Cor-
nell. The boys met several good
teams, had an opportunity to learn
their weakness, and can now prac-

orchestra has been secured for the IT WILL PROBABLY FAIL.
Sancing. The Debating League with Wiscon-
The committees in charge of the sin will Probably not be
affair are meeting with good suc- Formed.
cess in the sale of tickets, andi from No further steps have been taken
present indications the number at- toward forming a debating league
ltending-will be larger than usual. with Wisconsin, and tichigan will
That all siy be better acquainted doubtless look for some other insti-
before the banquet, the freshmen tutio with which to debate in the
will hold their social April 2S, two future. No proposition made seems
weeks before the banquet. The to meet the approval of Wisconsin.



social will be held in Newberry
Hall. All freshmen ought to attend
both events.



tice those points in their campus
work. A mass meeting was recently held
The team as a whole is, without at Cornell, at which action was
.doubt, the heaviest batting team taken in regard to the abolition of
that the U. of M. ever had. There overseers at examinations. It was
is not a weak batter on the nine. decided to call another meeting,
Team-work, however, can be im- when definite action will be taken
proved somewhat, and Captain upon the plan proposed. It was.
Crawford spends two or three days provided that a scheme for student
a week especially to develop quick, self-government should be proposed
active work in in the infield. Good at the general mass meeting, the
results could be seen from the first essential feature of which is the
two weeks of this sort of practice, establishment of a student court to
and before the end of the season have final jurisdiction in all cases
the team's diamond work will be of of dishonesty in examinations. The
the very best. president of the University is to
The boys cross bats with the I). preside over the court, and have
A. C. next Saturday. The I. A. absolute veto power. A letter was
C. team won the amateur champion- read from the secretary of the fac-
ship last year, beating all the eastern ilty, giving assurance of the hearty
clubs by large scores. They also co-operation of that body in the
played two eleven-inning games with movement.
the U. of M., which were by all odds Ce o h r
the best games ever played on the u __t_ o
athletic field. They have been prac- The number of the University
ticing hard for several weeks past, Record just issued,contains an inter-
and will give our boys a hard tussle. esting table of the courses offered
It will be the best home game dur- by the University, grouped accord-
ing the early season, and will doubt- iing to the hours of instruction given
less draw a large crowd. each week. Two-hour courses are
-sost numerous, there being sos of
Freshman Banquet. I


'The U. of Mi. committee, as a final
compromise, offered to leave the
decision in the hands of three judges,
who should decide upon any basis 1 1
that seemed most fair to them, but Wisen you wantthe Latest Metropolitan tvius
not even this is suitable to them. of Uis) 5 for i$5Shesat50t or1aair les
It appears from the account of R HCO
the contest given in the Cardinal
that Wisconsin is decidedly dissatis- u H FYFE
- 105. 1SR-lBS ifosis'se Aev,
fled with the result of the debate. DETROIT, - - MICHI GAN.
According to that report the Avis-
consin debaters entered, ''under .IiQhmond Straight Ql t.
most emphathic protest.' No one No. 1
but themselves were aware of any CIGARETTES.
such vehement protest. True, there Cigarette Smokers who
was a misunderstanding as to the a are wiling to eayrs ne
method of decision, but as the mat- ' shargedt for the orilery
trae igarettes, will find
ter was left to the judges to make - - sthBAND superior to
their decision in any way, it was Cut No. C garettesarhe efromd tright
est, 1most delicatelr flaoired caii highest vest
supposed by all that the arrange- bald Loetforeow aiVirginia, This isthe Old
and IOriginal Brsand oieStraight List Ligarettes,
m ent w as satisfactory. A t all events an t rasheru g ut b.ua n v a te
no protest was made. It is also in- fira ns a soe lowns an every pishage.
sinuated that the fact that Hon. Of the Amereaihati scoso.,
John D. Conely acted as judge, ianufacturers. - - Richmond, Virginia.
while at the same time he was a

these, with an enrollment of 3,475
If up to the present the freshmen students, almost one-half of the
have been a little backward in social total enrollment. Three-hour courses
affairs, they are now going in to i number 54, five-hour courses 09,
make good use of the remaining one-hour courses sg, and there are
time. The annual freshman ban- six requiring more than five hours.
quet will occur this year as usual,
and arrangements more elaborate N -
than ever have been made for the Next week two oil paintaings of
affair. Granger's hall has been Judge Campbell and Judge C. I.
secured, and the date is set for May , Walker will be placed in the law
12. The caterer has not yet been building besides the one of Judge
definitely decided upon, but it will Cooley. These three jurists com-
probably be E. V. Hangsterfer, as posed the original law faculty of the
he offers the most elaborate menu, University, and the alumni of classes
and the arrangement committee in- that received instruction from them
tend to have the best. Miinnis' have secured these new pictures.

brother of one of our faculty, had
an effect upon the result.
Taking all the above facts into
consideration the university com-
mittee think it the part of wisdom
to make arrangements with another
A bicycle club has been formed at
The Yale Dramatic Club will
present a burlesque on "Robin
Hood," in New Haven ftay 15.
In Chicago University the title of
"Professor" has been dropped, and
every one is addressed as ''Mr.''
The senior class of Tufts College
has elected a co-ed. as manager of
the foot ball team. And so are we
to be driven from our last stand.
We have left the banks, offices, and
stores to the female workers, and
now they have taken our last and
dearest occupation. O, what a time
is this, my countrymen! Come on
with the millennium.-University of
Chicago Weekly.

E'IFN- ,7-OT LEJ .Ts1
5 W _-FORT ' iT-,
Detroit, Miehigan.

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