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April 26, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-04-26

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VoL. II.-No. 14").

Vos. If-o. 148. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. TUESI)AY, A PR IL I.t20> 159. Pirn ueCNS


Michigan's Tiumphant Tour.
Dii ctioni li'hian's Base-
IBitt termnadte its irst \Vesteris
toil, ad wioni tsr itself an enviable
'siliiga's teamn consisted. of
C.;apit oumsimbinsnad Seymour, pitcth-
ts rword, cter Jsffcis, i t;
,idt Stiltzer s.S.;Simitrtt . .1
Shieldlii c I.; siith ifin,(,..f.an
yl ('iiva~ stl~ent ilav rCit ;iit sst (
11at ll('1 nav a totlil -s-set() ihsis
I la is iii iiiiliri. ?1sO I ~
ssitr('s- isit-. i"tr t l 5
toi- Ill(,iii'cal tl l le r
Iofr Iii n rc . l ()" o
{})l Itiiti Ci ' l It Sv tr.I li u
11;i\iirii .t'Sri 51111 ills tsc lii 1tici I
A ~ I~I(ibiei'ii th lyirs;iiis l atm
o iiiti ll iit Il. lin 11tI i i~cn e
ro- le rhlii IIi i i Irl isti fsi
the tirlaltri) sit iiiibrilisa
line(.rv l isbelf.e tliiittit SVOCli
svie cet:isndi(" is ivisalsthtaaiif
thlle ufel Siniiacgoold tiecoler
The tibags ttii iyhsldo seti
thsarsoonewas cattelhoie at te
reofd Seeitess-onie fatr.The fi-
tpons atciidensedenacconofthe
AtdiAbionth i higtarhitste bail
ThegaerndedtherU.of M. onted
hatMadin ethre am ihadworhyj
toponets.SWhente ledckyeninth

Ibegan the scoeinesis n s 'mel-
litti.bg ()iii the pnit ofii 'ililt in
aitmdeud four runs to liiiir s.coire. lie
Iuucis m iemicosoinsoy s {ieiitheii
best to s-atch op but -fite n-is agi-'nit
thiem; Roinson's pitcoin'- -t cri-
tical points iris -cii effecivoe, isle
tihe bilstt' ingofSiomiley i iii Shielids
swas telrriii.the score ua --is.
ieteoit g"on nediiiinsthi
sciire i 3to i in dihin's faioiii
I lii ihisws anierrless11 aine111onliihi
tired ba ttirs titiid 111 esiiin.
stll i n aetascl11
acti y lc \y itn n' lit liiig iri ; elv-
Wn itstohi ce i a iii's Ic i
'I WIdizfcth( ~tlnr

Republican Club Meeting.
Iii it theiieis li mns lbth 01R
iii sits cir entusiatit an 011
iteiiiiistiritsedi iither i iltel estsn
isleetti'' swihtwirs iselditniithis Ilaw
lsstiiro11011111 ithe list '-'turdayit N I u
cielsi is" if vacaition. As the rc--itt I
ofntu irs weres out1of toss', IParson
sat ini the isresiet's, ii iitstoc iri
iii the secretar's 1ch1i1.'M]sJewell
madeli sorissec ec-eleottiaging is'-
mars rd s' heicitii-Colle5 iii
C'onvienti i , w iis- trse h lid

SooiP, iY LG
IMailedSin You r
Through Your
16 1'1 4 A, I &. It),

er 1'''I '.-

I fom tsfarcat a Iarvrc si no1te_ - MICH.
i-sue -sad s a w sta
cI ltlric:-t i ttIs xplt ortocaem is A~C, xy k
t, a ha wil {) ! Y iltt11)l1IC~ a h+>' k r~~x " 4 tray s s

workhccpii-;Notreiii iiiiiii Io tir a
;ht i' C. "> C~r , i ft 1 fr I sf Il i'>isi iiisisTritsi lii
s3 nsii istiid iit Is t Itrslree si-'it' 5 sr 11ltir1hi.is
suit Slut 1115 1s \tsiritwIptiiisetir
Tll 'si-sire c~ th _ii-t u ii ris Ii t s
's(,3ii iiiga s ti t o l, frt f
viist ss iii Ithtruth tiiii his I ii)(sic
110n It oiibtr rih1111511 Mssletitl15l oiasbiilsiseer I tsti~i
11111'obe i th.thI Li Ofsi u-Slu'' e J h st n
Withhisloryi -ii I ithelientire sisi his
-i iiit te hu s i'tii itui in t ilarsti sples r is if
iscoi e, bilt eeii tiis n f -) weriirt hlii ;r iit liiiStesl. are itrios
e Isiiiiis slist 'i 5 uhuo t I'l i n llltelr'i:M til steitisae
no 11 troub 4e . S y o rp t h d W n l net il, n a itb rh

I?,Qhtronci StragiJ{ tQtIt.
'tiri illisisitisI aititle
551 Nis11 l-ss'e IIvo r e n l II IIitie 1)rie
ir-lisus liii t i t helu ll uiiliesy
'1liifl IF'SfSIleiswililfind
lit till'stiiiiiisiii i si peiiii r to
itiam siiiis rueficio dStic gh
esms del ote tlao~ed n i, jcs
an'wstay oiuliarout soilsthe( r 1ianit
capwale omtioatobi etatthei
Tiri ak evaet s ineseri 20 ards
hianatudle s yards dah oenirge i-a
yas7runHaorards holdeh440i

Jennie M. Davison.
Jeiiiie Mi. Daisoii, lit. '94, iedi
Saturday ev-ening of pnleulmoniia,
after aniiiltnesi of about a iveek.
Her death is a severe shock to tier
family, iwto reside here, as to tier
nmany friends in the city andI utn-
versity. She was a memiber of the
M. E. church and an active worker
in the Sunday school and Epworth
League. The funeral will he held
this afternoon at two o'clock.
A club will he formed at New
York City of Princeton graduates.

womrks is their miethlodi if iakiisgj
u teel, by takinsg the product of the
blait furnace, mis it is tappedi off,
right Is the converter.
Time H-omesteasd wortks, of Car-
negie, Phipps & Co., are ivorkinig
on their contract wtitstime U. S.

Goversument, or rollilng the artmor yards run, a mite bicycle, one omile
plates for our new war ships. run, anld aao yards dash. Trhe fietid
Each one of else party reports a events are putting the sihot, throwi-
very profitable and enjoyala thime. ing the haummer, running, high jump,
Base-hall is out of favor at Co- running broad jump, pole vault.
Columbia, Princeton and Yale, have
lumba. Te tam hs dsbaned.challenged to run a one mile team
A young ladies' boat club is tlse race, four men to constitute a team,
latest on the tapis at the Univ. of each man to run one-quarter of a
Wis. mil e.

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