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April 26, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-04-26

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ii) 3 t 3£3tU ( ei 5 -4
or 1)-l tiS 31>i;..to y "s del0)> )- r'a .ROl'! MIC
BANQ ETE E in'S k. l tenic.'. l"T 1.Ii 1 :_ )iil10F(1. ..... 5 lo --~--- ________
tiS no ii.
1 iii t - t ~ lon 1310 lo 1oi ,i , e ainoil.i.o li 1hi o o rs1(, i, te iti irl ' lI
0 l( l tin fte lii n;Xi olthc1e i i lp ttroeot I i of says ti
nit1 recoj ils givnd in t ll hoo l.V l il1011010 010 5el tlatll~c~
oicrt i1 en das. i~cr wler n c tl('(li-een t i, ld d 0 i)e1)5ttsoiill~i o o the tw y X0}
A Wzti iciigaiolat--- - ------tine-_-1).10 . nt Dcoll.ge ", iibtty it r ofetheis onte adte
ofthe ciwetie there c eer r q e Ii aiiLifAeLes,. iioi~gtt~ di oisttiti
of Ealy Opning. l aithe Utienite, ro ht stch-.
prie o1 tn vr ton 5 Ii; ilt i s to iher ls, tit tlsoenoftheii
byltctrtnt conr as given inate-ns tesennayronsat i p. t., eeryitere.titsnnsi rti, pice acd tcs at ..s.
oftreit ilt.heroncerth ere heAinsta hof .n. a rsnecoThaeentitnttiorit tlticte
cites wernsoplto lasnginngaeto theFlibr oary conop enfinefac-ttati onsfthe fasueltasth RH FYFE
crione tIhe wnext c nd o- Tti co otile re- iedStth leguer atyLrottgt tatdia-s
clbad t e vpesn m d h eiininregad tr opng deitstiolegeha nlls ltem isoitSgn D TI tT - - M CItAN
tamig lvo rivte arssohii ereonoendd tat te lbray snoud teai tyea, a bdeof yotiitongendti5will you__________Latet__etropoltan_____
ipn seree diunticfers he lstco- heopener andlib at atiS:1teaent "st i v enfottdinest otg ollegeltfor ties fV2geti-Soe t8 o11apirls
c er st cgive rand a p i dwin e-an he propiaed tooverattn ep en-. eeer Tteyhere. yiih rn ttthan9Ann Arorfries snfr Caht aloet
tt nxt poi and the placerehee seadTine 2niat mer was pre e noted e t e asiy, tnebath gs ree itty ofsted NtFYi
the ~~~~~~ ~ ~ E ntobstwentiuptosLansticgaudieteahairiaofregetmitbtteoei of h tia- nedttestiteess sredotatslter0h~Cgrt sch
iancert.tSe nextnesvcrteyin dott- fctftyThereoitehetonglyhitrun torofStte Colsettiengtoit, titd 101,183-8ace s~nttAtovattti
tainig tw priate ars wich ere mmened tht th libary houldtsoosey bha oa theg en ricel
ierientepindaftoertnels tco tn- oenredioadthtn a staen. suIte onis ton tgisseiith it the e 1< tare o-heatr
cert'aterien. Sol apdierbeaprpraedtocve'-eexen ee. hy ccp hghrnkattedoih on S igactc. cttf.n
soent to naan the llace her iie. be bmugterpwattinere otie huet- iteir sitoei ngttt e spien t i-Sal theso.i ue ci
rtmtentspeiasfti unle wcluboaingof rgnsthown h enbad.Alirelaw latshdsnteeitresofidetl -CIGAEinTTEsdStrih
itthoAthetcttsscat isottaexier ttteria ti iC Coi ics ar itettsokt he -g
byed Sir.vCntiesheiorandheyacn- fatifthrent eigatoousirofthsndreierryscitysndetyilligerdpay highittcls
eldt epn oecrs tote re e trnoain ase taehnt, It iothesiolin ig s ttirointilss t iS e< rosiisVrgtais.Tititithe ldr
sog_"hrew sanOdodir"__ilebouh u t h exoee- m ditality, tit erfr etentt~ s le dOtitirsi i THSRANDti suitt iaretes
ids. Next cause Chicagoweeaan efctfinst__adrgnlrn( ugtCtCiaets
a___rdalt,__y an asrsbrugthsthty us in the year 1--.
coitcert wssgivens April 15, in CetI ttctvoemftnpnenu-oae tn letely capttrd the yotng tttettof SBescareo0r tttimittsasSdtbstrve ht tie
tel uicHal t altgadthe two oleges ttid the people swho S TAiLLc E.iiatteveh r achae
tra Shnt Ilil to a lrg aitltrainitng for tie field and track tean, net themt or sawth iettiply Mlr. Of the Am~ericat 'tibaccit C..
fasionbleaudenc. Fom hi-Mauatusirers --iicimodt Virgii.
tashonaie udince.h~rm Cti-remaindIhere tduring vacation, anth Battks, of theircleuit, cs oiesif the __________________
cago, the clubs "wentttwsest," ap- whett the weather woitlipermnit umnpires its te giamte'at te Sttte (o-
pearing its les Mtoines, Iowa, ontspentt tieir time at the athletic field. lege, and giv s tieut secimni of
tine i17th, and in Lincoln, Neb., on Soto iemnaegtigit the umpfiresaok a was ever seen illi
the ilth. Owing to ItaterewnkciKetcyWhnhrewsadu,
-good trinm. Some, Iowever, are atheinh okyolleencubthee a eaneftit, q
being in Ottahna onthie S19th, tie little irregular. Every canidate for theStte TGCis eelatid istatat ertti
salne evening that thte glee atid the teans nust Iantdlin Iistane this Casfretsai tdetett lit
banjo cltbs ere to ainiear therevekaloleeetsli isestSenttaitKrgtttIietrs ef
wekIloteeetlewse oSyor n ion n ices;df 0 w eatrice ua visited instead. AWith try for, Everynan nmust appter tn erm, firsbase; Sinirie, seontdlblse,
thin one excehptioin, all tie tat en i'eiint, thiidi base; Sites ithort_
snoe itedasuninneh it - suit ott tieathletic fielat 4 i. weeileia.mp edou.sots: Iiel, left ield;Stieteerright I
concrts gii. - daiy. 'there swil be io pledge re- teld. These yountgitens are bal ply- - -- -
Tienexet two cnerswveder uronfrontc.nddates, enbver itehi
iiiKatsasCit-, inee tereis n -to gross irregularities, or taintu res to. still thtey are viii iin atlitha iit the namtie
a ilrge t. of S. anmni, and in St. relport for practice, wiltri-isoat- imtpies. - Kettutky watst hemt to
Louts, whichthtotughn a Vale and fliar- ddtst edoietcomise agin.ttt
yardatevtntotieeU.rofSt.dHazd tin aBrucaiPanner- IN NUCAN',
vadtwaways gives 'SiU f . Te track is nowy in fair condition aedIaButl- anr
boys a warns receptioin. Thte last Several itett were sworing on it Tie recent laig rank of ap
concert swas given itt Sprisgfied every fair day diritig vacatiotn, and Greek fraternity at Delasware Co- jME1RiCHAi\NT
last Saturday, and continetedh the " it swill be rolledS amtost daily now lee, Ohiio perpetatedh by a rivatl
tour of 183 At Springftel the until its first-class sape. Titetdress- fraternity, is a disgrace to tie itsti-
folowing progranm was rnee, tug roonms have also been ittproved, tution. Nitrate of silver was used 'F.A.IL OP
and everything is ready for work. to disfigure the faces of tie victins .
swhicht is practically tite satne an waa ! 'ile nanager swas in Dletroit tu-Thse Greek letters of the rival frater-
given inthie other towvns: isle vacation, to make arrantgements nity were pinitned and burned on AD siMaiOs7Etia
PAtT iswithn the SMiciigan Athletic Associa- each cheek and cini, and a repre- r
. Yelowendeio --ti-Crm.tt -.CofliM tion aboutt sendintg 'T'rainerFi-tz- sentation of hiorssas imprintediot
IAlienst 'tisitec ------'Voel b
tanto ctb. - patrick out here twice or tiree the forehead of eacit victin.T'he '70Od T3
. Phatom Batnttdt----'rtt-- -.-Payer tines a seek. 'The nmatter is not perpetrators have been exieledl antd
Set, ittatette snitClib. fully settled, hbut without doubt, are now itt the hands of the civil au- 5 -w_. F0 2,r'r
s. Oreatot--_-_- -NediittetcSr. Fitziatrick sil be seen onthie thorities. Such outbreaks sitouldh
Sr. Oere ad sitldtelatrpatoutewekiroslhetle oldtl v r
,.titatite lottinret-ds---Corse odn ate r at fltewe. rue rh oege avoid to a s-in
tistlCil. ItoTil. Iots protest tagainst htazing. Detroi, Mie.1 11

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