je U1. of
sut. W1ail I.
The Thought News. porter. So the chasm between edu- and will prepare its pupils for any
cation and life, between theory and school its the country, although
On or about Apjril 22 tttere wil practice, is bridged over once and closely connected weiths Vale thtrotught CR
issute fron thte press intshlis city a forever. Rf.IE. P. its board of trustees.
newspaper ,'Iloughst \Ness,condstctest -- _ *- _-__Of its board of elerents rustees,
b)y johnt Dewvey, phitosophser, of ttte Yates New Preparatory schoot. six are: Ptestdent )sirgtt Profs.NE
istiversity. --> 'INW
I~e tat nilstak tte frstup- the acqutisition of Prof.F. I:, elt ti llttp(;.. nstsr
perattre in visible, tserchattabte, Coy, of Phtillip's Andover Acatdetty,ofIo al(otsrtitWC. t-
itiet ye s tt sc t sr sIetitse o t.tesI cIe litect (PIale, 'a) of New York, attd
prnedtps1fa5e de du-511 _ r.Wlia set lY1-ale. '; ;. thu TI
salittt atndtedutttatioits
Th~ ete t ptper stwitl bettrte fol-
towitip truth-mattt -thtie tisstap atd
sealtof ite sets itea
MtS. Deswey ctalls te tier, A
Resport oitheScatat" ''l
soitt ftacstis teSocsitl.N st ius issA
t'o c l. is sp1zlitS ttsl tits int
5eptis iueta erecstatie-
so scl its s S aissi st
a t. te 5AsUiG. Sttan ie tsin? ts
stiowSite iea tnitt ttstt. Ifi te sit-
Kalsogansissssis a ato, sasdsInstS a
tets ticreamts, sitimst isestuissedtiksit
a steeng ttSinet, inis 5princi titti
psesstts y Selstttl it Salisbutrt-,'Ctnn.,
is regasrdtedttasvetsytiotattste a.
Thet e wss schosoisis whichst is llsiiseek s
chat fr om '5)sttis e tC onnsteticts 1
L e'gi see nxtt
(Octobe.t n isb slitnes twil ise
itnisihed 1 mttttthbefostshalt ttOtest
It is situte i s s s issis , oste .andl
onte-halfti ilss rIot L keileo
rising;sground oves iettkin;ts wo lak tes
an ssltesmounsstait scenes os is
fieistd rshr oute. ti
st v f lise trusttes areconctttdies
towit Vleotiectlssiltyor by graduion. iss
' 5' 5 SteII is
I dsiet o call attentSssiotsArtice
XS ec t. si h thltc oi tt
esasss ofi its -1 Isork tcits,
Saltitsbuy wt fnsa
I5oo a s ll alitcl
cosst o ss nga~dS;
C fs ev nt fi-ta r s. '
fee t Wi t h ar . to
stutre tte et
itas it
ts tc sttt
*.t wcith
OV eest
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toteIt shallss tio
thstscstitus~ I ti.
tttttt dt S 'i ts tprls s
inal i S ont 1t 7 it
T e le to will
of thisjsesy
ct ae o it1l
st1 MI1 l is ti ts
c rsent.
tos a
PRItE, TxItmos{.ENTS.
I Mailed to You -.
Through Your
sand .s-ew e oi eetyi Badtges.
at '50c sto la ptotsssthsas AnnArlm.
trc ssend tFtwsstssttrew t
t"t' L ;kUItllis
C:. A. S
Jetfrson anocety E les
is s practls ,ti ttl. ridosrs.
Its ortetesSialte teoiatl I)rgasmsts 'is, saccord t imt the plianof
sat- be sundersteoode it is necessary lt I fesstsr A. NIi. Wheelere()f Ybale,
tie fisttetsstttp titt Co'sWieye s-St-t-t
ilas etisti P rses., C . It. 1I()11iE.v
Pro- Vice- Poes., .1. II - tciiieSet , 1.
Whosi SY1. Parks:;Cttr. se., . X 1,.IEva-s;
Wtsti I itsssits silts.
itti-utesseslsiis -
sets thse islets intson---it is steces-etevsedthIle whiole b ltssdiist Will Too'sts. , It). I. I stekotst S Coiltc, I.-
stary trepsort it---.-ltatis5, leseribsit e nabetsle tise mstlers anths eir fsststi- Sandl so . , IC.. A. JDefers. M essrs.
andte picturoe i,us i titoves inl lift- lies, siile etstttsanttelts a c sertasins orrist, LovetlSanit Iells ar e nit-
that isswaitl Thougtp 'N ewe sitlat-pits is e }, ltlit-c itsclsoser intimactuy soinsledi aireceptionscommttee lt
templS t tso. IS t i Iereot SsioictI. i wtsisthe secsiol ts-si if its separit sestI eceive I toss . -iI f. tissell , of DlI , l's it o. t s stf s1-11.. 1 lAS I'>
'htut wsilEli e sects ts lie asidiea5 its dsseols iS i lls 1 i iiills-strucoture toe'trssit, st-isisiss tssdelier tiele I ffet l i 'siX S tt h isil'
ortilon ts N- 11si tepsortSitfrlos u slt.-to be sa px sit sus i, sos ItsGstswith iitti., g ois itsaddress te ;tI f t iltS. Ipsssst V-si ss ue s'ssi
lucere is the sets'isletsin Jorfist ll - it.k, teadlit ttitslotomithapel and -s
sit stsiI- lis ttiit littie- - ssssssssesloAmnatessr Photographters. ties- if lte 'ols-ittYs ar. 0510 . 5)i.
sisilnd Edstsclaloto It On ithe tse elts issist t is st s i ts sit
Sstlsotss sselssstIts Sie ctis lst- etI-tothits sillhioilw istsSh tasw i se lett-tTe tpotoraphes otf Ste - its- -
if eserr sd ifet-Isl e portiotite educteionsi iswic e okedot ' S oay, sle t osvosing.ACreto eal I hIb-flI S N tQ IQ
hatpjpeing,ssetlssisiss-sisaifssl-it sitS Ste fattthe typilol stistelssof ittstri ttoits tre 1ttcotioy Ibeescsss ra ici CIGARETTES. tIi.s-
tacts tesp fac st Ihichsillsr atsthSie trississst i ts Si e d toc titsthe-way'of-ioreosolid( irtste I oes tare hotl
ssuentS is ts geSIsis facts uS first I isndthe studs- of tSlieditisaguages is -o.trX oictseo psads Citgarettes,xwilind
hsatnd, h stoal yh rnip wiiibe dsvt-sd ifar miore tlit-st sere- -fuddus otsle esa ~Thte Richmosd SteelIit
foforeeto tiseir literture stisi soSuto Na tCigarettes are tmade treet tie bright-
ts life, lie is to report. poontee to therrxiterstuconstinotioi et most drlietelyfSeverest end highet ct c
holdoLestdrswo irawiguata.cThittitheion.
'Tie newspaper is not to report ia their gramtmar. 1'he viiose oGona sgtsad Lertg rdo nigahisgistes.l
They ill met on1lonay 11gI~tS neand wscrigsSlerughtiaout fby us i tilhthe year 1S75.
-sisorce, but d/t-stes;lis'thestutdent is Prof. Coy xiii be givets powers ------------ _tiewrare ofimisatienst and observe ihat ste
not o sud ookson uniipalher sujectto lmot noresricionfirm naeEe eolosan every paehage.
slo tosuyboso sncplhr ujc oams orsrcit The Cornell Concert. The ALLEN & GNTERtBranch
government, not the charters and the- andI in taking the schojol at itt earli- s-stseteAerican ToRcmo.,Yri
lawi hut the boodle. est, age, lie will be able more readily Thle Jackson Morningr Patriot, says
In this the reporter, thse fact mant, to impress uipon it Iis oxen personal- o the concert given there by theJ.A POLHEM US.
becoet cietifc an th stden ,I ty.Thesclool illfitforboCloth nitwasGlee and iBanjo Clnbs, that i.I'r ~ ~ ~
beoms cinifc ndte tuenity h colwl i o ohtei a hardly up to the high siandard"'rTI =
thse theory man, beconmes the re- acadlemic and scientific departmsents set by the U, of M. Clubs. ALSO 'BUS HACK AND e. AGGAGE LINT