of 3M. "Vait1?.F Communication.
Etdtos .I OF M. tDAILY
Pise Dal hiItsis(uinn)s excepied) during We\ cannot help but observe witb
the Collisee Jtia, bit pleasure the grosvtlharnd active work-
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION{ ings of the sarious political organi-
zationis in te I'iniversity during this
susrpin nprice V1.50 er yeari ivariablty vol lege Fcar, )yitt weC notic e tht thet
inavac ingle Coties :t cets. Otn cute at
seterhut's andn ost tcihewns stand a.i principlal intterest is beinig taken by
o'cinck, tiotot. snttcetititiiiistmat betefi t attine professionial departmtents, tine
the oticfthe DA sIr init, OpetiatHouise blockhau
sheeini's, ati hfiies's, ot ie it iny or tInt' lasieparitmtenit inipariculriile
edtos.I but compniartively Iesw is seemstin
'omtu itintiucshoutldtreacth oftircie h obatiatosa{st
i 'clockhr.NI. if tthey aee toi stpear the nest I tknosw tituhsti iatinsitth
tiny. Addressasittter ittentied tine puiites' Repubilicatn antiDenmocratic Clubs
tinto ttthe SMsnaging tEditor.Aluines
tittinictittcns httntdtie sent.tointhin hurt are in existetite, atnd still fencer ever
n taittnne. Iasttid asty of the tteetings tof these
TH N.o . ;DAILY,
TH fAnn Arhor, Mich. I botdies. 1 tan nont see ws'iy there
sinouldtibe this seemtinig iniffiteretnce
EDITORS. ititnte ptart tf tinelitsandinditseeti
is '92titin5,St tttttgum~ "Ator.nt is is trite thisttee c anint ble friil
tes. ,~p)At Pt, Assist. SinitinitEitortt.I
it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n con i sit tt 5s.S itgtc nipiteteipoli tic alcnrganiatiotns
'. i'nnlvnn '92, Bunsiness Muttuittr. itt te I us ecsity tuntess te literacy
F.E.JAm I,'tti, Assist, Roiness Maingen'r. tdepartmtti is btter represented.
C. Wv. KTTivStnr, 'tin, Assist. tuintes sMn'gr. 'T'here is n possibtie retson.twnyptin
w. t.nRinsIt, 't3. 1.. It. ANsNtItL .. ii. itit ni iquestionis aindthneirsdisinissin
J" . . S i ~ii 'i 92. 'tinS. BtIsnin, 1'to.
"tRsNK MATIN s,'tt 5'.1.1St INns, '9.. shnoulisdnmeatn morne so las tantosi
sJitIt tI 1nPA stint '9K G.'n'enns instn in 'yit.
F.. E. tt c~ttitn. st. Ii .tA .t CcI v5. 'tIt. its, aincibecause te lacs hav'e tere
p tofotre tasken te iitiatiive iintegan-
'Te Ediitrs donutst holdth temisisvens smon-
itertine ipiniotn r tieents'iio' f in orr'etus- innin~g is int(reasons te its sinouldc
ptndttents, apneingttcin tine DItnit.* staind aiootf. 'line tact thst thnis is ai
- '"~ caimpaigin year .is otne great reasoti
whiy so muchri interest is beinig takets
(Gteek, Latttin, Fnretnch, Fierman,.andtitMathetmatiecai
00 ;University Bookseilnrs, - - State Street,
.-_e - hnFur departments-Conmmtee I ia hote-bo
ornnmnnnscripit n-tEngish.Shorthsndnn1
"- - ° Penmannnshit.Firegantidin , agesuaie
teaceefcetisrutrwr hrugh, iingexpnses e sunieylo, cnn t
$25(it per wiskret;uidetcscsistedtoinpositions.
Forcatalouiesnidress P. tR.itLEitSYn Presideint.
Xiii in t'-'Ileaec iiwibe a nntnn U L T'T T
itt ste Republiticain Clut canvasintg;i
istinittee in tine innswqunizoorn,'L
S~aturday tt o a. rn. shtatp. - tinn
I. f. it is'5 Sprinq
n1liere nyu1 tie a isnetisig of te
l~ii inBorardi}'ridlay evening \pril
Stit at 7 so'ciock. .A fuiiattendance;
is desiredi.
Suitings, n
Pantaloons, 'T:
Wi' swisin tio ciiitir attentiost of m y tine stud~enits in tine great political T studelnits innlingnnnlrnetshipi 't
she nnetibrs o tie Sinieic nuestions that tire before tine peole. tlfietiten if te Ypsilaniti Normttal
Sclhoolthe 2.n A', A. &-N. MIlly. mwiiiFa
tlationt to tine imptiortatnce of attetid-' It seenms to ine tinat of all people, give smie tand onthlirdl (tre for the i.)Fanc
Hi the annual ine tingSaudyte y'ounignnein of osirmnisversies rinsisni p. iTielt sonutlesethn Aprilth
nig~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~n tinelanenstahnuteetitignateresiad I isl iiie o'kti hn1t
nitorning. Itsis ser'ysiesirainie to Innke at olgssiondleiitrseR''1. S. ( ItinIn: mistittiagetnt. V'estings
soinne imnportanit chtanges In tine coin- live plitiical1 tuestions, andi yet ttis"" "
stiiniot atiths citbeunie nniycertaintly trite that mnty y'ountg nent BUSIN ESS LOCALS.u'iii stt'in it'isv.ssn
by maoriy vte f te woleams- houare in tine literarycdepartmnent LNoticsiineristedini thin couat th rare
tion. AlteocrsadteBadof tetUnivecrsity of 31Miciianspendtueand extrafies unshdbtppyn
ofi irectocs mmust hue electedi, an four veairs ifthtie bess years of life 5cc r A vei leatther pocikitnte Itt
ginoi, maci morliim ieitcau me S h sututip nwithn ooks amid gaininug ist-mbook titht rubbier handu. R'ewrd'u. No.itt Soutt Mtain tret.
'itreud otnly inntarefuli votiung ott tine tie kinwleudge, itt it iracticali unay, of l t ~ i l' i'i~, sc'ucl
inch nitsite ittnthtecs.tine worlri aronundi them. Not becasme Will sell fccr Ki. See itatt Wuhi's Staste oeoAnAbr n ot
tie)aprtttmtse ufhthetotbera. TCesiteAn'ArbSi 'd(tore
to mii ' '- Abs l studuents deusiritug good honentiriMichigan Railway.
toi ixtokslre withn actmualtlifetbu't ulnyitttntffurthue suanineriu' sicttin
t;\ in t me nsouldni call tine atteuntiomn I becaunse thtey tiink it is incutmbetnt . paging fronut sesvemuyfive tn thtree Cin uui F5 tnnuyni5
itt all tuteunther uof tine Inueenentt nupon tnemto instick so n'httsehn so wllttuircanll icl t'initlsiltnsI An'iictinnui.m htunty
A\ssociatin to tine electinin itoinrs sinheir sttuies. I sinc'erely nope shuns A. 11. l'cnEnt,G I 'etuce street, I tuINlsORTs
innrtin 11m un. htihi n ctesSnutur-thehut esmecall cvii ameunure ' (pit. Agt. fur I lottie Stply AsSo. INa. t. MailuandsnuEatress ............ 'na. 5.u
fo h ~ xiv hihocrsStr telt epcalywl ak toein-(' hicigo. Ilii.No. .Parssgr, Anus Arhor Actuuts. it tt ntuit
lay afternoons at tmwoit'sclck, it), terest inn ipolitical orgatnizatioin, andci Muiceflusnfrom4s o6nm ' G n .o... au tascenge H.........'t.e
Rdoonm A. Acciurdhing to the coinsti- cotte omit atndattend te neetin gsof Lstot ttutioti.lnu, ia MauiltPassenger ............ .IllIsit. tn
goltd spectacles. Findter Inlease retutrnt Su. 4.MuttltExprs......... ........sla0p.tin.
tution only those studetnts of tine the variouis political climbs. thuemt thie Stesartst'laofiierindh 'reive No. 6..Passeng'er, 'oledu Acanm.... , Oo tI.11nn
I'niversity of .\liciigatn wino are paid- ; is''. rewardi. 3t. Teans,3aund s rungbtwueen Ann Arbtirgand
ti lt SrbT to the .l'. Notice.'Centralutandrdrime.
susrbr1ie iNtc.All Trains Daiy exeput Suinday'.
his.v ,Yshall be mnenmbers of theIn-itAnn Arbor Gets a Public Building. 'T.,A. ANkN. M. ty. wil ttake ati W.13. BENNE'TTIt.I. S. GRIEENWOOD,
diependent Association, ands situ11 be - rtartuteuoe tash oti- thirdi fure fur tine Gen. Pssn. Agent. Local Ageul
Entitled to a vote at tine iteeting. Ai 'lie ihonuse comimisittee situ iblic roundulic trip fotr thue followitng:'Te Re- _________________________
pianatStseCotnventiat itDetroit,
subscriiption Ierunits bitt rne ierson buildlings aind grounds has actesh April 14th, tickets utistile Alntl 13th
vot, snu Itrsun seiug he favranhyouttie fhloshng nsuliantdh14th, limtitesd to retutrnthkie 15tht.
to soe htpro en h nen orby te flown'pb ihue Demnoratie Statte. Contventtisonat
itt whiose. namte te sutbscripntioin is builing tills n Spokatuel'ails, Miuskegon,. May 4tht, tickets utn sale ~t
givetn. As mistakes are liatble to 1'ash., St 50000; Ann .Arbonr, .\ichn., Maltd.a'dIt. .hgtlim ittoretithe
urine in thils connectioin, nwe trust (fana6o Chioooo htnva,. ,ooo-
shut all ndelinqiuent subscribers ciii - ...z~
hieditely pay up, so titsthneyRepaurung aunpetiaty. 4,iTHuIucN siT. nn
mtay hnave a voice in the mneesitngaundci lcs'i.--ttrt of a gold aind silver .. _____ ______
conrlueto the selection of editorns in cffbuttoun. Finder returnt to . & OI,
ioare capable of doing the wcork, Nun'n"ic.-''The regular electiomn of StudnsateooStrese cly fer si
and willing to sptend the timle re- thmeDAILY bourd mill occur nest PHOTOGRAPHIER Sttpateraee rcerlys.lctd
quired tom insure a good paper. Saturday afternoon at 2 p. in. NO. 12 W. HTURON ST. S4 5. 5TATE:STREET.