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April 29, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-04-29

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e . a


Vol- III.-No. 14,x.


A BENEFIT CONCERT. tion prevented aoy elaboration i RIVAL CLASSES TO MEET.
The Glee and Banjo Clubs will Give thba fanatatveiorn Full Arrangements Made for '95
'T one Wednesday Night-A The main object of the sociallbittI '96 Track end Field Sports,
Good Program. I evening was to glee the nicibters it May 12.
N hen a concert by our Gltee and1 ttSsine0101ttii oh The comminittee iftthte '95 aniil96
Btanijo Clubts is anniounlced, ai large cou ite r1ititi 5iiha classes olet inst night and compteteti
anviene i asovei, at elsvi ether. tile reception iomiiilttee arranigemlenlts for their spring fielil
proceeds of tile concert ire to lie mtee. A stecSOLilld i 5 ) 's 110Saturvday is avila'Sbie, -
devotedi to a good cause, tere. is vvleno nrole 12 o h aussilb lti iiISily,
itoiubt bilt whtat the concert ivrets-wtae.iltlp Oihe tI il Oi t iti
oii the evenin" were "11 .i iot 1. leticfe ldi.i Great itserest is shoiwnl
seell Iatteindet. Mr.(Il P ont, and1iii r s i itilit
As is wnellIknowni, viiingt e-inlthe ltii two st 1o115rLintil hese,
lt ie sled iritis, aniiibad ivlwehrthe "511 i" l lil i'teili0~ t
recent tiiirs sit the 1G1ee aiid Ba njo Sc. .tWilcox thel i nn " thi fielil, iiidisoniie-ootl recorids
Clb n alteam tave cii' Ic' si ii. ilbe miadesl e as ic eni
(ittbsoaitinnballcontesti ir iht1lcollie
deficits ill tiletreasuries iii iiotii 01 bititin Cl(l'[it,) eveviredlist eveit~int gttea uaiftirlhe rily .e
"r''iiation ."ta .v
'totial ii lii ililit 5 ieisht contestatios iappealel, the" others Ihe tlsitt
convert hassbieit arraitred fiii nex.t twho ihaiiixpeted vito taphartvibeingrofa;etvents:i io yardsitdashi;i20 yad
I'ede daei i ghi tb b s.he (lee. iii iigcattllSind tl iah IO yardsvidist h ino lre il l);ni
itotjv Citbs tni il eseiltitSi o mpelliiedrtoi'givo tvit tLiv o'n'accotuet
Bano lusan anexelen po- of sictitest tndi heatty coliceg ework. ittile runc1 22cis. s ti urtdt" eiztt ilip 1
gfraszliwililie re~ndiere.iyliim ev i i lebcce unn ih jm ;t
't' ttee ii tiieliui li i aterittsevti ontth e ui i ruznitii"broid Sup' standilit"gIriati
M. is iintebteii lviritiuchiifots Ariies- cox, liti'91-t, a ittrodusced. Ilits jimp;ti hatitiritsr tott; lilyt put;
tig7e in Itle seest theret enVoe lie ili, itpils. tault' hig i l
subeti (t heI.eoptls. teav _oe
litit01eitvi tvitsi"ths a~~s eil iiidls. Is tthisa prop- Bicycling at the U0 of M.
aitnual trips iof il the ' tritteatioits vt liof Sis t!ht tI Constiderable neet sa
first lcpe ysicand'byuth's ki~ ctivlttic itersi i _s ti iei oict
"ttiicaivitts I' Ste tut0u'' liiiOf Sits. eI. itt 1reithStilt'' 1? I 5t5 5 iii
,crtizjvis. Sheiwhatith se r a. lviiriii lit lo it s ih a1 the li'' lerateto Chl T y2
11 n iaiilj iha v . i iefrteIi la77 ro v o it1 a S vra naei It. tsai N i i
'ivit l~llci, t1C e 1 o t e r~~tt l ncv I I iint. i at his' Psi t vll t sattlc)) i
'ill alitoe eca ll tef llor is finacilt VIStot ti. Tt ii ltes titcor
terst 1isublic srotvi tinitat b'r the iitti. 1 i ~vivi i
tila t ilo ltitks tis ' is 'c rea't- twventy six miii utes.
21cc indl lintjo Clubs this yvar. stt uetsstioni biefore tli'' \itertit n Seveval meithvesu( viiiar -E
Thre Fr eshmen Gasther. Ipeple. lotaysan'titvltitthe ciyvs oh ing a bicycieclus.liTheriss.ars. over
ttthw le citilized woirldiare swatshit two iititvredl andtif ity awhee ls in
The first soviaiiiof this.slaistsitf'9 i ng for the soutioinoftheto"btoteni the Ctfiievsity aannviti la1 dy ridters,
givevi last eviln" it Newvbserry hali of constlitiitialvoahliiiliandv sdoubtless a bihe i.clubv iltl ibeI
sa aeypesn n succesfli W ietejdeswr eiig<"'!a success it fornmesdiat the I. of0I.
event andl sas senjoyecvibyiiithe i moe mLic wsatStrnieid, and ias COLLEGE ATH-LETILS.
thtere.'Thie 'Sty 'indilfettive sopi' btioe Un iitivstvrtit tlePiiversity o01Pensyiitt ia
mores reminledI it itonim ii iIa teviiliiditi' n ' lnthas lic ia iacros team.

0l 1t, 3 -8 W - _Idtttcl.
iIhmond 5fhi§Nlh't tit.
Wili!1 ste1mya itl
Set'r5e t 1151a i15 ta'S Itr'ti c o


terrifiedl treshmn hadi vitllvlsptcri
piosnensionl of the whole buildsing
and htad a good tinme generally.
The hail wsatstetviily sdecoratevl
sitin yellowv anti blue binting andv
tropical plants.
'Te onlly attractiona in thte formt
of a progranm wan tinging by tile
freshman glee club. They sang
"The Yellow avid lue," were
heartily applanded and responded
to several encores. It seas the in-
tntion originally of those having
the social in chlarge to prepare a
more elaborate program hot the
brief time the committees have had
to wvork since the close of the vaca-

taing the ssaiting crowsil. 'l'hse 'ae-hlarvard athletic gamies ________________
'The vdecision, givens by voessov still be helvd iniCanmbrisdge, -May i.
Thioimpsoii, ssas ivi favor of M' r. There are ten colleges represenitesh - . I i'N'UCAN,
Wilcox. Judcges oia tiioviht aind in the W~estern Intercolle'giate. Aml
composition w5ere, Juldge Clicever, letic Association,.o 'MVERCHANT
Prof. Johinson and Rev. Mr. Sundher- The basebalnmanagement oft
land. Onv delivery, M1'r. laskixis, University of Chlicago has receivesd
Nr.tLadd, and Prof. 'Thtompsont. applications for ijo ganmes thinsnm- T'F l L..OR
y - mer. ariceinL"oleg
Prof. J. C. Rolfesvill deliver te Alatce nolg thlne ANDO Mt3ERNEor
lecture before the S. C. A. tonmor- ics," by Walter Camap, swill appear I
row, on "The Influence of the Ro- in the June nunmher of the Century --= .= OO E S
man Empire on the Groswth ofmazie
Christianity.'' A $i,ooo silver cup still be the
price competed for at the interna- ....5 W- CR 'S'_'
See the game at tile Athletic tional athletic contest in Chicago, D tot
Field this afternoons. August i r and 1n. D tot ihg n

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