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April 29, 1893 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-04-29

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'ZC(. aof . a Prof. D'Ooge lectured before tbe SIPRI N G S YL S 1 893
:i~ityClb, f etrit lat ighis subject beisg "Greece, the New
Published Daily (Sundays exceptead) duringa and tbe Oid.'" Saetcicces ml ytiic>ololiC ite SHOE LINE hereeforte. Russia, Tans, al Patew
the collegeyer b Miss McFarland, of tbe IDAIL~Y
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION( board, bas accepted a position for i
cmf ncst year as teacber of English at
THuRU UsOHN or. Aity College, in loswa. SEE ShIOWV WINtDOW. 48 SOUTHI MAIN STRMEET,
---- -On May 6 occurs tbe society
DLY tBiOiARD meeting tontghit 7:30 coolest of tbe Adelphi and Alphsa A
shari.)Ilasincss of importance. Na. he program consists of orai S PI. 1(- (IJ t1)4 . pridld
'ti exch~ange eito of thte DAILYtions, essays, declamations, read- c0fG
hias discovered the folloswing inter- ugs, aiid humorous society papers, 2 anSre.WAG E O
all of whichs will be marked by thse 2 .M i.Sre.W G E O
esting lit of newss in our of outrex-
chagescliisstiii l 7iviigii asjudges.
"Te t~is~ttr o mcip las U. of Al. vs I). A. C., Aihi etic rtr f TOL °
rig i to o t.oill g toIlls 10 \ tii iso i I 111 ti f 'io a
the s1 d iEi' EE Pcie iv Ili' ~vi )1111 I , . r

tl1c caltlfir liii iii s sistaz101 b
at111i)111 w t')i(t3t it G CC
ln IVe c nnot tii ll i )ll Itr

ito. E o 11lcrv x ld ri 11c1511in1111, 0110 1)1111Sl iu ilidedi ~ x i t''
V.,.el, j'1roim; 1da 1 icyone; audek; avi alrecptins:iii~ec
Hot'sford'is Acid iPnosphatU0. l"lg expensensi$.to iF27lper wek inpiat aiiWAiSi, iii .

the Ii 11)) 1 ~t 111)0 101 lt orseherliccls for, .CL AR, Is
iilty in n ,}so l h .i ie tout .1ti ii J l- ! .s O. i. ToedoAcccc100:l<itil t .. t!)<t 21
or I't1111/ 1,1110is 1o(11 latily I~ i ilaal cti t1)11 itie11111 1 ieri ll I sos.O$.O~ L' lli'aicsttlllil'iil r
SUsocce heb i te m is scar srrysto v 1111.tetlesii I1iIIu Sill>, 11 1 I1 1;fittf' cows 'tL';)E i~
deopeors lnNclty o helibrsup- )11I haulstisoi oc overscoricit gves risiiesr Ps nI vey Way I (1i1111diy1Oc11
iiol 01 < tics lntit s o thec 00 l iiilIt ~s ilLovcn Ooiolcvraindily 00150 ci iii 1111
IDoty oz Fie. {' , iii i 1Agic'n=
Amoust excelent sod apon stle tinic ______________________________________________
cert no1ony1)i rig godiritI aniiiapp etizer. t ouiii shesaiiiil us
tainriovat, hot uidll sully asssstiis oravtes the iired hibriain ody xlirii- E i En
the wrthi uorais 10 SioIs)Uisier harts renewed energy and sitlitY '1nd
wvhose auspices it i15g'vetnJ. I is hc iiciics____ itr IiiiiLl

et'gon..,aleni. { DOccipiltise illie v enncpii ltlinitl
C155'011' 1/011!Rumford Chemical Works. Provi-
Finiit)iand trsckc athletics at thec deuce, RI.
U. of M..isa)vebecn bchiad other iicc2)ec cf itstitis id act ias.
branches of ,port inthe as.t heF<OR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS.
reasonsfrti ae hbeeii ilree
00 gc mriasmin; no11athleti c eli r 'oiec noco c l lcii c 10
inter-c ] t' w is to ccoum )) 4 Of l t )1. 51111n It
athletic 51lipl))-'10.01
ilills we nw [aePtS ,tti1.t LOSn
islic, i C1T'v i r~ it . & . ALNDRY,
able to co I' ilith anvfcl,,ilo'caltcO)
colleges. le{ 1
Theigood1effctcl smav already be 1 11
seen in theic lre.a siissber swork- Q J , L / ,,
lag at the athletii field. Still there 10111) 1111 h,
are not enough. Harvard and Yale o m rii li iv
have 12-uses each; sve only 40. r 'cock in
We ought to have at least a bun- hvoc
dred. it is the duty of every isan -ov li
wvho ca nrdo anythsing is this line to rT clvi'
coime oat and train. Tfhirty men 1 '2[ lisi I/ls
are iseeded for lisa leans going 1 toc1
It l1.
Chicago. Let every ican conse out, [' )1
arI hselp wiin a victory for tise ye1-Pdlc
lotw aiidhbtie next June. t,.
Ths otnSmpoyOceta ldytt~ill give its concert in :in arbor, y~p il
Mlay cy. ovcA fii
Today the Ikeys to theihig ain INS lCr cr
stt uligatteWrdsv'i MT ;S ill be officially vdeliveredi to tetil t odtva1 1i r.aii tateStecet,
Governor. 1DET ROIT, - - MICIIIC XN,

1A . 81'uliq iii
W .m/ ~Dilson,
I1eid1-/ l0)-Ige tie 11 's-0 / Co4
23 ODUI r OURTH AVE. ,t ..DII~'("
f . S. .,ERVISSI -,J M[:iTAG R
and liti iis D I'tcemii iu otc nabs olre ) 011 001115' 1101.1'.
Ctandy' chen ycciiciiige101stIsIrood111t1.1E. MONDAY EVENING, MAY 1st,
tolail o's1 .1. wse don't. eharge toe siyle, ibuts I
gice 11 vitt o, siiid1th51t 5is 11111-h ai.H t cand-
eld lacelles at a11l ou cis 100 the 1daad inkyilt. ;C'It5'E S 1110 0°l~ ' AA1 LATi
R.1,JOLLY & CO., N.a 26 SouthUN L TO 'CA N
(3leasin lla Iii oiillililiil. 1'weio 'laopalec. 5.111v
As~ImSthe vary chmoicest Gandle a lek. Ellaad lier loly, "Pinle." Lone11
-so- slur Quarittt. Niwne gsllli, Nell' Dances.
, , Newse 311sf, Iteeyihin Oi e.
PR=O~tt~~S - .AS - TYSTTAT-
-_____ - - SecaureScalsf- a tlts11' iceer' Stcre.
Cycle Emporium, 11 W,. Washinton St. NO 12 W. t S0'.

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