tt* / of
VoL. 1.-No. 14 7.
Psimp, Tsssttss JC/x'r TS.
Harness Occupies the Box Today.
Those enthusiasts wtho wers e spec-r
altlr anxious to see the old and thet
sets stars pitted against each other
il today"'s gaine, and thus snake the
nevitahie comparisons,cwiii he dis-
ppoitsted. Captain kohitsosi was
is s1expectedi t summooned ]ionic vcs-
tcrdai, iby 'a tele"gram ntnnouncongu
lie Seriou>1s itliess if hits Ifatther.
HIarness,. the news nsanioft iluist
siiatiy (xlr:eps et l ins «iii Os
s-ulps' the box in htis stead.i
Sa1risess w si t it(ti meth as t iti-lr
(r in Ilii s' tae ''aus, -Int
tndl sas also te hi tiptaistire
sitabash olecge severayer
iiio. (1' tn is tutu utt3 i t play tie
~itu dthe fa.adteieto h
t"st1 ill ocsttts the poititnsttirS-
s it~t~ 5 s ilsssiesl.
its onte w'eeik5'c'vo st the iltis stis
wek'usdiays its. Ause IFreemanst
Palmers. of itt'it6, sitl stirak
ieifote ttte miembieris of the WIouliels's
tsti sitsndon.Satutrdsay et-ctttts
Mr. sne jettiestsiesrsviltie-
ies its illustrastedi isetusse on5tthe
;.t ylrie iii Dress,"probablin i
I snitsessiti Hl. ' i lte sndti
plac seof iii litte'rare sbthsusbjseci
ts reitssinsbut the lires w illiibe
=purest tatd aboust tthattstile. 'Vise
wsorntenn of the mseslicat ldepartmsenst
srnug B rs. Inesss i ser tiere mist
tetprsiceessare sail to (n) tois1ise
ikssrtia's ( \iis ItI is extpectedi tliat
this letture wiltlineslies totimesns ii
swomten atlik.'hsia great u)p-
isorissiity toisertieiwio womteni, ciwose
reutation is a sufhicient oguarintee
for the clharacter of their lectiures.
Women In the U. of M.
According to the niv calender,
the following is the nttmher of womn-
ein students in all departments of the
M edic-- . -- ----------------- -- 59
Parsi---. . . . . .
Dent . . . . ..------------------.
The '94 engineers had their final
examinations in CfalCUlUS yesterday.
The Webster Meeting.
'he iseetisig of the I c1ster
Societylasit cressisig, tisougIshs inct el
atteindesdswas cery isiterestinits" -'1
ass ersrscas smasde by publtishinis the
swrosg proigramiiyesterdsli, sicto-
slay publihiitttheosse thts i ca - .i
niestsuit.tDeclamution M.i ur
chart;t raton, tltitEhos; isis
prottti 'Msesss tties sitDess-
lir. Te si-ib'te ' ss iel m
she qusestioessIsesoledi s ht l
tse Sitites sitouiil lie 'i ii taniteet
sTh siu- gdeaes i e: h'
'ita v' , 'its .i Bri ih rt ustie
eIistss',sIti si~ts ii Te tii si us
discussleii ioonts iqe siutituws pits
'itessrs lre u,, lists ipson
I rtitLoban os.te ntive t
let'i Mess...Mor1s, usts adD t
Symphsony Looteci.
'Tie ifths annua iio(csut iislisthoral
sionssetrsesstilt te i e il ,
ini tivesity Mali.i liiconuittsi
wcmi g alit in theii iltiayles
j Eastern Athletic Tournament.
'it IPhilelphliaMy1t n
sts isunderItieisticses iii tie 'Ath
lic Asi iso iat i of tthe 'celiy ki
isvy a tturisamsenst ifir 'sesrica
coltsges wil ilihe hetl nonth
go sissfsis iii siss Athletic: 'issoia- i
tto . IPrepaisra it Iis tte ciiest,
nuiew itab tou t, til]tceilptittoti osne
of the mstsiexesitss andliesrest'
ing iter-ole Iaeconestsi hlut te
catcnintiu i sa i mmsits fItle
evensts trill tic:
Quate mill un
'ilfie silt un
fOsesile si ills.
j 120 issi llits litsriig's
22o issr listsrtle race.
pRutsnitghihj' p
IPtle s tsiltijig
Put litsingi ti oundtishot.
1 w sitsilebicycste raic.
Rosstoss Sy titlitts ct ite,,tt s sassioiii A Modern Husbnd.s
tieairisngsite ofte isetsisitoiswitsh__
t'sitctcsskt sidisputes withis in-his TIississoringiisthe ltoiardsls're Isi-
steins thle scupsesisas as'' bitlledlfor a '5 o li i-cv
tEligeti It.'ilicit is ansitstof the title tos lei renisisscsiatithe hilts 5t
highest gifts''a genisli fct.1 otioue sie't I testily' cestsis" I t is
is knoswn i as a compstoseriswtossios onctile notrisof Ptof Ii'rdcciiIii its i it,
wvi undssutsiesdly litse. le ielthpits fosrmserly of tht.soA.ITe ld
the grieatBintlh105en scontio its Eptupilis dituf endes o0111tissky'''ciill
lat, site of thenkilest issuepiiosbletileaiced to lisrsithitsil tias c s ci
f fthe issisortaii comtpoiseriswhsi Iss a success-tieltai'y' hav1 i unthree
isot inapitly heess tel siesithe''Shiake- I conssecutiv'e snishts this sweek, 'it 1)n-
sipersitf'Niusis.'' We lo osrsard itroil, hefore "totd houses.I lie play'
to a svondssflttly esnoyable eveninsg.'a'sfarce-csissesdy'itsfous 'issis fits
Ints ic sontsetiision s osuilstate ltetastsic notce the statistof 'its.
tat Putt.Staisley ciii "ise a t'l: ii' ene lst 'i ise seliossise secog-
thie programn on 'Frisday',st y s'% N., I nineeas the furmer ''insising mn"'
in roomti 24. The price oit extra lick- cdihi~trcisce, ansi Miss Etutnilie lii-
eliscviii he sue dollar anis cats he oh- Iswards. A feature of the pieceslic-
tainsestussder the issual coniis' at ilitly menstioisedi by the critics is tie
Calkisi.'s or Clnestnt's and at the diasning of Miss MlaodIHtarris. Miss
hail oss uight of cnsenrt. 'ke swill Harris is also a singer of souse fame.
pishil program its full. tye arce rise play will he given here but
glad to annsounce the soisoists for one night, M~ay 3rd.
"Faust," Mrs. Gesseva Johnston-
- ~~~Again Harvard Downs Dartmouth. rmuh
B ishop, Margueritta; Chss. Know,
Faust; Mr. Heinrich Meyn, Me- Thursday Harvard again wvon from
phisto; Mr. H. M. Jouy, Brander. Dartmouth by a snore of 6 to o.
Symphony concert, May s o, Dacm- Bates and Howe pitched for Harv-
nation of Faust, May 27. ard, Slaurtleff for Dartmouth. Dart-
mouth made only a hit.
Rev. J. M. GItton's theme Sun-
day evening will be "The Garden of P Fte :W:.' Ross is 'suffering from
Eden." ..quite a severe eAse-of poisoning.
j (0OFYOUR--
Maited to You
7 1 Throeugh'sYour
1 -I Y
1 -
IRIQhrnontJ Straight Qrtt.
r j tr iin t o vay i i t l5i5it
tii i ue siu' osrs, eisithsasinthe picenit
siss5us.tsi tuiu cts " 'isf 'sitheniirss rssi
sit its isiiss igrt s te , wilstits
tri stlt'' ii 'stto cus iss-Rrn u e ior to
ii t The srniss tittt n S tragh
Att Oinl Br aLEdANStat LAtS I tic =
Th ir N'i'itSlin tnet.
bai guse stAmstseri fiunothisonCo.t,
Jleg isis his , -es ia Reichmod.y giiat t.
I t i reporEl at se c-=mtc
appinZtd byi'Psitopcilonimebase-
hail assessment is turning its money
very slowly. MNore acivity is urgedi,
its order to assure a well esquipped
team represesstative of the class.
The menmbers of the jusnior lawv
base ball team were measured for
suits last evening. Manager Mc-
Roberts has given the' order to
'Spalding & Bro.: Mr.' brown was
recently elected cptain of tlb leanm.