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April 30, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-04-30

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"I.of '~~.'~ ~ boxes<posted inthe varoucs uild- right
ings 'Thnrsday afternoon reveatesd
Putblished Daily (Sundays excepted) durngnotasnl5tm nayoeo
the Colliegeyear', hbnt a ingl itesinany ne o
thens. Yesterday afternoon one tseitgst
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION solitary campus note--that from the
meilabueilding-reweardledthe ii -
fiseriptias price $2,530pereare, ins'sriabty Wo
iadt'snee'singie seopisn3:1ents. On salenat lector. \si item seesits often so50t
Cheehansa ndsaats tftice netes stand at It3 small as to tie scarcely worth swriting
We'lcii, noon. Subncriptions may bet iet at
the ottice at the DAI', Optea Houaeehtsch,at ouit andi droppinag ini one of ttie
Shechain's, ats tointet's, or c til any sf the hoxes, hut smati items make great ___
edlitors. __-__
omncain shoulidtrecachi tetofficby newispiapers, andilby ioccasiona,t
t'cltoch P.At. itthieyare to appearstie lext pitr rmotiew r a t =

Ditpon's Tennis Rackets
F'O I802
tacets atnd a Comptete Linse of Sporting Gotds.
)lesale antd Retail Agents for Michigati.

ieee Mtttiitseee.
Ann Arhnr, Mihlil.
IF. E. 5 .i .T, flit. '951, Ittalgix I..litor. 1
J. C'. 'i lI;,I . 'i?,, lisiiic s Aliia-'er.
It.A 1i r r.,tI'eiiii ' 94.lt i
t. a t I CS I st , Lit. .'3:3 .
NV 1UC 5 ZS itiei'9 , li 'ii
ccA If i-s , it, t. '15.
lii ,.ltit it~ ,. ,.- nl~ 1 Itii'; 3IsL ESt I %i i
'i t i 'I'e i iiitttitdo i' no t ii l'lesresol-
itiltle tar theo io tt liii f o rs

I temss of geinerat initeresit"still
alwrays lie gladly receiveit atiilsseid.
S'tutu tortant tpercsonals regartdinig
the great iiass if lundelrgratduatesc,
are slit regarideid as comntg siniser
this headtt, though tpersontals cost-
cerninsg the proessors, attumni sir
Iformier stuitents ire miatters of tes,
an asewtill bitdli)tii'sttiotietl so fl-
as knowin i.
s Titeen susiss nt Ito lriit'e'.oti's
ILelanditStatifon) junlocrU'iis-.still
liate a climtt. of hells, for wshIicli the
stcudienits ire i 'cutatiu-eaii c ti'i Is

Is te LEADtING SCHiIOiOL sif II'SI'ipts.
Fou dparnietti-Cotmmteeciial, No t-boot;~5
omanuscipitettit-Engttlitsh. Shortandttandx
teoaneh elicit itructortis, lasa it
a sill'itti ttlpositt'ion'.
For aageadress I. It. ILEA lit,Pestidet.

thea ontiteIse'. 'This little tgiiI is ci TNTF'
tsitily asci l(iswondertt't. tShe sca lplay L L N
iilrtt ii ueitststiuetl, cii lsitsgzstill, -
aI('ts siboussthIei' soiCrigi lrt iii thet
i"Drss P aradei, Inspecit tion 111lnl t'el
tetphe, itsiesttt, mando'lin(ts11-Isles'in
plety o u ll 'sl(..e clo"~sedita veryenijits- IS
abeenter'txaitiistIt is nott acsit]
puny s il i ' t e st aistsi liso t t o titodl i
siieslier sif' tie fsil i s iis l ist.re '
fts' tiubhisst thtitngs it s ssitsssgs, ttvs's-
coatins, s01 or tis]se igs, it. willbe to Andyu neett e teln f ol
displaya)lsitsi'he 'iook IIssite, Thus-
sits, April 2cih, iby the Isslslt'scEagle Fan c V
C'stomssis li'tilesit ofsitrosit. TIhey'
ontly hatiniliethes'stt gtoods sIdemployst
thes most arihs'isi("tters asdstiaIilsors.
Y'ou sel lwuisysideptenditillge'ttinsg tshc\"esings
co'rect't'sele idmsst perfect lit, bs'
(VP R T T ' P1PP A T-T T,-,,

Si'sent profecss oofthe I its-.it)
'l'sE i l ioi ltI>\ivtel ti15. CIi li enn., s ia e beniskecd cto esleign.
I~t ~tS -sll st tsits ~- 'lhcy axechasttrgeet silt tehinigtpar-
tan politic's.
till . lii ticsstillI itt - tle' thieologicai coltilofiioIrtpror
ltcst isc; Moilday i ithe s~v;isisseitnl asersilies is. \'Tle, ('tos-
ssill iti' e itl)]I sepori t till itnt'r- gre'gttitssai ]Ht a rds, (I 5t tritist
iltisstall tatte's. Princtont,Ire-shyteritan;('itictigo
_°' I'Uivt.,. ~~isit t

tdays'5isstte ' tt-ath ttsttsrs5itfcredlit Its.ivekts I is lce'o i iascge'l Its
for editoirs tof the' 'olle't' ate'r s ti Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
cot irritlesi hdailsyt ssiltr si theislt iiiu cte sixth college Saturday April 30thiMchgn alwy
not rittn b ant Inentb r o'stesdaly." I1 te I etc tics itiaie. 'lise'hgn alwy
psresessnct icicbardl. I 1Oi i ~.+,I t ,,entil,,,, st iii' sttee',ittthe ,se,
'ItM" iWictistofi the'- . lIeli,- .\sit I! iese isvtile potillar atos lts at . ccatin Xii ii I at stintt e ii Suit Iitslti i aaolliasu'.ve lcd
uy GIttG NOttI'Hi.
Ittilis tiourt till ItIi) si tsMit asi S at i stics takens in t h ie1liary io Itft , a ,,Sit hlti itii.thatitI s1 itioii
N Ma., iutitaett l...........4. '5 1i.im
Ils l tasge s th soe c ati n, is t ittution:i Itoet, I rust seig \o Not-l ; i 'ttltitii Liiiiil55it5 ii itt O">t~t t~u-u
Ile hear'Isiitily om endsed I'liltcasuit sat, I lassllorte; Essit , Irtvlug. !Aus 'l kt Nit. Ma.idtu P'ai s c s let.... .... 11 . in
hils s-sut ris are'Hlti t itt b11, i tlesoerIs. I 3hs i trainin g iii the' I Itir tu'.Iym Nit. 5.Pcliii) eT le do Aco- - - t luta.it
aund shotsldintlble' sio regarided. isser- 'itlgte ''etitf01')I, byt A Quik M thS Tan3adt u ewe n ro w
ii Toledoaonly.
--- - " John Us(trItilc, its I itliuig fttr )tlty', 1 is i I Csteiilitai arTtu etitt.
i i ltaimsedh by the I) usiyIarils, iAli ieTrais iairy' exepti Sundayt.
1tha t obinsotsnl t'e A1111Atrbuturitllsr i'a pracltil eplantaioneos.t]lotwsecol- N I ur Ite , c~i,, tsth wS. It1. IENNIst, It.S. ao ssuNsiots,
ushs shiicle s h ii Met 'u sls' eg atlsletes are' fittedh for Idesperte' I Cae.sts. Agtatenut. 'LocaI Aent
is sitthous''h asInoIti stts 55 Isvi list, lii it u te f ae hns
it itlls ts' litrtioit stea liente itn e strllgg ics. ,\sistMtc s numbule'r i),of si h osi Itxtitcuu, _____________________________
stiodithitthe Iletad tof'thiseZtitttntl L ea~'- eauti I I lustr'atios is a fisne f'll-antil tii t itie,,
('issCrnlue t usilAprilt2.Cc,
If the' taredincal'eally sets up this Isage' giol 1ofitthse'te'amtisluestiin.K
5etttiii,(wchetitrare'nstltretaild)L-NSSLCAS ie, 35, 50 and 75c
iUIESLCASsrcs t)cblievse' istilwsteesicit), it nsicrvd eservtedeuats ax- t 1'. .Netrs Stand.
a nses exechatge' editoer. 'the'('huietago ,tNittice'a ii-etultin this iscolunat t11 1-ctt
or10eens ip'rcline. Spteilrael 1'(!r un uues
ands Dectroit idailiecshate' publishuedta tit',and exa+eIsutuensil ed br as-plyinug am UJ H A[_L(LE R
riftutatioss if the' fake' atndhit re'eiv eel The Noss ]Famtlyt)pressesstiedltheir T Y~ ,
itase nostice ini this tolisun sosse tinse mstiiclnovsetiesbeforetxsnsppreeia- iRepaieing. a speilty. 4tUTH AIN Sits
a to, The actions if tse Susn in thst eventintg. It is as wonttder'sfunnaily anid '-.
promsoting, swithsout commnt its to eachion~e ofthem plas from nuuje to i- a TION & OS
thse virtue of the repourt, a state. and eiptive pieee, "thin leighing party,"t
senseleun canard, swe ssffer to pass Brh throwsain n extra oneo to make State Street Grocers.
siitsogooritcisasunre, aettually playinsg on P1 11 GR.A PIIE Studtents patronage eapeciathy sotliied.
t.ites _ifeea-Parasnt, tig NO. 12, W. HURON ST. 24 c. STATE:.STREET.

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