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April 05, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-04-05

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VOL. IV.-No. 1,37.



one of the Yale debaters in the Har-
In the Debate Tomorrow Evening Review of the Candidates for the
-Messrs. Mays, Marlatt yard-Yale contest last year. Last Nine.-Weak Behind the Bat,
and Lindley. year M r. Marlatt attended the St. Strong Elsewhere. "BL H . o fe , i o e a
Louis law school and entered the U. ' .ie practice of tlhe past few days ie-on orchestrh.
The inter-university debate with of M. as a senior law last fall. He has aided Materially in determining The prettiest i-altz sin "A5f rtieder-
Northwesternoccurstomorrow even- is a powerful and eloquent speaker, the nake-up of the nine. Practice sehen."
ing in Universityhall. Michigan will and is a splendid man to open the is . ueautipai y illustrated title page. Every stu-
berpeetdb ess asaddbt.is picking up in most particulars, dent shoulmhy a copy.
be represented by Mtessrs. Mays and debate. but there are several points where ,
Marlatt of the law department and E. C. Lindley began to make him-.p 01-231
improvement will have to be made.
Mr. Lindley of the literary depart- self heard about twenty- three years 51 South Main St.
Eight positions on the team, it
ment. We give below briefsketches ago. Dublin, Ind., is his native cai be said, will be at least satis-
of the lives of these menufrom which place. le, alsowas a country boy. factorily filled, but behind the bat
t will be seen that Michigan has no His parents both came from North
wve are lamentably wveak.. The only
reason to be ashamed of the men Careinaaherethebfmilyhadll.edI
Carolina, where the fanily had lived hope is that the work of the catch-
chosen to represent it. for several generations. Mdr. Lind-
erasosay improve, thsoughs, at present
J. I. Mays was born twenty-five ley went to the 'Fairmount prepara-ps
years ago in a log cabin that was tory school, where in 1888 lie won .gorethevtonrtriof the
situated up among the mountains of an oratorical contest. In 1889 lie iforthersalet'otop rosAp
four catchers left to pick from, Ap-
eastern Tennessee. He went to entered the Ann Arbor high school person Drumheller, Koenigstein whesysuwanttieratssttr oiitanstytes
hnyuwn h aetMtooia tlsschool in a little old IOg schoo adordatd:ih h pas fg >>of$u, $3. $4 or $5 Shoes at;-)(c to $ a pair less
9choandndgrdeuae, the bestlshooiggthan Ann Arbor prices send for Cataoue to
house. When he was twelve years During his attendance there lie was has been made by Apperson. Were
old his parents moved to Kansas. a member of Lyceum No. a, and
he as good a thrower as Drumheller,
For the next eight years the boy re- kept up his debating practice .e could call the place.satisfactorily- v
ceived no sctooling, but read so h throughout the year. Mr. Lindley filled. IlsE'1IOIT, - - MICHIGAN,
books as came in his way, whenever entered the University in 1891 and The showing made by the candi-
he bad the tine to do so. He fin- is a member of the class of '95. He dates for the box is surprisingly
ally made up his mind that lie would is a fiery and rapid speaker, aid a good, and it is rather difficult to
ike to get an education and entered man of unusual abilitysa
ie State Normal School at Ens- -- _Y sift out the material. Hollster,
poria, I-as. Here lie remained Cant. Shields' Injury. Erogman and Bently will probably
three years. He took great interest Capt. Shields is now compelled msake up the trio in the box. Hol- PHOTOGRAPHER, - 6 E. HURON,
in debating societies ant stas a C lister is not disappointing the hopes sas secured the serv ios ,of AiI. xw. 1'itai)sb,
inneratinsof e espaen-stessIto coach his team from the side lines, placed in him, xwhile Erognman is o r,tdiers and o-
membe of he Apha enat deb t te muscle he injured in sliding to-
nur club during lis enire school iemsl i ijre i icis ostronger than ever tihis spring.
ngcbdrighsetr sholstecond Tuesday being so badly nt sstogert x a FRESH ASSORTMENT
life therele has beeniin three B. cod1ssa bigs alylently is strong iii the bux and an ii>
e strained that he cannot lift his arm. eFr--
deai otss n eevdteexcellent fielder and base-runnert\Z ,
lebaigcsetaiirev th It is possible that lie may be able First base is left to llackie
highest mark in two. 'For two years to play by the time of the southernIsQssett acez
lie was president of his class. Last i and Morrison, and will probably go sQ O O E
trip. This is certainly a typical in- to Mackezie. le lys his basei
alheeerdteawdptetstance of hard luck, for it would be . TUTTLE', -4, S. State 't.
and at the preliminary contest dis- asseofsarshwell and is a good batter and base-
ani aithedprliir by tesblearg impossible to replace him as cap- mir.dbasA L W
tinguished himself by the able arga- tain1 runner.
rent be presented. Mr. Mlays till - .---- ISecond base may be conceded to w5i50ht, 1 o11n--,VittcliOsesr o. & .
be the third speaker on the affirma The Senior social Russell, whose fielding and throw- ti('--for $5.00 is the se sdio of tne
teing are first-class. He is surer and itor. see it it the window of
tipve. Ninety-four's social will occur .
About twenty-four years ago t, iety-fou r s tll ou quicker than Makiver, Iafayette's BROWN'SDRUG STORE.
people of western Pennsylvaniahia ve be o second-baseman last year.
of the most successful of these en- tteen Deans and Chanbrs fur
gan listening to the eloquent voie joyable classgatherings.Everyone
of i . W. istIarlali. He wsa a farnm- Sat1erigs.EveYon third, the choice easily falls on
I attending is expected to wear some Deans. He plays a strong game in UNUIPE
er's boy, and got his education at design indicating his future occupa- almost every respect, though not
the district school. In the course always a sure thrower. He willo .-- -r G
of time he entered the preparatory tion in life. No one will be pre- materially strengthen the team at BASE BALLX GOOD
sehted fromenevagcfllnyefahe waytsrthird.
school of Geneva college, and a year to. A number of selections will be The contest for short stop is
and a half later the college itself. rendered by a quintet from the close between Pepple and Condon. Suits and Gymnasium Sup-
I n his first year he won a prize for Banjo club and other features will Pepple's all-round work is the best,ple
a well-written essay. In his second not be lacking. Dancing will be while Condon is the surer fielder
year he won a debating contest. and thrower, but a poor batter.
Y the principal amusement during the In the outfield, besides Capt. I'ou arre invited to examine stock and prices.
During these two years he served as later hours. Light refreshments In t outeld beaige pt.i-
Shields at center and change pitch.- __________
president of his class. His senior will be served thoughout the even- ers, there are three strong men,
year brought him new honors. He ing. It is hoped that the class will Waterman, Wentworth and St.Clair. A
won an oratorical contest and served turn out in force. The fielding of all three is excellent W A HlZ1 i
as editor in chief of the college jour- -0,and each is strong at the bat.
nal, of which he had been one of Oxford defeated Cambridge in the Capt. Shields' work on the field, UNIVERSITYBOOKSTORE
untilhe asiurhabens
the editors for three years. Mr. field meet recently. untialhe was injured, has been as
reliable and brilliant as ever. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR,



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