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tions may be ieft at the office of the lDAILY,
at Stoffletas,wibh any of the esditora or
authorized nolicitors.
C'ommunications shotild reeach the office by
7 o'clock P. a. it they are to appear thte next
(lay. Addreses all matter intended toe pablica-
lien to the Managing Editor. All bustneas
communications should be snt to the Bnai-
neat Manager.
Ann Arbar. Xieh.
C., A. DcriSONi, Loae '94, Managintg Editor.
13. A. SPswInG, lit. '9d, Assistantt.
. LIoose, Lit. '95, Assitant.
F'. W.A Ieno, Law '9ii, Asistant.
J.A. LEcOYr, Lit. "'96, Athletic Editor.
.'.ou. A. Moonx, Iii '97, Businesa Manager.
H. 13. Gtioncon1, H.(.4. al W
Hi . , sMEDICAL.
1% 1'.Sadler. '91. R. L.Mrltidol ae. 'il.
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larryColemooSe. i. i'.lJnnins,'lil.
All 'opy moot be stithe office before 8::30a. m
of tlse doy of pusblicatioii
'Tbe Editors dn not hliid themselvs Srespotn-
ile for' the opliio n rstattients of c'ni-n
pondentos tiineing in theDtILYs..
sale of tickets, whlich shottld be lib O U
e ral whtn ne consider that the irice
of admisoion has been fixed at te A ]H IEsalsmo wnyfv et. I
On to Sracuae they will do for you and how to ob-
__toSraus.Lain -them.
Th li eainfo Mcia ote convention of the American Re- TRADE RECEIPTS.
poblicao' College league in Syractseo ae ouon issued by iiercbassts for the purpose of shoxwing tie-
Neon fork, xwili trace Ibis afternoon. atount oftcshl tratde they get frinsusbcribers foii'fthe Coluiimbian.
'Aniong those who wiii attend may Cyclopedia.
be mentioned: Pros. James J. Sher-TR D RE IP S
idWan, Delegates F. C. Kuhn, Geo.TR D RE E TS
WFuller, Coeo. F. Leotard, L.. G. cats be secured to the full asnoont of yoor purchases ft'osm all sner-
WlongF and others. chsants otn o' list by presenting an. Identificatiots Card issued by u10
To 0.- _icunWoa Sfrae sh.owinog tisat yon are a sobscriber for the Columubiati Cyclcopedia.
ToDicus omn ufrae TRADE RECEIPTS.
T1he Jeffersonian literary society i do otiloimeatiatiy increase its the price of goodcs purchsellbd, orthiat
will meet this evening at 7:3o. 'rhe ouvot muso tl u y tosoreItiat ouciiare nosebiuyitng.
following is the program: Reading, ( TRADE RECEIPTS.
J. lKroodsend; declamatioti, 17. C. cost absolutely lnothling except tile tt'outble of going lto the stores.
Abbott; society papoer, J . T. 5Wag-xx'iei'i'thley liiay be obtaitied atid siakitigyoutr purciases tiei'e.
loer; biography, G. J. Glenn; de-T A ER C IT
bate: "'Resoslved, That ihe oxten-TR D RE IP S
sion of the electoral franchise to as far als lmerchanst are coticertieol iieauns itiereased tirade fo to'theti'
womoen is inexpedienot,''off. *, anld that c'ustomelrs artoisliaie the benefits of it.
A. Coutits and M. McConahey; ne0g., TRADE RECEIPTS.
C. E. ('hatdman and N. K. Moore. xwiii be'.iac'cepthed by us at otne-ten~th theu' fare valiue inl fill lil>'sn'ti
Advocate Physica Education. for a set of the Colllumbiano Cyclopedia at r'egulatr' lrice.
The annual meeting of the Amer- TRADE RECEIPTS.
can Association for the advancenoentI will thlereforle secsire for youl absolutely fsree if cost a1 referetice li-
Meerso f 'ue )osix'staf ~ of physical education xwiii be held in 'brry',o f 3 vxolues, 6l.00) pages arod 7,00 71iilsottations.
night,;7:o0 o'clock. Every mom- NoeIHavens, under the auspices of TRADE RECEIPTS.
her is urged to be present pronsptly tase officors of this l~nivorweity on the to the llilltlnt of txwenty-fixve dollars sectored ft'iiti any oir till if til.,
on tinme. last three days of the xeek. On stoles xviletititle youi to is voluime of'thle Colum~sbiant ylpeis
- ('T'iursday and Friday afternoons sev- IExtra sClive I ildiff C''lied,
air the meetiing of the Republi- oral eminent specialists will readj
can College league in Syracuse papers, and on Friday evening I)r. THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS ISSUE TRADE RECEIPTS:
tomorrow Michigan will have a Sargent, of Harvard, will deliver an 1%I'IIIB-IC I 1AIZi) 'AIIE Co., . . V 'III.ISS, Plmosgiapiiei'
strong representation. O~ther col- illustrated lecture. 'Tle sessions S'."IEiI1,FIl' & Iltl('IIEL, Utopila Millinters.
leges look to thse '. of M\. as the hare been arranged for conovenient l IIIEI£IBA ('II 111.7 AND CHEMIICAl.. Co,
msother of the leagtue, and illis prob- hours. This mseeting xiii be a loot- ( I. ~ QENU , lt. AN51B)INTA IUIIY
able that our boys xiii take a leadl- able event for studlents of physical S A m11~hH& C., (rsoceis cd ocey
ing part iso the dleliberations of the science-Yale Newvs.
conoventiosn. PALACE + BARBER + SHOP .
" - - Al 115Bati Io is-. IV. 1a. OQl'EN, 'rois._
'roseiiterrcollegiate debate to ior- 'No . st 1seeos Sht.oppo sicort
H u~. i H i '.iicold nd ,«_,t :iIt dosis. o.r
rote night pronoises to be hsitly con c-Irtu,
tested as all the parties iterested I d 'r u hCIitii
have taken great pamns in their prepo- I 5 i cisrensoAND00EiVERsYiiODY.
the preliinsary debate will testify lakes it '5t PIlace. U1~&HLL 1li~1Teispihone 'i15.
to the fact that our debaters showed HoodA- Popae f e~~j~feostwa t~Y
an eniemseyover tesujcBt,]aselball abed IL.awsis Teinnis.
entie ulster tho subectIs the snost effective and agree- 5e ldini~ n lBasebll11andI Last I tittin 505'-
atod thoeprinciples of debating. sratintsed exlusively tbros (ot l teI.1 n
F~rom thor accounts of our opponents, able remedy in existence for tlanat.iline'ade martl. is tltirne ..
auuch may be said of theum. Preventing undigestion, and to- A G Salig & Bo.
press, a Chicago. New York. Philadelphia.
One thing is absolutely essential in lieving those dilseases arising '5' r NA~lhA 2'I
order to mtake a debate a success 11111 L'fl1V14rLiLIIL Is 1the LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS
audencmo.en audisordered stomach. (, aridSHORTHAND., Oftnitist iding;nala
and that is alarge afroeoceIo ent aFteNNARtaR. tecools;dlargeatteedtile
tuisi stdns wilot eics,, Capital, $'50000. Ssrplus adProfits, 30000. iteecek; Itell supplied r'ding'erooma; daily lectuoem'
thSpesssguenswihotehlslr.W.W.''Olx aitilaye ningaereeptions;opeIt ihet entiea
Srp 'T G rn r nfel, Teansacts a geneal banking busilees. Fone- b'sepissal facililties tor placitngsudensi n pool'
th sea er cnn t e xp ctd oeig n ehange bought and said. Letters or tioiii-shtiihiaiitlaael.siatatttt,l le itiolicr
thespakes annt e epetedtoMsss., says:;"I value it as an encellent credit prnoueedlfor travelers abroad. eneense $v o u$_5.75 pee seeik itspivelesotamilies.
do their best work. WVe trust that peeventatine ot indigestion, and a pleasant P AFPe.S .CAKOCsir o NwCtlge drs
the student body of this university aciduslateds drink when peroerly dilated witshss fDnig udFse .R LAY as
will take sufficient interest in this Swaooee, oniing.sweunienedr,'
dlebate to furnisho a large audience MAYNARD STREET. atT1Zners'
as is done on like occasions at Har- Delseritive pamphlet free ass applicaetian to 5 t1 'IS AC i"MV aiag000 trltsa23Pois$700
vardandYal. Te epenss o Rufor Chmicl Woks)Proidece,.I.Does agenneral banking bilsinean. Pays inter-
RumfadtlaeiHasarSafenvtennee.I rC n stedl fors1lissain Paeties, Eseep- est io Savinga Depeit. J'Sft
the debate are large and must be Beware of Substituten and imitatios. tins, Bsanust etcdo.tEns. publicshll.i Depoait Boxes fur rent.
obtind romth pocedsoftho Fr alebyal .~ugsss Strtangers mutt be introduced. Residensce 0. K£IFPe. ' . OR. BELSER, Cashiler.
obandfofh rcesofte FrSt yalDusts and offie at Acaidemy. Rsnk uoen Satur'day evening.