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April 08, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-04-08

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, n. Wiai p.
ai.. I.-tiĀ«. 1:,15.
tiai+,, Tiui-:c:Cc: i-r.
Secretary Wade's lImprovement.i;,C ostuc tol of in taddition to
tight ner ao, otiecamiipiis prese nt- - ll iiectioiiof detl -it idi
"d aver unatrativeapparane. N-ili the.Bilerii tclitAilarras< ii ieu
X ar--n part iof it ii it init-, tl i' l ~tti
Iral siatic. iI i i iiiii and l iereriii - r iaeancwttsh oftw n Iii
of the icnii i iiiiiil thicre rere Il uilsii ll il(''11st biitir h ue
icitd ll is house.cI
th a di iiii r;iltth l ti i o
liii- i-ereiiiliiiiiat aiddumping11111-01111(li
fot trub bcil T e ra asaliiii lic towe 11.Fitigi th' ' -i run s
,fla i ad iiicetlic catimpusltiatscii .Biliga tsto-etcalk oil the
"redI twith tail grass, tiiere' beng oiiiy noitt ideo of c'aiiiiiiii
liattscci thec'stuidentscould "ct 13.(C'sig if the north room ion the
thirdftoor of' museun.
to lthediffer'nt buildings. dlr. WXadie 14. Repairing and littig up utl)of'ol
01100 liltarrival, begatn a sy-stentaticihospiitticsiiir dental idepalrtmtent.
Alian of cleaniig tiltanditleve'lintg the l15. Gne rat repairo anti lilting il) of
tttiiptirill the hbuilings-
Wher thecamus ws lo th A ADirector's Meeting.
carface toil twat remnovedl andthetl At the special imeeitig of thec-ex-
tshtt and cnde'rs remaining ont the ecutivecbitardi of the Athletic Atto-
grotitdo twere putintoand icoteredi ciationl at et-ening, $riS50 tas ap-
over ithiitheile wllichthad bien propiaitedi for te-nnis. The ela-
remlotvcdl Itnthiictat- a lar--e part c ourts aite to be refittedimmeuiicdiately-
of the twest idie of the camiiiii has andtwiio newi'onues buii t. ivt- grass
beencillhed tip.ILact spring liebeic Ioturts ili Ialto lieimadle inithe
gll the contrtutctioti of the State southeast ctirtier of the campus~tl.
strettwtalk.IEventtually, thbit walk fTe rit-ileges of oteitbers hate
ill be exteiidecdartotund the ramusit uincer--one sooe chanuges. 1Menibero
a distance tf vry inearly- one utile.iii the A. A.- tell 1notetate the use
11110 thrinl thec ialk twill be rontit- of the tenisl courts, free adisioon
ue il Othte tiorthlidte of the campusit to spring fieldl day, anti cain liur-
ad piossibly on one of the oilier chase season tickets to homtne base-
tides, if acsfficit qutantity ofcitrt- tail ganies for $i no. 'To all others
tders can be obttainedl. 'PTe curploc admionitoittgamtes 50 centts, seaconc
tihes anod toil 'will be usedl in fillinig tickets, $2.00.
11 lte tooth-eastern coriter of the A ganmt has been arranged be-
ttt0plst An attempt will alto be twveen the U. of M. anid Ypsilanti
4itdt to have the city authorities nine, to be played at Ypsilanti dutr-
'park' 8. University avenne, asicnlg the Spring vacation.
thety have State street antI N. tU The - -,-__
t'frti~ 'Te Election for Regents.
lost before leaviing for lils vaca- 'Teretnrns of Monday-s election
lion, Sec. W~ade nmade a statenment are very tlinic i ooting in. Te
to te Regents, calling their atten- reu t ot yet definitely- kitown,
lion to thework which it was neces- althioughl the indications polit to the
ttry that thymaesmepovso election of at leact oise of the repuob-
for at their meeting tis nionthi. lican catndidates. Regent Clark,
'hlere are it the stateentt fifteen tvho was a candidate for re-electioni
tistlict itenas, representing ainont the dleniocratic ticket, has rota
tamont of -cork greater thtan has abiout one thtoucandl votes ahead of
evtr been tdone litre before ini two lilt ticket. lHt is very popular, anid
sttions. A few of thesce items nmay receit-etd many republicans totes.
be patted nt-er for the tinie hot it is'fT repuoblicans note claim the tiec-
i~Perative that mtost of the work be lion of their whole ticket by 5,000
done this sunmmer. TShe items are majority, which may be increased,
as follows: while thte denmocratt clainm 300 ma-
I- Thse completion of the hospitals. jority, which msay be altered either
2. Construction of anm addition to way by the returns front renmote pre-
the law building. cincts.
Professor James M. Martin.
1)r. 'iartin, the rc enliieclectd
plrofecsor itofObsteticsanii 'I
coiliii- it themicl departmenti
wasi b rnli' Wa itn, i. 1.iJun 2011
ic cSiier2l. lilciaic-ylispret
thoed fiiii 5-c-itc Inc licl wlc cothtc
'Sunoo waisi spent ofil a ii ii
st-lil t the ()irc t lrc- (1iol
whche racitant toIrofheorenfdSf
ghet-oaiciteartextya scidcatour
Tirofeorloifallitenrc ytaerdiohe
anddictldeart ofchilre gruotinthe
woitotieufitiltheat eiairolassot
iTereugalit-atschotelcife liesantpeA
1 hr. :Aftiter gradat ietrseecieti
elctedssgtatProfeesoo tcptro'lStrc
aindiltidiseslii ofihilrtheldnte
actitionofntheiltdeati fProgeissor
Dttre -'nsraioatith--lie was eictedx
ceptionial facrilities for clinical stuiidy,
hiat-lug sienit lilt summtters ini the
hospitals of Newi-Yoirik, ine itt
Euotpe, andlie tas tisitedticanly-
all the hospitals in the latrge cities
of the Eact. lDr. :Martito taitsin
titie again for Euro pe, ic-lire lie
will spentd the cotmtmer its the hoc-
lpitalt of Bherlin atid Viennta.
is many friends atid former ciii-
dlents rejoice ivith hintatnd con-
gratulate Itimupon1100hilt pernianent
He thmorouighly applreciates the
conmplimentary serenade antI other
mantfestations of good twill from lilt
classes, hettween twhotm the taost cor-
dial feeling exists-
A Correction.
'The statenment 'which thteD.AILY
nmade yesterdhay, in regard to the plan
for establishing a ('otiservatory of
Music needs; correction. The plan
submitted to the Literary faculty tias
merely teittative anud brotught foward
with a vieiw to discussing thte provi-
sionts thoroughly so that objections
could be removed in a revised amid bet-
ter scheme.
The faculty have shown themselves
fully ins sympathy with the efforts to
develop niusic here and have offered
several valuable -uggestions which
will he incorporated in the project
upon which the officers of the Univer-
sity Musical ,Society are now at work.
b 'iVINII thetecpeilentc' of College
the carft u ch i uutim- otf tC'o ' to-
iett-i . ha-iingati-'-ii-ei-c' -thohpofskilled
Des-ign'rst and- Jweleh s spi~ cally
ita 'i hoo ti-tile tuti othiet jewelued
tiwork. ii- i iiitutii s wed. dirc tli
duce the ifin tst pl it t tIt i ee
Wrtghf, Kay & Co.
I1I PlltElS, h Ei'1I toR
N tNt PACt It'GiN I-1WILi It"
Detroit, UM'h1an.
Chap. Speller & .
Uiiversity Outfitters.
-I til-
idol 1'ill D.
F v Z,, Z=Na
ru s Y= 11.
NVru IEt, O Ut

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