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April 10, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-04-10

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.10 AL 49.

VOL. III.-Nu. 1 41.



MICHIGAN DEFEATS ALBION_ I such a gathering in this city, and
bans Des ffetiv Wok i th ihe so interested Isis Isearers thsat
Box-Our Boys Score 10 Runs ttsey will he glad to hear hini again.
to Albion's 4. He discussed the freedons of man
A large nuniher of spectators, is-an his tendancy to do as tsr pleased
cbstiiig imany ladies, repaired to tihe Witancs owhereushetistavency
ansahletice he field, Satsurvlay, to see thethsennc
V\arsity hall tossers takce thse Albion is carried out it results in a serious
vice into camii to the tuine of ro to enmbarrassmsent of soimeone else.
7. It swas a siiidy, disagreeable day, "May inot a man ito swhat tse will
sith Iis oswn?'' in in a aenise a max-
and ibrilliant fielding was imipossihle *~slit ii yptys'l h
Backs denionstrated isl5 yn- i hc si yptywt h
questioned ability in thse box by growvtlh of freedlom in this country.
ailoswing but one scratch lilt to thne Ae e to restrict ourselves so as
visitors. 1'vtPherran pitched swellt to set a wrong examl for those
except in the eighth, whein he be- around us? Are we our brothers'
cameu a little wild. Jefferin, Shields, or sstrskeep r his has
and earon crrid of th hoorsbeen a vital vquestion, in all time.
at te bt, hit Perso, RchThe Camns have always answered it
at te bt, hil Perso, Rchin the negative, good andr conserva-
aisd Spurney steve constpicuovinas tiver nen have atways n aswered it
For Albioii, White, Jacobs, aisdafrntve.BuChitaesna
Laindon moade a doubleply White new conmmand, that see "Love one-
made a dhouble playpl unassisted, another." Our human rules never
Lases svere stolens without regard to tract us this far. Love sever fails
tine feelings of thne catchers. Follose- but human rules fail cosnstantly.
insis hescoe:This great civisne cosnimiandtsill
bring us to the high est perfection
MI5CHIGAN. andslliigive vss a rile by whlichse
sol xi POniA viii: sill neyer fail.
trt nii---------------t5519555 t
i~i l, t ------------- -50 2 : a0 The Kappa, Kappa Gavssc - Plecep-
)iZ1 SS-- - --- -- t (1 0 t 05 tion.

New Editors Elected at the Meet- --_
inE or the Independent Associa-
tion, Saturday. A a
'q a
On Saturday the annual inerting q
and elections of the U. of TA. Incde- - AU~Ip~
prurdent Association seas held. 'There DETROIT, MICH. '
seas no business except the election
of a new board of edlitors for the en-
suinsgI-ear. 'Ise professional vie-
partmnents withdcrewv to their owns
busilcdings and there elected thseir
Thorsenttestfvhiethe ite rro- sAsiA,, Ole~i s
ceeded wills the electioin of thne no
editors whirls they are esntitleed to on
tine board. When yesou attebasest MetropoiiasSiyle
Those lecte from he lieraryofVi$i,$4a'r5$3shoes a 0 o$ arls
y hnAn r or iesied ifor iCiitlueto
department are as foltowes: E. K. flE
Towl, '93; J. S. Straune, '93;HIL f l 0.
Camumon, '94; iMisAlcott, '94;S iioisvae At.
Spaulding, '9S; R. 0. Austin, '91; DTO.r, --18 Mow_ tDhtATVT
J. L. Lonie, '91; W. IH. Chsoate, '96;
N. Fionwers, '96; 11i nnMcFarland. iq pmn StagtQ .
Fromnieelast department, I E. th on StaghJ.4
Blean, '93; C. A. IDenison, '94, and_ No1
A. WV. Iocktoss9,I, were elected. _CIGARETTES.
Atedtical sdepartument, M~r. C. N. Cigavett Smokers who
Soswers, 9';;E'. K. Martindale, 94 moritthivniithe priv ie
Dental depsartmenst Atlaile ''94' viargedi ior the i~rdisni'-
triivCigavettes, ivlli nd
'lie officers of thne board xil:be TvI'S BOANDtsuerior is
electecd, tonight, at a mseeting to trbe. "i'ni it{iiioisiraight
held for the pucrpose of orgasa. niSvi-ttizaao iii~ ci rt
tioni. Giviciuvi--:ii-a u li gini Ti s Iivy 3vtev01(
1 A Practice Court. i r ouni yo 3iadi<',4, tha te
i e Ai t ii 1(I I vs ,i icv.r) : j,.A-
A L'ractice Court'' is to be c O he.il, fal 0, tivr tcal ioieidV riia
tablisihed in the lawse lpartmsenst
swhich in to be iuder the suptervision
of osne of nlheumenmhers of tine lawe
faculty. Thsis court has been placed
under tlhe control of Prof. I-. F. 4-
Johnson, anil it is instendevd the
secoincd year stiseents shalt have a
opportunity to put thne theory of
p teadi isg into actusal princtice. I
speaking of the objects of this inewse
featisre, Alr. Johisnon says: "1A su-
dent may have finiusedt Iis coisein
thne theory of pleading ansd not bc
able to draft the sinsplest pleading,
sehile on the othser hsancd,tsrenmay
by mere routine of stork, be able tol P. J. KINNUCAN,
draft a more cifficuilt dclar-natioin oi
petition withouit knowing thse fitrst
rudiments of pleadinsg. Thse innssti-EC AT
gation oif tlhe tawsehloiilcdgo hIs in
hand seiths the study of pleading andi
therefore there in no place so sellt TA\ILOR
svited for the proper training ofa
lawyer, iii the actusal practice, as i
thse las.'' Thse Lse fourinal Inere- iN)siPR ci isOF
after wilt contan a cdepartmnsst
swhich still be devoted to giving tine ;
nests of the Practice court and the 1':E = 0 7 -N s
tarioun other courts of the lastde-
partment. This part of the journal g F05~~~T?, S'IV
will be edited by Prof. Johnson, an-'
sinted by a student, who is to be ap-
pointed before tine first of May. Detroit, Michigan:

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-'ad-----4 1 110 0i
--- --- -- -- '1° 3 i4 0 5
-itS1;1H5O i 5
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------ -i.4 0 0 13 0i -:3i
-i-- 1 0 1 1

'Thse Kappa Kappa Gammsa receps-
tion, at tihe hosme of M4rs. Fleming
Carrose,seas pine of the mnost de-
lighstful of thne season.
'The formality whlichs so often at-
tends such occasions cvan intirely
absent, and the parlors wsere fitted
weithth ~eIhunm of the solves of many
co-redn and thneselves of thne faculty.
'The iining room arrangements wre
in perfect taste. 'Tie table was
beaustifully decorated with quantities
vif pink roses and smilax and from
it weere servedi coffee such tea in
dainty cuips, cake aind chocolates.

Good Men and True.
SCOuR Y 1NI-.'s.TheAthletic Association lheld its
S,2, - 56 8 _. annual election of officers, Saturday.
:11ii ------u0i00i00 0 S4 - I4Thereisult of thne electiois nentirely
II ii ii 1satisfactory to all coincernech, as meis
E,;i-vvd rbsvii;:. i i d1ou11ble Mays, :it ere elected swho Isave the best inter-
iiiJcos oLainioii Jacos- asisted;-.i ests of thse association at Iscart.
liltckot y ani 6,vy Mvclliern, -byv 'he officers elected are as fol-
s)ccn n ail s ii. UpiresShutzii
c}'t';«s:- p ii1 ouran-ii- isinntsl Iloses: President, B. C. Shsielcds, 9
_____ Ilit: vice-presidhent,tMr. IPaidiock, g-
Prof. Mecham's Lecture. last; secretary, Jmes Ba-uird, 911st;
financial secretary, C. IV.s Rickctts;
"So use your pun as not to injusre treasurer, H. H. Sharpless; direct-
another,'' was the subject of Prof. ors, Caldwell, Martindale, Chincker-
1 . . Meham' addessSundysig, '94 its; Martin, IEi-ns, Wil-
I- .Mcaisades udyLetts, '95; Comuner '96;Inns, S.C.
mnorning at Newberry Halt. This Spizer and Batavia, '94;sedical,
is the professor's first address before iMurback; dental, Keoson.


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