. lail .
VoL. IL.-No. 184.
April Law Journal. sty le and would be of interest to the
renlerl -treader. ,Professor Abubott
Ths \ pili numbser of the Mlishigas ihais giv en the subject of legal biblio-
1,ic'srnaltesirl e hiuats o-oesow.-"raphi considerahie studs andi
'I~h aricls ae b julgeCooeythlossilt, unit the history he has
Profsso NahanAbbot ad Hn.givess is tlse resitlt of research.
isis on11. stctseois ssud'e Coolsy)' I''e eitosrssif thse Jouirnsalass-
wicrili ition isupn oereinsty ounsissthsat thse publication " has
isctr t wss ics deite vetrtse''dt ttsenmst withlsussshIsfattering suc cess that
tils i uss s tsliisoitts Sisitiits tbsenl desidesdto cointiniuicits
p(;>tigadusate laws' lut is ssssvwhts It~ hsts s sts iiiu
ctesiuest andstresisssi. It is isrittsein
sIttsit ussrni ssisisheis isyeasr,
Lis all argumit to sdisrose thisstats-
n dut hcts ias bsessniads thtithes is ssI ietvle sss ii
suies arssot sssseres''n. J sit' eisistetiossi-aestrssotsy
I Wleymsinstaisis thsat ons ofthtse uhs iisiIss cs tssestral
subtscribeld at thespsecitl price sofSr
siae c5a n tie sovereinsiasl s-t btis
l)<,'tof asFedslsUn.ionischstis it- ilb nildt h ora ni
sefsovereign,-iinotthieirors tha t a sins. tY ths pasymenst of.5 50ad-
ts 5 can tie sovcereigis as to ttsose dto ,hej osirinal ssiIwibe sesit to
tlii is whclichi directly concsernisitselfIeinoy19
The leadling editorial ini the Aprli
iet deleigate sonis of its poicer tos a
naumnberssistipon "The (Iig"isal
c lssal hodly.ITie article is ass cx-
slilyssssltcsitistos Sources of tthe 1'ederal ( oistitu-
thuus ' ' 1vlelueiiuacontriofuthenstm
p sltical litsratuire aisilwill snilosittit- . Termide ftenm
tier cointaisigssests of late sdscisioss
Clityheattsatststiii feeral -
'i " of the Ntiss iii Suprsesme Coursitthss
artiiisscsi e attistsin.is titlesu, i"Thle o h i - SpeeCut h
s'.wr posiIitingslss'E-lectours Osri- feature of ttheisiost prasctitlvsins
,111 r Lelgtd. t is al recesst sssiisissn sifthtesscosists sif last
resors fIotsisstatsssanditisdiass
imsser tos iii attack 51p0n Gessn rs. tst iis tsass lssss
(,utl~e [1'Sarg [ le t, llicl 1r s i rt-' (if cisb cosurts asndtlsis-societies{
sir 'losiolsis, ini the Ma lrchs issrsiber ameindedltio iidate.
of thseLairJousirnsal, lbases upon the Saturday's Games.
formser's statemieint thast '" the tpower
'if a state to applointl presideatial Hoswmuchtiniiterest is taskeis in
electors is ai delegatedt poswer andsibase-ball by the stsude nts at large
deslegateid only. It is sot amngs the swas stiowni Satturiday niornifug, ivteni
satural unit inhserenst rights of six teamis were at one tinie playing
states.'' General Cutclieon giuss a practice eamies on thse canilus. ()i
'ery initeresting recital of the pro- the muaiin ciamonad '92 lit playedt '94
ceedings of the ConsstitustionsatlCois lit a close ganue of seveninntiings
seition, hearing tuponi this uluestion withosut either side swininig, the
of eletors. Ie concluiies witts this score standing 14 to 14.
statemnst :' The power to consti- At the sante time ons the wnest dia-
tte a nationial goverinaent 'islsei mnid, '93 lit's and thse high school
ill 'the people of thmebUiteit Stati s, crossed bats. After animniteresting
asnd they Is-ve ordtained,' not tisit( seven innaings the high schools car-
cact i sticslsiall appoint, but that riedl ot thme honors. The gamie svas
'ecstus.tec shall apiniut d close and exciting thsroughoust with
electors,' ail the power msust be good hatting on both siles. 'Vie
sxecuted in accorda'nsee withi the score by innings:
graint, or it is inot executed swithin H. S------l------0 15 (ia-0_
F5551(it------ 4 5 2 0'- Uiii G--
she meaning of that 'sublinme impera- ~
tive' of our great charter." Senior Class Meeting.
Professor Abbott's contribution is The senior lit class held a nseel-
a very interesting and instructive ing in Rooni A, Saturday morning
treatmnent of the history of the origin at 9 o'clock. The hanquet comnmi-
of the "law reports." It is an article tee reported ini favor of holding -"a
whsich will be of value and interest class banquet during the commence-
to the law students, particularly. It ment week. On motion the presi-I
is a sbet of which every lawyer ient ws authorized to appoint; a
shudkoe smtinby ti committee to see about a class hat.
shoud kow omehin, bt i 15Other business of an unimportant
never taught in thme law schools. The -nature was transacted,- after which:
article is written in an entertaining the mseeting adjosirned.
f Base-Btaii Practice.
'lie practice ganse of bsase-bislsit
the camnpssSaturiday itemnss.stat
that the canidiates foi thessI iis
versity snie are biegisnuisn" tuilist th
-al. Ausstins ias listi-er)- freel'
(isi andistthree tbase lists lbeing; poun
cii out swithregisisiits IThesis
ississisthas bseen greatlyim'Ipiross)
aissiisnowsinvssfirst-ctliss shase. '1iI
fie~ldinis iis bots sidss s islesai
Pt'cisiu i -iis"the ist ivossk. II
1s 5eeryi I aciveiandsos-ers liss
0II ii ids Harnes sshown5)iupi ii
fiss fosrm.i I le wis ss tI tit s s I
as aisysofths canidtssasvsibeeis
thsis fr 'refollossiss"is ii
S ititO5 iii
PICE iex. ETuni Sor.
Mailed to You -
-.Through Your
'i Upon ---
Whe yo wnt heLatstMetrooitnSiyles
1 ini Sisses ati iie ss tos iril ess ithsaisAimssArbore
U piscicuseni oir Catalouic e to
- '
_ _ <
. _ _ 3
_ _ ;
-- R.FYFE &&G
1: R ESS' -IAM.si j I T I T4)11 "II. I
Spitzr y 1 U. OF 1M. DAILY
Shilds rAi----_-:5 a uuoAnsI keenifoinied
Rbnorf--. .on2 0r(ts0mu
6i :S S ii i i
Iiitei'collegiate doiings.
itruckiost iby Hariiess, --;5by Austin, -;'ase
on bails iiyHuriiess. 2; by Austin, 4; iiiby -
pihed isail, Harness. i; hr Aus'2;tiiree-
base iiis, Harness. Spurner,.Shiilds- two-bause Full repIoi'ts if ALL 1)ASE-
hiis.Spuri'ey Sitzier, lBsiweii Robiisiiiisin sie BLT A E sllhsiiis
ofigamsei1ihr.50 min. IUsapreKssed. BALsA ESsiliisad
Ispecialt}'. Pite 'for liie' ieiiiaiin-
sC~OuE BY INNINiS. slei'of tinseiollege year,$$1.25.
Hairisess' 'Teami - - ;i 4 i 8 1 5 2i - 2S r
-__--- - ------ I l I~hmonhi Straight Qalt.
Inlander Prize. CIGARETTES.
Prof.'s Denmnon, Walter uni d e- -cigarette Sniohers who
Yare wiliingito Day aiitise
sey-, the judges appointed to award niere tan ihericer
the prizes offeresd Isy'the rInlaiuder taescisgareneil in
have conferet the prize for the liter- 'ihe Richmonid Siraight
'ist No.1 Cigarettes are made from She bright-
ary article upaon the paper entitledl, es. most delieately fiavered and highest east
Appreticesip,'' Dr.GSaid Lest green in Virginia. Thin is She Oid
Carlyle 'sAprnieh, byDr and OriginailSrand of Straight Cut Cigarettcs,
and was brought nut by us in the rear 18-,5.
Samuel A. Jones, of Ann Arbior. It Beware ot imitations, and observe that the
firm sane as helew is an every package.
was decided by the judges that the The ALtLEN &INTERs Branch -
Of She American Tobacco Cu..
stories contributed did not possess Manufacturers. - Richmond, Virginia.
siifficienmt merit to justify thenm in
awarding thme prize offered by the J. A. POLHEMUS.
hoard. Dr. Jones' paper will be the ' :lTa lV~ JE? .,T"-
leadling article of the April issue. 'BUSiBACAND ]irees.- LING