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April 04, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-04-04

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-~~~ r ~~~ ~~ 9,- ansI----dSwiftwent through the line( jJ F R T E SCO D E E TE
Z C. O ' ) atfu. mans tunes.t orsnkan, as (quarter, C olge +FO HE SEODLHE
in his first ganme played fautlessly; GreLtn rnh eraadMteaia
-ulihcd 5Daffiy (6sass excted) durGreekanaineFrench,)aisrpaassand4Mathernanot
hu-. Csilee3ear, t~ ndstelet pise ser bJoo Inks, Ness sndslSeondlandiat
made bu him.y
THE U Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION 'Seyis l-al bga uirs as sl-SS
.... _fr"i'lrursli tiy psi, ansd 9~,reur- Dr ,{b-
--ed the bal ade the first toicla-dloswn JJo ' t University Bkselers, - - State Stee.
Iis iditors f the M1ichiganu 1ase! iu four iiiintes, l b i)ln u s
jouna utare to le coiigraultiated up~on IJones aild(sonklini No goatsas 9
sai n slicsthy icesocel I ireil \psi failed to ain after Wepulihheanoncmeto_
l1 ilii te snstu nes i eiglit5minuiites ptay, Joies scored the? '"®£
lay, that the Jiuirial will be maid sscialticadouastmnue ae
regular smonathly publicatin, andI Ceaverclon carriedI the ball asross _!
asil terfoe le sset luisg ~tby the tackle Iplay. Again theIhigh DIN SC 55 ~t ItII! p5
sasuer. It is probably the miost Isshta wnd preventedl a goal. Score, 1-a -- - .-: aFSnssdeprtments-omerc ins ott-nwles;
cresditable perisudica] sse at the 'lebllsn naselatl tstt 3- or"ma ~~n,',tl utwokSFguslissilsrtan Ins
isssileeli meiaey osto'9 _ 1essiaship Fleasi 5 asdm , .iass as
l'iitrsity, f Ipracticalaltuseas anaiansdParker scoresl four oore points -- o bgti ,iss~csae restssefsio IsLot-
i nstructor. Ste trust the effort to wsrisil igr'sga usete P)s see week; stuents assistetoispasostis.t
whic wih Dger's gal adetheFe atalgie, adress F. R9c. tEattY, Pesiassis.
establish a sdntal tjosrisal sill meet b Iscore i8-o: , tl Ilcaisn .t~seaea elcttr ffed ablltaken to ad tuhen ptess ___
ssiorheasirucs.ileeaetr ffedii] ehrl ~ N ng atl6:aetic hordl sill meet 1F U L U P
the kinidlof 11 iaissta elc hs eceninisg at Aug. TI T T NT F
tgoistthinisathe twsenty-fie ard lue. c .Iii ...~I .
credit uon ssthe Iltiversityj IOssttt 93, i s h etrs f N u. Es eilreetoao __
_-_t"e -slat Parker c-srrieulbeteu 1)-ill1 Th rguarelctonof -'(5-
91 usacomasplaints are btig niaie 't'ethe I as s v boardl sill osits-nextief,
si h aebl paesrgrig te test sardllhne. Iiftecus seconslsSaturdauy fternoon at p.i. _prin
lix the liale-luto plaecrgurig ctts1)y asui Jones Secrseds a Niri-i -The regular aistial
the manniser iniischImsan y of the .
slistaorscriarl i iss te sa t outisch-diownis jsst as titme tsas ledi, meetisig of the Athletic :assoiatioss Suitg
slitig tseprsgrss afa gsste.I-a-No goat. Scorte, 22-, ut the endilof sill be hl1d on 'Tusesday, Aptii , at 1
duigtepors fagm.E-the hs afsis. , iii Roomt A.
jieially is thisn ioticeable inthle right L~ssntess itetoislso . A. Bei>N, Ires. P nalos, t
intl left fieldls, swhere it rendiers it g- .. -
impossible for a player to so justice tce sectsntelhalf 'y scoreid five touch- sisitseaenltslii 1
tolis tiposition. HIits, whlicha under 1 lowsusand one goal in rapts idsces- gsl sectacle Fusser pleas returntAns
strlitnrycirstnststcs tsigit iesion, te ball being carried across thesi to te Stewsesiisolie asi teeiss
sasily fieldeid, gos to the credit sf I the sit e l y Siller r,Jones 2 Parker reancyl -It
iiatsmn, andi at tinses tthe tIm- hlfrian a sriffni es f scrin te in
cresdit of the fielier. Ripes ave hl a eiso srmae n('rerioy cr,9 it a '
een stretcedslarsaussd the sdiaotnd 9'Strrtry Soe,'.3lt p--
tie the Athletic Associtinti sfor the OFisos E 7NtL~vAND55)Sm srI5LisD
puirptose of keeping the sietators - '* -
tromtisterferisngwstll the players Nunsi(,i At the mieeting tofthe 1 v.&i~ r
chsasices, taol the very fact that there Insdelensdent Association ott Aril c
is io ts ticr tesitorce this rule the folloswitng amndensa tillG LEEI~l2 ii iils issis
offered to Article I, Setiots . In-NoPiSuhMnSte.
s-ounobecntudit a;staof"hOfiesothEdt-C usinse tsdisregardilit. At timses, Tcl hoard shall consisit f tAlSanag- an~d B.anjo0
alsi, it is almsost isslossible for the isg IEditor, a Buiness Miaager, Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
atchser iiisee either thirdofI cfrst Is. iiAssistat M1anagisig Editors ., Michigan Railway.
baers, end sethd thrtowc artasthe.f isislit itt~dr h us uiscae s h ' [ les awl Tiestrias eese at ry ,aI iii 'uii
Bhlindiithe rop~es is ua uuul sisio d t 1 u' is sutesashueAives Ifihunscetniuusi suny
of vasitatuge as 5iouldsh ie desireud ausd smendsesh still reas; h - I flier t's of cori(,sut si-
sue obhsersance iofthis rule as-ilii i-crthe LEitoriashleosrd shahI eonsistifa U ivesit t ta itt iii'ri.
to T ill o.. si n i ~ rAcs~u rl
ti ix he conduuivetiiieItesrliay- 'lunagisagitorutir A ssistantl universitya116 ense :.,pim
tigr nt "t+\sisti--Isuuues-Tuesday, Aprilt I o_?.Mai tuiessu..s.. A iiu
Ma-ernagers, eectced hy thue Boardl "JN.i.t'i- sas. M 'tiEpr siinsuus ni" i:Ii
'93 Lit vs. Ypsi. fussNisoa-t.tcuitesrm. a i sctu ii-iToledo csi 7a . ii
Article II 'Setuin 1.re uit
'u iri~OggauehItst Strike out the sordix uteen. sA s''Drsaisi'r xet Sunda
hal aittsphayedl Satsurday uafternouoss .ettu 5'5 iENtiAg, . s 0tihitl c iottut
- ~~~~eas- sre~irei i Seelatandau r's sstr ii- s
seces leJssirHsaaltu Strike out "-howisever, a represel- ,uiseeoa,SutApisut4.
Normtes Tc Ihac gasase begans -t tatire frostsaisy of he oher depart-_
uo itis the tcansni net] tiias fo saests isyle chosens at the cdiscre-
tiosa of the Iboardh tf esitors' 'andulis-
loss. netM'ads of the (othersepart-
s'' N.A.Atis" 1ussests reresentedin sathe assouciationsa
cnisi I .I - . -o e. shallhI he entitledh usa at least ose0 .
l tilEri ((- - . elsas r
t it<n i ots sutes LT l(F AL/ fc T f lpd/
lon - Itri sivut All nemabers of the Athletic Aso-
a>sr Ise ciation are resqnestetd to brisa their ®
man r -----icsinsus s enmbership tickets siths them to the N 2wt HURON ST.
RteeeeWise, dmipes Cssau election to-mororost afterstoon at one N 2Tegm a lydi ahg
'Ia aess saehi agsoclocek. No one hiutsesmbers al- J, D. STIMSON ¢ SON
stid,and ]iititsn anti goal kckng lowted to vote. J. _H AL L E R, tt tetGoes
stercesnealy imp~ossibe Jones as I. E. T'PI Luus, T'urEI.., Stdents patronage especiaslly snhieitel.
half back didthan test ]layng for Secretary. iepnueinaspe sp'Ity. 1as e tn as as in, mA S. STATcSHTREET.

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