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April 24, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-04-24

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/773 jc . o
ItI* j7j all f
vol'. 1<'i.
Plzlc :, C I .N T.S.
New Law Lecturers. 11o1-1schools (if that lplacet(iidenii- irks, epresentin' ,the otanufac-
tereed the 1ain tip irtiiient of the Ititire ot all kint s oft ion tail steel
Ott Kreinr ii orr nI iI I Ine -ecc the haesiii-honse 1ElectricIEngine
sCrli)ratiijiiitio the juiiiior clissitwas o \.*11 73,aiIrc i l lniel titi L I lrale \ir
iiitat traiiklooiin ttie ()Pet, ~iii bimtcilet nt aei asiii
111 183c ,iS~6 li h4 Ihe i Wat IterWrk, th ci i1~
"lgaewihis li-paireiitstiihtee
tt, I titsettledilliii I i ils 5 iittiiI tiiIit I
-iSii ) r Of t1 e 1 i )f KJ ioCc% i11 i i m-Ii 1 i iii i
l'1tre lie receiceit anlacailciiiic culi c -I i i i (eclii
mit '11detereit tipoit thle shts ii t l i i i dp a 'i
t~ti iii56te a cek i i ier tioe caiii iiier it iiitit ii , ahe teel ). Stina heOi
ofilit, lwhichiiieie ii leteii StitailITo-
eneit iilc a ta wtereatt ie af i iti sti iStl w ii cf iSte 11ii.iititity iFortlei toots
M t, . I ll iii 1 (6li ewas c atitiollit et M n e l C r e ii I u i li t f i li iii r Is i ' a 6
cretay otthe I usej nuicuar Altough lpaceatiln beend of cStiady. 1 loiere e opars tire
attiitte-enof th fie*t at I e' sl r. lite eiidd ni enrl caace, tl utrtiiei o A n AroLrii
(86wa diutd ote ira aietarocatentwion tefr 1 iinb teda chose. .m teytok
\fOnnl, aterndtuitth oa orD yetariii-at6a
Sceayof the oe jutiiary7
Waseletedattrny anerl o ses tto iteprattoreyhas Ceteral, i.Ser npdat.ie ii e ailrisebaltelii
186wal dmtedt teba ticn att itl hto1c1etletcr otk eti tlatoc
duiclgan by a large msiajority. lie ~cnii h i
Rt ent Professor of sewtat the MIat tta ertr.li Scus. tgien h ti
It i . 186heiva eipoye t asist in collect- dent a riid iictnre of eitgineeriing
lit ani tnte rtiiii mit antdcomtapiing dlata fur jndge as it exists in actual Itractice anil
tha poititi as njoed itCooley's svorks oin "Taxatton"''aiti puts life antImninig intio troblenis
St'tenlded antitlicmtii e practice as a '"otZ'shcilebfoectsteela ls
Otloratioit tastyers wiiclirenders "ot.wihli eoecnidrda-ls
1iit1hpeei I Egnes roiii protutenis, tiunee to keep i tut
tslappoiitntent t h rsn oi nier'Trip. 1bu s y.'The - trip '" is atieretut in
lisa t cr ittig cut iticeed.colleg'e life wi-illi the engnueer cani-
I-extsiis seli Anigell, the tee tu- Drig the sacationi, elevi n of
0rt the ieciiirs ott Contstittioenait the en-I'uieers madtee the anii uat ottn lii tottis
-sa iiii at P'rovienece, 1 ii1 tspciuu-o1.iius ii.,etii
was oi f ispetionof hop inDetoit Oxtord, its Universities and its
stis ttieisiniiifiiirresteetitertICevelanid, antiPittsbiuirghi. Itie 1ta rtsvLibraries'"
e iit I!Iis early edlucationt swas ii as, as usual , iii charge if Prof. MI
etci~pai tiutiuteui V., iiiit t Ituile~aitl ctisstelvcc tiiterestinig lecture is to lbe
" ~vda 1tilngtn t, n tE olyadcnitdof e tees er l1
him hatiiiIIlet Stieu, t oiiI iiciiiai, cci,(l~erhait iguei tis (Friuday) eveing, at the
lilC~ ie g 7at iteiro. Il sui irtitini ,Oln iiey, I itkil Ii altist church, oii the above sub-
i In d~tri h I iiesity toI litt son eter i ii'9lik ed Prof. Spantdiuug antI I ibrariati
entiitersett t ierst n 11,'it; ooey acd aktiup11
te e ii1 4 sI iie- hetat is still gice a clear idea of whlat
iii 88. l~ lie ti be'nii tie Iiartvylt)ltttsbuirg,attitswas the life it iii that historical city-, anut
ttty o las a I et ot ii th otice 'test itfIPiof. and SI rs.I -titter the lecture trill lie mtade still niore
atf 'rofessor Cliailes 8KIeintafter-I Tie pails left here Satnrilas huntri ieeln y0 ietsostroiio
1icrds IDeats of the Ia ass ui ty, att i i thtltott the 6:05a traiti aniilslientviewss representitig the varius cot-
'dtsailnittd li (li lir ii ~ thesin n etrot ~le-es an utsbilelitgs of historical la-
Iiit gamittdTypograprinli79Co., 1 terest Acmainof (Oxfordl
14t88o lie 'radutatedl fromitthe lat-ica lpgr C. etroit IBrass ee- Arennipail o dob
ttliatrltttf h w o .sitI i atid Coliper Rollinig 'Mill, the ex-isithli tei.ofM trlindu,
tltdegree of L.13I. Subsequientlyr 1ieintnl ptetina tic railtway'on be of iterest to all. Only- a s-cry
iibcante associated withi Ashley IV. Fort St., the City of Dtetroit ionitanltsiosilbecrgd
lodand WiilliatitIf. Wells, shitch itry clock, and ses-eral other points
tseintion yet cotnties. its i886 of interest. Base-Bali Season Tickets-
ll dited antettition of Cooley on At 11t Ii. n. they took the bsoat esi ikt at ss eomc
'ttitattand also edtited a recentt for.Cles-elanacwrhere they arrived eafon ty tic e It owrbeofbIie-
ttioc of Cooley's Constitutiotnal Sunday- morning. Duritig the itirti- torn. The lirice for the six Itomie
11liain.lie is isowsemeployed itsg a numnber isited te tomsb of ganteswsill be $2.o, sitigle admnission
Sttnipiling the lawte lrmts for Funk Carficld at Lake View cenietery. beitig 50 cents. Memtbers of the
k8Wagcaii's ness dictionary anti is At 2:55 they took the 1,1.L. E. R- A. A. can obtai tickets for the six
diiga nets edition of Cooley's 1R. train for Pitsbur-di, arrivin-se games and Field tiny for Stato on
Qoatstitutionat Manat. is extended there at 9 p. ci., and stopping at theprsclnthinetbrhptcks
tit"tttce atid eork in that tine miakes 7th Avenue Hotel. Spending flee property signed. 'The presidectand
h'41i peculiarly qualified as a lecturer days in Pittsburgh, the party visited secretary of the A. A. witl be at the
0the subject of Constitutional Isabella Blast Furnaces, Upper atid Steward's office on Saturday morn-
Lower Union Mills and Homtestead ing front 9.30 to5.0tosg
John It. Clayberg, lecturer on Sleet Works of Carnegie, Phipps & tickets.
killing Law, was born in Cuba, ill., Co., Black Diamond and Crescent
tOrI 1853. Was e"ducated at the corn- Steel Works, and American Iron Who's got the Key?
J3VfNtthe expienti ce of College
Skitxi nN10ktnow uiand iapprecite
lie tarehit sit tin 'tvu ofC olutlege Situ-
hut luitiii -tlige cortps of skilted
Decsi'gners aind Jeswelets spectially
ttuiik. uuicriui' is st l iitiictly
iiiles wei areiu i ll t oit iionto te roit
l tfiniest ltiii iandthiestlted
'iii c lx 'is sil -ll hi'uis ihichti us-
maii ti tu e l i n t its tiiiuitit.
Wright, Kay & Co.
Ilt~tIMPT'iS, JIE' hVl-iLElS
Detro~t. MihLnm
Chap. Speller & ~
Uiversity Ouffitte s,
2Si THSTAcTE '-.
TENN$I ++--. GOOD$.
GOilS kill !70115115
Ni-tIEe ttYOU

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