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April 13, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-04-13

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cIje iII. Of

, n. WiaIjj.

VOL. l-NO. 142.



A SAD ACCIDENT. Democratic Club Banquet. cii-ars. -Mtr. O'Rourke, of Detroit,
was also given a vote of thanks for
This evening the Demiocratic Club his kindness in supplying the mater-
Prof'. E. D. Campbell Loses His of the University gives its firstannual ial and his services for the
Eye Sight- banquet at the rink, live houndretd decorating of the rink. All te
guests including many of the most nsembers of tile club wiii assenible
promnlelit Democratic leaders of the at the Cook House this evening anti
Wmia Expermen etin neCe-cotutry, stilliparticipate and tie escort the speakers and ipromlinentI
mica Lanratry Ysteray. banquet pronilses to be unlparalleti visitors to the rink.
ith ictr- o ht IIic-rct.>Tt

ikitout oub thesadest ntlfollowing is tse program of the cecii-
most distressing accident in the Ihis-
tort of the t'nis-ersity, occurred yes-O~o lSt~O
tevltay afternoon itsthe chemicatl 0pening Selections -
laboratory. At about ; o'clock 1. Ovetitan Princess afT 'rrtaznd(-i lv .--
- - - - - - - - - --------------- Offenacah.
Prof. Edwvardl Ii. Campbell was senit Wnltz, o's Coneession.------ al(ileafel.
hut vsin' liiiowgs the laborator y Hunaian iDance............ilc__t~aha~s.
4,wr iliItram Athalia- 'lica tedelianha.,
"sided out supportedt bytwvo of hiss.[a'routuretle--------------- Eiieattcrg-
studelnts. XIWith his hands clasped Entrvee at Honorary Guiests, Spevukers and
ov his eyevs, in the most telrrible Mesabers afthsie (cii.
I Grand Marcel, Inepdenlice---- Grticss-alit.
pitiliectlaimtedi, '"Isy eyes arec cili inf'thc Aseblageto tirier tby the
;tintefoirt-ot's sakeston't tell toy- Pre'si'int it thyClit, S. Nit. Ctis.t.
trt. l as takein into ttnetofItvstatist- ---------------- -A. Si. Carmant.
litit itvatttoms, andtlinitneliatedy 'i-in sigthe tbanquiet:-- Se.
motvofitthtilphtysiciants on tilecati-t .FlsittonWalls, tarStrict- dorctra--.-
pustwert summnietdto lilt ait. D.'s - --------------- St.
c.a(.tfriCts, "Mt-tric ca ules. __
\o~ry, 'ibel, I erdiiansiatnd Catrott- ------------------ oaniaviti.
ere tsotoitpressentl. N othiigcosilil 4 tial-ittloine Hosodt-l ----tiehosasi.
liisoi; orCornet, mistsweiet as'stnttuiers
i e donie t ireserve or restorethe -------------- ------------- Beek
aili s the ct-es had lbeeii lutst Call to isrlir by tliv Presideint ofthe vClut. S.
11ar11lylavcratedi antltre. Dr.i. acsn
Itrduotiiilonsf fliv.'reasitothe Evenin'
(arow immditeli-ordtered tasHo. lvson. vichiioii.



patient to be taken to the hotspital.
:after ai carefuil examntation, both
Lyes steve enuicleated, aiid fromt nose
ors the brillilait young professor,
ittist tread the pails which the blind
Milton trod. Prof. Camspbell was
engaged in soine original work in
pus analysis, dowvn in ite assaying
room. H-e was experimenting wits
te gas giv-ent off front steel, after
iissolving it in hIydrochiloric acitd.
four flasks stere filled witht gas, aitt
with his eves close down upon theim,
entirely absorbetd in tse results of
te experiment, three of the flasks
it an instant, steve blowin full its Iis
face with terrific violence. The
above recorded facts are thte sad ter-
rnination of lis search for chenmical
The accident is made doubly sad
by the fact that Prof. Canmphell is
set a young man, being only in lils
a2lts year. He was beginning a
career which promised nmnth of
renown and honor for the future. It
is safe to say that in Iis own line of
nmetallurgy, he had few equals if any
superiors in the country. He and
his family have the deepest sympathy
of the entire University circle in
their sad affliction.

Addtress at WelciteGions Edwii It. iWias
Manic by Cthet sisieaoi Orchrti'on
it. Selectiosi, "Erisasi,"_-------Vrdli.
L. ThoasnJeftcrson-,
""l~e thou an chaste as ice, as pure55astow.
that shall ti-t escape calumnsy."
Hen. it. 0. Ewing.
b. Ni-ititl, "NEmperor,". ..---------Struts.
It. Mihigan's tDemocaracy is 'S.
'-'Tisnsot is beast tn command success, bat
we'll de mare, we'll desecvc it"
Hon. T. E. Bahworth
c. Piccolo Sola, "Sylvia Scherzo,"--La Thim'
III. The Future of Democcacy,
"Screw your essurage to the sticking place,
ted well net tail."
Hiss. Wi. Gi. P. ti-rcehridge.
I. Selection, Nalanai Aira.
I-i' Tariff Taxatiaoi,
"'Thrice is lie armeid that hath his cause lust.'
Has. Go. L. Ti-ipie
Vu' The Yeung Democr-acy,
"Haag ass aar banneseon the iittward
traith e- cry is still. 'They Conic.'"
Hess. J. J. Enright
f. AuldLang Syne.
Democratic Club Meeting.
A larga aind enthsusiastic nuniber
of 'University densocrats assembled
in the lawe quit room for te purpose
of completing arrangements for
thseir banquet this evening. Tree
yells besides the U. of M. yell were
adopted. and Mr. W hitsett was se-
lected as leader. A unaniim us vote
of thanks was tendered Cousing
Bros., of Monroe and Detroit for
their donation of Boo Gen. Custer

'ti-here sents to be as great teal of
talk amuonig testiudetots of sloe Uti-
versity concernitng te classithoto-j
graphiers of thtedilffereit classes.
There lire mnitly stories aflotat abiout
the unprtiincipled antdttuntiusinesslike
niethiod used by tine photographer
it secuinigi the vottes of somne rif the
classes. It is asserted atnd will he
niaiittaiiietl that sonic stuidetits
stooipedi so lost as to practically sell
their votes snditluhtence toi somne
one wotidoes nttperhiapis deserve
thte stork. Inite seinior class this
comies fully to te surface, shobesnue
phiotogratpher- didni-ot desire to itlaceI
lilt stork aloitgside of use exhibts
of the other tphotographlers; aidthde
conimittee gratdcc this requiest, at-
though 'itr. Gibson strentouocsly
urged tiliantexhibitit te allowed j
anti that tie would itot tie satisfied
unless sucit was Sloe can)e. As a di-
rect opposition, a fest, less than two-
thirds of te class, niet antI decided
its favor of the one stho is afraidl to
rest the decision upon the nmerit of
work. It swould be a great favor to
the nmeimbers of She class whit are in
the idark ott this subject if those
who are receiving a goodly renmuner-
ation ivoul-d divide siths their class-
nmates. Liegitimate business enter.
prise is contmendable, btthSie pres-
clot couse of scheeming, to say the
least, does not add to the reputation
of te photographer or draw ?an in-
creased patronage fronthSie students
of te U. of lM. Any information
from She members of thse classes re-
garding this subject would he gladly
received by the different classes.


IMailed to You
-'--Through Your
~kWIGHlI , hkil U),
j Mantiifactirersofsi Finest Pluin
anit Jeswelled PScirty Itadtes.
Wheint you weetche Latent Metrop~olitans Styles
in Shites at50teco $ta ptie lsst tiani AnisiArbote
R. H. FYFE &@.
1SFRIT, M bctI
Stubsctribe fur tiite
And keep iniftored
d ill Unix'ersitY' tnd
Iliteeoilegiiate doings.
Full teports of ALL BtASE-
BALL GAMES will be nuade a
specialty. Price for the tel-lain-
det' of te college year, $1.25.
9,iqhmond 5traightQCut
No. 1
--.- Cigarette Smokers who
ace iling to nay a littla
mere than the price
c- hacged etc the orccrj
trad i gare5tteswilt Sand
n TeistBRND nsnuperior to

'l-le size of She freseman class in and Original Brand o. Straight tut Cigarettets-
and wan brought out by usnilathe year 1875.
some of She most inmportant colleges Beware oe imitaton, and obserce that She
firm nane an below in an every package.
is as follows : Williams, 1o5; Am- The AL.LEN &GINTER Branch
Oe the American Tobacco SCo.,
hersti- 82; Harvard, 40o; Yale, over Manufactures., - aichmnds. Virginia.
50o: Wesleyan, 70; Princeton, t..;
Smith, 240; Colgate, 51; Hamilton, J. A. POLHEMUS,
46; Rochester, 59; Union, 8o; and X.1V E I T -
Cornell, 4x5.--Exc. A No' 8 A ND ABb IN


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