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April 30, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-04-30

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Ij~c Ut. OtT
Al, Wai
I.-1 -No. 14-4.
press Comments on the C. & B.
1110 follosejo-' ore s01ve of 111e
Ctu11110111 of thele ssupon the
work of thle (lee an1d 1>011(0Clubs)
"trains as Swveet as the siren
001t0s01h01t1ma(10l losses forget the
tilsj~ of t n'n ears of wnor:101-
1011)10,1melodi0es11t0at llhr1)b)ed1will)i
10011 nd leeflnetlss ;(1111)00 as
1010 love an1d11t110pa)r11o)ic1devotion1
11h01 oniy colle1boys diplay-all
these NverI 00tttile boys 011ng'to 11s
and played for ius losttnight. I'er-
hastile most nticeable feature ofj
th enterta inmentt was tihe lack of
effort witih which they sang and
Played. Tiley burst into song tatttr-
Oily and lseeningly uniconsocioutsly.
'They played as if thbey htandled batt-
los, guitars and tttndolinst all thteir
Hoes.tO'lite audience departed at tile
close feeling thtat titec 1had1be0en
01001 deligittfully entertainoed.''
"''-otte of tite college glee cluirs
1100 110(1a bi""er attdletnce or on110
mlore fashtiottabloe111tianthatattractedj
by lteiU. of M. boss last niglit. It
p05, 111111111111of it stood intthie
1111ra(1iteardth1110o0110 100frottta
h 0a an11x001leb 1 ol).1 The itogOl)s'01
0l>eired ill claicl tbtilckgowns
aotd ttoriar hoar1do. ''hew e ore re-
(00.011 witht a1cheert,11a1d11f)1m 11ha1
tinge01)n0thte audience( o1100 eitter
laig or ch(100rtttgoallthe little.
O~egetn, 001111ciloyniet so it greal
entusiassn. It nasrated tile advent-
tures of Mtary011(1 Itr billy-goat,.
tv ocent to soctool togethter.lite
teaclher tttrned thte billy-goat 011t
and thoe billy--gnat waited at thte
deor antd pursuling thte teaciter btttted 1
10(son the sotog ran), bhlind, yott
kojusot belowo tte root.' ''-Citi-
s'kn Tribune.
'It wras a large and fashionable
Oaudience that greeted the University
J -Iichigan Glee and lBanjo C labs atj
Cetntra1 Music Hall last nighot. It
Owas sudh an audience as usually can
Oinly be brouglht out by sonic bril-
'loot star of the operatic or dranoatic
stg.It was a Patti or a Booth
a11dience.'rTe applause was nmost
genetrous and most generously res-
ltOndtd to with additional nunmbers.
Indeted, the audience was so well
Pmtie, To tee CENTS,.
pleasoed tihat.bttt for contoitl on)
all lb iht" C iai he ld
P110e(iet 0111) las 11)1 cdIct
t1es 1)011 t 11010. 1)111 1 th wok
1111110 00 d ,a1j C 111s i
lit liev l itt''11111' lt 111 1 tttt~e~h l
ai)I) 10110 ol o 0 011 n a v c } I o . s e . 111 10 0 i tt) 0)101)11011
ooiiittIe rd',' of111d Iicit 1 10 11Un
were all er~oi'eldIies ieto'
hak-e ntod fel01owmlweOll tere-
the fue if anitheaeableronloan-
aey'ptpril'upoe of sucyod h vsite ,
tcomttemonerct tf ehihItm eo
tite eae can ittesionri gtere
wtichtg wtiers i' tautienalein-
tverieroit. ppie joscisitst(I
asteyounte001110to teinitlleO eor
ph 1000asltte clubs, aclubri01)1 the
1)00c1itoao l Idri tylllktl 1111)0t11001
bcerert 11lo t.The ll1)11100 of
everyboy1seemsto be ottte-'s'uit
111se 10111)1hercltubs frottatie
nihterte ia.illlll ehr
1)c111e111. iter111 Oer I ttse,
pereti. te ontCte000 10eicv of
crooSurdemtoortofitagabots, aNv
ise p jresent.fth(I. f :i.roe 1 did
_lscitIcttol otke otiyse cl-rlcert
(;ceos,0111 Bansserubsttromithoe-
lighte ad lgttve bo' sereidsonro-y
grineeth. the oGrolieneaI tie
conerthiercert as ougtveas
lreagueoill erlayedtlaoly.',20
baei play'nt'Ocontse, fir
lit Ionuthdcaopmkeths. ner
I ts loks, nowI asmiteOberuch de-g td ha teboswr so oal-y
egaontoheAnnwar bo, ticeek,
wld betatabot Kthsirty.srog.
ObelsReview. o-ay
Varsity Verses '9-0
'1110af"e1110n011asltea.111110,a sblor
errorless fheldingt came, 01111shtowedv
Cotsponthecamus )he )orkof1
1111 .thirlef-hndedit0cr,
«01110 111-0 da d he 10 1) Ic hrs
1110 ( ))ofthe 1 Varity itea
cotcih, 110ledto1110 0nineto h tceterI
Ne5.IN' tho xine o0 10(fColege
Men'S~ t o 10ktow an"tdl appreciate
thte 0110111 sort ittof01C(ollle"e Stu-
deots, ait-oaottt'' cora osf']1solkilled
I~esoitoers 'otd Jlos specially
vratioed lot' h-d e 'and110ther-1jewoelled
MANes weare'll k.1 pition toIpro
of thte diamntd itefore tile 11110 ittdlQ WO t, MV cEh aafl.
toltd thtettt111thtey' ttust play 00wtt - - -_________________
ltre 01101 attdlvigor.ie directed Chap. Speller & ~
themn to rutn to 0a)1 fronmthteir 110-
sitions betwseethde innin Igs, ad ottd Uiversity Ouatlitter's,
1110) thtese practice gamets 1as t1Scrnorulghc
o~~~0 CO101111101151111 ovoo01 otok I Ite
acaposiwaatsae Ile P I 7IJconsetluenceu-os thtat ttoe toamt )1P , J~-~£/iLU
plaoe wc 0 it spirit, 011 over-thtrowcby 7
Personottf0irst base beintth ie only C( 1i11a 151111ndAthleicC loods.
J etrror.ThIeto00ork of Roinon1111
4j1the boy was0remarkabl. l1e sttttok GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHIING
out1 ton ite11011111thle s000011 1111110 tNT 5 11 15
1111 011)11)11)110/10(1 ll 11001l11101
Se0or aisSizrwr h e
wo- ib -o0 111- lo .IKE THE PCE
Pearso , 31) W1 0111on If-,Isicit 1; E F
Cod0111 r fI R isot). p SoS tttc 11
C fi:titzerof,1011100\dIll, sO -furi
1-hro 1110113b I b-alt, 1;Ie l'otot, Solo' agrdts in A1ttn Arbor.
1 tb llttnter,11I f rtidmant, r f';lDowo- 15 $PCELLCER & I.
Nn ty-Foutr.... 1) 0 0) 1 0 0 0-1. t5 .
Blase lhits, lichi (odd, lRobintsont. ' l.
To b1100its, Seymlotur, SitzelbOr, Erlog- m .Stuk u, y T mno, 0 D
lo itoHyttt, 4.1Errors, 'Varsity, 1;
f rshmien " z i~ m
Oberlin versus U. of M. f
''Te bose-bali team lfront Oberlin-
College will 1110'ytte U. of '.M. on
Saturday afternootn. Gaone called
at 2:130 o'clock, shtarp. Robinoson
and Abbott wrill be the University
battery. Last year thse U'. of lti.
pdayed a series of three ganmes with
Oberlin, winning two of thenm. All
of the ganses wvere fine exhibitions of
base-ball, and the contest on Satur-
day will be a close one. The Ober-
lin teanm is one of the best anmong
Western colleges.

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