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April 30, 1891 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-04-30

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~ y of 'cinch' on his Iposition.IThe team
C'o ( 'T ttV that goes East nst Iplay first-class
hase-hall in ordler to -,vin -ins of the;
tubiish ixlyi(Sunxayssixcptedi) Iduringoganmes. Itthe teamti(lOes igood(
tOe (Cllege yearn, b ti
'E U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION scoc°k. anti it is cxipable of ooingc
________ goodil wock, it cwilrceiveithelisu'p-
Suibs(-ecxriponpie .:(i per eainsvariab-yxI- tort Of the Students, but t ii it Ict -
o u(IX- x cxsigix-cccp i,}clc ts. Oil n~e a l 1c t i
t1ea n ost Ottics' c w -sxtandi ca lt fns°
nixix-,non Sub sriptions - (lic e 5 itt ttt 5 tIPeitS ItW iSo(,] lse a1 ntre t
heOli( sOohe .t, ( pros Iits'x 4 at lt W w~tl sn t icike ci> ril
diur. is i1i!2 (ldsotit ws
Cinxniictixoni sxss -i xx-xsc txth oix c'itxx ec cd
o'lck -i . mit heyaI tts ppex tt('rs( i .
o-nxxxi eaticsrls h sul t lc sca o11;ir ti- ioftheBi y le 5 lh int he laswslhuilsd-
ix' 31tu xsscsr. i at 05 is li t-d l'.
THE U. of M. DAILYi sctsiitls
Anni ArborMich. ici i til m
tO 4' 1 . (Il., R O
Offer fivttnus of paiper tif all kitixs tos le scold lxy the pountdit at relitial
\1ill ratct. Try our Crownco ImpileriatlLiniens at 25 cests pxer
pondx o nd lxisiPapter, 'tscesis, andilTvypewtriter lPapcr sit
Great liargains. Enviteliopes to masstchs all papiecrs
at greatly rcedscedl rites.
(7 ~ OU TFIT TEl?
___Fins Fut n11itij$
CO LLEGE (leri' Kid loes,
iiS(l (1111)11 ILatCaCC, i ili0i.
-j31111,r11 !y_111,7 -7-
a l A T Y (( i i c , I e s Z L C L I S
.1 i tt xnc----'92, (---si ttxcx-x-xxc-l ti-
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C . W ttsc- crrl (", Asist. Blit c tn'
H.I)..1ii 15 x 15 . 5 I . I 'ita.
F., I. J N ' F , + .ict.A t F tL
G,. I1 Ilxixscr.'i; .F
W lt ac aSi to sc tha sihex i -
tl wi ch 1111t;" ( - '" x ,o
the rI i cSt I xti Ic t S'i l ix xl -
c Iseh i ss- t sr ,cili ily S ir I,, A - cx
itxx s its is t i sextxtxlt is Xx sIc-
<liitahlx c raix tIIIr'lx I,t e r llci
Weh vt p keiitieerl-rni
the hav ic ard nI x rxii nsiaxlii -
foi the rte tin ifihe i~rs iiixl
liisi Ioic titshcx ic
tlP su lS ii iS it hO luci cc lxa ,;~ i fii
thxcit; lllc xi iiExIxisatli t ~,
thx s s ofI x lcr r llsl i
gcxr id is ill cia essi of -Isx-ml
sncir lei lssss1 asni st hets gi ni ,t t s
that if thleaui} oe uu 1ia si.' t if
more tsisap isi vorpasoic ese ythenI
snillslitsit istteylnitnanceraia
n!' i cit I1r1f . -xci. i x-l cIrc(x
1 i ilxist cix I -s -I lxx Iisccplx ccc x
i- Im t i -- irlASa ix-clix forx
s l )I eap nii lii, o li0.Ct C lark.i
2c Al-a lxxi1 streiec.
{ v r l.te Mtiic hus a .a
"lis a i 11cc-i; Ide ltxIix-ecc-t
sim slAPc i n ittii- ilixl I ssclxstlxxii
i his -cI"lxx'-(xil i-is Iit i s-xW elit--te-
'lnow (tcr i lsicl slit' o ic-p xII ti's
gst xxd'txxx i' i Wiixsll i tlyou stl-i is itg
I h Y:'I:. h ., lxnv s i xt is. 'lis t l l'
Slci l. cto rp ie . W 1ntale
our I % stin-s -s satox-itth s islxc
NV i c - 5Iiissi c ::ii xxIx c 1x 1
finetx i 'ms of -i ind i u to
ofths c talehs ei ad rc
i-cisc -c-i if te lrgec ite Is
Mesrs Gilmoe an- Yaliwh icc
6 i . ± uGu- S H
4o 'RS FA
MaO,! Odra l n~
To SCHooL-
N.70noo. EABGN T..Ciicacic I
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
-ic-- tlx (going xcinto xixixi -onday
W., it. 1I tNNIct-s"I It.. C=t~I:It-icnFOtOi
tcclxApeisi - xciii ,fpciii
A. C. M4cClg Co. N~ ' ll''IUIMN ST__
(lltaaa . cc.,
i Slxicilt xiirisxtl ilt-esigisc ti s tt
ixtes still lxe'furshednt onxt xcixsxtfori
I'xConsexxtemselsi Invxiittcion-lasst-Dayv
Programmexls.xFraxlteity- Staittionery--
HenniciandstGruetst ICarslforxBanquestst
andx C'lubinc1) rs.n cexitit Ixtg-isxxtx-s,
indtl otcther kinids xl iollege sw-irk.
Ourt-staitiseryisxalwas notaib ille Ifor
lxixtsxansome nt'igravfing, cort forxii,
aiind imodera'ite priices.
A. C. McCLURG & C01)
I __T
12- TEMPTAT IONS. -12 ________
2r t I-il V Stilt SAT
12 71 Fort St., West, - Detroit, Mc

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