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April 01, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-04-01

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LlIje iL. of
Am. wrilip.
1tI. -Nq. 1 i C.
I'iiici:, TieeF:eCENTSi.
The Nine on the Campus.
,1ItO teams5 chosen fromt the cJul11 tendance This Year.
dtsfor the \ 'rsits'niine plted i te1 i stra h ted
o r1 aimpuis esterilay afternol.f11101D )i-ryetrdy1h ated
Illlacews -wenasC2,}.x6.ByiIlii-'
e groud NN asicry niuddly ail-
iake the senliornmeica lls11w1s
sf anid as a econslcl lielli e i Iriie ti i 0 ti1 ts-ii~ci
flelders niadle se lral cehrs nd iiltilceie it tsuenthertial
1St111itthlestil) itehiersslakes11the1total
°u Ied r fr uniiii t dififec'iltiito 1covetil
machdrtn. i Thelilitwoiitersalle Qpndanceolthe mLibrary on Sundy
her e ilerlw, andl~ ti e,
lt ii st o asllos srck oitt ll t il
a ;e2otrnsn erinlsedof 2.r. lll1 Ii6.
t rsetehall i1 M aliet f and k1 e O eing fthe I ibrary onii liiS u- y
tor1Vdthr uf idalinetle rsralace tilelaisho
Abbott Roisn,; ih ;Michigan establish Suneay as a
iliso,1f; Ferris, c f ; and Spitz-bo.Nwastue4,urok
'rr f comes in our studies julst as much as
'Thetilaniond will be rolled tis the carpenter's stork coiiies in build-
Wenk andl ropes purt up to keep tite in;houses. The Libra ry is not our
iltyd back, recreation room, it is our workroom.
Walsht has bieein persuaded to catch Probably there is more soilidI labior
Red Ite still commence tra.ing oiie it the Librarsy than in ails'
°ilk the te' ii next Iseek. ; oilier roomi on the Cailipels. ost,
Peter J. Conwtay, last seasoit's it seemis to me that for this reasoni it
ilttiter of' tin. tittsburgh's, still be stould lie utterly' inconsistent sithl
here in;Mioniday' next, to coach the the spirit aind the letter (If the las'
1155x, anil sill stay until the first of if Miichxigati to throw oiieii the l~i-
Y Ilie still not sign stith theI brary on any' part oif iii Sabbath
teague until that tinte. day'. Can' Michigan keep its Uni-
fileiDetroit 'Tribune makes tiles'ersity workshop running oii Sun-
fltlnglluess as to the composi- day, and still forbid by- its statutes
thR tif tile nine: Walsh and Ab- all unnecessary labor onl that day?
Ltc; Codd, Robinson aiid S' It seems to me, that the opening of
Ill~rP; ich xb Kely,21 eyA- the Library on Sunday would insolve
Sel, S; ierson, 31); 'iilkinson, 1 f; the annullinsg of M1'ichigan's Sunday
toth, c f; and right field open. lasts, and that would involse a step
me. 0 _ doswnward from the principles on
Cost of Text-Books. which our government is founded,
ls as already been stated, Mr. that wtould inrolre a blosw at our
enley's classes hasve been endear-!Cliristiainity, a stride backisardl to-
or 1g to ascertain the amount ex- ward biarbarism.
eddin Ann Arbor for school Thlere is a great principle under-
Ohas. The result of their efforts neath this qluestion. TO argue that
Wannounced yesterday. In the because college men will study in
At1ay, grammar aiid high schools their rooms on Sunday anysway, the
7,64.29is9lspereery year, in the public Library ought to lie throswn
cahli 1cho ,212.0-, and in open to gire them the superior ad-
the 1lutlteran $,34,75; a totai expen- rantages of that institution, is a
taeof $ 8 6qf.0q These figures grate' nistake. If a third oif the
tac i s eolie of Michig'an sliouled go to
attide oniy text-books, and due stealing, the governnment swouild not
swDance has been made for the lie justified in making theft lawful.
AL nmbe purchased second- 'Te question must be settled on
hanid from dealers. The D uIY was purely scientific and moral princi-
1h0 err in stating, recently, that Ailes. If the Sunday law is good
tsetatistics were being collected and is to stand, then the Library,
at Ok1 the work-room of Michigan Uni-
151 suWgget ion of the lHon. Car- versity must b closedonSTuDnday.
Election of Officers of the Choral
AtrtheIregiilar Ireheairsal, last
es'eniiu"replorts were ircall ly the
ifrnltiCci iof tile issoec ition
{tfor the lirecell ii';yer. Prfc(l
P ut -avi oe'1110ies' i it erestini'
ILast sear there were lhut 111111 iii-
iareul and11twilte activse iuucuibers,
nowthelure ire illio hundire'dlaiid
thiirty', ai iarv'elous increase. it
mas' le iof interest to k nosw that stepes
hare been taken tostards placing a
AV"I\G the expeien ce (If College
Men M wlhoisknosw iiidiappieciate
till carefuil scruitillY' o1 tullegeSu
decnts.,ihaviig 1alargecirpls of duilled
Desigiiers and J eivelers speeialy
trailnedlfill' ie andl othier jewelleed
Stork, Nvepsrilpoiiog'.tiro
dule thefihiestipilini and1 1ewelleid
auuu'ii-tacliru llftlhicllil.siieiai
Wrig~h , Kay & Co.
1-rieze umemloriali org-al inliviiersity ' Do'rOlt, f\A h oon.
Htall.'' The repiort of Treasurer
Winanls sias also full of interest. Chap. Sp eller & (r
'There is lowtill the treasury ,S7,Vt
a Sisu liichi guarantees all conicerts University Outfitters,
so far enlgagell. W00SOU'TH STATE ST.
The olt officers were re-elected by
a unlanimouls rote. They are: P'rof., E H
(Ie 111111, pres.; -Mr. Hopkins, sec. EN; LI
MNr. WVinans, treas.- aindlMr.1101 r- ~ T N m O T~
1 Library Notes. --
NUll 1B1E R I. IT~flflN, (nflfq
In the library the accuniulations
of whlat is knownl as "wiaste paper''
are carefully sated andi sold to tile
ippeniakers. rile proceeds hare
been devoted largely iii tileliur-
chase of the works of Anmerican lhu-
morists, and the English translations
of Homer-two classes of books Ithat
Ecannot be considered, except in rare
instances, in the expenditure of the
rregular library funds.
A list of the translations thlat hlave
been secured lihns far, follows. It
should be said, however, that not
rall of them hare been acquired with
"old paper" nmoney. A few of them
were already on tile shlvies wlien
the enterprise began.
t Alford, llenry-1he Odyssey of
110111ff in Eniglislh Ilendecasyllable
Verse. Pt. 1.,lBooks I to III. Ste.
SLoud., 1861.
This is Dean Alford of Greek Nest
Testamnit fame.
iL igge--Withier, Lovelacee -A iiearly
literal trans. of homer's Odyssey into
accenltuatedt Dram'atie Verse. l2mo.
tOxford anid Londoii, 1860.
Blryant, WX. C.-The Iliad of homer,
Strans. iinto English Blank Verse- 2 vols.
royal 8to. Bost., 1870--71.
1 Odyssey. 2 vols, l6mo. Bost. t873.
Calverley, C. S.--Iliad. Books I-It.
-In "Translations," by C. S. Calverley.
Ste. Lend., 188.
(Continued en third page.)
I '..GL1LGL J'cen'F11 klVV~e{J*
13 JSE Blhili GOODS,

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