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lPistc, 'btt o,,C E NT S.
A Comparison with its Predecessor.
O3VER $20,000 TO ADD TO MR.
WATERMAN'S GIFT.li tieeieCti
hiCago Alumni Heard From-Grand 129091( , has beei lrifiteli rttt a-it
Rap~ids, Kansas City, Denver be issued sonietimee text wee.
tn ahntnYto Report. rev iew of it reveals ai niai-k'lal
'\')w s tll' raso fo rimcii e tilie es'it Liiat yieiarlte li s ()fhi
2000 liii ssalvt euetee-assat n:liuberie I I t1Sv1a
gru ilt of N11 -. iatermiaii Na 1 ihee are11i I ;G IIcn w fmii -
light liii totali amunlit siibsicribed aitd inludllies Justice Brwn iofh
'0 o18'. -. Is tises not in Supremle Couirt, Prf 11 1I'I
Ciethe S. L. c ontriburtion, 1e5, o1 1 ttsbur'ir lie Marshali D)
°hith has iiot yet been madie. 1'l 1],"ieliof Cdricago, usties '1Miaiseli,
lowing is tile tasble or subscriptions: of tihe Souirenme Court of Nebraska,
I~etrt. .......t.. $11,83500 Dr. Jones I.. Hi; lb, of bhica'o,
5151150t5 ............... 2,686.5 ibis. Carroll 1). Wright, of Wash-
rsidelt A~sgelti..... 2161)0 iington ansd Prof. E. R. A. Seligman,
' " aco s ..... ......... 01.10 of Columsbia College. 'l'ii s h
' 'illian>~ ~ ~ Saill...... (00 arest list of emtinenst iuenl the'
Gis. Hamm'I~llond, jr.r..i.. 0)0 hUsiversity ihas ever had as lecturers.
~Ysi Coleert ......... sO.5 flit libraries containedi, Stilt. 30,
baits'~~ ~ ~~~ (i59I8lslI5 ))11So, in tire auureuate, t-1,5399 visi-
iets r has l etn iiade ini thes
sotpaative Ielil tts. tsu1detils Dtro
Fay-. The a 111111es his off cii
\s1syr iaFe c ,I lin.Spanish,
I aish--1oia ~ n
iiii e W ll ene t Is 1 ins -
MIAMIui lll n fre ili s 9' in-
firnstarieril partis ofi Xl ebiaitalic
Geomectri, Phyiciis, lotany, /ooloi
gy, PIpysiologyI'elierri Iiistory
Eansi Jones' irrst iLatin took.
Tlie honorary uegrees granteud at
last Coirrencenient were as follows:
'l'lle aliiiii of tire U'. of :11.a
Chicago hrelit a branquret Turesdayi
eeInarid nmade a substantial rs-
tiit25n to the (tern fiundi, voting $ 0
listi tireir trsasurry ansi raisin
7~ li b sutrssriptisri anrag tire illcil
hrs presenrt. tFire Chicago altirirri
°tll be systemratictally canrvassedi, arid
iis hoipedi thast a large siuri in ad-'
c iitiwll lie raiserd.
're foliowring srrbscriprtionrs, 1g-
rtgating $,21.a5, irave beers re-
triged from the stirditnts since our
last reprort:
X100, Bet's Thleta Pi, D~elta Upilion:
10, Win. Kaufnman; $5, Butler, Cllurrir.,
Fridman,1L it. Miller, Smoithl, F. 11.
ThmaVa yckle, Nilson; $3 an~d
0uiler lnauiltoi), Herschli, Low,
jlairrs, Itixoli, tHandy, Htaner, Hienry,
lltee, Itefteranl, Tregramanl, Jones,
Wt'ell, Free, tHoosack, tiepner, Itelie'
lldu+tampler, Harines, Hepburn, Hi111-
tBIa,itarrinlgtonl, Htooker, Irving, Ill-
' rtJohnson1, Just, Knoip, Lair-
4uI11t, L'ardnrer, Nagler, Pi11e, Southl-
N]'orh, Tagge, Wrenltmn, Keleper,
4ads11, Lesil, Liniltey, T. C. Lond-
ha. 0V . Sargent, Lewis, tienly,
ietisr S. P., Johnson01, Landiss, Harn-
si > Reiley, Rester an~d Hlubbrd.
Prof. Pettee will read a paper on
t atorai Gas and Oil Wells," be-
fetire Geological Society, to-mor-
ra afternoon.
urres, 14,907 iuroiusi pamrphilets
anrd 571 mraps, air increase rif 4,558,
2Stand 55 respectively fur the parst
year. No large addritionisrwere mtade
is in somrie of recent years.
Tlie requirrenrts for admirissiors
to tire Literary- iDepartmientt cemnaini
practically unrchanrgedI,tire onlly'
chran'es being ini some of tire text-
books suggestedl for preparationi.
'there has been a very large irlcrease
in the nuirmrier of dipilomra schrools.
Tirere are 82 tis year wriile last
year there swere onlly 69 scirools
whiose diplonmas aedmrittedi to tire
tUniversity without examriniationl.
'Tao or tirree have droppred out
since 1889-90, ansd a fewe have ad-
vanceidsri as to prepare for
all tire courrses. Tire increase tis
year is confined alnrost exclusively
to thlose scirools siih prepare for
all tire coiurses andi is as foiliows:
Harvard Scirool, Chicago; Kanrsas
City, 'Mo.; Marquette; tOrchrardi
L~ake; -Muskegon; Albioni; Caro;
Hillsdale; Cedar Rapiris; Vassar;
St. Paul, Mi.; Cniversity Scholr,
Chicago; Vermront Acadiey, Vr-
Tire courses offered illtile Liter-
ary Departmrent have been largely
increased in almost every subject.
rihis is due to tire demand for va-
riety and to tire increased facilities
for teaching, since many of tile de-
A. M., HencryBrooks iBaker andr
Prof. A.A.Stanley; Plir I7.,sirs.
i.. I.Stuuns; A1.Ii.,cPrf.5V.iH
Hdowrell;I.L. D.,SustinlBlaircx-
governor of-i ciiair lire whoinns
nirrmrier iofsirdiniary idegrees 'ranstedi
last Crirrrrrrcerrrerrl a ,th
largest in tire liitory o1 tthe I of M.i
andi lie largest ciscr rteditniiarny
.irer cnrco'ulle"'.
rh ne irr iofstireents rormingr
frormrrtireidifferenrt stales is of eslerc-
at interest. There ire fromr Michri-
garl, 1,162 StirdenitS; Ililirnois, 2S2"
(diio, 203; Indrianta, 1i13; ;ternsyl-I
vaia, 84; Nesw 'ock, 84;Ioiwa, 75;
Msissouri, 31; California, 3o; Msinner-
sota, 28S; Wisconsint, 27; Kansas, 26.
Nebraska, 24: U'tahl, 22; Coloraido,
21r; Kentrucky, 16; Massaclusetts,
14; WVashington, rn. 'i'ie other
states and territories senld smlaler
nunmbers. Tweive foreign countries
send 67 students, Ontario sending
37, and Japanr 15. The otiier coun-
tries represented are Engiand, Nesv
Birunswick, P~orto Rico, Biulgaria,
Costa Rica, Irelahnd, Msexico, Swe-
den, Syria, andi iTurkey'.
'ire tattendsance diurinrg tireipast
fesw years ihas heels as followxs:
ist,--IS---------- -------------it6
1111 S~--- ------------------ 1,8---
I s ~ ---- --- --- --- --- - .---- --- --- --
1 890--9l - - - -21
'Te Calenrdar hlas 25-6 pages, and,
altbougir it is nmuchr nore conidensed
b eVINthetlexp\ieriellee cuf Colle'ge
Alen wshiraknow andilapprciiate
liie carr'e i eful sriimof Coltlrge .Stu-
-dents. having 'i iou' cusps of skillet
Dc-n'rireces'uand Jewe'lrs sptecilly
! trai'idifor b'aige iand ortier jiewelle'd
work.I ilprti i ss. wseii'do, idirectiv'
frolii Pairis, I irriirroll andrAmsherdamrn
liii Diamondrris .11ii othir rci' urtils
Stionsetseare illas I1s uitionto'o
duce ri-I l iii nu est itarii irisld Ijeelled,
Soie 'he iii-vls lof 'ilkinds wiche.iis
Iiinut liat iii ii il this I liiin
Wrih Kay & Co.
Il1 'Oi't'IiIS. .I1 5 Ll.IIS
j Dotroit. Miohi& an.
Chap. 'pe]Ier & .
University Ouetitters.
20t SO(TI 1 T1T1. T.15
THflITL) I$+ GOO D$*
itJ I sT II 01).
PET P.01-_ -
n some parts than its iredecessors, x-236, WOODWARD AVENUE,+
it is tire largest calendar ever pubh-
lished hrere. Trhe volume is thicker WiILl, ix cYOdU
tian usual owing to a lighiter and
thicker paper being used. The Reg- $PCM AL RATC~$.
ister Company has the contract for
publishing and has done good work. TRY HIM.