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April 27, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-04-27

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Tj (I te S"

Voc,. II.io. 144.


Association of Wester n CollegesI
For med at Chicago
At (;pica o, tle i ihi nst. wa
iirtcicd the 'WNesternInteColle-ia
\illetic . soiat ev e'h
sitilC5 ofl ichii a0n, M inneisot,\'s
:,i n a d te N rtiestrn il
croity applied foriiiliiissimiilut
%',asI ceiectcd
'li, ceirstitetion drafted cov ers all
oar branchsofrll isot
!>ase-bl ,f -)ai, ,trak thirctIl'
td law!) l fi e i i. Ti ~lii w",
ii" li te a"watm i libe h

Saturday's Gme.0
One of thecquettiou the
mainagers liaie to iiieet is getting I
gooud homte ''vii s. \Ncxt Saiturdaiy
tile seisont opcnst olienNi ite 1)
lie thceii tic Ii tillthe visitoiiis iil
KobinisoniandilC rawordi itorouiii in i
tcam ti li li the-elbattecie-s there
cain le ii doutiofiiaigreat gaic.e1;
Ii liii ;c istieida-ciiasth eitisi iiiiic
adi ting ii toii tie furiiiii ncsan
fild layiiis i n p'o iiilm f h


_1. A. iiieiii

Seven U. of IS Engineers Drop Into 0
Good Situations.
II se err f the ii licentiptcecsltIc
till lim l -frthe iiorth. 'heyi
I h v copc. pit ions oiiithe nit .
0iiiertiiic it ctoil' it eitelt sill b
cotetileni ~d next Saitiurdiaii Th
sitltiles Nii illIlie 570 ia liiitl i leiii jDI1:1C
Jeffers'.soiantvs. Webster.
or tiilli sc( ciii i lmlc i s1 iii iii
( tlil ietwelltltiiWielte' and,
eTI ltat l)'C iiiii telii {iieltIiili
toereii Nht ii o atcpae Wb
stel- l aietlt-<I ld. I . A
Fait reshene sophomore lcirea1
c i i i- tiv e is a ore lowsi:-i'ut Iie
ctso l iti, ii'h t c1i ta ulsinee rt1 t
shoi ldie titti scitii) uo'erTh is'deti e i ill ti
I~ Htecrts 11iS1
_lrn ene0 ie t e slitit eti el
Ji po-n w i l sceplit tiilit the sici 1id i -t
eing c ateto lSl ytcit tit'iei is i illt Iettr
a somitncriitye sot itetiroin' the ' teAl
Ii itt it t at. 9 ievrs utt iii 'ighse t 5 tinti

aitil Wliit e 'i, ciiiti
c'N pe diture. 1'h adviory rott- '''titles, Atil-,o; As i onit- a
irtittce iillsists ofio11111 iii i froh itituestet r N I flay rili I irtttto
eac Iac *lty, ir ' ltt ititi eectI dI . tI cJ
esnt fauti y eis ii ach to itst illiti'oh t etu oe tietiiiit I ii ti w c th
lto'ieiit ttlc irttib"et lticeltsfiavers I I iad t lcl iDtyetay
uttiesi' ariiiolie tieldiarualk letrs iofthe assoiationti ot
Ino '''tiles still h layeIdiibiylecii nititiiieiiitets S.00.
college ini baseball. Iiiit cse o a licetsaenwo aci
ie itlutist lie pliiyedt off. Ii NI tiMainhlt ia.91nl.
iiiitttittiliti ''itieluenec Itueiiiii Political Lenses.
lis t te titS olfthe ,iir itsiu te ptlay iied___
in C liicigo, MNIyis otli eachtear.ic itIi Thle retptliceiiiclib, iltoti
fotbaill one ittie wiill ibe ii li ii comittees in the varoitts dcpirt-
wit tilt olleg.i111 ce iof0atie itienitslhis tbegunt tatking utpiia 1p01ill-
th e cord itfi t he liipret ilts i' ir wiil ''t r enisus amongit the studieiits. Lie
letid til e liii itt ttiotsip ll I e titommittees flriiitsh bi ititis hli gi
cht tlt iiotistilIg"irte lietneenti ' ls pa'e tor the inantieItotte adedress,
ci'amp~ioni eleencit the liceceit' i ctyp aidilress antIpoltitics it the stit-
cotaritil the elevcii holdlt iing l dI idetlwhich 01n letigfillei t ot tire
plaice wsill lie plaisecitftiltchciyeari iptlacedl inithe li Isbuxes. 'IT1ils
Chicato ciii Ihankisgiving lDii. Iroethiodivetnout a tperteittcute,
Ow'sing"tiiihla1 tless it the sea- illvttstilt give the pliialicotnvictions
scait itwtastiecidledn'tltIiocrear e ot Iyin iitile Unihversty.
a aealshdl o hssrn; - '+-and to osit the hield daty. Tills ' Dr. 3' H. 'Kimball, '91r, lnow
the leagouetrill not leienllattire IllS- Practicing5 in Plym'otuth, Mich., was
'caliph till thle openlino tefoot- calling on friends yesterday.
ball seasio. i l Mr. Winkler, in the absencee ot
Mirs. Sonderland, is delivering a
'Thle officers of the association for coorse of lectures on "Germsan
te ensuing year aret President, Humanism" before the Bible class
Ratlphs Stooe, Univ. of Mficls.; vice- of the Unitarian church. The lec-
presden, H E.Grifith Noth-tures, being of interest to all, are
weestern; secretary, J. EI. Madigans, well attended. The third lecture of
(.jniv. of Minn.; treasurer, Harvey the series will be given next Sab-
Clark, Univ. of Wisconsin. bath.

Pit, ItlO 1i+'.tCENS.
Mailed to Yout
Throug h Your
E W111161111KAI k& l,
St huh z1(til iii IFil,t iI
1s:iiSlt tit ii lt t's Stlii
nOand Straught Qut.
tille Niiligt o aIt itl
chage ieisitt 'ryi'or th~e rlm p
' HI H BR ADIAND s1peliorto
NirsMTse Stns'tSragh
onuliretes aislide~e lromte rtlli-
J, te l it ifla ed adli 'il!gtlcot
r1grwth i t I r-il is s iltheked
the Bed fstit popl11tlegactys
roti ithr preselleetheir knS'-
of iitatidersHgandosrd'storyth
astra"elo is a cverenpatkage
oryN with mR ancf heneet
If te e croaecessroly
'loand a th e ;r'nitdtop-r
tos sen acthioerntaionofd


tledt is sitiettier atihianitlialtlibe calleel
a tresthtmanorticsophtioore accorinti
to the year tie etereil the t iver-
sh citor according lto the numbilter itt
hours itt contpleted tvork.
l-;ach class has loniritItees atllsely
at wotrk soliciting entries, andh tlt of
[lie events ivill be hotly contested.
It is expected that thce countsts for
events resullting in ai draw shall be
deducted from tile total possible
nunmber of poinsts, thus reckoninog
the supremacy of thle winnninsg class
osn the actual basis. Medals will
Inot be asvarded to winners in all the
events, but only to the individual
scoring the highest total.
A Republican club has been
formed at Princeton.

falir to cc(
evrry till
NN eek.
It Wsill
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of that aty
ing detail
from it,a
thse trage

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