Ije . ofAl. alip .
Votf. Il-No. 1">G).
New Constitutionl Adopted
2, 1889.
April( to concerts which may lbe
1lin commnencemeat week.
(,ii cdfiy'elaet 3,t'. A1.1(101 s-- asil P.
T ,'IC iIf' vi. \mendmnents. -this c
ct, to I .. shaill taike eftect is soon is
a ttioll I Eliection of IOfthcers. -by the C t iverity Muias
Il iestall tie electedi by Ill It (call le amsendledi on
lot .,. t e annul mneeting ft )1the. 111111uali eeteng. 5 otil
0 c 'I I lllF t If thefnelbrl InTheliamendmntoshe ich
\trmberl \l'tveC coalbers asy he !11os(1to this constitl 110
e1e(ted It any Vregular'l'meletng oi-h ound 1in 0111i151e of ApI)
0111c 1rs1l(If the Colliets' 1u1)on reco1111
m e n d tio b y f Fth e x I l m n g O CAB)s ta lllert
necesar fo' r I I Il ti n.01 iarties were Chilt frcely, tw
ARTICLE 11. binglemlate fiecis. oncfig
Il a tativeC memberlc sitaiil be re- llwinlg is tile scorc:
of1 t , 0) on ol ariii 1111 1 l .au tIM 1 1 9
IIics li~s te 111 11 ((s 1(Cc 1 1 st1 -511
SlIrne11111 I3 II
NIVT)1S PerSs111oni,1 3rd9 I ti.I-itc--5'll"li'I
100 III til AnIt l Meti g.r-i--The
on te lat ''ues ay n :lrchat te se~u 11 1 ---- 5 I IIl
at tile rehleal of theweek___re-_
aliens liur exptecteil It wsii1110 doubt prose iin
ejy ahie event. So littie opportn-
Efcrct asndii s offered for tii clcasses of tite ()I1
'OlstiullllllUniv(eirhity to assembti andi e a iei
ai Society. tis IlhiI Ill scarcciy falof sucrcess.IN ENV
(is- at tile Leseerey(one wsti 1as10bettn, ol
I 1m1ke a sipecilteffort tol 1111111 Pill (I I
!r lrt ill) - ".
)n gr11ill '95 Glee and Banjo Ctubs.
t cutienc11th1tthellIsnt le''(10111L IST
PlICEu, Temo. (ATSor.
f Mailed to You-.
-Through Your
Upon -
and Ilan*() Clubs are only temporary
I ,., tDETROIT, - - MICH.
day ta Iter- o lg1anizatin ~s int hatli 1 tll i l l o
ldiln (( 1 hagis, by sl~im i lbs fro1(11sullcecdl
ilt fol- 110i I tFrsimen l al I sses. Tis 1s tn-
Fcia15s tf '911 iope andliexpect Ill take
uplthtie ssork (est semecster wihtrI
P0I AI " tiele vt e toff this. In falcItlteibanjo
1 5 0wo k 1 1Iilcsierdcl i lefi l i(ly'cprep'-Illn ouwnltthle Latest ((Me ltro lian Sl'les
l 0 '(tor oes l aIsucttessfl sea sonl t ct I inSosa i o$1ai r e' tanAn ro
: t ltpriceslt P15slindlofo'er Catlget
till I 11111en bfore 1tated iIheR15F
II u \l: i il Iat, te wlas 8111CluIbItma1 till
u1i i Jt1bolnSceyerga're U FII AL
Theetshll he2'aitbsiess 'li etin~ at - Hyatt, P
It Bit
(1 l)
i I
1) 1 s
c'lse (If tileflost reihearsaIi of ;I 05 Ie td u t 1 1 1 0 h olwn po-rmI ilb
I cI (hureh S 1
11pica ion1 fo11 e bI s hiilla _fCll t ItDalt (It _____________---G._A ((0-rlsno
li ECrft l.(l--t--- ---------11 na-1-5, F ll-Il-(W,1111,t1ilson'
e . a 1(11(1t111 15 presefte xcept Sr c u y He r ,i1y M at1;(1eo0S e c _------------ -It .4ch o
lsb-fol rc mel t ingse p01 111 a1b ll ead i b yt, i heebs ianoI Clo --I - ill -tile-----ii -- 51 10( lei
Flll Itiorts o1f ALL BASE-
ilAIAL UAA\'I 5 wiii be mide II
Sipehilty. PI-ite for till .11111111-
tier If tte tol l ((tc tyear, it
tranacltiona (f ibusinecss.
ARi'ClE NtI.
ile illiil perfolrmlances given by'
or undtter tile attspices of tile Gni-
tlllitl' Choral 'Cn11n01hllibe F oen 1
on~ly to its nienmhers.
Active nieiiberssliaiil e ettitltd
to (2) twvo tickets for ecery concert.
Associate mlembers shaltl be en-
titledl. to (i) ticket for each concert,
blut they shsall be allowoed to secure
one additional ticket for each con-
cert up~o payment of such price as
sthatl be deternilned by the society.
The above provisions do not apply
SCOR13\- i Ne i Ni ;S. j A ffirmative- --l:.. I .Isildit.
iba reli -------I3( o t1 -- I j egative-F0. Lower'. a q lkh n dnt Strafight Qat4.
xi til ;O1 4 0 1 1 )-1:
'93 Social.1 (kSnt. CIGARETTES.
"r-'Cigarebtte Smokers wthlo
A 1 very- wei ll ttended meehlttinghf 1are1wiltin~g illolya tle10
tI'le dls f '9Illfthte bLiFte 11ry Dof 0or0 thanbte bie110
0 0 \,dsrigt pooe h c-te lock Senlatecwshelinlltile chage ote i arjo
ItarnselIFlesrilg t ltFaboc ttc i titrbde Cigarette,(ill fin
laibtatre of its meblellrs 31111the nt 1(1 .001 lsthag)i]Atr thTrs.loe511FO
mat'rbagr . i eadingt of thse ourntaltic Iblbsiara- Tile ichnmond SIrsighs
wan' trnges bhohae ltey Ct No.1 Cgarettes are ebadefoth-e brbight-
teclsatl I t hb ill canme hp for considterationt. ilmiost delicately flavered anhd higibert 0001
entered h sad to fiister Bold Leaf growni in Virginia. Thin is tile Old
swas discussed witht considelrable and Original Ilrand of Straight Cut Cigarettes,
the fellosip sandrlclass slpirit of a ve oand was brought sut by us ini the year (875. ii htbdwl ieasca prtadeegadptoe ofreaea eolsa eypcaeev h
Saturday evenine, April 9th. lThe I1the next meeting. After Some other The ALLEN& ITER ranchC.
pleasant parlors of Newberry Hall business the senate adjouhrned. Mansfacturea - ihmend, Virginia.
have 'been sectired for thse purpose. Chsicago university added two J. A. PO LHEMUS.
E1 program is heing carefhully pre- more new names to the faculty roll ' TI"T
pared and as a large attendatice is ls ek ALSO 'BUS HACK AND BAGGAGE LINE
last eek.North Main Sreet.