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April 06, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-04-06

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(. of 1L' . '$pct~
abhised tiaily (Otatays exceitteti) daring
the CI IlTW 3 atry
'.nsrpipiet''$2.50 perte tar, isactably
Shdu'satoi ft'e ea's stanal;ai'1
Welcno.Snbsctiptioa-mttay be lefit at
tt(oiecofthe li tx, Opjeta tiouse bockt, at
communcatios sh l rach i th ht'fce by
o 'clock I,..tiUt tey'are it to ppeartthe nx
va. Addriesst atil mattert'tetadedt tat' tttita-
ttmuitcatiatts tshaald besent tthe S
teas t Stantaet'.
THE U. of Mt. DAILY,
Attn Arbaor, Mtiah.
aV. C ' ii tta, 'i2, Mtatagiaa 'titort. l
t; I,. Citt PtetAN, 'lt, Atsist.tttlaati"itta' tr.
... I'. avts, '92, tttsittessA ttate't
F'. it. Jitiiti, '3, Ait. tui'ttess Sttttae.
b'tas'tCE at,.'92. C51'. ltsst,'95.
PRtt tite batty)' V. . AN,9?

1self t asaadidlate', whlo ix not will-'
ing t givae i t I imte andilabilor
reqi irail, anidlnoti '.udent ought to1
btuppotia canitdliate whottais nttl
sxilin tiOIt)dosti. ITe timetastaxgitie
btys'tt the tt t') att ba eletetailto the
fer's. We bla teatery membtleriif ite
asboittt.tit'will comtttSth ilttteeti ig
on1stl enhatwshItotarce tl'lalidtfort
Clio Club Program.
IlThe C'ho ('Iuttlill iiteet .Apiril y,
swit thtleitol ltowing progeamt;.\Muict,
.\ixx(utix; exxay, .\lixxsliennett';
dlialogute, lixxs Clemnttx eccitatioan,
Mrt. l',tlili lebate: IRexolvedl, Thtat
turtly calling thte Ne ttek State,
IDemoc itrat it' (Conttentittn siill idextroy
thea trttbtbltIiiit ta ttocrats' sat'
i'esx inlthetnett estlectiitt; afirtei vei ,
til. Iutiler': segative, MrI a Inttrttall.
itspet'or at Vatle, swill termtinteaitn
Junte andt ttfacltly of the 'ollege,,
iwto tatva ben a great ideal annioyed

00 . ,Universtty Booksellersa - State Street
IsteLE3bttPi t IHOL f I Ni\.
ate t ett att etitwr -lns.hrt"" a a and


N c'rtt.'--The regttlare aleci ontof F
thea listi botardl sill oisreti sicLL
Stulrtday af ternsoonttat l).11a
Iteatin t he1itttit iletica \sstisratiotti
wvil Ie Itaetld nT uet ''sdaty, Aprl , at ~J i
( 1. ill. , itt RoumtaA.
c'' A. Ittssi , 'its Suitingt
clasxs, sxhicht tmeets at t2ii'clotck itt
thea VItitttriatt chutrcht,stillbh autsght tPantaloons,
fore netaIfoutr Sutnday s by NI r.
Miax Wiakler, of thteUnvtssersiti.
Iitsteadl of takiag ltha regulatr sttli'And
aets, MIr. WXiinkler wvill givea conveat
satiiointl lectutres on "GI ermsanIu11111
aitn." Everyboidy is intseai. 'anc~y

' i

ly Itis prophltietivgaries are cn-
'ITeIBireaut of Eiduc'ationt tax re- e tttl atis thtanselsvs isisIis eairly
cvtly issiueil,tts onte of a series of depaiturtti.
stotnograplhs, titrialfIistory if ltigherc 'O 11(1-I)AIILY BOARD!
eductrationtisiinIMicltigant, Ity leofI.Tcerc sill1bIsa amteetinsg of thsa
Andtrae .NLauiigllint. 1)1 5ititBardIFriday asvcning April
On itt untdtcraedpages are tdesoted to it, at 7o'cloak. A futll attensiaisie
a cotmptllete aitili'omtprleensive aletic s lestirail
saripltiion if ttae IS*'ivbersity o it l alt
'\~i~.-hare sill be a mieetin
gan. Illusitratiosts of isearly ttll theI of thesChoria l 'nioi thtlixs eeninig at
bttildintgs attila comttlate Itilogeta- 7 o'clitck.
lilt s' th le I1. of Xl. ara addedl. \N(i I Ilpersons inste'rextedlilit
ITis Ilittlaess'rtis abnttsitnvalualeaI Photographtts' tre ratusted to meet
reattisaet anty onea w'loatesiresax tit roomt I sB, ttaofatthCeic'al .aloe
aomlttlaaknowtsslatdga if ttthe .tof ll.atot y XXWednesiiay ceventing, Aparil
Simttiltr istitorias if thta ithiar ltithert ' Irtt t ft tt'ateo
or'.t,tts/.ig at1'U.tof NI. ('ameat
areals conl Ittlainead ittthis li ttla tee' Siirii.-t thta tMlvtinagoftathet
zitsa. It is ai wsell srittaentttIlandnly vIndepatateidet Assoctitationt5otti Arl9
illutstrated wo'trktantti huldtbt e aintthtea followving icainmttt w xill Iba
the and ofevey stden ofthe t.iffered tta ArticlIc II Seci tonti. Itt
til Ititil st a ay xadttttt tle .steaadlof '''le Ofli~tcrs of tte I-Alto-
tf NI. v ial Boartd xhall coansixttof ' aaag-i
i ing 'Etitoar, a ttusiness l'iinager,
Naxt SatttrtlastheltaleticvAss- tt Assistaint NManagitng IEditors
elaionmees o dscus he dvia-antw so AssistantBsineass'NIatnag-
atstiat ttaex ttslicsxxtle tslixt-ers, alaictcd byty eBotrdl totit its
iit of tt antigintg thtet'oitstitutiont, oset mimbaistlsei ectott as
antstltelaettte hoard tof IDiraectoars IatmentldswillI read'.''hlisa fi cers of
fotr thetaete ar. It is a vary imRthetlaEIitoital Boiaril shatll aoinxist off
ptnt Mteetatinandtitlevery mtetterla a n!'aging E(ltoe, flice ,assitatt
natts'g i ditors, a Busineass \Mau-t
otf tt'teaoitatiost hulsdattu rn ot
titiltake part..''Te stttdetnts atdt '1ana2 ,elced b teBor
sottteaof thta toardl memtbaers thetmt-frottttitts ttowtitmtambers."
xselvas ido totsaattmt reatliza thev StArtsicleII, Sectioni.t
resposratibility rastiag oithelt loardtl; Strike otut thte wortd 'iteaaen."
As tt factthte blatril direats te whletiStik~e out"Howtvtttarpesn
athltcinitterest if- thte 'iiseesit ttti vlrotts tny ofitfheaostlser depaart-
andi tuponi it idelpendis outr sticcess in mntslxmtay lieichttseit at thte discre-
ltat lute. 'le s a rosd averages a tiois of thse totardl of editors'"'andtlitt-
itteein'g a wevek atnd ratloires som serf 'Eacht of tlte otiter depaart-
g tssmen-ts relarexaitecl in thte associatiotn
tise atacl labaor fromssthev board mittn t all bse enstitledltto at least vise
isteis. '"No tmans 'Pssltt'to offer Itins, editor,'



[Nostices'ittserted in thit ctaumttait ittettrtt
ofs1 casentt ee lite. Sttecitalrates tfor' Istaer
timett, anst extralittes aaurnishted i applytingati; t iito E Ni1t A NttAM bN t_'ul'1..N1t
Foit S.t I - I,,,,$] ).7) III'i,-1N i sr utsed.
W~ill sell Site $;Q. Seeit at XW lhr's Siate Y SM ST FO
SI. Stotre.
:111 xludittsi desirittg gtad,Itottest Ni. 19 Stoth MIittStreit.
pattying ft'tom sesenty-fsva ttt tthrete __________________________
Ihiuittrieil tdilltats liet' Imonth, Avillh dot;
A.l toIcall iliii s S ~iia'tasi t Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
(,ii. Agt. fotilime SiplyIXSsoMichigan Railway.
Ch'c11o. 111. l
(fi cet h ot' u rs' C 5 f s4 t o G ).l l . T ms eu d niff ct. J a uayi24 ii:
Nt in att tras at A i bo oly
StA .5.Aalli] tissetter.... t I)
Notice. aioNCSOUTHa
'.. . A .A . . H . Iy. scwil)tite ft No."2. Mtil t'llssestaaer.. I--....11,Pt.n
No. t. I ssttaer,I'stleiss , ...:tO 1.t n
'tounti ril rt fiat 'follox imrTig eI1_ e- a Tist a tt setun sbetween A.nn.AtboirItnd
pli .ieutiState Coni ts' io ttit l edoattly.
.Slpt'l 14ith, tickets iltsalek' pi11 lth ICestntra-1Sitanddtt ime.
Muskolegoni, Maty4thtickeits ott stile Gent. Pttbs. Aent. iotatAl"(tat'I
Notice. f
1osuet ociimnhrhpe- titlisttes itSfsthe Ypsilati itii ttI~
ISahlth Tti''.. .5. A. a& N. NI, lid,.scwil
11..,8. GUE tudents.AgenK
PH r1 j O PAP Yr State Street Grocers.
UA1Student patronage especially solfed al.

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