The Amhest Glee and Banjo Clubs. _ Yesterday's Practice. Oxford and Cambridge. ( OF YOUR --
'[le entertaiinent was given by Tile fildig in yestils"P rf.\iegeaiiterestise r[ jgSQIEIY BAr DGE
the homne cl)b anti was a failure tie aliesa llcl1te hnjskech of tie growtl of Eglishl~i ii iii r
hereaoore.aHrne.s Adanotience
finanially Avryi lade nc s ereofreerrnsidfieospich t to lis classes in nigsh 1hi-I ailed to You -
betrBtIoswe npitched swel anid saniell c eterisnay. -eas ial s Through You
thyesere.btetete ntit omp~arison of the 1nlish andi An- E
relets great disucredit on nisisiclov-supore ['here swere bit three eriasi systems. t (Oxfordl tese (H" Al P 1T 1EIR
rs at the IL. of Ni1. lssaisesf hsiese reittyoilees; at Camibridgc, " --- -
'['le leeClushliididnt miake ainyrftueinng si s11pe eventeen. lHe sidilthat if te Uoct:----
gooud assappearancve an our hoeusevIsit er asntErmuhsprteelp- Letter fraterniities is A oers-(PIC PLIAIN
bust thle selectionsswsere exceleint e ansdl cash as heretofore. Rohinsosn an tn ivertis stioiulenpssiznee-
auselies-wereewirsansi origianal. inibegininisg to isit inihIsisusual forts. the r(gsssaslieeicialsnsa1 -IIT k~ 1
'fles were iii seltlIrendeesd. Ever '['le cpltainiiswas puttig the veir ilowIdtIII1 Bii 1 11
- - little miore,(lausse andcilauigter) ifI LI S'
muemb terhiut sne wsinheartity encorinr- ight ie li behind ltie ropes near tesiseis iareirisrd h i m ii lcrueirsi- i i'sit Plis
s-i. 'The isenic's ereaissi genesrailiihecuose sof the gassicTh[istis fsssss rienos iatsi h KD-RT y- SIH
setter ftin-insrtinesorss-onthat thonDpTReIT, -itiMIis
hing, esictante siim u - e ts c m ledwt is reqeset re studeints ouldcigin to the univssersty
hers. 'fie est in-e"e '' Owiv lrtaod luctantly, ain sll retir edi hit one proper and take their en-ii sationss
ise useyr Cast,'sunsg -trifineai ihskiniviidnual, nwhoiivefusedh to then the Amsercass ilstitntionlswotind
tie "Crosshowseosg "fisinsRolimnove, ndlwhen thecaptain Irenon losely resembliue the Enl-nsis'. le
hood,"- '"tarp alsinJ cket," - 'Jum-is stratedi with hms, lie rene sslarge ssniersity- in to the t-nglis thelcr
Iles," "ThletinBrie" an- AmhXserst kiife anithreateneid to icst tie ic1p-w[ee famousnmien,like h',isBric ee
Melody."' he[I ncciionrs of senvcmali tin. lie failed tot cins out his and tie late N\It.:Freets-sis i sose to
nf these niade deid nedsilits. tnsihiowever, wvheii tin captain deliver their lectures, iun nn of which i
Whissite Bacjo Ctun(sb isanilfewsenitsdenedntsbiehiiinil tieronies theio sut counsistowarcis adegre.e
membners tin isour suw s visits it maie sec ond timne. ''Iss s is -iskc issdinid - when.- 5syouisssattL atest Merlian s il ies
sisinp isin i inua i t it -ackeuiinnquis-s i t nrc s re gsadlto sl't is 5 nt aI FPeeshmen vs -igh School. in sses amie tc$1asi ls se s tansiiAiinsArors
tiii). tinetingsin d ,ss ii xiis m i nweere studnit, int as lie Iinins c la riiesi , pri c issd iot-Ctloguesic
nearly perec t. [lie vrsin- trndnescy s isbi rniiinsAnliiiArbors- mun inusr- e I e It-H . mt d q i tsplye 1 1 j,
so noticessise innortaizaie-tionsnofisines here. aeven iing [rscticge u e R. " F
thin is in s is sincis [In lit fiss' fistlowiing inie sicor o tinyfir griundsinyestevda. [sT9he n s-i~, MEl
numbssters snese '"M\uri et NIasscis'' gamie:swere -uisasihe to it Noris esri s-ins __________________________
LovIsie asn itesnity Vs1 intes,"nit the gssme, andiltie H. Sthis cST D N !
tie Nornande Marh.', let~eep -n ins viii s I um sST DE~T
Hewo,' i 1 t CR c N IGsecond part, DI r. S. NI.-Xiinsn-d ic ---is _t ~ I n 0 eitInn N l~5
TI. SM. Gane tlavedi a mnandlolni innild telict...4 IHginSchussl-._ 44 1': 4 a 0i-8 y "'T1
pSae ~s-------- pc -nd is..-u I 1 UUt DFiL
guitar duet senheuwsstwice ecoired'Pas ' -- ~ -- n s-h oiiiic
[tllsgentlemens are alunsisfrons ntimsr . I ta Webster Society Program.
Chicago takinig tieweesterns trip swithln 'ilalia I ill;. 14\t551si> iti0
lie clubs-. Th ''le folowing jrogrsstn nill e Ite'ollegilte doinmtg. -
After tine conert, si banquhnet ivas _ giseu by tie Wester Society, Uri- -__
t4ndrelhi1tn hone hlitap-o iyevening, April S - -
tedeedlth hm cubaiHng ARii' S .President Address-FI. Martin. Full rep~ots'fifALL I-hASE-
sterer' nal. -- ~F,,A Declamnation--. N. Ashe. BALL GAMES will be inade nn
At the Library.- a i ordic I0 I n fe '[wo Republics-A. I- Loeb. -S'I'ii ia fth. rc e efor t ahin leilinit-
Hrsp .40o Ii u 5o Debatae--Resolved, Thasnt tie Iight d $i'5
Result of registry iii tie resinig' ilit u 5 --- oI of Suffrage Should le Restricted by - iftn uhce)ei,~ 5
roomsnf tie I- ni-erity libr5ary forii 'chie .d---- t n - du ainlQ aiiain. Afr
nte res:cmig Starch-i26thit1392,zisiigimmn s 40ou i nhnatoaahiahftiti. AlR'Qhm nd Straigh ct
bI waedussilun 0 9 n n tine--J -. hrowenisg, 1.. R.
shositgthyenmibierof booksisuest Pcs cif -ie'I 55u 51 1 (uiCamtbel. NegatiecI F.iHHiss- NoG 1 ETES
to itudentsnut thyesdiffeenttetpart-, Cumin --_. I 1 I 0 0n is is. h f. IG R TT S
nent, tie higth i iisch ndiothenos, N- a- i-s't- inses n
.11 .. 0-anresiiig toIn e snlittiW
afollhwsv _______Jefferson's Birthdayecethi iprr
'tam \ sinoks. sen(t Struck ut nb anscagdeo esi tasl- oeCgaets ilf
Liteary et-rtess:. -lit - .. tinrts igercisuriotil oSu
yumeuv iil'iii n luls ls iBests 5- b- Hrinss, 4; sills Ccli tisain issue inc Icte anohcrs
Is iv - 9 1,.4 pice swe n ;Harnssn e; .1tlsree isse it ''i'Jeero iss-nm el ceciat TheRicihmndiSri int
Meicl 3l .8 liBoen.Tem ime osita"-sIsic r.i49 iiuini. isi' t in e anniversary of Jeffersons bint-sCet Nos Iigretes eeesde frnt the bright-
linaseci huh, ft--ts ins1I tail N\ echinend es nemst delciaty favrei snt ighe~t cet
Dens ___________:._______d(ay -nniverill Wdnsdy, Goa Leafitgosnin V5 igii, Tilt itthe visi
'' - nd oignalrsnd sif'Straight lt cigarette,'
iPhnarmcry55.inns)..iaINNpsirt13, by public exercises An scs 'sibrnughtutyus istheyer aIsta5.
tie itt 3t [~iN(Sleaenr iiatins,andilonser lit tin
4t o~vn'sTea . . 0-1 1 %,0 0 mtsisnon1S free,asmuthetin nnt'tsoln755 trnanmcus ennw is an every pacage.
Tnotalms 'mims S sii5 1-' i - I--enral-''hu-prum nti4usas>ol The ALEN & GINTE Blranch
Teiile------ 1d - --c Hr0ses cc0t n erl h rga m sa o O1 the Americas Tbaco Ce.,
Oter - .nie----- ..at -.l - --- " - - --lo sManfatrrs - - icimind virgii -
'vtas iswetek----1-- 891[hu Isnolion ine1t._... _.Puneeintn-.hA.POLHEMUS
On Saturday thenecwere 2 booskeifts.fOne of tie features of t e Miss M~inai.
issues1 to0 readers fI'rnsthe Normalinses ntr walisnc ut Bing: "ailySIaner Ch.... liunion ALSO 'tIS ACK AND SACAC ': INE
sciool, Ypsilanti. pthenomen-i.Noe Imotigee .litslais Nrth Main Stee.