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April 07, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-04-07

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' C. of '1vJ~. Jii~
"ttfll'.s',f1Daily- Sudas'xcecpted) dufing
the ((Ciet earifby
sehnsind Poset (ffiic'i'news standtti'atf
5 tt ti' oon Sus'ipitisttmay be tllft i
'hi office of tthe'DAILfY, Ope'a iHtte hltyk, (ft
Seehanc'hstt, at Stffiet's,'r, ithfanyof thie
Commnictios soul rech he ffttite byj
ocokP. im. if ite i-e i'i fto pear' tenet
(lay. Addriiess alsit ter i iinenidd I', public'a-j
tiontoithe Mainaging Edtorsi. Altlfbusffffss
(fiofffftffit ifitfi ios hildthesetfoftettt si
Ann Arbor, Hich.
i. . Cort Pss, '2 la nlii. 'itor.f hift'
GI. LItt i sit, ', Aseist ffttit itEiftt'.j
'. iC. TRAISst, 'lt, Atai itiftees Stt itt
C. Si. Rifit't'ei, 'tf4, Assist. ffttsitnt's SIa1tgI'.I
WV. I'. I~u t fff, 'ff. .i. ARtNt i.,~'94.

wvith but meager suffccs. At a last "FO, RE SCOTISM OT7
yf'EyEyre (lot tesubscriptionf paper will Co\ leg " 1. S CND SE ES 1
hate to be starterd,(fit before do(1ig relLatin, Freinch, Germ ai, aittdMAlateifitif'ff
thtis anoftleyrceffotrt shltiId be mfafle. . , itiS i'iilS~ftIllflf
'Te I',!/e ,' w tuu lhits' of lastS turfi- ./s
lity broutfght forwardi'ltwhat see tiofi t
large plt f* I t 'refiftirefl sfffft Boo ' , University Booksellers, - - State Street,
'o lscffiafi n fitfdebateIC betwe'en' the
1' olf M. ltffl (f'tt'tfI'i 'tifei'sity
f' thihshllsimSlfil'artothoti ste h l jIt 1r ~
t.'tt tnff'Vate andf HIaIardtt. llT'hese(
cotiff lltes fts'etfbee ft'S Stts'ccessfutl'
btotht ltllfttiallS itd t hfleri'se .
Ii' I
It'lereis Itt reaisof n thysuctt'l a tie-
lo(le!f te1ftlIt i1,,l dlIi 1 is e h.LEADI11G0SCHOOLtiof ill' Ii.
betwxeent te two leatding ttesterntt P ea i'ipi iiikeghst ulag a t
stclitols.'The itatter Itas lieein 'al lcd ______________ - Ucos iite x ii'tt xtrmelyc owi$.2i
to thte attenttitont tf the .\thtletii'c 5'S tAs-k est i esee Ffefeorfcataiogu , sP.iiR. iLEAR is ienst.
Ssttciatitti t l nttttacstionilhas as tvet NOt[1, ) IL OA D
saesn thts'tci istiti ft pi s lT'ere t W1it e a tectittg of tife .LL L L INE
fatils, te f): l ffC do s notfIff f It'sc h e )11vB adF ilafy (fve'titng. 'ilril
thte f'lts~ft IitiffnIfe ttkenif th- f . ~'~in

J rFr 11,92 tA.tfm,95 o tdn in eltffS into dctf'f. -'*T e "a. ''" ""
"'tiNs tit,iis,'ftf. 55'. f11ftANY,'f
(S.ilF eii.i .. ,,i '4itt (,it'ti'ft'. ft 4t s, 'f9i. No"11(_f : Tf le Stltlelt's B(ltli
, .ittifi,'1. tifSf ti','f.class ssltclt meets atit2ti'clotk inf Su t
'T'eiEdfiors dtotfffno t lt theslest' t~o t'ittii' 't1)lied) for' c'ntrantce exarniuiatiots fit the test Ifour Sufntda~ys b) 51
stei frt'ft'hetfpfinfiont r ti'if tfi'. T f 11
pt fifdefii'ts ari'ftheDIYSat tte neft(lit'ltgo t tftfersity. iliaxXWittkIler, of tte Uivrst Ptttons
SI': C'. Clark, fll.. , proffessof Iistittfaiigttiettest5 at
hitoryiitth~e IIigli Schtool, trill talk ctsts, dlr. XXiitler still gtive t oro c
(Xi , ire tttrry Itat Ite acot'tflttof i tt the (;eoltogic al Stociety, riday, at rtoa etue, n ema fm n
iaim Evrbdisivtd 1" the .\ntlertGlee clitlteftertal ttientt5t'tlocin 1froomtttISi, on 'A isit
did! iotta~plear iii Stesterdlay's 1) t t.s , to thc 1 'suttftts, or Rambilt's in BUSINESS L OCALrS Fancy
It octcffredt ttrottugt 'aa m stiter 'itt Iss 'Ititgy Nttesiiscrrii ft-ctfiti ti tr
staningtt' it giv ing' ou tte ttsig11- j of 10iti tt ci peri''line. Specital ratso r Iwt t
.t i It. IH. Ssti 'ii 41tt Mad istn it
' l Itt m 1ff.t twoul ike f ito al t r i.- 'ere trill be a mteet- 1'Fo i .1 ill<,>XX'11r r:i,-\Ni tlst I '!tIY
the atenton o seeral aw sudens "notfthfe Ii tt'r'ttre ('omtmiittee oti "lSX'iii si T .. O h ~euliaiClbinte lawit ttest$e.Si1. Set' itt Xtltt sns tit JAU VST F
th fe l is tecibry thatsflefthits rlocFidayf 3 ter'btititats' o. Allst. udetnits'. S~~l od ,ohnet; N.1 ot h tet
Of at Justic e oftilt' peace,wlitere t' 'ei ' flee itgofI tte 'O Ilift u (fig d llr er11lll il o
mayf be ' ick n hedeksatwilflas Sauray a i ,a8i room wellItIfcll, ; tt''il' iti Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
sidereal.t )i.tI' .ltt.i\ICI't'ttiii. (if I i () IIII. 'if dint f etf f eect i 111f e'!4,11'f.
]P1 ard. i No. 1. Mailst Expesstti.t
+" t-feredlto Arttic IISecitont 1. leftt-tia' 1 No.IfPassi'i, StintArborteAt't'ttm.. I1ffI0tn;,ft
r.sNot.5. !tai hssn 'ige'r . .... ..' pif.ff,
1- t"i'Satutrdaly Itt2s1'. t1., te I It5sSteaitof T h e (((ft e s Is fth le I titot titice
the an lf 111 eletttit tttiof te I) oil loafdstu IcloltsT.s. A.ata..\ N. 11. lit,,.itill mtakeit No. . 5,Mail i'ssensfts'i',,,.. , III' tr t. Ift
.tac b c ios 'i si asn" itt its IEditorst, a Iutitess SI aits er, t' No. li'4.ii' ft it "M ilttExpe. ................ titt.
boad o edtor. P is s aver ii- y 1 Irat ofoueandonethid fre or he No. s.iPassertsi, ToledotAts'm...fi 0fI, 71 .
j 1,co .\ssist'ant Saina g I tdtors iroundt htritfr Ite llltowiiig: 1 Tthe 'r fi, fitoe-iittfati,' li,
lfsltftiteiig trtt tlietltt andtwso assistat si ~ ness SI iiag~- putblfiin tat~e' Convlteitffio at !tet'tit 'rffetts titttt
.Asstsciationitaittiit slttibe twelli;ers, electetd by 'tle loans! froiti pi 41fhect tsieAitl " eAfll iailyexfpt 'te.
ttndtI 141,lIfimitedl ttto eltibtu te 1.5411.s til sefi
attendled. 'Thsere is ottetiitigwhitcitown'isembsers." I Te secttinIts'lThe Democtrtict'StateC'nvntufionat:IINV. 11.ENNETTrs, It. S. t~(I'Nwi'ttth,
ste swishltotteomphasiz~e strisngly andams ~tstededtrill read:I"Te Ofilcirs of lXIttstegtttln.AaIth4~, tiet~s olsde Gnass. Agtenti. ,icatAge it
the Ittiltorill Boairdishlt'l! cnsist of ('X I tt!3danit!4t1, lfimft'ited t 'eturti he I
titat isitteit shtoutld!be selectetd stho a SfManaging itttlR . ZlNof)aaigEitort i/ti t'X ssstant 'tt I .I irl I t, .t
still stork. 'Ilie itreseilt soard!, whio 'fMitagitg IEditotrs, a busiess11c5Sait "_
mtay retommitenttielevristeit fornelec- alter'andtwo As't ssistanst itusittess Notice. KA~
tiou, w till 011nly resent thte tattes 01fS Managers, electedIby thte Boairdti itsitudlent~sts ltliitgmnitc'islttit 'r-
titet'lotstdoeIleft, frotits townt ieiibei s I tititi'soithle Yp!silantti Normtl i
thosi hoehavdoSectionulicolt-Schoottl. IteI'.. A , .esi. M. ity. titll
'iitot tr.Not igtre Ieatis Strikeouit thte tword "s let. it i' oint'ant! tttts'thin! tire flrt'hett
still bte recomes n d weehe! uf!sn-ft1ecirou'ndtittrip. 1'fe r o n stedeinfi S t .l
'ereil tft.st'inone trillIbe sluetedi. Strike out'"IHowetven, 'a represeit-IR.. S. CIt1. Ntroth. Agent.
''" ~tatitve frmIntl ty of tite otiter leisart-. - - -°
ITe ba(se-balll mtantagemtent t o Ist meilts maly ibe nctoseti at thte discre- ________________A__________
htave itore muoiney in ortder to rtiake tion if thte iboard of editors" and in-
thte season sutcessfutl. AXt least $6os sert, "itaeit of (lie othter depart-J.D IMOSN,
iiitt le aied Srilt sis mea lits represented in (lie associaitlinR StteStReAPocr
tutb asd aiu cee hai!tte enititledi 1o at least otne Snen"arnaespeaTooief(
have been trietd sitd all tare eitedeitor." NO. 12 WV. HUIRON STE. ! I2 S. STATE,:STREET.

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