~Ij 1I.of
, n. Wail~p.
Vor. I- * 17 .
I'ii., Txon-PCE NT ,S.
U.OF M..-10;M. A.C.,0O
The First Carne of the Season Play-
ed at Lansing.
le nietlayedt its first ('tote at
I'an i Saturday, April 18.
Manager Abbot and Co0aichbConwtay
took ten men wit thtent to oeet the
teami of the II ii ;in 'gicueltural
olle(,e E. II.ftSiitht anidiarelpre-
itittativ of the It, o1tvtiete the otnly-
At the scotesowtieteat111
Ilaveti a fgodtame Th t-runs
tttre Ptoor, tiopitgitconidierably itt-
watds the out-fiel. The in-fielid
waS eilpecially poor, and to this fact
414Y be atiributted the.errori of
Ailgell and Kelly. Robinston pitcede
fie gamie. IT'ere were bat twvo
hits miade front his delivery anad lie I
Struck oat eleven men. At twvo
Sget of the ganme, when there wtere
two asin on bates, by cool htead-wvork
he Prevented the -M. A. C. frost
C." of MI. wenti to bat first. Kelly
Sttuck out. A bbott teatfietlded out
atfrtbate, Pierson bate ont balls.
Ritihvas tirtick by balt. Piertoit
tole third atdico ciredl ontant over
dind otit'iiltson struck out, Ilitir-
llt fliednot.ti
Fenrris reachted itin itsecotntdiinig
°n isoe secondilanditscoreit otta
tnt oWto secondi. Bootthscored iii
f ith ining on tAitelit tilt. lII
the ftftlhRich scoredt ottCoililt
it anti an overthirow and Contd
stord on tthttl's bate hit. In the
SeetCodtdtscored nt tBoothi's
titrifice hit. It thesninttt, Rticht,
°nid and Blooth scored ott errors,
and Ansgell niadte a tbase hit anti
Scrd on Kelly's twvo bagger.
Roubinison nmade more base-tilts
than any other player bat was eithierI
rtdoat or left on bases. The
idvidual playing cannot be fairly
ttititised because of the poor cons-
fiti5n of the dianmond. Abbot did
ho late a single pass ball. Ile had
ttiiion to throw to second but
oc)and the Mi. A. C. ranner, the
tndan Pitcher, had such a narrow
tSaethat no nmore attempts were
maeto steal bases. Rich covered
fist base with out an error. Kelly
hseerywhere around second base
andh Pierson stopped everything that
th near hint. Angell did every-
11g that could be done to slop the
rrtcgrounders that shot and
dansicedt tatd
rats aindhl itlit
rls andt (251(
biottntdentaniong the
it's it shiort-top. Fec-
caught twvo fiet aitiece
They are Being Weli Received on
their Western Trip. ,
ittnpi rittia1lv Seymotiur tiat emtitnentily Reot s letcitvedt ft (Muithe UC.of
satisfatctoryt toth tttteas.n itot 3I lee atndtbantiotClubsit I eait
the five titateigamites Ibeftoreaciiorhindttictet thattet ire has-
andt teithnthe addliitinttf Wash\ t ga etb-suctcessfuntrip. iThles
N'ililitson , the teamtishold iibtle it tohae te etienthtusiaisitialty received
excellenti trittr for thte east ern trip. envetrswhetreaiitalthuhte x
-lraCORE.iii.leause iti the ttiiits byreasoni of the
,-uinivi iii. 1 r ..S s10 .F. o meil lemtctttrtat er thtane
Kely' ib---- a- 6 0 1 0i 0i 3 151-
-k~t~__- _- i; u i 1: *t1 last yeiar, it seeits lprobablle that the
lie-sont.it ---- -s4 1 2 0 s 1 0 eluitvti-ll le title ito tnearly-, if ntt
iltBitt, lit---------- 4 etitir
cadd, 1r.n-------- 5. 01 0eniely-, payexptenses.
iBooth, e. f...-__5 ;1 00i 0 l ontia, -Much., the oterationuse
Bobisone,p----5 i 4 % 2 wsatcrotvdedhto its greatest exteti,
Ferrisi.c------- 1 a 2a
Angetl, s. s-- . s--- a it w 3a naidtif teatis coutld Itave Iteeti ott-
44s1si1iS 2; 10istained, Soo more tickets could eat-
MICHIGAN AGRIiCULTURtAL. CuitEGE. ly tate beeni sold. Frinday nisorn-
Asg . s.1.SLP.A. itsgrt a t is o'clock the clubs left for
Biurniett, p--------4 0 1 115 GrCaned Raptidts.IHartmni's I-ail ini
Wilson, e . .-----4 0i0i8i2a
Tisiriti, s .----4 a00a a 1the evetting held about s1,60o lteo-
Weitissan, a i--4 0 a00s: s 1 a ple. After the concert the Banjo;
J. Rittenger, I b.4 0 0i0 11i1 anid Glee Clubs went to Siet's Ho-
C ittiensger, b__ a 0 1 0 35 ,
Crosby- c. f---- :3i a it I el o attend the alumnitbtantluet.
ot.ib,. f---- -3 i 00 a 1ITits twat a very tileatattaffair and
Mumsstr, r.f- i a 3 ii0()1
its0 2 U 14 o toougthly einjoyend by 'all. Anionig
Ithose tito retlpontdedt to toatstscwere
i~td ~ - t a ~ Pres.ii Atugell, I'rofessttrts -attgtan,
SI. A. c' -.... it.a...io a0i0i0 a a 0 a00 C p and Ktnowvltont. It tiat 3 :;0
Elariteilrun, ti1Uotft L, r. iTwo- tihetnthe tiestleft.
tate hits, Keils, C. itteti-er. First -The audtience that greetee thilet
f tat.e ott ballsitetrson. Struck out, at Centrait :tutiteHaliittChicago
Robtinsoit, ssit;ritett, 5. .eft tin isas the latr'est tae1dItost fashioti-
'I'aset, 1_. o 1, 1.1 C., 5" able that etver atteteei a 1. offt.
Struck b iijttceditball,1Ferris adcner ntaeltradt ug
Rich. 'l'itme ot gitte, 2 touis.cocetissttnitatlijug
Umttpire, A.IiHeymitottr. fromisthe reptortot the cladiipapers,
- -- " +the 'gont reptationiof 'Michigan
The sne urig th Recss. sinsgers itas fully stistainend. After
In shite of the ilniost contsant the conscert the boys swere enter-
rains durinug the spritng recets, the tamned by the Chicago Alumtnii Asso-
base-bail teams succeeded its gettitng ciation.
several days of tiard tpractice. I'. At Joliet a hiatt hiad been tecured
J. Coniway, the coach, arrived in to repltace the recently burned Opera
Ann Arboir on Monday, Aprtl 13, I-ouse. Its seating catpacity' of 7nu
aind immnediatety took the play'ers iin proved anmply suficient to acconso-
ehsare e. The good effects of liii date ihie 500oiwho atitided. The
coaching are already aptparenti. The car wsa attachsend to the IS2 :0 south
pitchsers have been given stis good hound trains for St. Louis and ar-
ailsice, and allthile candidlates tate it-ed at sii clock 'Tuetday-. A
been sowni sonic "pointert'' tn comimittee nmet the trains at the depot
base-running. Most of the time andt he boys wiere takenisni carriages
tias been devoied to baiting and for a ride, and frons that tinse titt
field Itractice for botts the in-field5 o'clock swere most royalty enter-
and oui-field. Thse ganse that swas tamned. First, Washington Uniter-
scheduled with Ypssilanutistat can- shtywsa visited. P'rof. Johnson, of
celled, owinig to the rainy sweathier. that institution, is a U. of M. aluns-
There will be four games before nut and was chairnsan of the enter-
the team goes east : April 25, Univ. tainment committee. From the
of Indiana; May 2, Oberlin; May University they were hurried to the
g , Cornell at Detroit ; May 16, Stock Exchange where all were
Northwestern University. (Coencudedl as third page.)
A VIA;( the expueriencte tif Callege
)Meni is-io knowsiattdtapphreciate
thtt catrefulhscruitint,- of College Stut-
udentit.aing a lge cart-i of skilled
Dtesiomert anthJesseleras seially
firainmeudfur baduge antI ether jewelled
tuturi, iimotring, as «ie thu, udireetly
outr D htitiamdsandutotheir preeious
Staln-s. ti-n- etitusit upousitiinuto i prli-
lucethes i ntest plin titdltjtielicid
-Sacit-es Iadies tuf ill kintds whiicit tie
mau fattutcturtedh i his cutitit
Wright, Kay & Co,
INh'Oll'lhfRS, 1 ifWI2LERS
Detroit, Mioh'aan.
Chap. Speller & .
Uivisersity Outfitters,
TC~fl$ *-t GOOD$,
-I 01.-
iUTiA1.1tI "I).
,==TS Y=A
___itt A