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April 22, 1891 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-04-22

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'~~J C. of ~~ NOTICE.-'There will be a meet-C CA T T QI C Y
o 1jigothcatisor representatives $A L&r'
_____ of the various teams in the inter-,
Paiihs 0il (ioho ecete) urngclass league to tarrange em the scheidule WE WILL FOR THlE NEXT FOUR WEEK(S
Pul hed Dai(Snaeearted urn of games for the series, on Thurs- Offer five tons of paper of all kinds to be sold by the pound at regular
th olg er yTHE U. Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION (lday eve., at 7 o'clock, in ho m > Mill rates. Try our Crown Imperial Linen at 25 cents per
of the Lass' departnment. pound. Blonid Paper, Thesis, and Typewriter Paper at
5s'isetitiiorprir 1255 eisarirrriahs' 1sN5.E INS s-~ss I~ a~s;.Great Blargains. Envelopes to match all papers~
Subsripionprie V~i5 peryea, ivarabl 'MN,%GR ITERCLAS LAGU. (at greatly redluced rates.
in adve's. Single copies :a cents'. On rale at
Stieehiani'sandi PostO(licens rstund t i Vi!t2 I o2 ...,..t.......
i'clock, rosa. Suliscripitiorn's ay be'left at NiiO ICF:. sp ecial meetin"gs'f I JT71=77 = S'I'Y BOTKSTLFR
the otfiersof the DAILY, Opiera liouss block, at I_______________________
Sheehatir. at Stotltet's, or tith anry of the hBard of IDirectors oif the Ath-__
eios.letic Association wil1libe held this A T TT Z'IT----
Communitionsiisrholdiireachlithy otheby(WVedneshlay')evening at j o'clock.
o'liickP. a. if thieyare ito appe'saeritheet TiHEA
lay. Aitiress till mtterti' e'd Cuertiublicis- I1.(G. I I i:I , 'Pres. I V T
commntUiication soldbesntt teiui- T e ester society wrill renderesMagr' O TF TE
THE U. of M. DAILY, the folloiving initerestinig program " LTCT ,B
Ann Arbor. Mi ch. to-night, to wchichi eserybodly is in- You can fitid a Full Lite of
EDIORSvitel: IPiano solo, 'Miss D~avis; IPar-
RLHSOE, 9, aingEto. oily, "The lllackstonus' BriidgeHI. P1urnivcsh-ing('
. CRSS'WAss.Mngndio'I.Jon;ipopuI' cto;G.L. C'arrHAN, 'tO. Assirt. Mianagitug Edits's. declaniation, P. J. M. Halley; gui- L
J. C. TRtAMS, '92, tBusittesr Manauger. A ASA
W5. P. PAtRKERi,'91, Aettt.ttusiresiMtiuager. tar solo, J. M. McGill; imuprompt;liCCC .RCET,'4 sit Bsns a'r ely .Da elm tion, -1.7 Adler's K'd
0. i. ienvn 'i melle, dclanatit, I. -___ J7. L C ~ Adlr'sKidGloves,
H. D.JEWEL.'()]e.l. . ~ttDr,'5 I.'9 ;Cannon; imiproimptu; piano solo,
Fl) .: Oins'9 . F. E. lrgtno''T~tOT~f1
F'.. tsos's's. 'ta. J. It. AaRNii~t.,'1ii Miss IDavis. yHl
G. B. Dygert. '91. C. F. iwELLati, '94. dLil±, IC.alHoeta f~0
BUSINESS LOCALS. P. R. Ci.s.ss', lire's.
Ii' you wish to readl full accounts
of all this class base-ball games, tele-
graphic relports of the gamies that
the 'varsity nine plays on its east-
cmn trip, and full reports by our
staff co'rrespionident of tie eastern
gamer, subscribe at once f')r thes
DILYt.5. Only Si .co for the remain-
der of the year.
CO.NINriNI;Gtith this issue, this
DLY ttwir'll be pirintedl in the mhorn-
ing ansi deliveredl to subscribers
dluring the noon hottr or earlier.
This is done merely as an expieri-
muent. If it doslurntot prove satisfac-
tory after a fair trial, ste ill return
to the oli l lan. Hereafter, all
campurs matter anud all notices of
the facutlty, base-ballnmanagers andsI
captains, athletic directors, andl the
various class and University organiz-
ations must be in the DL)Ysvboxes,
wshichr are pilacedl in the iifferentI
INots inse''rtir this ciliimn at the rats'
of1e t's'erlin. Spiails'sratue orlionger
Go to E. B. Hatt for eiial.
Blathis Ile at '. 0. lBarber Shopl.
Specsiiilrtes fur Seiiors at R1andall's.
Cioal an oi d aiir t hiils'iit's'. Slate St.
Alws'a ileadler ill styler.
St .s is iii, 'hee't'ailoir.
A tswo-thiirdicikel Star htieceif ot'
rats cheap. Enquire if 1". C. Clark.
42 Madisoti street.
Our trails in miusic'al tmet'ehanulise
liar s'xscsediesil expectations. We'' lars'
sol heis'ntest liue of goinis Ini this
city. Now fur the bialamice if this
schiool year sr's sill give yiiu a benefit.
't'huere ia biisitisss itt this. See our
stock. get our prices. 'We gutaratee
otur t1le. stritigs equal tio any ini the city,
ai atiy prie. 25 Sit. Fourth Avenue.
Blefiore iordeirinig a sprtinig suit or
overcoat.rs'e hlihse uttered by (lie
Goitls'ii Eagle C'lothing Co., -No. 90l
Wiioiltant avenuie, IDitrioit. Yonueati
piiiitivesly' sari' te-t dollat's iii a suit amid
gil the bieniefit of the nerrest patermna
tail latesticiii. A representatir'e of
thei firiii silt risit AnilArbor every
Tiit'i da . Ofice at oodlyear &-, St.
muii caiihtiiiiililt hit thie store will re-
E .0 o aOR a. Si a o
Gradcper uo
weKsdyan usa
30 Famous rained o s
P1FriceS, We2,35-D 50oitsic.
Geatrar Quera.bup
Hb L1b LL UJU 'i 1 L'
Made to Order and Satisfactonl
32 S. STATE STi, ANN 'titOt
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
Time Tabin gaing tinttreffec, Mondaye'. Fe"2iQ
GOIN NO -H. a.tn
Ms'rnietes'c E rses'r iiriiMaiil......... ut. at.
Mt. Pieiasant Exprtes's.................11;la" 1
Maise M ai. ............ .... 9 P
W '. ii . BiENNETr, iR. S. GRiEENWO's''
Ger. Past. Age'nt, Liocai MOO1'
Recreat ion for Stunilts.
In fine trim for season of IS9t
Modern conveniences, courteous
treatment, elegant ross and sail
boats, dance hall and music-
departmients, b~efoire 6 o'cloc k in thic -
afternoon of the slay before thice A0.l11-.ff-
issue iif thre lDAIiniiwhich i ile-A. 0. iMit u rgC o u .
siredththe appesar. Rn1purisioi CHICAGO.,
meetings, etc., swhichi are hli Iii
the evening, shioitlilhe left at tlio .IiIIOITLL
I..licY office, (Ipera lliiiie shock, . 71-
nut later thian S:30 o'clock ini the ___
- .0 . -----_ _Special originaultdesignis withi esti-
NoTI-i'A-u meeting oif the Proh>iiirates' wsill he furnished ott leqluest for
Iition Cliub will be held in las's lee- l'ommiuencemuetnt Inuvitatiomis,. ('hitss-Day
Pirogratmmes, Fraiternity Staitionisry',I
ture room, Wuedtnesday etc., at 7 P- leiti andh (Guest(Carids for Banqutjuets
ino. All prohtibitionists in college andiihChub Dinnters, Daince Progtratmmeus,
should attend. stutd tll othenr kinids of eollege wvork.
______ Our stationuery is alwa'~ys nottuble for
its handsome emgraving, corroct formi,
NOTtCE:-All men trying fs'r amid modlerate prices.
m e d i c d e ps t t e a m a r e e xl i e c t e d t o A ( , M r f lT T T Q f l C o .,ci e o a m u v r . m .C g .C I A O

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