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April 07, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-04-07

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1 '
LU.* Wail
Our New Law Lecturer.
l 1ICIttic, TisrF EN'icar.
A Conservatory of Music in the
the democatic caietndidiate for itresi-
i 'lien Prof essor Rogers resit ed . den oi f tiht tity coul wales elected,
postid hai Dca an itiftre if)tst iti i
thie tiat need here foito~ittlt Illr tt tial f1011ills aetlic h ticket . ctr c Ti it i l t-
lltw deatet , hitt fal much i+tai i Iit i c uualtiftl
1s ftlii tici li t ifs an t t 11 iffelrtelt t il ept caii cic ti t i n l was. l etlcted.~t
01 e itns c ad astti to Vl wouldt
havi il er icii li e tliccus col Clals1.K ie rd aeo h
Sio ha beenge i le t o th eiii tair 1 fsi t at ttcl toe Iceit sto th Iii v st, a dd t or jsieo
cx-fatoro al oret, itida iferttoi iculietlie.
btthe l havoingen ts 1r ~i ateo c pu1- rseth sdy of i si i t. tue e (-pee odsen t o d mcayc c keard
\tithceis-ethiat use ifitheiFascltyoist 'hueaaddefnastratyee iittieerois.to
Bostn, s lctuer illhe eceved eveingIt ('lciie w s lr aos~c t s ; l)ilt ldeo~rktig -owstu eltcte
11 4 aotnu nti co pslat. lie scet e. t ei t o i e ne lest tthe 1l- sitnt i h tr ar? to o
tersity Sen~ate, tt t h iti trier$ C M U IA IN
ietlre 186 anthe grcliae l l the (c-a ret eattitdi h eeis, C~snl si h irr o
ofc t nthl c ooi aisi actasc truste for-al br tscer
tea adhe seitor tue b au 'i fttids ', t ytmi oie'cesl aurM n
Es-tees itof I.a? i ts asyi.to t
aces, ni 'wllsn," i 868urn, " toil is et s-ter niU o ol of taue. Stte sor ti Sud s? A lrt--rk
I the itoisse g begi n S tda s pies ett r tIf s tieig
Ir Biwis ai oftis ant i n ie ex- matarycgratles, eodir titie ah mtiisito oe Sunda y afitttsro tiii b
trci nthvnleg o n atE t n P reue (rou sthey of muicsto 1h et- gefct Gosntian p r dt-
Itacisi 36 i al dcticeno cluso ofosit ote 'worke. woi nilg ccudeii lie s hoie ittlthe
Wa s o iv ait Shoopuli sta fchtoilel Th ad iitrtv toer i tti cis ard-woki ng sitr e t a ttisce
itsc e lecturerlatt. Ilet rst itrh sif mem er os f ir t hegii U ti c s i t ts titi L i sr e.' Id o
tere th tniverity ofie c igan, e er t Stat utte intutr ti liey ul d piilcnsie lt itt
r ife liii be. spoitdctseReens
'rit the graduatre seets the he b to resI tells stu d . sn'ta teLiryi nowt
tss f tip. t tB. lit I6 warar o wti l atlasshoul toa trk fici lt astu esfo al opneitt or tus. er lat rde cli stant
Ile9 surdite o te a t facs. e t yater s unite ftend-i tostry oy Stitadu askii themt o i
d ge frm te U iest. hiPrcie. igeof is krfsi n . hogotW r h ree or for nrieatrdott i g rooms oter wecte gct n tthe
th imtd Sate School w a ti oude usel Facuoly mth gtiferial enftl te uc an dGid libraries, le Ia erc and that
ani lo of vaiosiealstrs, raity o t ri icul rie the firjec tin hcee stues t o gtostd
AVIrittttohu xints 111 ticef Cie
te cuireiii scerulti o Cllege'Sltu-
detnts, haittitalartge citrus of skilled
Dignitters atutu elerts sieially
trauidrtl bai e andl out ithir jewstlled
cwirk, imptin g, a- is sc-c ti, titly
Sto es wei ar iIc sinatt oit i ontl itto'rtlt
(1c t he fits ii ai n ari itsil Jeel ledit
cii t hifa turei ll t -ihi ilt lct tie
Wright, Kay & co.
AN1 111 1 ) I i l i
Litiroit, Muoh an.
chas. ,Speller & ( .
Uiversity Outfitter.
TCnnis +GOOD.
"3J"13f{hh GOODS,
,=IS =EisR
___il'sA -
44Wung them heitig his "I.:stoplsei,'' it will he impossibule to btritng it he-
"raud,' "Euitt" ""'Torts,' anth ftire the Regents in time foe thenm to
ht1eading Cases on Torts." ' take definite action.
few yer g i tr i Yesterday's Election.
'iorts- cvas adopted as a text-book
bthe University of Cambridge, ;The returns in thme state election
fgland; and at the request of that for Justice of thme Supreme Court
Unmiversity he prepared an English and to Regents of the U'niversity,
tittion, which that University htas are so inconaplete that a decisivee
Putbished for its own use- amn hon- statement of the result cannot be
or conferred upon fewv Americans. given. The republicans chains time
it said to have a peculiar puower election of their ticke't by mcccoo
of analysis, which he uses with great majority, and time denmocrats say
dicretiona in Iis lectures, amid al- that the result 'is doubtful anti that
though treating his subjects exhaust- the majority oi either side cwill not
h~ey, lie seeks to impress upon the be nmore thian two or threte thotmsamnd.
4idi of liii hearers, the cital prin- If that reisublicamis are the victors,
ihies niore particularly. :Messrs. Howard and Cook, trill be
Mtr. Bigelowv is not a stranger at tihe newv Regents; if the demoacrats
the U. of M., having delivered a win, Messrs. Clark and W'illiamas will
coutrse of lectures on 'Equity Juris- take office next Decenaber.
Prusdence," in '88, and on "Insur- In the Ann Arbor city election,
aue n'89. M. E. Cooley, of the University,
the Bible. What time anti places
are naore suitable for time readinsg of
religious and biblicah literature than
in church libraries Sunday after-
noons? Is not this the Godsend?
Tio me it is evident we do sot need
thme Library open Sundays, and ethic-
cially not at this season of time
year. 1,.
The University Bill.
'Tte sensational report of thme Clii-
cago newspapers that timeUiiver-
sity bill is in damger of not pass-
ing proves to be utterly unfounded.
'The billh has hassed die comnmittee
of timewhvloe in time senate and is
msade time special order for to-morrow
when it will undoubtedly pass. It
then only needs the signature of the
governor to make it a law.

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