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April 07, 1891 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-04-07

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, r+ on this point. For the sake of the,"1 eaUnvri a alitrss
harmony should presail not onily its WE WILL FOR THlE NEXT FOUR WEEKS
b tiheil ((il (Steasrtd tuo hefehan(as}u-n l Offer five tons of paper of all kinuds to be sold tby the pound at regua
[FU iM NEEDN OITO.other classes. ( M:ill rates. Try our Crown Imperial Linen at 25 cents per
IF, . O M. EPEDET SdGAT1N. ++-- -)ound.tit. tond Paper, 'thesis, antI 'Typewriter taper at
BUSINESS LOCALrS. Great lar"'sins. Lusvetopes to niatch alt tapers
Susrpinies g:1 ,501pers cia, inariably at gseat ly reduiced rates.
P r
in dvnc. igleii Stls 3 ent'.ss al a 'I mes i' rted in 1 this . s nii ee it the rate
tii c s III 5 isi ei - l--l-,'
1e,11 at te lico f iie i 1) . 1 ito operaI:. It.
{)rth o(sisitos. ill,,thsiiIttat I'. It. Ihiriher Shop. T I T
oin tu55suictios holdr. f te )lie y p- si i es r ito t ' In T ilr.
Ia.MifTlIPE} r ox a h ~ ~ec SC.asPandI.DAILY St l lsi ,,t'iI aateOpera
AdAs il utri tnd 1')repu l ash ltitiolnlitI lttoue iel,
teM nti Editor l ~S '' ' ' I Itti-t ale d(1 I 1 st slt .
(i s ho lit1 et. , utt a tell~nincsit', ti til Itt p i 1 OK.T heul T aIilostr. I ( I II __
tst. Wi, 1 i. it tiiigii ii~s ll. Is I ht, tev s stoeeilltoll- i ~ I4 L .
THE U. t of . DAe .ILYt~ i, d son" lil h ti oltupt it the O, ioit
IDI ORS iT.he t'1'...i 1.A.11til i Ii 'I' N.t 'M.It S it aiw ytc e
_.t It. ((itt. ' 4l, 0 (5 11. ri',it r. NI I. tils tWtill k it £1'11x trsitl ith tsT1)LA.IT1m.
C. I , c i 'illssst4taapn Eitr. 'utll t pIn.s Vhir~sdattti d ay itand
ItLI ,'ok,'J,,Asit M naigEitr 5 l l lie C li i t hil is weekt£1 ao
J. (usinss tall;t~r. Icom loilt lltllittllt eir it list11
It, iii iiot i i sti ies 'r i gn tickt s.jtfi cehut ellt allIafter ii i
W . N tilt i t I' litslist . ,, 1 n t t liii
Ii.1 jiat I1N tlsI.I . I 4;. li"my1.i:" lgcr ific tes. 'leT..llA. A.o N
P.O 3, tt t !i ,lio a ils ll cri n toi i l t X115 1
! iI5s tti, ittl 1t I, ltsh.
£,1al I 1lSi t, '1F. ,.Mai tti3 ii t tolpit lIl i Xli I ll, 11dE toH Rall INRODC-
ter S.i 'its otN t' titusil thel Toit edoilu l tittArhootandt j
ag i ilstl iigill ,as'IrdlyadS at urdayltt'o
'1st Iauiut1 Its I O T EA rlI t)l to}II . G odrttiN t's u I lit- o~
i tp iltu lest il(l i l itie l l tsut
Maige ilt. i t, ottie titila c of ti
I H E 5, iii N n u E. (bol l veIt l t erwill rivtet to l it' tkt as Z
-- -I teist uit t' i71 FuriSt.Sest, - Detro t a uh
i'i'i ' 0
N.NM. ill© wRllIsell v
s-+toiisiii Ii s t l'', I12P LI L JI S ____N)ICN'lt1t)_ ''
Fit tti itd a Futll JLice of
Fine Fr siI
Adl~er's Kid Glove,
Perriun's Kid (51050$,
Made to Order and Satisi' iit'Ofl
2 s,'r'A'rE 5i'., ~.5" tlt~t()
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
Timte Tablisnuig lnoselot , Sloth tsr del'
lpit. Pleiasat Pa(issse sc..... 5,1
iii, is M Stti. . . . i'
-1 « llli) IJIUIIk II va LIIf-t1:i J
athlietics anut u st a teamti ofitheir Sp''iii toriginail design wit h il, sti'
a fttilishi ait lbecilluse'nitherfatio '.ul tlti it's, Intittlilynslits-Dayi'
hitisuti ttlit eistiiai,~tltill I i og itteittlsatlerntyl geSst,oe. ,
ca uttit awmnn n Mn l Gutll t Cardi5 ug sost mlts
tid Cu itit ers ii it't'i, a ites
he'doneheffieteyiteit er ass Outiatonryisalay ntalefo
s'rhrl>etezaaeVaddi IM( J ~' etrs stiltlisot rertlgtizeati factiontA .I~~k~U'i ,~lj~,
Scamandttthletite it is useless to itv ile C HI CA GO.
Grand Opera 15ouse
Frziday. April 10, 18$91.
Prices, - 35, 50 and 75 Cts.
uet rglte t 'att tut i Ne'sStattnd,

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