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October 16, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…- i , , h > i cam , , _ = # ,. _ x __ _. )1.I. N:o. 1 E,. UNIVERSITY OF MIC UGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1890, PRICE 3 CAN-Y1 IS. HILARIOUS LAWS. vacancies, the deanship and the chair of Tapspan Professor of' Law. ANs lee- 'H"EY OFFER THEIR CONGRAT-'tnrer, they have appointed Prof. Rtog- ULATIONS TO JERRY; ers for the first half year, and for the -- second half, IDr. B~igelow, ouie of tile And Serenade Prof.; Thompson 111051brilliant law-lectur...…

December 16, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…" 4 Q. No. 162. UTNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Tt i~iEI)AY, DECEMBERR 16, 1890. PRItCEt 3 CENTS. FRE-SHMAN ELECTION. ticket isas elected btic aoasritissc kllU i I~epnen Vcor ablouit the saute as the abovse. The s-oc rae tie l ,ildsio-to the its i ______1idepenietVcor. Ild leiris had no catn]idate for cx j.ade. lit' Iresltiet, s-i tlettoss on tut Toastmaste. tihe]-sofhietrs elc- Nss. si ball bial.11t Itl)utas' rcesr,<n dwr:ScF.1.Czp1 Ta..It(soINdr)ti...…

January 16, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…-1Je.t. of O ° N ITVEI~hITX OF MICIII&xiNV, Al. Wraip. FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1591. PmClE,, THREE CENTS. The Ben-Hur Tableaux. Ann Arbor people enjoyed more thn an ordinary treat last night in e representation of the Ben-Hur -Tablean '.iie parts were taken etirely by local talent, and were all Wel Pro al el lerformed, especially those oTin-ur and Iris, by Mr. Rath- ons and Miss Lane. The scenery smagnificent. A goauh m esi gd audience, made up la...…

February 16, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…~Ij U.Of ln.Walp putime of Work in Statistics. LUNIVEITY OF 1IICItOAN., MOND)AY, I.I'-LfIIARY Pt, i)' 1 iicTisiec:(hCENTrS. The Gym. Fund Benefit. I I li ifi Feb 01. 7, i891- lTo)-niorrow e vening lit r.IJaynesf III ' U.of 1 Iti it a liiiarlbor, l\ ftAplebeeli, of lBostoinawill ap- 1011if bear in riv osrito IIall to ive ---iThe 1 loi. (Carriill 1). IIlhis101ctiiioon '"Dickens." fir the tilgilft 110is to leiture upon Sta-f iho10lt if tlie 'vlfi...…

March 16, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…I i tiNIVENtSITY OF MICIIIIG \ONI)DAY, M A RCII 11N 1. iilz 1(:, Tliii ( CENTS N. A tture by Rev. Dowling, President MR. WRIGHT'S LECTURE. ot Detroit College. lA ligr "Rcx is ilcl aleligion in Polities.'' a light at lillyl olIXHill to listenl tx l t o 1rigit deli next religiioiias the IRe-.:tl . P1'. lowling, p]resident Iclyefin the beinlgand perfection of ofS totl xid1 0111{ "lk 0 xx d, nIthe practice (of moral dluty c i~llelnglt ll u onc"I c...…

May 16, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…lc . of , 1. '1a . Tor.. NOL. 1.-N~t. 4L' UNIVEERSITY (OF MICHIGAN, SATVIDIA-Y, -MAY 16,, IS1>i. titTtt Urs PRICE, THREE CENTS. GLEE AND BANJO CLUBS. With the subhstitutlionl ci a miotleyj The Delta Gamma Convention. TerConcert Last Evening. aw kiwardevolutiotisthireii the tudi-ii iiilCiiclti ltietcl I~~h three hull- enC cc inito ctiiiriisiiiis oft I iihter.j(lma fatriycoe lisnilt 'ere were onlyabioiit tlii he cluibs are to ie tiomlimented it ...…

October 16, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…Ie II. of 3 Waip. PRICE, THREE CENTS. VOL. II.-No. 15. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1891. THE GIRLS SAY NO. "Co-ed's" Society a Rare Article at Wesleyan College. Wesleyan University has a lively sensation, and the young women students are freely expressing their minds regarding a new order from the college authorities. Wesleyan has many pleasant young men among its students, and the girls have found them agreeable companions...…

November 16, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…je . of . Iail . VOL. II.-No. 41. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1891. PRICE, THREE CENTS. A DELIBERATE STEAL. Michigan Suffers at the Hands of a Biased Umpire. There were two things responsible for Michigan's defeat at Chicago on Saturday. First, the decisions of the referee in the first half and the umpire in the second half (S. ). Capen, of the University Club) which were entirely without precedent on any foot-ball field....…

December 16, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…KIjt~tOf Al. Wail II. VOL. IL.-NO. (62. UNIVEESITY OF MTICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1891. The Regents' Meeting. for it, except those, possibly, who Webster Society. found it a pleasure to contribute The Board of Regents meets to- 'the fotlowing programme switi be daye. Regent AV. J. Corker says: oadterucs fth nepi enutered at the meeting of the Wteb>- t"he most important thing that wiltlinut nosy come some medlesome se oit hseeig come...…

January 16, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…Alm tt* AT . Wi'i~Ip. V o.lii.-No . > UNIVTERSITY OF MICiIIGAN, SATURDLAY, JAN [TAlY iU. 18921. PRICEs, TilEE CENTS., Co-Ed'°s Reforms. the wtomen studients. la tas ially thain mentally, and this haI'OF YOUR Al iiiis-Otetligof n epeiiliiarrangedl for boycotting tte irl stbeen the case for several years pasOtE. B1G withI the purpose of diingi"themo We read In all the mietropolitan pa-I11I ills Wednsesday noon, a (elega-I rr t: -it ics eect...…

March 16, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…1,c . a A, Votl'.I-No. INis. The Thought News Ihis pultication groxN-s out of (t ide that soime professors in t -ii tisite hold anl Irv to teacr gidi s ews interpcretation of tl i sic11 mthoditof 1pub)lsiction.T [t)Boiongi' anounceent csourern ii UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, '"J. EINSi)AY, MARICHIIlt,192. the thought side. The cuterpieisti the dlirection of a coolll sit asd prom pled by an inqtuirs-cmosvemient tpractical astronomer. t!centerin";...…

May 16, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…of m m m m VOL. If.-NO. 160. VOL. 1.-No.lI~o.U NIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, .MONDAY, MAY 1( , 1592i. Pice ~eI ' PlacE, TutzEE CENTS. NORTHWESTERN CALCIMINED. "t~oc.' Peareson lead the team in Eamned rciun,. of M.,1;iiit by pisel d bhalf' Hres2;bases on ballsbys lIaise-. by To MnFrm vnsonPayYe-sacrifice hits. The game openedAticloscet ''" sirce tb Ht, rnssic5,bhi Sic- low Ball -Harness Allows Them swith ttte ' Varsity at tbat. Craswford Doe,3; i...…

November 16, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…U. ofA. Wailp. Vor.. 1IL-No.. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 'It, 1892. Psc, TRu, CENTS. U .OF . l ll1 i rder eeach side of each table SOME RUGBY NTES - 1 111l E I 1wetu row ofseveeachhv \N 1. ~FM. I/I IT t ng aee wrow of helvboes, each tsax Observaions on the Coming Naton- We Claim the Invention of the large enough to take inSi vo panph- a Game J(II&O Card Catalogue, lets. In these boxes were what "nStra' aeItld f~oT5 Card Cadlog...…

December 16, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…ti Of , t. ii' VOL. III. -1V c). :: +. UIV~ERSITY OF MICHIGAN, IM DAY, I)ECEMIBER i";16,I92. PI-RItonTressmi.: (%ENaS±. THE DECEMBER INLANDER, lovser of a blue-eyed white maiden. _____ Toe story contains more or less ,a Number Full of Excellent Produc itr uth and came to the writer. ff. i tions in Prose and Verse. I On Sale Today. P orter, froni those whlt(eiad it fromi -- tile actors, by word of miouti. ARMOUR INSTITUTE, I A Manual Trai...…

January 16, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…Co 4 . Wail n VOL. III.-NO. tf. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, JANUIARY l16, 1898>. I'RIOEl THREE CENTS. PRESS CLUE MEETS. utterly fail its purpose. The pioof WOMEN AT THE WORLD'S FAIR. G, H Snw, tat EdtorDetoitreader was described as a very ii Mrs, Angell Addresses the Woman' - s News, gives the Journalists portant functionary.ViWeie it not League on "Woman's Eixhibit atPones ohi Ponesfihs eagle eye andr ias ivc in- the World'a Fair.oh ...…

February 16, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…tt* Of . 1a 1. VOL. III.-NO. 96. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRIJARY 16, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. THEIR MONTHLY MEETING. The Board of Regents Made Several Appointments and Appropria- tions, Yesterday Afternoon. The chief business transacted by the Board of Regents, yesterday afternoon, at their February meet- ing, was the appointment of profes- sors and in regard to appropriations. The resignations of Prof. C. W. Ilelser and Inst...…

March 16, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…4bf tt of . t o . VOL. III.-NO. 1 0. VOL 111 No 111. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH i16, 1893. PRCTEEEN. YFICE, THREE CENTS. THE STATE UNIVERSITY BILL. was decided to ihave anothler instruc-1 THE INDOOR MEET. Th SllPase te oue itfor in English, which appointmnt' will tie asseniadeouscwitiI.!Numerous Entries Already Made- , Only a Few Dissenting Votes wilb md y tile execatise Cm Good Fencing Will be an At- - Yetra.llittee. Permiss...…

May 16, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

…. uf Ila. 30 " 1e VOL. III.-No. 162d. UNIV\ERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MlAY 16, 1893. PRIaCE, THREE CENTS. WHO WILL HEAD THE LIST? executive board, which shall consist of A BATTLE OF GIANTS. TheSlier up n Ehibtio t three seniors, two juniors, one solpho-I 'TheSilvr Cu onExhiitio tomore, and one8 frestinan. aind they The Game with D. A. C. Tomor- be Contested for at Annual row Promises to be an Inter- rz Field Day.salcitin iloliewiester e...…

October 16, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…A1066 U AdL ot AOL Nr A&I YOE. IV.-No. 14. THE DELTAS DEFEATED. By a Score of 26 to O the Michigan Team wins Easily from the D, A. C. Saturday. It was rainy and disagreeable, muddy and windy, but success was with us for all that. The U. of M. Football team returned in triumph Saturday night from its trip to De troit. The D. A. C. had been easily disposed of by a score of 26-o. This demonstrates that our team was only playing with the D A. C...…

November 16, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…ladN&L.,FF AIL c tt L VOL. IV.--No. 41. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. OUTRAGEOUS SLANDER. cert by either one alone is an event False and Groundless Reports of great musical importance. Ann Circulated About Our Arbor has the unusual privilege of Football Boys. hearing them together. The pro- As an example of malicious false- gram to be performed is a very bril- hood, the following dispatch to the l...…

December 16, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…1 e . a VOL. IV.-No. fi3. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1Q 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. VOL. IV.-No. 63. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. THE '96 ORACLE. count of a football game between IN SPITE OF THE ELEMENTS. To ie On Sale Monday, - Full of Illus- trations, Literary Matter cuts illustrating Davis tackling The Glee and Banjo Clubs Give their and GrInds. Concert to a Large Num- Wei ha v...…

January 16, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…A% 4M Aim AOL VOL. IV.--NO. 7 4. 1Vot.P/-No 74. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUAR~Y 16, 1894. THE SENIOR LAW ANNUAL. of subjects which the names signi- W ill be Published by the Class of fy : General literature, Messrs. Sinsis Ninety-Four-To be Called and Denisos; drawings and engrav- To-wit." ings, Messrs. Wollman, Walters and "or sone icmae the matter of a taller; college orgasizations,Mlessrs. sensor annual for the law depart- P...…

March 16, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…, . s rk r t r i , f, WIS ss (a XVuur, IV.-No. 120., SONGS OF ELIZABETH'S AGE. Profs. Demmnn and Stanley Enter- tain a Large Audience at Frieze Memorial Hail. Those Who were fortunate enough -o h Iprsetat atFrieze AMemorial hall last erenine4 were treatedl to ani entertainaoicnt 1)oth instractive ansi nteresti a"g Prof. lecnioonilesvotedi a sh are is the time tis an assc(155t of ~li a- o)eh'sregnwhc soaie of the s reates' posluctios o f is...…

May 16, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…jc tt* o le VOL. IV.-No. 163. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1894. PRIcE, THREE CENTS. VOL. IV.-NO. 163. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, ATAY 16,.1894. PRICEI THREE LENTS. THE COMING FESTIVAL. digied seniors, arrayed in cups S Republican Club Meeting. CfWT/D TrlT1 Gretet usca TratEvr f-and gowns, began to pour in he A etn f h eulia UlbCLUVLIkL .ICYOIb.U GreateMuicalteater ( wofldspeedily hveunderstood the Ameigo h eulcncu ...…

October 16, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…Ije .o , . ail,,. \'OL. V. No. -14. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 18-1. PRICE-THREE CENTS. THOS. B. REED. Lockers on Sale. UNITY COURSE OPENED. Sketch of the Ex-Speaker Whe Oin Friday morning the gylolossinin Rev. Minot J. Savage, ef Beaten, Appears Here Teomorrew leckers will be llacedloil sale in the Asks "What O'clock is it Evening, treasurers othier. One litutired sod Thliefist ititllici'of the Studenits'twenty-fire of...…

November 16, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…tt* Of AMA Voi,. V. No. 4 2. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1894. PiitCw--TZoHtsi CENTS. OBERLIN TOMORROW. Our Team Is in Good Condition.-' Oberlin's Eleven Also Strong.- Special Regulations. TIhe soon has intrifere'id somewhatio wOit 'tootall'iracticetis week.tisbhti shown inl sevra'l lins. The men showned lie ees of travel andoicok of sulieent work in the' IKanss gtme liut, wtithI no oiler tripstintakeefhioiie tihe C orne...…

January 16, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…IjC. U.of Al'. Wa1l. VOL. V. No. 74. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 189 5. PRICE-THREE CENTS. NEW 'ATHLETIC RULES. w By-Laws Adopted by the Presi- dents'of the Various Col- leges at Their Meet- 'iE in Chiago. in anslwir to reuetsts it'eIDaily pubillishies ini[fill the rules whicli were atlopted iby thet'reidoletsof Wsot- si,(Chictigo. Pidue. Illiiois.Mill- oeootti. iod orlivsei'iuiiversitiis at ltheir meeting iica'iitgo l...…

February 16, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…Vol,. V. No. 95. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN . SATURDAY., FEBRUARY IR . 18915. PRICE --Fly rCENTS. 'TIS ATIING ~aOF TlE AST O'slok ths mon;!g, olh.'nthe paty Ella Shelby an(1 Mod C1ry,5of 1 and N06 0 PAS1010'boke1nips oting le "Asnill ~1011a11Rapids. Mslses Clara 1-Edy nd . 111 NINETEENTH ANNUAL BALL vrlysucsosot.t10 l ''tiorl1lopIXEddy.of Bay City, 1M1isoes lltl f, Tiesto earii without lt book. PASSE INT HISORY. as h oe'0i111 10101 .of t121'v 7111...…

March 16, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…l e . a in, al VOL. V. No. 118. MAYS ANT) INGIIAHAM RECEIVE FIRST AND SECOND HONORS IN ORATORY. FFORTS OF A HIGH STANDARD OF EXCELLE-NCE. 'The Contesting Speakers and Their Orations-The Judges Markings- Honors Awarded by Regent Bar- bour. The Chicago Almni medal ani $7 in money firtbelir in tie oratrial contet for 'iCr belong to ZJ. AIay, Tian law, of Emporia. ham,., a11( his iternuate to IowiCOuy is F. L. Ingra- ham, 'tilla1w, et Aza-liaiMi...…

May 16, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…bCe tofI ,ialn VOL. V. NO. 160. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. THUTRSDAY, MAY 16, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. '5CASTALJAN OUT. Between this and tle oter story i THlE APP1ROPIJATION BILL. q EOR WINDOW a lle.o o~lIl u-ctTHEJiPUBLICATION ONE OF THE tir]," bey G. IR. Barker; "A Se.81(11' COMMITTEE HAS DECIDED ON BEST EVER ISSUED. bty Ilaylnond W'eiks; " Starligl." tb y $80,000 FOR THE UNIVERSITY. TBBMYB Pictues, Sories Biogaphicl Itrettat A. Iloyles. an...…

October 16, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…tt of VOL.. VI. No. 15.. EUNIVERS1TY OF MICHIGAN, WEIDNESDAY. OUTOI3ER 16$, 1895. FOURi PAGES-3 CENTS. HIATRV7ARD N(ITPNOVEBER9. a/put at quarter back for a lime as O N EGIA a s u b s titu ie fo r B a il . kl' i id n i lef GUT RGAME AT BOSTON PROBABLY oille good tackles" as dlid also Ple~ til ON111 ha POSTPONED A WEEK.' ENTRY CLOSES TONIGHT. ?N Is enough for one person to 1 !______ X11 lyo at one time. One ' Ta Will Allow a Harvard-Princ...…

November 16, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. No. 12. UNJVEMBS ITY OF MICHIGAN, S.1 tT DAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1895. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. AT UNtiIV ERSITIY h1ALL. BUT TH1IS BET L. IPRAT GAMES YET. ONE G ITAKn liThe Philadelphia Ledger Has Said ~i N UTRLELAND T. POWERS WILL AP- Its Little Say.OUSTNIGNTH WETS NN PER TONGHT.YET TO BE DETERMINED. Is enlougi for one person te PEA TONGHT th______nt;fomte hl plyon at oe tille. One I1 The Great Impersonator Is Here Importance of Today's Games-W...…

December 16, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…tl I of , 1. 1R VOL. VIf. i O. W. LJMN1V'EH SITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAT) Y, VI+CIsM AII sI 16E, 196s. FU AE-lCN ___ . _ - G; i IS A1,i'PLAUJ1S. NOISE. Comnmunication,. ORhXCLE ONrL~TDY i NE GITAR A CONCERT LONO TO BE REMEM- tW :'eLhly 11 H NULFEAAINO 18 oL enough-1 for 001e person to l ERI B RED AT A NN ARBOR. ilrtioi.ii-1 iacie h~i lly 01 at oite t lime. 01im'E c h E- o-'st I ~ (nI iti l f 1. Contains 150 Pages of Readiing l:4 tiitszr inot eii...…

January 16, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…aIC U. of A. Wailn. VOL. VI. No. 75. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1896. Four PAGrs-3 CENTS. aam TT 1 E :9Ex IZE Riam R-1 ONE GUITAR I Is enough for one person to play on at one time. One guitar is not enough, how- ever, to supply 3,000 stu-? dents. That's why we have constantly in stock several dozens of guitars of various makes and prices. BETTER LOOK AT OUR U.OF M. GUITAR' It's good as its name. THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO, S....…

March 16, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

… VOL..Y I. N O. 11P). ANN AY BORI'VI ICJ{IGAiN, M)INIAY. MAR~CH i; s6 Icuit PAGIS-3 CENTS. TW1NT OFF SMO O0TIIY. fVN (li b 13 1,'w-od ole 9 8atlL; ~ SCIIOLMATitS' CLUB. BICYCLE . 1 !licezt > se"'. 1ifil. wee by lerter, '9S lil BIY L S THE FIFTH ANNUAL INDOOR M, ce-_tal. SMaliletec , 'IS 1; tlte 1-f5: TWENTY--SIXTH MEETING TO BE prpoeton feit intd "1we91 MEET A GREAT SUCCESS. . Si' wilet'o by .Aleillitta '98pI HELD MARCH 27 AND 28. I] vP c~e...…

May 16, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…iji VOL. VI. No. 1635. ANN ARBOR1, MICHIGAN, rUR DAY, MAY 16,. 1896. Fours PAoE:S-83CiETS. +SA -c- = THE COMEDY CLUB Tennis Men Hard at Work, !We Must D~ove 0 'lieu : enntis i4t poputlar in th1eli- R Thte stare thesowiocupieyIas !1Will Present Sardon' S <"A Scrap vosiy5s ttelsted ity" lilt (loIvdetl H bees sold. lems;see w i (Imirtes" 141 of Paper" Tonialit. cniinothcursilhec11)s r~ W~e Must Close 1out lteig it011s e s -so t att "'A Se-il)...…

June 16, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 191) • Page Image 1

… VOL. V1. No. 101. ANN ARBOR, MICH[GAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 196. Fouit PAo~s-3 CETS. 'G tZZIEM MN&-1 a ftz 'lS UART FOR TRACK CAPTA IN Address of Henry C, Adams. FUNERAL OF EX-GO. FELCil W e Must Move I The ITit of Iowa College gives the- The store we now occupybahoI' Br;igt Outlook for the Track following synopsis of the addres of To Occur This Afternoon at the quartese. ut, et 0 Team Next Year. PoesrHnyC.Aaso h Family Residence. I We Must los...…

October 16, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…Vo-,. VII. No. 14. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1896. FOUR FAG] S-3, CENTS. ® ~ ~ ~ ~ i .vLI~ ~ MC AiAt;1UN WINS. After ai exelttuwelOf 1)00i,an ii]gii EM-IAL OTPND ~ d~- o ~ 1Ar Ystrdy>Gale Was the BlestititX iOt-lltle1w )1( Mahler Was Liniible to :Meet Her- Of tileiS1LiterI°111j-ro 11e ite le txt - 4-i~~t{r i i1 1. I ia t -lI -eutetletie li I ti, Ilt tl:0(tui FULL _I S911SBASP '"ATY iu f--k it c1vettit. ct toerkit~ 10l Y C iiI...…

November 16, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. No. 40. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1896. FOURs PAGES-3 CENTS. @ LI)IDo Leading Tailor AND IMPORTER, FULL UHLESS SUITS A SPECIALTY, PLENTY OF EXCITEMENT. critical points the 'varsity bracedt and MAROON DEFEATS PURPLE. kept their goal safe.,tbnt they did not Absence of Regular Players Made gain1 as they should. Clancy mode Our Thanksgiving Day Game a Close Score. try for a goal oil a (trot) kick, bo WllBuDcsie a Close ...…

December 16, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. No. 60. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1896. Four, PAGES-3CTS ( ) E D, NEW DEBATINGz LEAGUE lOratorical Leaguie, bult because of the USE OF GYMNASIUMN, ,. T' I J..iiii ulber of oelriiinideil bateso that flits ~ To Be FormedL jgby the Leading would ocecaosioiift'e ideat, iWldropitei. Dne h aldu rtri Leadibngidth PladumFatr__aio The plan, ift' arrieti out, viii be ofrt ~enClee. icl~l.e "al t l fteisit-j te O hi al AND I...…

January 16, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…hc of 40 RDAY, JANUARY 16, 1897. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No, 7 3. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATI3 JT\ ~j~~ NEW GYMNASIUM SUIT. seei '-ntiyte director.,0la(d she is ale TRACK ATHLETICS. .. ! evcen from <ld tilitee to detect btdoni Leadhigo" I'lai Ior >ohe ies an Account of tiuOS1etin oo nd in'orr;c't lnOO"11'll2ts Prospects for This Year's Team whlicitIli(, douse would hosve conuceal 6Its Evolution ~ ~ n. e. '~etiliy h e ~I i5 Brightenin ....…

March 16, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…tic -.9916, ii i 4 c VOL. VII. No. 127. Received a ftil line ties for Spring and Trousering AO, 2 E, WASHINGTON ST, a Vselliec!0 In collapsible tut( cents is one of th toilet pr'eparatioes 0 We tare avery w ra3pu i ay for fifteen cen S PALTOER' S PHA 46 S. STATf S, AN N ARIBOR, MtCIIIGAN, TU'ESDAVY, MARCH 16, 1897. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. GREK .F'l'R IITATE.Dativ! . I". Lotis Wticzbocg, Arthure Is. Professor Fulton to Speak. Attilessa.Ott Icli...…

April 16, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. No. 154. P4 AN N ARBOR, MICHIGAN , FRIDA-i, APRIL 16, 1897. FOURn PAGES-3 CENTS. BASF'[!\ l(, MATTlERS. 1 Det~nite Date for Debate,; -A definite date. has at last been Receveda fll lne f NvelSchedule Adopted-Team Starts earned by Chicago for the joint do- Re ;e1VeC a full n Spring Trip Tomorrow. bate witir Michigan. 'The followinrg ties for Spring Suits- telegeratm tnan received yesterday: and Trouserings ILEor d irorf (onrltnire...…

June 16, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 196) • Page Image 1

…J POW i Air joAN& 11 t 4 , VOL. VII. NO. 196. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1897. FounR PAGES-3 CENTS. Received a full line of Novel- ties for Spring Suits and Trouserings 18 97 SIX HUNDRED WHEELS. The Bicycle Parade Last Night a. Grand Success. Ann A-rJcor's bicycle para,-de woas -5,c >,. At 7:15 ltue prone s:c'i. tl fib one of nn Arlio')didgnified cpoiet- nun andilfolloweid by il theifaculy iioi-- tihemselves realine the inum...…

October 16, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…AAMII . AIL ulp AL Affi AA VOL._ VIII. No. 10'. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16$, 1897. FouR PAGES. WLD0 Has received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winier in :Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings NIO.108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN I U, AlI legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packaaes- * til a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACY, ATHENS__THEATRE.' CORBETT- FITZSIMMONS V ERLSCOPE Jest Received...…

November 16, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…ie. t*"f A. a . VOL. VIII. No. 41. ANNaIARBOR MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, -NOVEMBER 16, 1897.- Foul PAGES. W I DDR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN. atXIuso rinnhfln. Arrangement for Chicago Game. W IL Dice. The hypothesis of a Polar eon- The Celebrated. Hero, Scientist tint is disproved; a nwy light has aagr Hughes returued froiit a Has received a full line of Novelties leria tiawia upon urre its, enier- flying trip) to Chicago ,yetray, but for Fall and Winter in a...…

December 16, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VIII. No. 64. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1897. PRICE--3 CENTF. WILD 'Has"'received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings N0, 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN AlI legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every wek. Only in packages- 60C a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACY. THOSE NOBBYSUITS! MILWARD THE TAILOR, STATE STREET. ATHENS - THEATRE. 'T4op, Dc. 17 DURNO The Prince o...…

March 16, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VIII. NO. 11. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1898. PRCE- CENT. A t ' id sA NEW SOCIAL EVENT. ,~(Fruit anD FowerMsion. WISCONSIN HITS BACK. Spring selections just arrived Bianjo Club to Give a Concert isrganized assumber of yeis -ag byPi Says that Two Michigan Plaers from the East Call and and IDancets il sltstgi~~P~l Are Professional. " for the patients n thee hositial wards{ inspect a rfl esPeaiom ysending fo...…

May 16, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…the . Uf 4~ 6 VOL. VIII. No. 170. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MAY 16, 1898 PRICE--3 CENTS. c At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our...... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST, NEAR MAN Palmer's Pharmacy ..-IS Now---- Wilder's Pharmacy The store is undergoing a thorough renovation, and the stock is being sorted and increased. Precsrip- tions a specialty. Geo. P. Wilder. PIPESSALEs...…

June 16, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 196) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VIII. No. 196. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1898 PRICE-3 CENTS. At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our...... Buitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO. 108 E. WASHINTON ST. NEAR MAIN 8PONC~S The kind that wears well and gives satisfaction. A new line just received of all sizes and prices from five cents up. Wilde's Pharmacy Keep Cool.. Get Your ICE CREAM SODA WATER. CRUQHES, PHOS- PHATES, FLOPS...…

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