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May 16, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-05-16

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lc . of
, 1. '1a .
With the subhstitutlionl ci a miotleyj
The Delta Gamma Convention.
TerConcert Last Evening. aw kiwardevolutiotisthireii the tudi-ii iiilCiiclti ltietcl
I~~h three hull- enC cc inito ctiiiriisiiiis oft I iihter.j(lma fatriycoe lisnilt
'ere were onlyabioiit tlii he cluibs are to ie tiomlimented it racris o-u tt iih
dired pteoplte in 1,liversity Hlila st Nvith tatbaiiquet it the IPreshbyterito
tVeni ng at the concert of the 11)0leheliilchurceih Ilit ita rlors.Nc irli sitsy5Vol~
anti Bainjo Club11. Tiiistudients o01 lais51rcren it. ()vex W/"1/ 41-ei
tihe 1niviersity Ifiilediitoisholitieir The Came To-Day. hefol Oilifii'toaists iierieresp~onded
applreciatioin of tiic i oik ol tIlico 1 1r1m1Btrbirlism11to110 cckioii
clbs this searlint lortunal I the1 'lirie Ilieibetiween ll it ro . r.drkW ri 110 on ,toaitt
receipits friii the westerni trill I~eid Nto\rthwiestelve rsoi1 illiibe h niists: "he i ibi es :itc,
silfficieiit t save Itilcnll 11om1lass.talleila1 2 :30 oc ti~loc. ,oulll '1i Ms Moe," ~ sitioit tiMaietc
thie smaillest t1) iwhichia I I ftil 11 t tetry. The N orltwesterilci ttt, issi ss \ills; I lic IdelStt.ihs
glee cilithhat eveugi iest rived 0 in Alilt arbtir at 6:;o 'o tck P ti Ii 1 heliciing'laidies ic-tie
Fail. Thteltall is didrails c rowdied . lit cvninig. They attceniiciithe Annllt:arboirideligtited ii thlthelchls-
'Thet cilibs tatvelteetttoolgetncrous conicer t ofthe (lie nbai jo1110pitalecrccepilttitey-have recetved
tis year wviit thir senries it the Clitbs- I anthett attetitions itt Ni Chitpter.
Gym hetiefits atndo0n1othter ocastis. E'The Nortitirestern tlearn is ts foil- ppetntedI is a list cof tdeeates atit
It is unforttttate titat tite stuidetits lotws:.McCratht, 2 b; Moulding, hb vsiotors:1
Sailed to realize titeir ditty. I ithe I luhhart, sos; Sauter, iib:flattee, Cornell, Itihaca -11Mlsses Cosadi
efeltiwiltl rohably he thathr-cf;N itbet, 1 f; Moehienlialt r f;-oaldlButtinlg.
Oiler thte Glee atndIBattjo Ciuba wilhasc Mcl)osveit or 41c~inss p. krot,O., lcittel-Misses tPerrs
not he as ready tosvolunlteer fotr (Georgete. Mitir it mnatagertif tte \Mcfillictudd-, Greene, ISaher,
heneftts attdlentertainmttents tiind N orthtwesterts teamt. Valdier, 'Mrs. (toltlili Olin, twsi'gs
titey cannitble hlattetd. 'I'll i- iThe . of M. teant itsfolws it. C1nion,1.31,--M ltd 3 arr andt
serityosves lticht to these organic I bellye h; Ahhott, c; Pearsonl b:iGoss.
ations1, for it is thiroitghthieir agency, VtWilkitnson, I f; Richt, trib;ICotitir f;I Clev-elandil-Mitslienn'lt
10 great part, tiiat tile U. of M. has iiBooth, cf; Roin~son, I)-,iSitzer, Albiotn, Micit. -- :M1isses plplit
iecomie so siell1 knloiw-nthroughioult 5ss. Mi let, M1arthia M1liesI llore tWtr-
tile west. Lallies iiill lie alilnilteil free tot reii
'The aitdience last evening, suit the l e .T h e ttto0teatilsstill It- I - 51 u l.--AtsesS mithl
illiedi inl ettuisiastmt wihat it lackedi cliiitieercIfotrmtatllciii thleU.of ; iceWitee cBakr, ablockI
in Iillmblers.'there isere ttonl itcc i'thre instrecls 1at11Yp1slti this ecinc t Itctcick.
Iluntibers tiltthe irigri thti wee t h.A 5special Imottor trin wiill I Illislili 'iIss ohnlson, 1>teli-
1101 etncoiretd.'The Glee Cli i ws tlease \tittArbtrht 6It'It ckitA1'nell, ertion, Casisdt I i, i-
iti excellenlt -oice iandI tte iBanioi-traint precedes it at 4 o1clock . tle chcdlitOwen
Clith teser played helter. Thier'teamttatttltrouplestill colneic 1-cklit Ioswa Cilty--'tiis '11015
tuckingttwas nuarkcedly supierir to thilchitian Centr-t.Littcoln, N hraska Mist Schtwsah.
thtat of Yale, IHart-ard, Brtosvt or t,.I oulder Coblo.-Mis Ito -trtt.
.1 lINC th experiettce of College
-) c t ii wto know and11 appireciatte
thtt aef scirusthillyof College 8111-
tdenuets ai-i tt'a- trge citps of skilled
IDestigniers 11111Jewelets speeilly
trainedl tortbadgtund 11othter jewcelled
1ro Partti tsILondo idt tiIAmtstertdam
oilt 111Dimondis 11nd1lttler tpreciouts
tmnuiifatctiured ill this ctitrytt.
Wright, Kafi & Co.
Dltrcit, Miohlaan.
(,has. Speller & .
Univ-ersity Outfitters,
SoeaetIn ntAhr
of 1I., all of wvhichithtieswriter htas; Foot-Bait Practice.
hteard. tProf. I tao ltas tdeceliopedi
C -t-. 1.-.~-2 i. t.- -Ahottfifteeti foot-hall lplaners
dinogtatng thte 'Serenadte,'' arranlgedi
hy Ptrof. Stanley, so swell thtat tle
audidence seas entphatic iut its lemndi
for an etncore. The encore selec-
tiont, witht attaccomnt~timtent liy
'Mtessrs. IHang, Warden alnt Starrett
0tt tte guilar, 'cello antI mandolin,,
seas fitiely rendered. 'Te "U.- of
Aut. MIarch,'' written biy- Prof. llallg
tispecially for thtehU. of M~. Banijo
Cluh, seas receivetd witht favor hy
tile audience and encored. M\ r.
Alexander's selectioits were very
funny. The delicate shtading of te
hanjos in te "lDarkies Dream'' was
Plarticularly fine. Mr. PetertsItat
trainedl the cluh to perfection in the
hat drill. It was given fanltlessly
last evening. Thte encore, which
was a repetition oi the hat trill
ire on thte caitpus yesterday after-
no0on front 4 to 6 o'clock, trainintg
under the direction of Groshl. 'Filte
foot-hall nmanagemtent wishes it un-
derstoodcthtith ie hall is biroiigt
0o11 otnly- for thte squnad practicintg
iorntext year's Varsity leant. 'le
croiwd is neiluiested tot to miix in
wvithi those wiio are dressed fuor reg-
ular practice, whtei thte hail is pasts-
ccl. It intpedes the Ipractice, and
tile hest stork canntot lie udonte twhen
spec-atons itterfere. -Matiager bVan
Deventer wishtes tose swho have not
handed in their namees to tdo so at
once. The htardest kind~ of twork
most he done to developi a team
capahle hi competing wills the col-
lege teanms of the East.
Game called 2.30 p. m.
'uinnesota-Misses Kellogg anI1
Ann Arbor-4Iliss Knolik.
At Ypsi. To-Night.
After the hail gante this aftertnooit,
Ea traini of motor cars swill he itt sait
ing to take to Ypsilainti tose swho
wvisht to asoidthtleCrusht for thle 6 p.
itt. traint. 'The twso hail ninies still
go tdowntoit the six o'clock traits.
A traits, regullar schdulle, sil lease
Ann Anioon ~1thte Michigan Central
at 6:3o o'clock stanldardI tone. 'Te
minstrels swill he giv eniinl te oipera
opera Ihouse, Ypsilanti. Thteir first
apipearance swill unidouhtedly draiw a
large crowsu.
The admtission to the U. of 41.
Minstrels will he 50 cents, reserved
seats 25 cents extra, except the last
four rows for which no extra charge
will he made.

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