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May 16, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-05-16

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. uf

Ila. 30 " 1e

VOL. III.-No. 162d.



WHO WILL HEAD THE LIST? executive board, which shall consist of A BATTLE OF GIANTS.
TheSlier up n Ehibtio t three seniors, two juniors, one solpho-I
'TheSilvr Cu onExhiitio tomore, and one8 frestinan. aind they The Game with D. A. C. Tomor-
be Contested for at Annual row Promises to be an Inter- rz
Field Day.salcitin iloliewiester estinE Contest.
Sl.2 h fieso adcmi-rFor sereral past there hasTe ganie at Detroit stits the 1).
been on exhibition in Sheehan's lee shall ciiniist of chairnian, secre-A.C., on Wednesday, wilt, withiont
window a very handsome solid s'.t- tartc115iteaer oeupoei ydoubt, lie a sharp contest. The Dt. -
ver cop, whirls has attracteth nuch Sire. 3.ft sall be tie i dtyof Il" A. (. illput Ito mnin the box,
attenitioni. Probably very fesw who Iseailing riomnscoiliinittee to linues PIaiinmenter soidSVenke she fornier it -
hiase arlmiiredt it knowr hos t icasme P'iold tlo1heiuii 100 iiwsill bc reenbererdtpitcihed for our
there ainrifor iwhat purpose IttIistliiears innitheoh itt twikllthe -m).oA.sCr
tobPnrr ieseeniem.th t C
to b use. Toacl~t te fol'xin"-is -'rticle latfill. The latter is s new acres-
At the cud of last yearthec Stu-ii .: 01 hohetembt is saIman of
deints' Lecture Association gv h i, 1,in' 1.IA nisiexecutive boaurd I expeieinceand proiselHe has
Athletic Association $500, too0of «wilt uotlie iiistalti'dtin oil cc ill Ili tplayed mniiy ycars si th the No01ths-
ewhichtte wiasgeteaoibei orusedc fort tenpeonrmernsilstteNorAth ti-
wulisatobosrfolslaniuaelofte cleeya nwihte il emoeya ihte'l .we
instsoveinntn o Itieattstticertedrt
impovmens nteatleicgouds SE(,. 2. No person shall lie eligible C, unit one season swas on the Slate cito 'I
and ttse remainder to he nsed to to the office of presideist wtiihois not L~eague. Ft-e is regarded as one of IA
purchase a sitter cuts. beeii in actuat attendancee at the Unii- the best twirlers in the state.
The cop is to be contested for at versity for at teast two slid onle-hlaf Frogmsan and Crawford witt oc- U
the annuat fietd days for ten years, years.cuytepisfoth'Vrt. E1
. , 11 .. SE(,. '). No person shalt be etigible cp tepinsfrte'Vriy I E

>, osi Shoat ii0ei ii Mia pair less
im Arbo prcicasscidforiCattoguoacti
IH.F F"t &0'
01 183-185siuiODWARsAct?.

and at the end of that time it is to to thle office of correstisnding secretary
be ptaced in the troptiy room of ttie who has noit beens in actuat attendaisce
gymnasiums. Earls year the ctass ut tile University for at- teast one aind
niaking the greatest nunsher of onie-hlaf years.
ti-ints fild day, wtill tsave the honor (These last twii sectionis are not to be
psresented unltil aifter tile ilficers for
if saving its name engraved ois the next year have beenl eeteti.l
cup. iInt ArticeeVIIt. to substitute for
Ttse clip is one setected froni see- "proviled two weetrs notiice his beens
erat rtesignss suibmittedt to the atthle- isven bsy posting ons thle bulletin
tic board and is thiesworko'of Messrs. hoard," the follosving: Providled tsvo
h'rihgt, Kay & Co., of Detroit, and sweetks sotice 11115beeni given by ipub-
listhing iii the U. or l. Pu lix . And
is a very elegant piece of wvorknsan- o provided tie su~bstanice of the
ship. It is of solid sitsven, stand- amsenidm~ent is so posted,'"lto snbsti-
ung about eight inches hiigh, andt tiite psrovided the stubstance of the
havinsg on thse front enshossedi fig- amndmlsent is so publisthei.
ores ensblensatic of fietd and hrart
atetes, jumping standards, Indian Po. eolsNe:oos
clubs, etc. On the back, is a plamin Prof. Henspl has a ness book on
spare swhere thse deeds of swinnin0genatrhoapy utPoo-
classes will be commensorated. ogy swhicti silt tease the press thisj
Sonic spirit of rivalry alrearly1m10n1h. It is a masnual of about 200
exists anmong tlse athletes of the pages, and consists of two parts.
different classes, sor thtere is niicli Part t., psresents a systensatic treat-
speculation as svticts class still icL ment of German spelling, punctu-
fortuisate enough to hsave its nai11 ! ation, pronuniciation, anid stress.
first engraved on the culp. ' Part It., is an extensive word tist,
''--vtswichi inctnutes ttseswords in tPrussian,
S. L. A. Amendments. IBasarian, and WulTrtenmburg spelling
Thefolown~yamedmntsto hebooks. The book is intended for

'U.iOiM. I). A.( I
Crawfisrd, c. E C" ix2
Bli, I. f. ICsad. 1. 9 ithmond Stright Qat.
Spitze, s. s. Mller, 3ib
Spsruey s. t~ais'lc'ur iNo. 1
Smecltzer, r. f. Sisihei ic. f.CIGARETTES.
Jeffries 1.b. nCrowley, s.-s. CifaretteSaiskersawho
Pearsoii, 3. 1). Dliae ii1 b.- areCCwilling is nayraalittl
Rusimmuso. Pl~nesl, . - charged fCs the ordinas
Shieldsi, e. P. I-erke, p"itade ICigarettes, will id
- 1-r . 'r ui n. '.THis BReNDsuaperior is
all others.
-'a' The Richaond Straighi
Base BallSchedule. u o iaettes aremaidefrmeithetbrifht
eel, most dellelyflavsoild and highesi eost
Mlay I17, D. A. C. at Detroit. Goodi Leaf growna in Virfinia.. Thiaisathe Old
ad Original rand of Straight utia etees,
'May 2o, Cornell at Ithiaca. su andc-os bnoughtnout by usin the yeaiss.
Ntay 24, Iowa College. (frmnmea elw i ne~erpakage.
-tay 25, Crinnell, atGr11 el, Rtsocufs tem . - Richmod accoas, irgieS -
May 26i, itinesota, at -tinusca-
Stay 27, Wisconsin, at Mtadison.
Stay 29, Northisesteris, at Es'an-.
May 30, Cornell, at Detroit. ,
IJune 3, U. of f., at Ann Arbor.s
Juine io, Wisconsin, at Aim Ar- -.-
Records at Cornell. SI 0 _
SCornsell held her aisiual slirinig
field-day at Percy field, Saturday,
Stay 13thi. Five Cornell records i ]p J. KINNUCAN
were broken- The events of the'
day was thie two mite bicycle race, +}
made in 5:41, breaking the inter- MERC HANT
collegiate record- Following are
the events and records:
100ymedash----------------is0,2-5 TAILOR
220-y-r------------------------- --------- 233
440lyard dash----------------5;1-5
880 yard run-----------------;:425 AND i3iCOIITER 0
One mile ran ------------------4:49
iN4 yard hurdle-----------172-5 = N T O T
2yard lhurdle- - - ---29 35
Two msile hicycle -------------..548
Running high jump- - -iii_______/_51t 3 i
Hassleg tread jump - H-------2 t 1it s n 5 F RTSW,,
Throwing 5615b hammer---_".-----tamf
Puttisg 56 lh shotl---------2 ft t in ~
Pale vaull ----------------- t 6in etroit, Xichman..

constitution of the Students' L~ec-
tulre Association swill be proposed at
the next Annual meeting of the as-
To strike olut "of the literary depart-
ment" fr010 the preambte which isow
reads:"' We, tile studensts of the liter-
ary department of the University of
Michigan, etc."
To strike osst all of Article III., whlichi
SECTION 1. A reading room com-
mittee shall he appointed by the pres-
ident, subject to the a pproval of the

advanced students.
The professor also has in prepa-
ration a German grammar, intended
for high schools and coleges. Part
I., consisting of introductory lessons.
Part II. is a systematic treatment of
modern German, with as much
consideration of thle history of the
language as is appropriate.
The field meeting of the colleges
of Colorado will he held Slay 20, at

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