'IC. of "n(. Xtaitu.
u tilitheci Daily (Baucays excepted) duriag
the Colege t at, by
Subscriptiont pre $ 2.5(1percyear, invariably
in atdvance Sinlecopcies :l cents. subcrip-
toas may he left at the tliter oi the DAILY,
at Stollict's, with any ol the editots or
Comomunicatoat should reach the ollice hy
7locltochP. ~iteyare to appear the next
lay. Atdtresns all matter intended tot pubhica-
tio to the Managing Editotr. All btuttnett
ctmtmunicationshottlttbe teat totte Bttsi-
ners Manager.
THE U. aof X. DAILY,
Ann Arbor, Mich.
near the osoixciuote mark. With
ouch good contests in viecw there will
douhtlcesslie an immense crowd at ,..-
the field. A .N o
Yale has cwon tcwelve of the fifteen
games of haschall played with Peon- TA~N SHOES. -Prices, 5l3.50, y$4 .00, ';J .00.
oylvania siner '86. 4S SOUTH M1AIN STREET, - - ANN ARBOR.
Harcaicidcwli thiio year, in co-oper-
atiote cwithc Cortiell and Johns Hop-P p rdi
kino, isooue a hanid-hook for the on P Ip G S IT P S
Sof students non contemplate taking
up graduate studies. 21 S. Mainl Street. WAGNER & CO.
t.A cin ,Licw 01 Mangng Editor.U JLS c~
1 . Yicot ItG t .y. Asi :nt . l 50F1
W. t con lso P. 0. itt.,tusness Mtatager liat Jtttt1tot IIIBT Ell ON Cedatrvile
It cttonIct'~l ---ct~tt .1 h'csot7.' 'Time Cacti in fcetedScunday,1 i IllS
iteol ~SfordS acaAcid Phosp hate. epartcccOf Traincs atAnnAror
I lryE 1< f.'t. A . xCL LIs tile LEADING SCHOOL OF nUSINnS, a.Stg-
ct. 0clsticc5.cli,C. II." 'Illtiave ousedt ftorccseveral yeatr,, o t icit t bil i lts nettest lorgenttendnce, 1OING0NtOTE.
51tue c ,l,tc-ton0l I i iy it ig trattice, I 1' bttin lyvll-011 od11 di 1c-i;tuiotrwork; weltoctpplicd rcadig No. . ti d Inprcs. ...-,1a.iii
_M ncI.c.~ Iaiat .L artidlily4.! oom icy lecturest; haturdanyrevenigrecetiotln oti
1)FNtoL 1 01{i" PA n-nc ivci l Cisc, 11and eco idler it utler aIIt opcncthe setireccent; rcomercial graducates to great Na. 23. Patssgc Aci Alit icorAeco ictc' 1 . ill
L.T. onad,'5. t. .Sew r.':3 irceumstcancesontte of the liest tiers and;cisc o r thacncdgraduatescaall securet positicos No. 5. Mcci asciiltcesenct'
1111nie0thtlcc it c-c llt50. F1-tie t alctcex- -s. Fr Eu Oleu r ad isto tdnswh5GOINSOUt tti.
Al ottt st 101 ittceili lcoc,'3u.I. lat~l) 111111 vil t,; e e e ed ck ostosfomwe P. 0. wedesCLEART, tres. .Nit . I Mil, l a a ind I l~rss ......... -tIic,5t; i. i
Ofth a f r~l tni treelti nd igh'to theiis estire Sys- Nito. Toledo Ac-c-itniidaiii ..k <.ii
terni. '$- oI s$30% ' .00 ccc tcoI0lctcnducldTcccic.
A tmost excellenct 1111 cigeccible toiiie F $,0,$.0, 400$
_________________U ________ tit cptetee. t locriMisUAt5E.ll " IFirst (ti\asin d sect W ci I cantedtillcc Traints .iced Jii titw tcetc n Alort
0n petzr t oiiI sadln - FToledo cotly, CoicF, excepct Ocicic i
Ir to-clay's tootle wce.publish o-te-he ttcitcc.c 151 oyH..-Eey i ItcE iso titcccl t IIt . IAN' G D
pmartsnoul ren-eed ellergy ndtita clity, acid __ ot 55 .PENET, ii . .1 xcc'i
icartGe Pcs. 1c.Agetnt. LoaAgn.
tn mcn m l~s to t Ii- titienis icivencs the fictioints.
Leoctre Assoccationctocctittiont, Decrciptivecpamplet t'it ci- icacplicionc cto ~
wchsare nworthsytof the careftirco- Rum cd ChainicS lWorks. P a A -Mh
P9serationc of lice acssociatiocn- dm. U cioiccy-cci Co P
______ 51 1Substi1tescandliitI-tilt
Tl'II-.ecoiicaion icc .ccotheJ FOR SALE BY AL.L DRUGGISTS.
cl~lu n o t l li bh-e tcoidlerecd sneli
hv cveryvcieccier of the juncior class, HENRtHAN ,/A.C.;cciaitidtx tVBoo,
- 'cc-~~~~~~ot chitancd sooistt, Guiit ittB, clctccndccan- Icsi~/ VB /ot
hbfore lproceeding to moaize fital or- tC ccc .Stuicio at (014 1/ 'cl' Pi't-l e 8(2
rangemnos for fnt yeatr'scladss lSES S ms] tt l.1I,/-
anncucal. I ~ ~ i h a r epk a~ ~s
TIF1elrcould cnol be -l hose more I CITY LAUNDRY,. ; afl &oods m
opportuefIor a studiecit congress I . M. Seahbolt. No. 4 X. Foartta St-
ttan ducrin glihe Worl's lair, unid S-=______Ii OR WITE lOll CA'TALOGUTE.
too place more fav orahle thaci (.ic- ________________________
cago, cWhilecccilhe the recticic- ocis'
of stutents of every iatioc& - cy duir-ANN ARBOR B EN TSCHLLEE,
ins tlhe summnner. The results cons- x- L TTT'R o otocirp her
tunfroccothe cmeeting of the repre- STEI.Nii. tiU I IDlE 0, natv rmsomnyqateso
senahve fon s mnyqurtrsof23 SOUTH FOUJRTH AVE.. l sORINEIR StAIN AN1111003N TS
thse giohe, ohl striveing towvard lice E. S, SERVISS, - MANAGER.
same etsd,ean not he other than hene- G 1DOEATOS
ficial. In ouct a cotngress the U. of ___________________ N O T IC;E.'To STUDENTS -
~L ~erpeettieuiect f-atndlCdciets.cDon'tedtclccociIctoicfr OE IH NY
tTtcclythectrepoelscasatitiecuneversitat of.SATURDAY EVE., MAY 20th
tile 'coest, stoctld play a promlinent 'cit Spauce ieservsed lflt JoilyC.s. W5crdosst chtarge tfot style. bit
}rice ct t01011, antt c is one-hale'. Hot attn A.d ctts- tcc'tn itciiltl i i
part. _______ f B lT'lT(IlC 11Ieclitcc-tllt~e~ leaticoctt il- e Ssliitoal Ieloicttuia,
'TyE prospects at presenst are that
next Saturday's games at the athsietic
fld cilheelthe hest ever cwitnessed
at lice U. of 'N.'t'here is not ais
event among the fifteen or msore
that cwiii not he hotiy contested.
Speculations are heard on every
hand as to wvho ciiihe cinners, hut
at lice present writing it would he
hard to pick them. The hicycle
events especially with he interesting,
and shtould the day he favorahle,
the two mile ran will he made very
Irocu iiiAce n t ac ~te Sredt,
R. L. JOLLY & CO., No- 26 South
Stats Street-
And the very chotceat Candiea
Yositl know It-cr.
- tCll anSeetc diecm at
Cycle Emporiom, 11 W. Wahitgton St.
Afst 1n cenictaanciM ecanialEffecta.
A tonder oon Colt StampicMiil actidOre Ctrtshtr
ctac teratton.A Genuine Fire tatrol
Wtagon atndtodset.
Paice: -.-35c, 50c, and(175c.
Secure heats at Wvatts' Jewelrv Stare.