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May 16, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-05-16

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m m
m m

VOL. If.-NO. 160.

VOL. 1.-No.lI~o.U NIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, .MONDAY, MAY 1( , 1592i. Pice ~eI '

PlacE, TutzEE CENTS.

NORTHWESTERN CALCIMINED. "t~oc.' Peareson lead the team in Eamned rciun,. of M.,1;iiit by pisel d bhalf'
Hres2;bases on ballsbys lIaise-. by
To MnFrm vnsonPayYe-sacrifice hits. The game openedAticloscet ''" sirce tb Ht, rnssic5,bhi Sic-
low Ball -Harness Allows Them swith ttte ' Varsity at tbat. Craswford Doe,3; i sld ipithMcDow-ell 1, paice dbciis,
Only One Hit. OSin, 4; lefteobses, t t'.ofl, 11, va-1
Onl On Hisnakes a groundslit and heats the stmis 4, Owe ocircisctic hiuwin
Thc name swith tie Nortthwestern, il ofrtb odsilts f cle'S ise'c
'feri's thigtafly is ntisjtdtdtatari SCOtEo-I'sa's.
Saturdlay, swas entirely tsooi naniniatctlsacacls i i osett 5it5 iII'5515
lisfless atariotne sittedt to fbc interest- lig N.w---------00000000 -0
fi' ttitttattttttitonthueftart of Evanston. N. W. mts
cites notting excepfti nake aborive
ofi titsmpisressvese insuiffiient tiMinstrtetoclsfebfaha fiYpsilanti.
"ietrise to ail ltitkti"g ot ccitt tsecotndtthree rissari adtded to Thle tUnttveisitsy:Minsstrcls gateI
itt It ihe ttea liicft fity Mitifsgan's score,Robaista andithirifittsipetirfomatie aifa
atciohi'tai tatess cnting, is. sitsa etiatohtosev-e"gat ite Ypsilanti Opesra
pi ~ ~ o letspcitc ttl it it ttifcteros, twild throwts antt ttttt fut" IIt e-,eor rsowdteilhose.
fit t tt ilyiiltt s ittt'fients.ssil Crawvfordt tmakes aatly iheeterstainititmentis a great stir-
it ciais istisnlyioitie,5(lidiaaee s ical totirtlerd, tandtisitsve hontit ]ice-s uitsi ofsii ls ue
to iaacliss (ii y ot t5151 t iifatJ eicrs iit ite sht t ic(itails tf55sl riisedstottfitisicutaaa1 ryI
les geitirssisOs i tt~t Iis etc o snics tofiat tindtits a shortt iut Icircle stho titter' aisiesithe audsietce
7 iot'eirsthepltessi fittisfits plasyteditsjstalks liatel-to the attach, as tiso fits lot asshostswth liii ilit totssasnd
'it~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~w tifi t t fti i s-cestssitgcoasl ito5stdo. fussasy slotries. I Thomptsons madestthue
safittly inthie leit''garts'ss wfiss ris
Spiitze r naies',a salteliiito lft1in itiiof the es-essiss"gatdswonistorsits
sisI i i isset's icr ii ii'the thisrifbuit55ftftonth05 N.ofappilause byhr its sn "orl
eti of betng isstls te Evanstonsa-- gI
"re-'-stisssa Rift, if 1ist yea r '' atsnitttitfasort itsisaw ttrd iibeatssite Iisl csttIsit 'isui
t-'rs ih elit tossnitheinstshatlisa" fitor ' ostisI asliiisas the esoil-Itthat wrets peily istll
iia11 tfiriatsit d fitsallsy 51511es isa otn
thl issilos aits olttimistformi hie ust lrray Sutllitvassh) tteis talf rcie eeDrrw'"Ihnfi
Braley stlsattnetimeicta5ifsniof flit of ftefisssrtsIEvanstonssa s its tp-IsisrT'hait,"-1A ' ' y 1'
() te-ami, tlayetitthisriffor theist it tis bisissak t ith 'h. is 'it. isyiiidlqslite ttte, andsithe "Cl-i-
I itiseli iimatktsft liiircit s fa s or i oI r isis ettiisisiwori t
btothi smesaserec tendterest-tiaseaty lth siisird womnairt suit aititiflii
rteteptiinwsth eyitsteiptedi tiltto oist itstlto au eis tssituaiitto theed iinwsunsiutiial ly' gtss'.
theate bitty ftsei irslit t igritisisthe tiscsasinasi striikesou.As lh i rtlefts cis5 tiit Iisitityisasclever
I'h li"v'arsitis" trtttntedthei flst -stie iprticsessts N.hi.tesltsb-ifdattensts" ~ceilty-
stielstr hbiss inspecttioll fis thefltissits a tltietncesfr thoise eggst fistr istsisosli
sichelasbaste-bisatl ictator h s ass
first tii i tt at ti lllisttItsirseescsstit). -hlteorchestrattesttttndi past(if list
'ettesratvtrtuct wssisthsat tty siltetmitssea and ratally ndstets i- ogr-ssss sasushslertsi it bsysteI. ii-I
asplidiitatpisasrasset andctthat fs theoy frslntasinis tcertainstite-st.s-ctrsity tPtajoist'sifitsoIretisicita
anitasswerethlit nattiest eer sitnisy-Itftiss Peatrson, Bowcermniastobin- "esitrossuseose.T htle "rotesquie
a t" of titM.Isosast aies k tailairtti tancin" by tte lIt ati- twas otstof
it insninlg, andef sith thse aitt of swild
'Tie boys eittnst secissto b m hosanti musffs,fi s isess elase the features of the cs-ciing, stile
tarrassett by the fact thsat thets Itdsicachtihiler across tse plate. N. W. Htower andTsthltompisons svre s-cry
donnasest their nsesw clothes, bitt its isakes a testperate rally' asnd bytiaausisng in thteir speceialty, "The
truthaiut ulp a siplendtsisid ae.migthty effort, evens sits matters lay Chinese Question.'' '1Tte nmusical
Stpeciatlessissns tiponsthe ptaying aksit their ontly' base hit of tise fisur, MelOniber, Moore, Collisis ands
gae.Thse end of the n'inths re-
of use "stransgers'" nis necessas crsa score of ' 5 to o. - Clark, earntd a dositle encore.
it was simpsty rank, as theserriiotsIloswer, Faerand and Grocttau, fn
cotomn wsill cosncusivety dens i-asir U. of DI. TEAM. their Acrobatic Grotesquses, intro-
strat. McDosvell in thse boxli-itt AraI sS P"t A ii doted somnaov5el features ansI won
considerable speed, asset sached scorner, n 6 1 ' frequent applause.
biases with an eagyle eye, but n-as JeffeCris, s.--- i 4 1 The entertainmecat as a svtstle re-
0 ~~~~~Pearsocn,3r---601!
pounded unmercifully, especially by shilss e----- c0 c2 0 fleets much credit on the performers,
J efferis, who secured five hits out of Spizer, B.S.5 5a " S and wilt douibtless be welt received
six times at bat. Harness, the Boemn ,f.__5 l 22Robinsson, .-t 1 u0 at their Ann Arbor performsance
modest twirler, who seenis wrapped Harness, p.----- 0 4C next Friday evening.
in thought, before each delivery, 51. 5 1 2; 1 1
agindeostatd ht e isa NORTHWESTERN TEASI1. Harvard Wants a Catcher.
pitcher of the first water. Shields, A1 B nA I
at center, gathered in a fly after a Grffih,r.fr_-- 4 05 1 0i Dartmouth defeated Harvard Sat-
long run, which looked very much Lua,s. s---- 4 I0 5 3 4 urdaY 4 ho 3. Highlands and
Kellyind --- 2 s 0 s 3 2
like a base hit. Spurney made the McDowel, p-a s 3 s 0 s 6 s O'Connor, the two left handed
startling play of the day by captor- Rich, 1st.-----4 5 15 0 0 pitchers, were pitted against each
'Va Sant,ecS--3 0 5 5 0 5
ing a rather wild, hot throw from Fleagan, isr .- a 3 50s0a2a0 a other. Upton, Harvard's catcher,
Crawford with one hand and,. bring. Bradley, 3rd... 2 5 05 - was injured during the' game,- and
- -Sellivans . c---3 0. 0 1 2 4 r
ing-it--down on Bradley, who was--------------- --------according to the despatches will not
28 ndeavoring to pdrloin second. _-° 5_1 2;1522 catch again this season. -_

fOF YOUR ---
Mailed to You -
-tIt Throosgh Your
tlshenyusws-nisthe Lstets tiMetropoitaniiSt}ycs
it Sho'es at 55ris o,a l ai r sieleststan AnnusArtist
151111011 ~'sII
Iznhrn Straight Qlt.
Cigairette Smsokerr o
a'sr-swillingcto hay 5aslit:
insuIt= mre thanirthuepsie
crgdciifus e bs i airyt
itua itt gasrelies, soill tlt
Tilts BRANisilinuerior to
liTheihmondt Straighti
Ciii Ni.5Cuicirettes are maie frotushe bright-
estl wool delicately flasvoredi anudhighsest cost
tGold Leat growns in a'irginia. Thiisislthe Od
snd Originsal Br~ansdof Straliht Cut Cigariltes,
asnd seas brcught nat brousis the year 13"',
Sew naivenasibelow'isan every package.
The ALLEN & GINTER Breanch
01 she Americanu Toaco Cs..
)lanislacurers. - - Richmou,1Virginus
Nnrth MainStreet
The U. of "it Dialect Society
held its regular meeting in coons 24,
Saturday eveninug, Pres. Hempl fn
the chair. The dialects of New
England and New Brunswick were
discussed and many interesting
points brought out. It was shorno
that quite sharp lines of distinction
exist between 'the different states in
New England, and that many ex-
pressions current in these states are
unknown in New Brunswick. The
next meeting will be in one wek,,at
which time the dialects- of OntasTi3
and the East 'Middle- States will be
taken up.

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