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April 16, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-04-16

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VOL. VII. No. 154.


BASF'[!\ l(, MATTlERS. 1 Det~nite Date for Debate,;
-A definite date. has at last been
Receveda fll lne f NvelSchedule Adopted-Team Starts earned by Chicago for the joint do-
Re ;e1VeC a full n Spring Trip Tomorrow. bate witir Michigan. 'The followinrg
ties for Spring Suits- telegeratm tnan received yesterday:
and Trouserings ILEor d irorf (onrltniret aod radoprt- Ciricago, Ill., Aprril151
1 it trenilrrteiseblnscteduile as tsr- Prof. 1. C. Troblood:
nwrrrgedIby n MrtagerAititrson. It in an itrilthfie twntty-tninthith ie rlefin-r
1897.dd itoerdrreefor edebate.
it it s:IDetrrrit Lretgue, at Detroit, ~ SP WIlE
NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST, NEAR MAIN.1 r 1 7,tiirtto i- tiversity, at--
i~tt. Aprril 1tt; Wittenberg, at Senior Class Meeting. -
( nr Stirfetri Aprril 2u; goire Dante. at Tiree lrts4of 9it rrtirs lorrr( ,g-
'iTHAT TIRED FEELING Bendr April 21; Illinrois at lt-rrtirrandlrtisensnetltir eterritrg of
d itrrrp ?inArl22; Nrth wentern, t-tthe eapstrndgowns. Cotnsideratrie -
Bel dpef, riandoWineafe i. t ttttti.Arrti;Ortk Path. atettsstott wrs lrroughrt outtandtihie tot-
BeIoan Wiefr a'v sonArl2;asrrng tonic. We irrrrr t;A;Ia rk, Ili., Aprril 24: Northrwestern, ft sing resoltrtiontr snntimrorustl-
rod kroseit's goodtetctorries.
i to 'Ierit trottlres. itt Anntir Artrrr May 1; Altl-Cricrago It~iopt(Iod
--b---'i it i ttirt 11 at. AntttArbotr, -Mrty s31: 'tsol tnt. Thrat r rlirg thet woi-
PALMER'S PHIARMIACY. tirirtteirofiArnt Arbrr. ,rry I; Cti-tweeks fosllrrwning trio Easter vaation,
46 S. STATE ST. ,i rg, tt ittlrrgts. Nlarry; Wiscosir.ntitasorseior thavnrg ro cip ard -nowti
at:Maisir. rrltre1.i; BloIrit, sitIBelorit. ttitt betro t-xroetliso «nrc tire samle to
JiIt:rr 1Chiicao, t Ch tiitrrgtt. ltry 12; ctosses eery tdy of tire college kwec.
S HS F-IC0orneSllif iIthaca, l~ry22 Chricago. It insihoped tha t thNirt wte tonttht-nt

Interesting Paper on Hawthorne,
'Tire Pihilosophical Society Iheldta
studetsn rmeeting last evenig itt
ttoorn 2). Thte feature of tbe eenrintg
wvas the crding of a iraper by MIiss,
Georgiatna Blunt, on '"The Phrilosophil-
carl Significarnce of ttawthornte. '1;Tr
paeitsr vwas a trostinteretin ute and
shrowetd grenat care itt pre'paration.
Mliss stltttr traced tire restult of IHrn-
tirorn'racestry-tupon this ownrtirdi-
nvirttrlity.t'romrr Iis asestor;,tHawe-
tttorttt rt'civ-d tris putritanical itdOa
ted iris tendlenc- to vienv life thrroughr
its mrorarl aspect. After -gisga trief
ri-strs- of Iris early life anrd ierarry
sNcoh. tire reader discurssed iawt-
tihore'sptillosoph. She said that tris
conceptiont tf hrumranity- intd of teits-
-divnidtualNirs niptimnistic. Tire futtnda-
mental concepolt of Ilatrhrner's etical
dotoerinrt wastshie broltherhrood of ttatt.
tiHe «vntot a systorltrric phlilosophter,

(toed taste will findr a grerrt feast
of brighrtness anrd goorltes
spereadI tore
rrt pleasinrg pr ices.

it Dettroit. ttry 2t9; W50 lnssrttat: Ann ttttOt - t~ttlnke le ct gonrafre thei
A1rl r,. .1t re- :; t-irit-gtt.ri aArbor re-it oftheiiyeatr-.


.1ll ittsI Cornllrrli trtAnatr.Junre
ten ln Is sked-rlftr a rr rrLro itbe'
211 ~ <ti AnrnrArbotrr ottJlte 5, antd
ill 'ril ttrttartitlY u'1tit Itre wosrrro-

J. A P R I L , I 1: rtllrrt. ee.t -Ni itt ' trliliert-1
iS WASHINGTON ST.. ANN ARBOR. t i-ztht : ihnotg Irr rs hld tttltiereti
c r rrr retirig tbout:illtoif tin lnarge
1 1t utilis t i tt in te midler - Orst iltd
00 rCviei n t "ilst t er m n tI tt
sOM .irn v tat r rr -rtrs
still"pin; ri! pe, itthne Di
lor tEa str all ter& Wtsrern-. lgurteoifiecNoth
ptitnMrot ,3 -Itn i tltvnit n stttill h le
A~hy no It eNv lr aer. AiI11ofthert t. 51it-trgt. reen
Cs tig rr it rktg rtt t0t- iy Site
you silevilsion sv. Illrireois tin r t lr
-o-,-----n- II tire th 2Jliir in 'rtrol it
00 0 ____r 5 liliy n
-A-ostr t- rt'tir o

eslzWill Have to Play Ball,
Altrof tire collegisNitrr sirteir ltil-
igirrr tnill plary itt tire Itt)Iing trIll are
trnrini pre-ltlt'sionn itlhane tt-ic
stsrlr-st ttettlr5itt siritti-for-to i
Itlirtf te Ohio State Irrive-rsily,
sittaths rof rte r tio onastireaditrgIt
trretiort of lire srirasorll il errrrrrerr[-
irrg errlirhe- grrte s-y:r "0) . ,. U.rts
nee'rr atbrigirteererrneos of tofoat-
itt: the ViirsIise.f Cliig th-sn-t
Thtat', theittqrestion."
Who Will Succeed Pros. Angell?
Tih- risestitrein to ir t-;etnill tkt
Iresil-et Arrelrfs tplacee itlire gaes to
Tutrkey,-.is rrrrtl l d,-euettsnt5 ronrte
tSarllu; tsilttrby te Irss. Ittgent
De-ant s the treris rto dout to irls-t
lbe grritrttlisayerr's lrtareof trtrserre,
but stio snill brt pi~ttto t 21titur-
tig hris nabseil(.',is trot str eertahit.
Dinean Dt'gt-ertf t Titer-try l-Is,=t-
Iot,-nard IDeart IIttitittof the Ilrnv
deprtm t re- trttiteondtbyin'tery
Ilste 11,p(lliel le1 o. h
Freshmen Win the Relay.
'tirt-finarl relay- rare bettn-errthbe
F-reshmenr andrt},Iteamsrrtrnfor- tliret1ri-
s-t-sif ir3-tillsilt Itok lae, rt tltlr
gymttnasiumrtryesterebsy afternoorn aorti
sn-as tn-on Ire reF-reshmtrenrin 216 ;-:
seetirsls. Thonras. F'elnver. Calkins anti
Hearld ran fsr thre 9',atnd Elbel,
BtateerinrrCobb red McLeant for '0'r.
Thlt oterIrat eroots- nt-ttfour races,
twno with '99in, onre withr 111 Detrts arod
ce wsithr tJ8.

anetfttr tis reaonnhIe fourndtl--sete-
stritti fl yitt collroiell reroare
ratr tr titan intthie rsov-el. Thet'tift--
errecs bets-err ttre rotrrnce allrt Cre
snt-el s-ore ilustrartedl in a rrrst'itr-
esinrg manner.
'T're lparper next tundertookthintirer-
peretationt of eac-Itof 1Haw5t rte'rt- -o-
'rtrrrre ofrrer i ltlilosophictal stndi-
Ipeint. 'lhe trosblertwsnonstaiedt asrte
tri-ttncilitnrtetof the inditiduelttt ci. i
btttttttnitY. llss lBlut tookii l)ot.secr
of It a wthoe'ts snoriknstel dclrtr's
ii r nent, atndrIfter strrtinsg thert- .ier,-
lnrr probttlrm whichlrearchr iadittemprrt-
edt ttose, sir showsed lrsns nont idr
t~rrs ttt-n-litpti. -11.l t lioret-tItiris
weritinrg-sstns. w liirse-Ifto tnt' .llrex-
ponrr-et o tier e rrrr'rte-ot rrrrtonl
s Ilitit.It twsa Itrre Atmericr-n."
Afirer t eradinrg tof tirt- unpt --
tory strited ditescssi n-as ie<l Os-
P'esidetrt Streeerlrl nrttansttri-r-eIn
tire cloe otire mreetinrg 1tr:t1tthe as9x
regtrurla r leit ttll-of tiresncetoy stotttr
ie hldltF1ri(trlevenirng-, .Aprilt)tt.
Athletic Association Is Grateful.
Tire Atiritie Associrrtierr decires 1t)
thranrrth ie 'JiS juniotr ot esltnittee
.ard tin S. IL. A. tboatret for reent gifts.
Tire proeed-es fr-ore lie single admtris-
starts to tleicetueoty JolhnJKendriclo
Bangs, raulountitng to :52, nvere goner-
ously given to tire association. Tire
hropr corsrittee h1smtrned os-er $121.79
to lire association and for tis gener-
osity-, svhich is entirely itndependentl ot
precedent, tre rassociation is extrenm-
ly grateful.
J. DE P. tIICHAtIDS, Pros.
-Clrieor-deteatedt 112-dc t'nrko high
schoolWenesdiry 20 IItt.<li six ha-

Jest reroive 1
tisrut fine U. of
Papsr, theo 1a
Bluc ansdlWhrit
Stock of the
Grade Corresp
Visiting Cardis
Plate Prinrting.
tip Tows
s0 S. State st
Ass Arborq

urK STORE,.i ieadnmt('tertm
ts r-1'tein tois nrrnrioitgIreeosentry ntt-
titneilot o 1 r ti7,elt5 mt h e t irrtterolrgirrte tora-
M. Mtt'ogt 101 ! Ii t r-terrohttt.stinheir is to be trole trt
opt kr shnades jI A tr Artter. Al, nt 7. )V. I. Blrret-
to; also a rt Ns I In.it treansturrfthinn-Northterrs
Variotis Highis r(l~it tir-nt eorgrtwvtitanoamnssrittee
olience Prper. froth r tit rttllteric t-boa nt-il tr;t-etire
i~ngo-rn'el. airti r-rr-l chanrge otethtie rontest. lMessrs.
C. Sitronsn. Etrgletrad Paut-rtl sn-re
apn~ittedniiirsnotooiittee to urritie
-- -^ for a batrquet to be give'rto Itlie rettrn-
) OK STORE -.trtives of the oilher colleges.
Thertconstitult ontnO"y-lawss of trhe
Dows Teas Ct(ertal Debtaing Leagoe WeTO also
opposite Court Boone
Matsin -4tt.dsisetli anstiall1rtt.

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