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March 16, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-03-16

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tt of

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VOL. III.-NO. 1 0.



THE STATE UNIVERSITY BILL. was decided to ihave anothler instruc-1 THE INDOOR MEET.
Th SllPase te oue itfor in English, which appointmnt'
will tie asseniadeouscwitiI.!Numerous Entries Already Made- ,
Only a Few Dissenting Votes wilb md y tile execatise Cm Good Fencing Will be an At- -
Yetra.llittee. Permission to pulisih tile traction.
The one-sixth of a mill hDill for V University Record another year was J adgrin frois the nuniher lof Ce-
givell to tile faculty. 'heBoard " IPRTS
the support of tile L siversila, which tries already made for the indloor ' j.i1 nl FJW1uJ1R~S
has beeti penigIis iefore the slate adouirnseid toiApril 19. sleet to lie hld at tile opera house, i= DETROIT, MICH. ,
legislature cfor s0o11.timecaldllih c - ii '" - I iahrsdis cveinats Marchi ;othat
receilitpassed liiie scnati., as T he Jerrersonians Wi. Civ(at silhe a fhattering success.
passei l liithe 1(11house 1.cly s Hua 11 "naOicnearoflthc attract11(111ill toe tile
oare majorty.cThVbllil repoc:-. (encing coets. lllllC/e, of
iitir to tl, lastmciittiiicuitr
'toithe Hiusliiit a niidnll t iIo *IS(i a IRica,5illmeiccShist, 'o5-lit.
1 t ii i titi yA fourisi Stil1iti itt ito oi ct 'oioa it eih
lshal 5(1 ngththrucbacrc otRegetos era i criiou.c mci hev ll oIearsh
Os aiiyccii' to ihla's uiitit th litoa thetli l liia ,I aiiiincllssn ite l
rs teul notiauthi e t e ostruil sc t ic l,.it coc :rs ( a 'i~i-Iy ar'e p rine in «it v r
sfoin wb il ic icia thurpu dt ivrl c edilustiorn netpeally t. sid fS c1-11' sloyei'imall ofith1 meetinm.
tay the cxpenhc of constructing such (iylj. A. I tsU Wootiorbhuand Leoi-leiidpataisiis
t his selcionseas s icllrederI es17 'Iviioll w en
ciliisadejoinlingtheicRegents that it mteritcit the ienciire itr-Iadwilret.Lstvrthe
to pr~opcrly mtuain 1the seveciialde- .ilmen adie iacitrarintl i good- H*H
cis cclj 101, 133-1IS5 sriiiiita.ot AAE.,
itarimnlits of the Umiversity.Itc itssehe hehercri'natitreilrtivilrywio athn-ke thei cieve IOTn--tIIIGN
Alii attemopt toss nade hy IRepr sII tirl ear oflreatin itercest.______________________
sentlative Millet, of iKalimoooto lte discutssionionthe esionitWhitecisho nmade"aagooud record i tQhmI2flGI Straight Q' I.
atntd thse hilt hy nmaking thor rate <<t teini ci -dl ecight hoxing last folla
Resolveed, Tiiite lecis Frn- lihiN.
itt taxation oine-eighst of a tatillhut trsod o 1 r e tin liarfield-dayeents, xwiltar otanIGRTTS
this received little indrorsemen~t. '~ian' r.Mcokdl eo f thuecotestanats its that class. Ito CigaterelitsteSmokris-whit
- st-a' wrillisg i t a ittle
Atniong those wosp ioke in fasvor sn oeaehoatuo rudthoritaghtikth, there swilltsr close socita Surl me
(if thoehilt,>swere Represetaatives cmetton ari>shoboeteiga gstcts illetfind
_ooe atn lieWasnBu-that the msajority of swomntdtotnot co nodhltlot recaritta, e M hcis ui'HtoBAd lsupe.ior is'
nt to s-tad tcdro not ttake oodalsiterIicse-li-ih
ott andsal vioi.T 'li.he itlowas ofMilan noeetis onr of the entre.csutio. 1 tgarettesoae madelfri te lerhight-
r s fthe franchsise soerce iht 5 is lwt'eaes, Insst ttouiiesiely flavsored aid lighest cit
toassed by a role of 74i-to 7.Those ttie ottii foilie o TheI srrecord noosostanids at 9 frett b old Lsai grintts'sgucia.This is the Old
extnde tothei~l Ifwonen oul at igina1,stBraud itt Straightlut tCigarettes,
is-lll votedinh llthe ntuesiversere soe isiu Coe ir itAn additonlso atttrtctionril1br e ad wats boughtlut sbyOrits tithe year 18"53.
vote thy wuldenat mre lueBewsarese inii inns, andsli terve that lit
hitlh, Chttrcis, I fuggetthitherIssttnc d o noel. Reed, the thoisental chub siingf. irmnm u eo s as eeorsc-iage.
hotrse, IWagar and Wildey. lilaeentries thssfar are as follos:s 1)1the Ameie' i oehcLCo.,
-fJarrrtt otpeneo theodisctis- Manufacusers, - Riehmaond. Virginuia.
MarchMeetng o theBoar 01 lnon the negative, atndidelivered i y oteo oig pnl __________________
Regents- a excellent argumtoent in spotof '
W oman Suffrage. Mr. Jarrett nmain- hrad' Mason and tite; litehit-
'The regular mionthlhy mertitag of tained that weomoen, front 1a constito oeightiIMarmons, Siwift, Thiomposon
the Board of Regents wsa held yes- tional standpoinut were citizeos. and XAthper; feathetr-woeiglht, Ats- 0
terday. Only business of a routinse More soomen vot' in w17yoting now solehee ad Tonopson; nidldle-
tatutre swas transactedi. Regents tia tu.ktug sotcwio eia ighit wtestling, Leottardi auc
Kdiefer, Whitmusart, Corker, tBarbour thems less restpected. 'Thue true type Vioodsworth; light-weighit, Martin-
anad Towatrdt aerr present, of noble wvomanhoodhits fountinc date, Dwyer, and WVagner; feather-
'Ihie question of granting the titt Amerira toda y. sweight,(-rochaut, Prestoun, Dibble
if thetymnsiu for the junior hi-p T'he second sipeaker oi the affirm-adDllstg lcMrtn re
isas referredt to tise conmnttee ,v tv s .\. ee1,oiojr Graves, Cseary and H-armuon; Bar- -
tuicb~,slih scmorlo setatedt thoe virews of Johan Stuart 'Mittwrll siratl ircts:c i
Regent Whtitmoais, Presidhent Angell, and otherr great sriters 01n the sub- swinging, Reed.
andil Secretary Wade. There will ject. lHe argued that the honueswas Ine ~'tP. J. KI IUC.AN,
hue sotie objection to the use of the the inhere of woonan. MIr. tenet leiteNw. -

gy-mnasiunm, for the reason thtat the
bilding is so damop and in so in-
complete a condition thtat it wvould
hoc decidedly unheralthsy.
'The degree of AT.1D. seas con-
ferred upon Hfarry L. Hlt, noedic
92. 'Twso hundred dollars wsnset
aside for instruments, and $6oo for
apparatus for the University hoipi-
pital. Forty dollars was voted to
tiny an induction coil for Dr. Herd
alan. Dr. Vaughan was granted an
inscrease of $300 to his salary. It

is a good debater atnd a phrasing
'rTe last speaker seas G.. s.niper,
whlo delivered a noasterly argumtent.
iIs witty reply to M~r. Pennly's
av.g-iment, elicited mucht laughter.
1kargued that thse initerest of
women would be promoted by the
francisie. Vooting wvould not inter-
fere with her household duties. Mr.
Kuiper grew eloquent at thin close,-
when Ihn described the great Inarch
(Cosntsnuesd asthins pasge.)

A national college song tokis to MERCHANT
be publishted in Chicago next sunt-
The Univesity of Pennsylvania T IO
lass arranged wills Cornell for a four-
noile boat race to take place this AND nI ITR0O
One of thse most interesting feat- _t-= = = 0 111-s
ures of Harvard's exhibit at the
World's Fair will be two plaster
casts representing the typical college SS '_'= CO'OtWS W.,
youths and yotung woman of the
United States. Detroit, MX ichi~an,

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