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March 16, 1893 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1893-03-16

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~JC. f 1~. ~Taif 1
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the Cotlege year, by
Suhseription price V54)1( per year, invariably
insweraunee $Otogle copis :rancats. Subscrip-
tions may ha left at the office of the. DILYte,
at atoffiets, with any of the editors or
authorized solicitors.
Comemunicationa should reach the office by
7 octock P. m. if they are to appear the sext
lay. Address all matter sntended toe publics-
tion to the Managing Ediitor. All hbusness
commuonications shouldt te test to the tusi-
arts Manager.
Ann Arbor. Rich.
Et. J. oTTe~c , ,it. 'O, Masaging Editor.
c. A. DOtisos, .tit. '93, Assistants.
.t. D. SeIects, tow. '93, Assistant.
W. 1t.hEANS, ,aes'51, Assistast.
S. W. CURicISS, . Il. Lit., Buitss Manager.
Wt. W. WsitocvtR. Sit. 55 Assitant.
A. 13titYc, tDe't. '94, Assistotnt.
V1. W. Southwroth, '14. o. I. FS5eitt, '94i.
E. K. Toele , 1. eteeei~r..
11. t oimmt. '94. C. N. Seers, 9
W. IE. idoes, '9. J..Rt. Acoeilli, 'i.
Nortoan Flowesc,'50. Fsoecis 'erHie.
Mtlie P. StcFariaiie.. C. K. Stewart. 43;1.
'T'ii- progfrarni for the oratorical
contest, Saturday eveni ng, should
elrawx a big auidietice. The Mandolin
Club wii reneler several selectionis.

not otnly in Illinois but in other LIKI'E FIN DIN~G IM IONEY.
universities. The Cardinal thinks
enough of the scheme to advise such By Going to Wahr & Miller's and save from 25c, 50C and 75c on every
a mxeeting at :Madison in the near pair of Shoes as eve must reduce our stock to
futur. nmake room for Spring Goods.
jAt the meeting of te Philolog-Fieotwatears
ical Society this evening, at 7: ;o 48 neSoUtwMaINSea eT

1n lootmi1:, Prof. lD' )oge ewill read
letters from dlr. Mleader, 'g; lit, ..
holder of the Jones' fellowship in
the Amxericani schlool at Athens.
The letters explain certain recent
interesting archeological excava-
tions. . 'Mr. tilct~outlt will also dis-
cuss the occurrettce of ei in seven g
songs front Wiliheim lM'eister. 1=
Di. 1IllIti11 : lI'smit .N.'edar'vitte',iileeii
EN. J. say" of ro
Horsford's Acid Phosphate.
"'Iliave' usedi it fur several yeats, ]lilt ihe
onily itt 5117prlctice, lilt illIntow15511ill-
dividiual disc, antd consider it untieer all
circlustancles otie of the liest nee
toniles that wsepssesss. For mtuex-
hautstion or overork it givs cretetetd
stretigthi and vigor to tie n eite sN


21* S. Main Street.


__ Toledo, Ann Arbor and North~
~j~JVES5 Michigan Railway.
o L TimeiCarditittcse.Sonidoy, tosniotry2,1M4",
Depparture of Trainsat Anii Arbioi.
henLADNSCHnnuOOtL OFnoSINESS. stsc.Nii . I.'Mai il dExpecei5....... ;ii. mci
'iii buoilding; nine bteers;lareeattendance; No I;; Passgr AnnArbo ecu *.o.1 t~l 1 iciii
ddsiln~esui periorewrk;c e ll tsoppliesleading Noi:s tal il dt'aseogcc0. 0 Ny.. 2 . ini.
1;d iyetues; Satueday eveniinireoicetost
ntie entire yoe; commsercitl grautels ingreatsiN OUH
ani; sorthan~d graduiitesulsecoreopostios; oss et
igexpesss'sn.to$2.75perweekin rscic fami o2 alaelasne*.....1 ' .i
For sw~CcATLOGUE and List otfioits ' i'hos 4'stil asitu l'csec'p.eI.
poeitiostcciu wee ol eekt, addreses b '; Ni ci E se, ~. ip i
P. I. CLEOARY. Pass. Nei. 6''oledo Aencomoionii...70ae n
___________________ CentralcStandard Time.
S$2q,001$3.009 , $4.001$5 0"Daily ecsepcttda.
o First Clais sanilyarlt( n te risdiy xfp mma
0 Every Way.tir iedi9ie5.eseO'
srTo' .tt. tBENNETT', 1t. S. O6tltNWsOil,
0% nFt A& Feiner. Ge. Ps. Aen. ~ca Aen1

'T'he several contestatits should have A most exeellentitnlllagieaable ftile-c I----------- i" .
the support and presence of (their tppetie. 1ti iirisiesatodieiivg- I SHEEHAN & CO. ShEEHAN & CO. ShiII,,IAA &C(O.
oprtshetred rgyavita111htly. an-
classes. patSeiwdelryati iaiy ii ECON4D-HAN4D TEXT BOOKS w
'l'itt, one-sixthe nmill bill has passed etlivens the futiotints.z
the house, but in such awxay that Discriptise pamnphlet trreR cpatiinli to eq4 FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER
it will necessarily be sent back to dnR.ford chadal Works. Provi- At tlie Studotits' Boo0ksfor'e. Stsidetits, saxve plfh o toel0I'
the senate. A lrighter era for the tccei iielee c iiiisi. and buysef ius. We\Vr' ikO lau' tOtN15il 13 'r onslelgil.ts tef
tUniversity xwiii be opened ithvixthxe FRSL YALDUGSS~ secoiid-bii~d atielshlop-worniI1 (oliego Text Boodks Iro~ni time.
passage of tiexell, and the finances ______________________ East xriihi c v ilioffer iat ieow prices. We keelsthe lFietichli
eof thxe Itexixersitv may be conxducted sl ~ tid Gertmai i)iefiotit'ries reci'i' iei'd by the 1'illitx', We
ini a isisitess-like xay. Q TYS .ais~~~~~ have the host atid ('ilallist Nei0('loeoks ti 1' ilev .
(,isv of the best events of tie in- L: GR U NER, S E H N & C M A Y
wil S. .0 8 S.Mam tret,- em rhr. University Booksellers., - State Street.
door meet,"itarchi' wibete . MinSret,-An eAbr.
fenscin'i'onxtest. 'l'his braneci ofiSIIEifiIAN & CO. SHlE.(IIA'k- &CO. SHEEHIAN & CO.
sporisieserves enicouiragenment. Prof. W Tine.'qualits' of our its- ! -I ---
del'onthas a goodclass at Mtc1(iiilan W srtiet o ie151- AN N ARBOR jI NTSCHLER.
p1 llbejudged -,, p- T. 00. h t
interest in thxe sport is bteing arouseed A frottd the fatct we cairis' T 14 LLG ;
As act exercise it is not easily r'-,only fllefiliest Iig;lt 219 SOUTH FU H V.. 1 ltt fr~it SltsNi1'x) isi . "
equllied, antI in the list of indoor The ciassIt'L' fE .S~VS, - 1 tGR
events it xiiiiprove a gooid attrac- il (i. . vL n se i i st- NEO5,.SI'.CEl,- M()' So gTGtj E . O 3
tiot.teli 5cas riceaft O I E. Sc'lv's ONE NIGHT ONLY.
_ iV ..,./ 'lsndctli' C it 'iziess. Don'sdi oui tt sostownfo
'rli,. University of Ililinois has 1n- to-oay staiids "T"Fa reasoniabie csiiiats'syen yonealts etijss in islas It. E ITHURSDAY EVE., MARCH 16th'
aesguraicci a novel imethlodl of in- tit t'e ..t"-'H ie.. be SLU gic e ly.it e. We satithaeet sics ne l' ltadi e l r; uct: ,ei~_3s<ttl
creaising athlietit' initerest it ce o ilsttilts "t'id r -cixt cisi es at illsesses uotthe dyansissy 1tile iit el'1loli. 1 e_ ic ti~ltr
pective students. The plant is to R - . L. JOLLY & Co., No. '261 Souths
iioil a fieldi-mieet of high sciiool ttEe~i.C5.t(iu J...J u cISaeSre.A F I
studneitx of the state at the utiiver- beeti recse'ived'es rn- ca1t. jO L C1S iii i 115s
Toiswire 'svithlthe 11> tu_________________________ IIs lii
Situ. 1ll thtat dil the unliversity - "I..l.m 1 1 i.. l . ei'o l ..li o 1
atiiietii ass)ciatitlI'l hass sent Slit iitiiirs, tilt' suleo il (hese Unite'd Ansdtheovey choicestCandles'liiu.. iit" tt; . t'l iii'. nct ,'
iviting theirco-toperatlion. lhnter- ithisr. IIr~ l 'A1I , i11, ' 1111 -ll 1151 c-1s o
tainusent xvihe beirnished the nsi t 'h. tLP1 esR"Cit -i35"l5iian'sitci
tors,aiidevery elf oct xiiwill niade to ffIx'-YCI~h,'If lb<t(1.'L S. - r a+ . --L , .0
c reate siliisg ienterest ill stittitus Voodwai'd F . -
anid iiithte siate suniversity. tue Ave. auxisi >SMITITl, 7tSO NS I 04%mGIBSOb '
idea is niew, atid the resulit wiii he State Stt'eet. & CO. ~'' ahngo t 0 G A
watched wit a good deal of interest ~Ill n.Wash5invt. St. Nf0O 2W.IRONHST.

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