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March 16, 1893 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-03-16

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GREAT CLO HING SALE have made arrangemients withi A. Blenjanin & Co. to
GREAT CLOT ING ALEAtake orders for their elegant andl
ALL SINGLE PANTS AT 4 OFF. Their amiples are now ready fo iispection andl Ne would be
pleasetd to heave you all and ispect themn.
See these bargains before buying.
Ann Arbor Savings Bank!OE' PATRONIZE SO Excelsior Taudr
Ann Arbor Mich. Captal Stock, $50,00,/#\II 0/ItftCJJC'fBARBER SHOP .anv
Suplus, hlAS0i0t. No.n 4 FAS ERt ON SRE-ax'.. i or ' u A I te NGo; tb el
Oranized asder tht Generat asing Law' TtahislNewc AShCVEe
ithis sa t. tceives lDeposits, sis asd'D eN w Siaeiiitiik
ela exetoage us the principal ctites o'et 'tis ire hosier. WORD S FARI fTELS
'detatn. 1)rait ensbd n sprSave Discomfort and Darning Scure Reaomysthrough YOULI FI, S031/I' f/I/AC'
CHIttSTIAN bMACK, Pres., Me's, 25., 35., 50c. Wmeen's, 5c. Biceaize soe. .,0 ..A1 A1E ,t r^ja tyo :zrrt.,eo vw
N A N E.aasu s ;, C asio WUENOEtOMAY6,huc St oso, as .Wurv .aMr .sco sa S4w
'ii. Fare Ouas. N.Hincit' - Casile. WDIEHOS COMINY 76Chaicy t~ octc, assMake Preparations Early!
--'THE ARGUS,1-.' 2'I 1 Man.otCsDerrsHor Ervo a. -
1 013 J ~ j~t{4I"'(,2526 CALUME AVE. CHICAGO./
1'' os'1ts1-I VNRY HAUL, "' 2
': . . - [ ! 21 Yecu's in the Buiness. '1''c i-'icniliiiis ( , isit'.usiisii itsI
CITY LAUNDRY', W1ICY i si ail iil't ,_ .
M. M. Seaot. No. 4 N. Fourth $t- tiiiui.ili 'C§TR7 0.(M/A
1 M" ARKcl( < I.01f. 'LE I'I.94 IBaebalNotice. DJliseale, asdj%/ygisai'ased.
, ' ____POPE MFC. CO., 21 ontsohaAne., Bostn.
V, i CV 1 WI n suiS. . iY. Alt Wai . Ae., Cilsg.
Thur__________,____Mar____________l-Cicussi 'siis 'reisacsal post- All iacsiilaltes forithlilt e ase- iii e tvy ltaitu it.Cnn.
pndo accoust ofiC (hambils c olcs', !Iu bas- lsliteatisxvwilhasnulill theirfanes.
REI T /1 A7iN' ~ ii L E;tesenc. iic lle isici,. ill ss'i'tis L . i e11tori1>Bet I p* ' R
li. ~isi. ~csi hh' iiiiil bet'lca 15i loase. ' 6 12; i isciiitii(-i
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS!!ii 1 li. lsuc''i tro, .. sio l il-uliiil ( andi(i'~ u~ iti'l~S~ ri c
30QecstHuron Sre, 1.lLCC VP afrabthto lh nI )n 4. p.is., 'N's'n's u.
Sha'i , i Ls. l'x- t' sis'I'- t'cii uds--ci c -sts-odIu, t lte ostillic i tiitilS ho 77l
tniaes'isxetual. ]lit Air 1Ili>Sotli 00(si ' s ii N . ,"i leei Nj
Anrs l M sicli, N iss l-c til' 7i. . 1I. o a.lhtllllll pliis liii i'iv t s ll
to ho tc t H "'isI . )t , l'l- Ill Ni-li issac I ISa II, Iss i' l--' 1 . i 1St' I ttistsiss' ooiti i os' - . I~tn iiI -
e ® YOU. TADE ( o l ii Cl-I'.-. c i spc,o- oil m(ti, 11iss' YItwher. Ncis. loii fa lt he 1sii s t l w\-
II ctEn 1 iii'tmo- c i i u ll lCites illxtlist i li , o lit-ut (%111siw lsi
ECli r.II e "I (k i es'l N...s sis' 5[e siiicisx 401sil
Opp.-NourtIIANI) . , lu tid 1 f isy y ii Ii i fom ux = an 5 esilt e l\ 'yhl) t 1 " - , , . , .
,-, rh u r i i h o lill~i lt i I cd ..t ," Irv lit'01,s aleilli t o 5 1 r Ise ilt ila t rra t
ti~ii siiiiti xihsi 0 I , i I aI i eiii i liii S lii PIi i '5f51s t . '
_.,,. ...--- R i) P Iii''i li la.: ,g '
and B lill lllc ipia ihandTEXT B OlicIaiiiheuciii l'Sffragev 'wl~t l iiiRsill'. 'pl l ol s' i-s- A E 0'\ A E
Waht o k r thei presc ii tie. I. eisslrcl iii fso eepope u tiigiiio
cti Sp 09 ooSIdoe- ilik.ra.I ion, I> n;;iito

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