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March 16, 1893 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-03-16

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A 0., n1 bg
mad t I COLLAR.t~t r(
ONLY $14.00.'11
the skttt. L1111, F F1,1000 IN 11 01 01P1TION.
Our St-oc1 -will h oud Complete and Our PriceN )a's Low v s I c Iowes
C (('}} -REtEMBER- r THAT YOU CAN BUY ITo'1ll ,o onote the J tN l dmnt
r 1P( l 1( S111 11 t l(,ltC o l 0 10. tWillims, ir oo r w est0-o 1' Itate-,t.
A N Al 1.c l.J is e cc 1.2() :
Squash0, i 1--- . 0?I YOUL A i'TO1
_AOAOY UPi$ 2Winslow Corer, -L.
>' Primrose - -- u ~c
2 JAe Shore," - - 1_l 1.50/ o aesme t1011irin.g done ro to
' olA ol11 t e iud 101 t1s(1011 1(l1 1. lj/j A q t536 Main Street
BROWN 'S 1)11UG(2S' 01M.144 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY.
UNIVERSITY NOTES. On March 22nd( Cambridge andi J4U.R L 1OUv E
W}[il]l"fou Los' 1-,NI1he 1to-rh windl..ily Avli-0 . Oxford sill meet in the annual boat WITH SIX LOTS
),et t(1e otudent mi(nds them noti race, aodd(on the 23rd thle 101102ous
(old (111(1 v5 1110Irin; to nuo ; ne :," odt onle ayD 'vrs t rark an11 d il da es
At (1u1 Show Wind owv.l 11tols (0Il(-s (lt 1- or1.0. - ine vast
In tos T u!Tlhe '90 mandlolina club swillncot will beheld11. A ]try h1o(use, (ors".,b1o11t 1(11tI, hl
ilj oosM. ich soll bhci 1] 1> nin th~e n0111i ll- irs oto ott A eyITr al
lero m 21-tnSaturdayat 5 'P. ll. Allrtplin 1in -,Iill(Ie.1.5e hrloe()n (liII
GUIT'AR S f h.slpring t eh etor t 11 ermoanldswillplay with the 1hoot1ford -n 11(h1tit o hl((idoo m. ltn o uWod
AND) p. g. lawrs dilyat 3 l1)I. 11unt1lfur- ell oe sil ~olby lni I~. ((/111- (I 1
PRICES. trhcr notice, his skill and experience to thec tase- 56 Wesat Liberty Street.
I'T'here seas 1(o faculty nmeetinig hall teaml.-N'orlstero. S. [kRAUSE. ANN iAnuoi. IItU.
T1l1 ANN AtthlOlt IlttAN(0.1"Iuera vnlga~dalrrlet There will be a caucus of the ' 6
100( lt 101 arceIpostponed for one secek. indlependents, Saturday, at p A~.t WLD.,ii
Thle'96 mland~olin club sill play iln room A. The caucus is cle ID ID ID
T IIAN GE 1 at thte anutal oratorical constest in for the purpose of nominating rep-vyuJ
'role Table (IlevineI Novenolel 05, IO9,. in. 'University ball Satulrday evening. resentativon 115 e1wOracle hoard.-
adil--- I r4, i0n ayhi respoe 8l?7 . 00 a nunsher of thle lair Rebel J.'
N. Limite~d -.. 914. N. 0.Limteld -a t59 Comapany attendledlthe performance nx lrla h ifh lcurrn11
Niagarnells >1an11 t fh aoE pre. 11of Ct,..- naat th1 oer , ,, lstseries on The Labor IProblem . Sub- STOCK AT IREDUCED'I
0l. N. Exs- __..2 53 0f.. It. CElpie o.sas _ 48 ted 11 Profit-Sharing antI OtherI T rw ALY1 1-17TI

t;.It (111 n li,, .1.0 102 i. Nu-)Ox~rt E .t10 0 110
1F. II.Iteno *u10 I (1(1 1. no in u The fatulty (of Kentucky A 1111er-
u.P tv. AgreI1I, Cliic-o. Agt. Ann Arbtor. + sily has suppressetd all college sports
FIRST NATINAL B NK 10 account of alleged g ambling
FIRT N TIO AL ANK among the students.EIx.
Lfipitl, $10,0 OolundProf00t1, C)0,00. dwardl R. (;ilday, lawsv7 -,lenl
"rnsacts ogenoeal bnngunes, for(100 51- Iorralic nominee for circuit judge (t
ein n toehano sold, leenns ofrdit prennted
-fol traveler; abroad. P.B 11110e. tiscircuit, madle the lDmo s- office a
S. so. CLRK8NInO, Cashier. l pleasant call last evening.
lProf. Knowltons series of lec-
DO YOU DANCE? i ltires on "Jewishl Institutions in tlse
iRACADEMY, time of Christ," begins this evening
Ii MYNAR Sa. - As Aiso at 7:30, in the law lecture rootm.
.6 ' A HAD Sr.,- AN AtitR. Five Imenmbers of thse Presidential
.-enlrom O- 01ctbr 8I 0111to ly 13l0l, 1I9:l. Cabinetare college graduates: J. S.
Ototlaet sAcadlnaIY snta spallie hit.
__________________________Morton is from Univ. of Mich.; D.
Send $725, $2, or $3 50Cor Sat- S. Lamont, Union College; W. ()2.
peRt Sa y ress nof f laa
the B EelCAIESnlmeicr a.oeGresham, Bloom field University;
Putop in elegant boxesa and VSBselYe
st1itll care. Suitabefor, .S Bsel ;Wl,"H. A. Herbert,
PRESENTS. xrescharges
repid RcĀ©eferto all (hinago. Uni.o Aaaa. Ioke Smith
t. a UITBES. marfetinner, and John G. Carlisle are not college
211, State Streel,
CHtCAO, ILLINOIS. ,graduates.

IForms of Co-operation.''
1). 1Hasknell, formerly lassistalt 11n
mathllemnatics at tile U. of Mt.,stp
peli os-er last evenaing fromi an cast-
cmn trilp1 to visit friends,.tHc is
1105 a teaciher in 111e University of
"Co-eds" solo wislhto see hose
the swide hoop skirts are going to
look svould do swell to attend the
performance of "A -air Rebel,'
tonight. Thle costumnes of tile play
are of the period of 164.
Princeton is arranging for an inter-
scholastic tennis tournanaent to be
held in Princeton early in M~ay. It
is expected that representatives from
over twenty schools will participate
in the tournament. Sinagles only
siul be played thils year, but doub-
les will be included in future years.

No-3i E. Washington=-St.. Near Main.
Cormlt, $50,000. Sorplos nod Profits, $17,110.
ones a general Banking business. Pays in-
terest on Saving Dlepositn. Has nafety
Deposit Hoxes ear Sent.
B. KSMPF, Pres. .F. H. ISELSEN, Cashier.
Bank neon Saturday evening.
Fine Shower Bathe, New Porcelain
H0E. Washineton SI. J. H. THOJANOWOSKI
S0 Balks for $500.

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