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May 16, 1896 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1896-05-16

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rUR DAY, MAY 16,. 1896. Fours PAoE:S-83CiETS.


-c- = THE COMEDY CLUB Tennis Men Hard at Work,
!We Must D~ove 0 'lieu : enntis i4t poputlar in th1eli-
R Thte stare thesowiocupieyIas !1Will Present Sardon' S <"A Scrap vosiy5s ttelsted ity" lilt (loIvdetl
H bees sold. lems;see w i
(Imirtes" 141 of Paper" Tonialit. cniinothcursilhec11)s
r~ W~e Must Close 1out lteig it011s e s -so
t att "'A Se-il) of b'tp(-r,"ttetdll"4its -titwetlet-. Es-elYy inge shoe il
BloyleA Weolrer'~ ir etslwics t e ill l lii e 10tl.s* sill i1w tresented tit rlio there1l.11'e ttee il tititittt's (of
w il sell "tttits if iilow pie s s 'ttls it it lt' (rit t-1i l' ties f' i ti 'i i
11 THIS MEANS BUSINESS li 1 ses ssht'ts tIe tits tttt stritt't' ttettl ll Itt-siteit -ti.Sest it cohit ftie
4' If yo tta ttI iiytttts' iinthe V
1 ~ selitte ;geuostirisles thtis 5tlit .lill' iand it e ttittatits1a sei tb i tht t, li1 eteeof it is'courstis' etit
3THE AN N AM8011ORGAN COJi91 4 'l'ltttt'e. 'ttt' ttts'titt't'Silt' iff itti'. 't's'ttttts Mttittr imp t hut iti r-
itt S. MAIN ST. fi el4wihoee tSolnloll.m''dt v h lie orsftc
4?ii t audtince'. Tickes ttir i tt' tttttad iai I test' it-itwo cutsi llo ttsli tii'tteii I'
______________________________________________ iti' 11 t o 6 it ot'tlickilllil t- i' tll;;. 1 tot' whit wisht to ys hou1'stttld til

IBadgejrs Will 'TIry Conciiions
W tii ttt it A"i ' t-stti'li
.iitll t;i'i' t l i' '.nv i t ': ills t tllE
li t 'pitstltt-t' tg lustI' ill-

Collapsible and can be'
carried ill the vest
pock-et. Just the thing

te cliii' f it'thepalwo511 tls IlIt Iitl- 1tu1'"stiits ts lIii tOss' li-i siii.. thtis tieti' iie'has (.11,1 itl to igiait.
1 flc li y' l t-tlint'is t fr I1it' Nif l -i'ws t ' titc itt (~i lyi-neIt sI 55 i l t' tn e it i t- I ',isic lit otiiesltsti, l; :I tlil t h -
ttl i'so 'lltae esI { tthe ct ii i a soot itt i'. 'lit' i t itit<lti it's' si l l it' '5 titlfil, Si n fI \ts- lsu'tt lt' I it; II t lit' li

foer whecitnen and camp-tli.of (-oisithi'iatiti' tJitil tlteis\ it-itt I -tiolts- Theiii' ssttt'I' ifth fl'A itisi -as Ti'he 'ttWisconsinlt itti ol itit'-l l
fitlmed. It is I itt'aetutil 111111' fii <1ill istlets siill ito -is-il tt'etItr-ilet'' tf !ltwoiilml ti>e: lit. e'.. ., tiff, tTor ii.) c
prsntil tettsils' IIt- lt i tlitre 0 itt i llit cu ttss tdtitilies sii'l l e ii ttelelI, l<lt); it-tile, ic.I; iIi , t- f
iiiitistult e it 'It i Irttitle t it' 'isi t: I '- et ot heii se tt I Il-i wlit- ' l i -ti 1y 1,t1t'itll 'Itlmer it ' It 111 l t I 'it I 111i-i
17 E. W~ashington St ., or. e ,tIitsttsiiis iitst-i r( l f rsinn ___ __ ipII ls'ettsttl t'ttit
- FrehmenGirls Takse a Hand.
Fto'urth.Ave. liiielitttions of lev'er'yoitt'- tIf:,ocl:.
___________________________________________ I Itsfu1l isi of etittlilis firts' s lT'eit'sliiittiuititils si'it -teil'tw - Feih anBanquet Sucouseflt
- 4 1, PO .+ A T OV C E . > iclul ttlis-' tf Stli i iiStt 1 isflyltit' t( it' ut1. ig('sti e hF('111,1 ' ittle :1tnih
Tohei LatdinouTiloolenssoofory moodysAboutfort'"outteswill'
It cul Dress Suits Specilty. te" l .sitll;" 1IlsslItc, l rlhutus j ii ls' ltles i.01 iRinds. 't''ll t' sll ii il' sffirs i-li-i il' ii
? do l ie tIn o tri h it i't'llil;itti - ilt5 s utu1r flititue tt g sit -isis titus I ist di is l)(etitl nst il i ls't t l liCi it~ie:1'
hs just eciea is entti uh ii'Iill iillstc o its- Slts 1111,o lii Is fus 's s it t l iiel bltis-il itt'' s s ' lull'' ta it ftsid el i nd bit- ' 1
SupieS, Spd ornetig oodes friseth gih"lt'lthill st ul ttulit' : i.istt'i t'o tll-i 0' ws.itt111'ds's
still itt-gist 51 susus i' iihi soil-i in it uitit olie s--i'lui'1411hs siu1siu
SE D ll 5 00 A D R I ES li'it ,:~lin( t e I tl ee it l i u l la s h it'lltith1 Il55 51 ssI li's.is' 15t1111 lii i
hitch li's-Immeri(96,sall 'stale-uam i lorly thou hs iulst it usual'h
V-sB sse D mse;giohl~o. s ill iii ti1e' tu'i-i ll's' 'issuisthrtryiulu' llltul -ui'luuill 1t}slstlt
:Hiss D ei 's " -hs'uilu'ufitsi ilil' st (I rst eir 1st t ilt' tm-lutes's u-ilfsriig usue ti n-iuusu 5iis liu'-tt 'l
gullTotes Dot a Sesitywn, ilI'-Plner~ thi , I llit'h ingltti 0ul it hii llNie Isis is ss'litt I'll's' Iieery (-uithu'1t1ufirs li 111u-I l l n
ifsleersity Booistore.wOwposite tour Itouse i t Illlwut-cs's wit h-"'1stli
105 Sate S I N ale 5, ('leago, at 'lie ulgis o rter.eitIls

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