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May 16, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-05-16

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bCe tofI ,ialn

VOL. V. NO. 160.



'5CASTALJAN OUT. Between this and tle oter story i THlE APP1ROPIJATION BILL. q EOR WINDOW
a lle.o o~lIl u-ctTHEJiPUBLICATION ONE OF THE tir]," bey G. IR. Barker; "A Se.81(11' COMMITTEE HAS DECIDED ON
BEST EVER ISSUED. bty Ilaylnond W'eiks; " Starligl." tb y $80,000 FOR THE UNIVERSITY. TBBMYB
Pictues, Sories Biogaphicl Itrettat A. Iloyles. and ",It. Patlrie The Debate on the Measure a VerySO THN
Sketches, Poems, Grinds-Liter- tl('ledi'tti sii tu! " by Lt. 1".. Nastt. Tthe LieyO-nlOeMoeVt
Needd toPassIt.IN LIT."
ary and Artistic Contributions in story "Blrotlsi Oth1el11,) is l ticvr Nee oPs t
Abundance -Cover in Blue and serto-comic story of Glt'ria~o' stdeinit ''It'l (i)iiiiit~telx' idls atttstidci ((11)--
.Silver. life liy l';itwin llordlx .r.I3, ilpro'to 111nt in$80,000l ltppria11lion to0
'Tomiorrowi' sill apis olr lie ':)5 &'ts5' iatlty ilinstraleit by IR. L.. wog ni i'. tii' Istiversity. tianktoI the inl ; iw Q
stliant-%tieslit on exanitnation. we canThitis is followedl by a fa~iiitosy iin verse if'IlepresriitatiN vt Witr.. Only oio' 51 South Main st.
salfelr' teilo s of ttii' test es-Ic is-, by (C. II. \a',11l'vnr.e. iiil "'A nlone viote' is iii''(I Itto 1(055 itillii iii
somiie llii' iiii'threii'l'O. pags lit~blit3 IiIiiiii~g. It is iltustratedt by 51toe :thai this 4xiitii' secreri'i T hets'ight
i'liliiill lil'll'iii 01tiartiu ~si' fonlriii e-Iii , ,t l's I:. '4' y l111 1. l , iby r. ix'lii 4°rli 'l''5 1 i)l.its (is alcgiil( i a5 I tl ~~~.o~~e~s.~~.e~ e ieeie
Sigl isil'lbill-I1111g ' frll (I) Il is t' hlorxii ' o . so ritroducel 11i ( If0 th l'li''l'l ith ' 't ill' stisll ii(adl Cli i 1. 1troe.sihS /dleas pect s
It. (1.)tWerkoff.1 'ltis ' 11 is ifultxxx' - 13sl 0115 f1)1 W t e11'hll ' 11:1 Ir - thelill i s ltl i cl i mi l 1 1 :1 1 ,111il. the isisaisy
a1 Tliri(° ifle t('fI's l 1il l11 II 1 . ') s i imoirnl mhleinl ix iiilil .1 Y un gat ae fr a ih egrad eA e
lis diii. IIIvIIo (If' ui .c1... Ies.f. '11 b(;ll\)lO, 1ti :' i ('y t'ti ux(e tll;' i't1: ) i cycfle, swhi~ch eset hem osneap sitealenO'
1-I N\. ~ rrfof '1 T ii s 1511 lloIi 3 I by) il lS 4ring.'' 1(11 44 yell.h uc lis)rss o u crci "nbt1cI' i b r i ll ACMkdo Eun lC e ycle aCriesPanprv
.O13 r k I.I(li)I.i i 1 ~ 11' tii T i3 1)1'~1 11 1 '11el satisfactory.lNO
a lllolai(' Ioflilli(TI'. 1i3rl1c'lliyl(,'lt'I'l'l(5, 1111 orig-sl.th iiiil lX 0)0lllfxdil(* a ou it 11)11-La dies__sameterms.
_ , $11'0,0()0, th~s liely o1n 10y.to b s Il fortix' 11t11 I osolxx ppyte ms ewelrcm
I-li'lll l s iux111 I'lt14 l st. lll'5 I )iti'l11 11 I li' 1(e1'ysu I solt 51 " 11' '' L ttxx°IE xpio' ili4im'ended'i.t'x'lrite'itoforxp111i1ulrs
'1111ftllix Il~rlhlls 1111 5ll'' Itll 13' 1lnlil'l 11,,.igit.lii s ti t I llllil If 1It11 , t isli fl ootig t iei lo.cvrd ib31)(0948 S.ST TE ST
ila rlt kl't'.i'5 f lll r l ) 11 115'; si111xtiot 11 t tittl Istllib ax 'e't'e ih Il111 ________________ IND.__________
byllsl lst'e'lr x os .'n Ii, iti'i l. IlRaym nd t e 1.825on (-- ))xth 11111 fax. Int n'o o n ils il ti ..-
11111tpetty lit'e bato' xx'x'll ,Ind'lioiy F 1 ai l 'ii it-l'l ess' lilll3' s$8b4)0).t illas 1111 s 111W Jr~ A (I V J
th it 11 c rills Ii bifII li'ic l ltt e l ,15.1'- 'tI ' litery " ll t he,51 liii )101. styl, l'.lilI5 ft, n i rs sii'i'x'.sity ll' cu noikingC =
'torch illilong(till' bioglatllill';1aix slisit
T1111 ull44'bioraliles f le > bIllflo l xl ll'11 rii11' WOMAN'S GYMinAte pescu iUM.i lehLWE COOAE
rho ili~lyllrll'll'tll5 l~rtl~l ~ 1)1id aiirls Sus wlcpto ssre is to' [ liaseShoo
anltIibour.end 'll~og a~a~tan l f 1"t. ii lst t. "Te.Dc111 11 Stlony a e adiroly Corn-~( US ECIEDA
11a~-ton porrait, a111111' W'xe'kb 111111 y liht- eatd account of tatlisi'H. ofa eing n $F,(0) +48S.STAE ST
skethes.eliitlel "ll io eiiii's R'S' asn "Tli Pssimst" a saine 113'B. ibalisxs'an' eltorli'i lIih l ant1111
:shor. s101111 l d~le. f#o 5 1111 llh'est-llg I". K lisl'illo'luis111101'a s 11110111f tilh nteeills (f11'iieest o A O S & . .L I N
(y25,t00),xennforEdneatlixise iii in'liiia AR'IVE'
oxitistutr- l~ss , l:~, l l xx'oenersi teillor 1 rlls skit-A Sn tb' l1111ibrary1('li5 ,0).li helll ili4liow011 al Js lek s~ esr
Eilsx'in D~~~n~py.maofara11'of11101'e dx'll!oillnil'lordr"ofthfii 5115 i di llttnd th11e .S-e orSo Wno'
a page; rotp of heirlortsylt'' ca1tr1,1, "ie101')'th Unixlilil l1111111n

wltuse iE'X'jal'i('Ei' gi1l 5 alltlluul'ity ' hi 'E'l r" l ~.l1111i115111 ll'1'ml13y e 'v l)i t.e , 5eve'r'al
-his ac ount o the sramn, niti;. ;'lill The e ito'iall'i'ks 11110')' ocu111-II'llck.iIll, 1t<mleen'stlt to 1ia l'l'
of litorahnr'o withliviil sls'rvie 11n I t ne.ieX11ru-u' lpages. ''heun the duvi- Soul(I'illthue10.1ast eek.
China. After' 1aIpoetical11inltermllissiin hulll'llilu'lls ll hindicateItb' ii cut1by113' Ix~x. 1F11110 Otrien. of iiulai-
ansmlustiout if aI''1 atiul- of r''.luf . 'rgusa. Nealtufllowxx':Morut lililoll. 11s5 j1101si-lt $ 25i; 511s. II.
Kiernel's tb. II. It. I101111g.' ox'.'find IC. tuiuti'lle'.oilfDtr~oit, x100; SMrs. Ma~ry
"A.'Pue Gos: toxcwitteni 111'Dr. xili ct i-luuflildings 111111classo5uf-
A. S. Sltectbill. f thu micahel faculty'. AibrbyI 'illtH tir'5illii1'il 1.11'lili'hioil--tleti. 55, of ('hii-
fic r. otcehee (onme h-(.gho, $50; 1mak11ingign11addtitionul of-11
It is gcu'os'siulii'.buht itre)stinlg 1a1d1 11111-Innovation,11.111'e lalsingoh ut 111101'o0)the us'm0111lrea''dyh' radiscduhu'i'-.
tribulre Ibt'eInext hiecel. 0 llh'li. l'llu'es ah-rtI-al al-ile' 1111 '''1111 at1' 'ilhonllist is 1111'11f $. w -hichi Wsas
'ILifusEn4Iii a.''fell' wh'icu'tue1111L. p i5'l'll foir this pli'urosisteadofl lthi-
AnAbul''1'i''ii11111xilns ig spenut folr1 )11c padgowil. (.'oh}-
Ranlll - iue lihas uad hiuh inig. 'niit, hat-IC 11ate u-llhby111 111(11gut 15otf11sihei o ths ilul s t')l'-l-r 1111
htlle,',,,sellspirit of'thi" isnduis1s'arc.rIthn-
prIC'poe, I. ) t'l,"15byu.x.l'gu 0Il.I111111ndolle of thelC'or'lus-Ilion1111liuhuigble1' oxhed1. It is thopled. lxxxi-
itls. essulis illustriitedl 113' Itsix'1)u1- b110'refsslur I'. It. leh'lnuliI Ftlliow-'ever, by3-thuoe. hosing thie'lists in
stir. 'Ts'e llox'i is 111l ii-M . lulDa 'ni 110e el llls'g) nht uflii(lt it hiuigx .that lii' lim'lmbers of)1thex'freshl-
00115 'hiub''sl rit s; atreiill 11111 Ohlllcutsl of' iiunee olie rail
betst sOIraxws(hsi motI, 1a111au and sophomor.eosiclalists f siui'licon-
sa. large competition. -ssib.ne '0)11 whotle'lilar-ralyntiusuuh1111
It wxas sieressory t11 IividlI thsu'prizerohrbe eiti hywowl
I'llbhy'a11fllll-llugu' in NMiss Dnthur'-o he likely 111us101'eIux-hsilding.
Offeredl for the 'bist torirs btweten''1
b)s t 513-11'. Or'ganiizationis ele i t. '111he first luinefit g .ixe n thu' ooitn. ,Z' '.
two. Theii'rist is "tiu'rce;" by B. 1". Indicaed'by11"a11full-pauge' udusign 1by' D. g'"Ynesisnliwas thIso-itner-t by I'uau-
Me~otes, ta tatle ufhoe11and1 in.ie. i.lsr.fluuoud11 h Il110'urooslki ii 1892. At this $; ut0 weru
I3.Lutn.folowe ol te i(,t pgerealized. 'T'ee lndealv'1l'orill be 111001'
wohose 511'enucangeso frouatOho prairies luy "Athltics" ('ut b1y'II. 'AV. Wcikofft. Osuisagthue51113' Fetixuil. 03'sslieiiui-
of Dakeota ho tParis. It is illmtsshrutel"d F'rthis l'epartmelilnt Chalks Buairudtionlifroni visitinig frii'nds, to intlk
by 17 C Cala, f Ysianiuwhse ltriluntes "Thu History 01fhFootball tihis smusnial e'vi'nt has pr'ofitabtle in Ill-
'W'ork tWrinkle .roe? rs ,wilI;resep'plc-)r. CNTNIEDO -SCOD AO. euasigthe ;gysilnasisn fnd).

Latest Improved Barber Shop
151 tile eity.F E.asinsgtonst., 1st deer
eseuteeoflMainst. AnnArbors
JOLLY & Co"s
H6 Posse sTATEPS. Dotut fell to cnnm:
Hst andsld nslces at All Mours.
$1.50, $2.00 AND $2.60
Op Tess, Dews Tess.
University Bookstoe, Oppositse urt Hosss
lidS.State St. 4N. HalnSt.

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